Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

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Most Recent Posts


EARTH 257 - 8:50 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

T H E N I C E A N D A C C U R A T E P R O P H E C I E S O F I R E N E A D L E R, D E S T I N Y :

R. E. T H E S E C R E T W A R R I O R S

They are nearing their end. What happens will break them apart, triumph or fail, it will not change. Their group will be forever fractured, their bond never the same again.


If they fall, Genosha will share their fate.


The file corruption will become permanent if they stay in our world too long. I see that one will be overwritten and lost forever. More, if they aren't careful and quick. They will need the aid of a powerful sorcerer - a scarred man with a metal mask - in order to return home.

R. E. U N K N O W N S U B J E C T

There will be a boy called no one. You will know him by the sins of his mother. Hers steel, his annihilation.

The fight rages on with no end in sight. But just as the battle is being waged physically, a more sinister one has just been renewed. Some of our heroes had chosen to merge their memories and become an amalgam of their life in this world, Earth-257, and the one they had left behind, Earth-666. The others did not. Charles Xavier, while often claimed to be the world's most powerful psychic, is only a man. The barriers that he constructed in the minds of Matt, Cass, Oliver, Bonnie, and Flynn have fallen. The result is devastating and poorly timed.

Matt now ONLY remembers his life as an agent of MI13, tasked with capturing a horrific and elusive serial killer.

Cass now ONLY remembers her life as an agent of SWORD, the mutant adopted daughter of Director Hayward, raised to be a weapon.

Oliver now ONLY remembers his life as a brutal serial killer, whose parents' death at a young age resulted in him being placed in foster care, where his cruelty unfortunately flourished. His lover and partner in crime, Niah, is perhaps the only person in the world besides himself who he believes to be real - to truly matter.

Flynn now ONLY remembers his life on Genosha as the son of its founder, Magneto. The leader of its deadly X-Men, he loathes humans almost as much as the world hates and fears mutants.

Bonnie's memories would have been overwritten as well, turning her into another agent of SWORD who would view mutants as the devil. But her mind was not just her own - she was hosting the goddess Athena. And Athena could do what Charles Xavier could not. Bonnie's memories remained unchanged, as her eyes flashed stormily. The eyes on her shield flashed as well, as she swung the mighty Aegis up towards the sky. Eight Doombots turned into stone, falling to the ground and shattering into rubble - but once more, sixteen more arose to take their place.

I thought you said this had anti-magic properties, Bonnie interrogated the goddess in her mind.

It does, Athena chided. Bonnie turned her gaze at the sixteen new Doombots, waiting for them to begin their attack, but they remained frozen. She realized then that they were stone statues. The power of the Gorgon had spread through their replication process somehow, and while they duplicated, the new Doombots were little more than paperweights.

Eight dealt with, several thousand to go...

Up in the air, Amelia could hardly believe what she was seeing - there was a glowing portal by Niah that she could not even stand to really look at. Each tiny glance Amelia took felt like looking straight into the sun. But she wasn't going to argue with Niah or even really ask her where she had got that from, science-y types were always pulling out weird things like this in battle. And Niah had gone on so many adventures that Amelia didn't even question it. For instance, Sparky was carrying around a teleportation ring - why shouldn't Niah have some sort of weird portal?

"On it, mate!" Amelia answered. She sent a gigantic gust of wind, hundreds of miles fast, at a clump of about ten Doombots. The metal contraptions hardly stood a chance. Flying in the air, they were instantly blown down into the portal, disappearing on the other side. No Doombots emerged to take their place. "... Well shit. I dunno what that thing does, but I like it!" Amelia gave Niah a thumbs up.

But even with the portal, this would take a lot of time with just Amelia blowing the robots around... Especially as it was unlikely that they'd just calmly let her destroy them all...

Down on the ground with Doom, Doom was doing his best to fend off Sparky, Flynn, Raynor, and Cass all at once. Cass was proving easy for him - she kept on punching his armor, and as it was made of Uru metal, it hurt her more than it would ever hurt him. He tried to blast Cass away from him with what looked like a laser, but the laser was jammed or something, so nothing fired out. Raynor charged at Doom head on again, reaching out for his mask, trying to rip it away in order to expose some flesh, but Doom knocked him aside and Raynor saw stars.

"Foolish beings! You think you can triumph against the might of DOOM?!" Then, on cue, thirty Doombots alighted on the ground, surrounding Doom and the four heroes. Doom laughed.

