Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts


EARTH 257 - 9:10 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Outside the Palace -

Almost all of the Doombots had been taken care of now - only a handful remained. The Kree technology powering the portal was struggling to remain open, not meant for such long