Meanwhile at the entrance of the palace, whose doors were still sealed, Luminous had been robbed of her superspeed by Matt - for now (i.e., for 2 rounds of posting). While she was a speedster though, her deadlier power set was that of the Scarlet Witch - her mastery over probability and chaos magic. And that one was still functional. Her eyes glowed blue as energy built up around her in a dense field, and Oliver and Maria and Matt would feel a pressure inside their heads, as if Luminous were attempting to entrance them...

But then suddenly, it stopped.

Luminous collapsed to her knees, holding her head in her hands.

"Where... where am I?" she asked, looking up at the trio. There was no recognition in her face. "Who... Who are you?"

Luminous no longer remembered her life on Earth-666. She only remembered Earth-257.

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: Telepathic Attacks

Guin hardly had time to cry out before Mary's vines had flung her. The next thing she knew, pain like she had never experienced before had blossomed throughout her body. Her leg felt like it was on fire - and each breath brought a searing sharp pain, like her ribs had been replaced with knives. The wooziness of her head wound was only compounded by these injuries. She couldn't move, even if she had wanted to. H-h-help... I think she's going to kill me Guin frantically whispered to Pietro. Her heart was pounding furiously. Never before on a mission had she felt this close to death, as if the reaper were already descending upon her. I'm scared I'm going to die Guin admitted. She had always assumed she'd be a Final Girl. Maybe she was wrong.

She then noticed that Mystery had stopped coming - she had expected to see the psychopath looming over her, taunting her. But instead, she heard Mystery cry out for Haze. Guin didn't want to unpack what that might have meant. Instead, her survival instincts kicked in and Guin attacked the only way she could - telepathically. It was like trying to kill a bear in the middle of a snowstorm with a butter knife. Guin was mentally flailing around, struggling to get a hold on Mystery's mind. But in the end, just when she was about to lose hope, she did it. She felt Mystery slip into unconsciousness.

Guin didn't even realize she was crying. She tried to attack the nearest mind she felt - Phantazia - but to no avail. The pain was making it too hard to think. Her breathing was ragged. All Guin wanted to do was close her eyes and let the darkness take her away...

Lavender Haze

Location: Woods (Mary's group)
Skills: Telepathy

Haze had picked herself up from the forest floor. She hadn't cried when Bloom's attack had sent her flying, breaking her arm in the process. She had had worse injuries thanks to Magneto. She had stopped crying a long time ago. Pain was a constant companion now. It didn't mean it didn't hurt however - and she responded because of it somewhat slower to Mystery's cries for help than she otherwise would have liked to. They had a special bond, the two psychics.

"Your tears won't help, you know," Haze told her counterpart. Even as she looked at Guin on the ground, it was more like she was looking past her. She tried to pull out Guin's darkest fears from her mind, but her alternate self blocked her, seemingly aware enough for basic psychic defenses. She went to kick her in the ribs, but Guin somehow rolled away, crying out in pain from the action. Haze's eyes flared in anger. "Fight harder, you coward!" she screamed, the first time she had raised her voice this entire time. She telepathically thrashed Guin, causing Guin to scream in pain, but she didn't manage to knock her unconscious - not yet.

"Pathetic. No one is going to save you - so FIGHT HARDER!"

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods (Runa's group) -> the Mirror Dimension
Skills: N/A

Despite the evening of their odds, their situation was getting more and more desperate by the minute. Runa made a quick decision. Both this Klara and Edus seemed amenable to talking. Klara held Annie's fragile life in her hands. Runa picked herself up from the ground, carefully sliding the sling ring Doctor Strange had leant her onto her fingers. "Make a better world, then," Runa told Magus. But she couldn't spend too much time reasoning with him - and he seemed to be the more resistant of the two.

"Cousin, do not harm her - you do not want her blood on your hands," Runa warned, her voice steady even as her heart was pounding. Carefully, she used the sling ring and opened a portal underneath Klara, sending Klara falling into the mirror dimension. Annie was safe - for now. But Runa wasn't going to just leave Klara in the mirror dimension to rattle around there, no, Runa could sense the conflict in her multiversal cousin. Maybe she could be reasoned with. "Do not kill him, unless you have no other choice - I will return, with Klara," Runa swore to Bethany and Annie. For a moment, she thought about kissing their cheeks to seal the promise.

Instead, Runa jumped through the portal and sealed it behind her, entering the mirror dimension.

Her hair fluttered behind her, as if propelled by an invisible wind. Dark energy swirled around her staff, though Gandr immitted its own bright white light ever still. Here in the mirror dimension, they were closer to the dark domains - where creatures like Dormammu would lurk. "I swear to you cousin, what my companions said is true. We are lost, attempting to return home. The crystal in the woods is of the Phoenix and has the power to send us back to where we belong. I know not what has become of you here... but I feel your pain... and would comfort you, if you would allow it." Runa hesitated for a moment, before embracing Klara. She knew, in that moment, that she was a fool - that this Klara could easily slay her - but Runa was trying to be optimistic, to be hopeful.

She was trying to do what she had advised the other Edus - to build a better world.

Runa's staff dropped to the ground - a sign of her intentions that she hoped Klara would accept, if the embrace would not suffice.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was intrigued to learn this detail from her brother. Her eyes darted over at him, wondering for a moment how much of her brother was left - and how much had been replaced by the person he had been here. She felt much the same as when she had entered this world, albeit with the caveat that she now accepted her status as the heir of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. But the moment passed, as her brother then tried to tease her about receiving a scar from a pig. "A boar, brother dear," Megan said. "And should anyone find it so amusing, perhaps I could arrange for them to have an up close encounter with a boar. They don't have the reputation of, say, a lion - but that's not their fault."

Had she not had her memories restored, Megan might have been surprised at Arthur's ease with her more sour demeanor - but she had always been like this, even back in Camelot. She nodded at his comment about how she might get a scar while fighting Maleficent - a girl could dream.

They returned to camp, and it looked like not much had happened since they had left. Megan noticed for a moment how the firelight caught in Sierra's hair, but she didn't say anything. "Unfortunately, hardly a scratch," Megan said to Sierra.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 11:10 PM

Veil & Sunshine & Casper

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

Midway Between Shi'Ar Bar and Underground Table

Casper gasped for air, sitting up so quickly it was as if he had been roused by a nightmare. His skin was cold and clammy, covered in a thin layer of sweat - and some of his own blood. His couture was absolutely ruined, the pink dress only a shadow of its former self. He looked like he had come straight from Carrie, rather than the Hellfire Gala. "James?" Casper called out, getting up to his feet now. His entire body was shaking and trembling, but Casper didn't remember why. The last thing he remembered was...

"Why the hell is her ass so big?!?!?!?!" Casper blurted, looking in horror (and a bit of wonder) at Selene's gigantic blue god ass that was taking up the sky. "Jackie? Ben?" Casper called out. He didn't see anyone around him - the place looked almost entirely deserted. The last thing he remembered was... He had been running off after James, going to save him. Someone must've knocked him out, Casper figured.

"Where did you all go? Honestly, so rude to leave me on the floor - besties don't do that!"

The Stage

Due to the evacuation (that Selene had been too busy slaying to really pay attention to), there weren't very many mutant souls left hanging around for her to eat. And while she was incredibly powerful right now, she wasn't finished yet - she knew that she hadn't reached all the omnis of power (omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient). She needed to eat more souls. "I s'pose this party really has ended, hmm?" Selene mused. "Time for me to go get some snacks - I think the X-Men would hit the spot," she added, speaking over her shoulder to some sort of imaginary audience. She continued to walk, heading for the western coast of the island. With each step, the island shuddered in pain like it was a living being, and with the now near constant tremors it was clear that Genosha simply could not last much longer. The island would fall apart.

Meanwhile down on the ground, well on the stage proper, Magneto considered the situation at hand. He had privately regretted not doing a better job by his first Brotherhood of Mutants - that he hadn't trained them properly before sending them off out into the world. If his adopted daughter Andy's life had not been sufficient motivation, as well as the countless mutant lives Selene had claimed and those she continued to threaten, then perhaps working with this ragtag group would be some means of atonement. "You heard your fellow mutant - we have work to be done," Magneto said to the group.

Lightning seemed to gather in his eyes, as the Master of Magnetism went to work. He pushed and pulled, working the metal surrounding them before shaping it into a swirling storm. Magneto sent the metallic storm chasing off after Selene, zipping around her like flies, the individual bits of metal so fine that the goddess didn't notice as they slowly began to adhere to her body, giving Spark Plug (and Andy, for that matter) the opening to strike with the rage of the elements.

"Any chance you could fill us in on the mutant magic plan now?" Veil asked Max. It was furiously windy now as the ground shook, and Veil's hair was practically swirling around her head, a tight mess of curls stuck in the wind. She was putting her all into holding up the force field, but it was beginning to shimmer and weaken. She locked eyes with her twin for a moment, glad to see that he was alright - and a bit sad that he had to meet Dazzler under circumstances like this. She knew he adored Dazzler. Who didn't?

"Kinda cliché to do magic to beat her, but whatever. If it works, it works," Sunshine said. She and Marrow were working together, and while Sunshine's aim was true, Selene was slowing beginning to leave her range. They'd need to get things done - quickly. Dazzler was sending off beams of light still as well, tapping her foot to an imaginary beat.

And then, a familiar face showed up, dashing up to the group, covered in blood and sweat but no worse for the wear...

"You know the last time I was abandoned on the floor at a party, I woke up in a cell cradling a tiny cactus like it was a baby."


EARTH 257 - 8:40 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Klara had teleported them all to the Palace - outside of it, at least. It was complete chaos. The sky was full with Doombots, creatures of silver armor draped in green cloaks, all shouting "I AM DOOM!" at varying intervals. Each time one was destroyed, the air shimmered green and two more arose to take its place. Those with magical training would recognize that the Doombots were enchanted to replicate upon destruction - meaning the more Doombots were destroyed, the more they would be overrun...

The host of Asgard were locked in combat, almost overwhelmed by the buzzing droids. Unseen to mortal eyes, the Valkyrie were ferrying the souls of Asgard's dead from the battlefield. No one was challenging Luminous and Doom - no one that could be seen. Sif's magic though had prevented Klara from teleporting them inside the Palace - the same thing likely that was forcing Luminous and Doom to fling their magic repeatedly at the doors without leaving a single scratch, all in their desperate attempt to get inside and steal the Nexus being.

"Why does it feel like there's more of them?!" Amelia shouted, flying up in the air. She was using her powers to through Doombots into each other, and she had grabbed a sword from a fallen Asgardian warrior, using it to destroy any Doombots that got too close. But no matter what she did, more of them seemed to be coming. She wasn't good at magic stuff, but she didn't even see Doom doing anything to make more appear? "How many Doombots did he build?!?!"

Amelia speared a Doombot on her sword, some of its mechanical blood (read: oil) getting onto her hands. The Doombot shimmered green, and then suddenly two more were upon her. Amelia hacked away at them again, hacking and slashing and hacking, until no one could see her, a perfect sphere of Doombots surrounding her.... She tried to send out a blast of air to force them all back, but it was useless - and the Doombots all opened fire on her at once...

Meanwhile, down on the ground, everyone seemed to be focusing on Doom in the evil duo partnership and not Luminous. Doom's energy shield had finally shattered, not too long after Maria had phased inside of it. The Doombot Cass had destroyed was gone, and two new ones magically appeared to take its place. They opened fire on the ground, sending out missiles - missiles that all tragically hit Niah. Had it not been for the Kree armor, it would have killed her. As it was, she ended up with severe burns on her stomach, the armor vanishing in that area (but remaining elsewhere).

Raynor threw his dagger, Lyting, at Doom - aiming for a killing shot. Doom raised his forearm and the Asgardian dagger hit the metal, and fell to the ground harmlessly. "Uru metal is far more plentiful in this reality than in our own," Doom boasted. "And makes fitting armor." Raynor's eyes blazed with anger. Uru metal was sacred to Asgardians and not meant to be handled by outsiders. It was one of the few things to have survived the fiery rage of Ragnarok.

"That metal doesn't belong to you - you don't have any right to it!" Raynor snapped. He threw a punch, aiming to knock the helmet off of Doom's head, but Doom effortlessly dodged his fist. Doom then sent off a blast of energy at Raynor, designed to knock the Asgardian back, but Raynor managed to avoid the attack just in time.

"Victor, be reasonable!" Bonnie hissed. She knew it was unlikely to change things - she knew that this was going to continue to be a fight. But people were dying all around them. And the multiverse was at stake. "Your plan for the Nexus - it'll end in the destruction of everything you know, everything you care about will be gone, and you'll be all that's left," Bonnie warned. The snakes on her shield seemed to flash and writhe in warning for a moment - although it might have just been a trick of the light.

Doom's eyes flashed dangerously. "Everything needs to burn before something new can form," he said ominously.

Luminous continued to lash away at the door, sending off blast after blast of her power, moving so quickly that the naked eye could not see - and fortunately, Sif's spells seemed to be holding up... for now.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't mind as Joanie landed on her head. She kept pacing the corridors of the train, doing her best to focus on her breathing. She felt too emotionally worn out already to have another meltdown, and she didn't know what the Mist would show the mortals if she started shattering all of the glass in the train with her voice. She almost wished that some sort of monster would show its head, just so she could focus on killing something rather than memories of her own trauma. It was crazy for her to be doing this, to be going back here - she hated that she was doing this - and she hated that it was necessary, that it had to be her.

As Nancy walked up and down the corridor, she didn't look in the direction of where the others were sitting. She didn't want to catch a pitying glance or see them whispering about the poor, damaged, broken Roman praetor. So instead, she people watched. She looked at the mortals who were completely clueless, just going about their day. In her mind, she made up stories about them. The old woman there was going to visit her grandchildren for the first time in 10 years. The man over there was preparing to propose to his boyfriend. The pair of twins she saw playing some sort of handheld game had been separated at birth and only recently reunited under Parent Trap like conditions. Nancy doubted any of these stories she told herself were true.

But thinking about these stories was better than thinking about reality...

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier
Skills: N/A

Leda snorted at Kiera's comment, shaking her head. She could be a bitch at times, and Leda didn't try to hide it, but she wasn't going to body shame her girlfriend. There were some lines that Leda wasn't willing to cross, because being a bitch was one thing - being cruel was another. "Right, tell your mate that he better not lose our stuff," Leda requested, before putting her bag into the saddle bag. She wasn't thrilled at the idea of being underwater this long, already thinking about how much the saltwater would end up stinging her eyes when they reached the ocean.

Leda took Kiera's hand and got onto the back of the hippocampus. She was hoping that Kiera would be able to keep her relatively dry as they went. Otherwise, things would get annoying pretty quickly. Leda's blonde hair would probably end up looking light a slight shade of green. She secured her arms around Kiera's waist, in order to keep herself from falling off. She glanced over at Sera, noticing that Hercules was offering to help her up.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan snorted slightly with amusement, seeing Jack end the boar hunt prematurely with a fireball. "You seem to be quickly gaining a fondness for that - if only I should be so lucky as to be tried as a witch," Megan quipped. Dying at the stake, with the flames conjured by her brother's magic, seemed like a suitable way to go. She had no plans on dying in this fight against the pirates nor against Maleficent. If anything, she hoped she was destroyed by a righteous mob - knowing the rules of this plane of existence, she could survive as a spooky ghostly legend.

"Unfortunately, I still have all of my limbs and have gained no new scars," Megan answered, standing up to her feet. She had always liked the idea of a distinctive scar across the face - particularly ones that went through the eye. She always felt they looked quite dashing. Her mind flickered to a moment to Rose, but she abandoned the train of thought, snuffing it out. Rose hardly knew she existed. "I s'pose we ought to take the carcass back now, ensure that the boar is used in its entirety."
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

No one had come upon Guin in the biology lab. Even though her heart was pounding and she was terrified for her life - a sort of primal fear she hadn't felt in some time, her death wish abandoning her now when the hour was near - Guin forced herself to run out from the biology lab. She went off in a new direction, hoping that she'd run into some of her allies, and not Magneto's goons. She didn't have time to grieve for Mary - or likely Cass. She needed to get this information out of the city, and the best way to do that was to survive this battle - or ensure that someone on their team with better odds than her did.

Guin kept on running, until she literally almost ran into Carolina, Lance, Pietro - and Mastermind. Her skin crawled at the sight of him. He creeped her out and terrified her in a way that most of Magneto's allies didn't. As far as Guin was concerned, he was a twisted, psychopathic, and narcissistic pervert. She tried to punch him from behind or kick him, but neither blow landed. Only on her third attempt did she manage to kick Mastermind and send him stumbling forward.

Meanwhile, Jade found herself in the position of watching as Thalia did the heavy lifting. She was glad to have not been burnt to a crisp by Pyro - and was relieved that her mask was intact, allowing her to continue to survive within the city. Jade quietly stepped forward and retrieved her blade, wiping it off on the leg of her pants. "Thank you," she told Thalia curtly, noting that she appeared to be somewhat injured, Jade assumed from an overextension of her powers.

Jade then moved forward, not seeing anyone in their way. There were a set of doors in the hallway and behind one of them, she could make out the muffled sound of voices, but it was impossible to say what they were saying. The door was too reinforced. She paused for a moment, debating what they could do. She wished Edus had more offensive and violent magic available to him, as she doubted anyone through that door needed to be left alive...

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 11:00 PM

Veil & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Perfect Aim

The Stage

Selene huffed, her own interest in this evil plan of hers beginning to die. People were being so incredibly irritating, constantly attacking her with their pitiful little mutant powers, and while she hardly felt the attacks, they were still annoying. It was like a bunch of ants trying to punch her at random intervals, never combining their attacks together for something stronger. For a moment, Selene wished that she had just poisoned the food at the Hellfire Gala and sucked up all of the souls that way, rather than going for this showy and climatic finale.

Selene sighed. "I try to do something nice for you all and this is what I get..." she grumbled. It didn't cross her mind that her mood was being dampened intentionally by Spark Plug. Selene started to walk forward, trying to find a spot with somewhat better lighting - each step she took left gigantic craters in the ground, and it was like the island itself was screaming in pain.

Selene turned around and peered down at the ground, aware that she was a) shrinking down to only being about 20 feet tall and b) that someone else was ruining her day! She glared at Max. She had been proud of Andy for stealing souls from her, but Max? She didn't care about Max. He could have been a worthy follower, perhaps restart her line of hereditary priests, but not anymore. "Those don't belong to you, boy," Selene sneered. She then knelt down and flicked Max, sending him flying backwards and landing on the ground, hard. The acheron in his pocket smashed on impact, the glowing bits of stone scattering on the ground...

"Shit, was that important?" Veil cursed, throwing up a hastily made force field to protect them from another godly flick. Magneto reinforced the force field with metal, two gigantic rods forming the shape of an X in the final layer of the protection. "Anyways, Max, Pixie said to use mutant magic to stop her - do you know how to do that?" Veil obviously had no idea what mutant magic was, but she was hopeful that Max would know. He had been so obsessed with learning more magic lately that she imagined he had to know.

"What if we all attacked her at once?" Marrow suggested. "You know, if we all just do our best to fuck her up, maybe it'll work..." she then flexed, more bone marrow spikes appearing, and she ripped a good handful out, passing them out to Sunshine and anyone else who wanted one.

"We cannot simply kill Selene," Magneto warned. "She is an External. Death is not permanent. She'll return from the grave before it grows cold," he explained. He was continuing to reinforce the shield of sorts they were hiding behind, fury fueling his actions - as well as fear for his adopted child.

"Well that's just bullshit," Dazzler complained. She was sending off beam after beam of bright sparkly light, using the sound of Selene's own thunderous voice to make her light beams even stronger. All she was doing so far was succeeding in blinding Selene momentarily from the flashing lights, but Dazzler figured something was better than nothing - and as a singer, she knew the show must always go on.

Sunshine was incredibly irritated, not just because Selene was currently committing genocide, but because her father was involved. Of course he was. She hated that she ever learned that they were actually related. Before all of that business, she had actually enjoyed his company - and now, Sunshine felt she'd be perfectly happy if she never saw Jack again. "The plan should be we all attack, while Max figures out the mutant magic shit. And then we put her in a box and drop her down at the bottom of the ocean or something," Sunshine argued. "And after we kill her, we kill my dad. Of course his stupid ass is involved in this." She started lobbing disease-carrying bone marrow spikes on over the force field wall, her perfect aim meaning that she hit Selene with each blow.

"Her ass doesn't seem to be getting bigger anymore, at least?" Dazzler offered. She didn't really understand what was happening, there seemed to be a lot of people randomly glowing, and Selene must've wanted the Quiet Council to kill mutants for some purpose. Dazzler assumed it was some sort of sacrifice. "Maybe since she can't kill tons of people anymore, her spell or whatever isn't going to work as much?"

Something then dawned upon Magneto - or rather, the identity of someone whose powers would be critical in removing Selene's new godlike abilities. "Where's Xavier's boy, Casper?" He pointedly did not look at Miranda.

Midway Between Shi'Ar Bar and Underground Table

Ben stared at Jack as an avalanche's worthy of word vomit spilled out of his mouth. He was torn between being angry and understanding - between screaming at Jack for being so stupid and reckless, and realizing that Jack needed actual clinical help. "You don't get to have a death wish, Jack. You got brought back to life, you need to earn that," Ben told him bluntly. "There's billions of souls who were more deserving of this chance than you - than me - so you're going to fucking pull it together and help us kill this witch. And then you're going to therapy."

Ben didn't wait to give Jack a chance to say no, sprinting off towards Selene - running straight into deadly danger.
@BlueSky44 - I revamped / updated Neil's CS, let me know if anything needs changing - I added in the two skills we talked about and updated some stats. He's had a growth spurt!

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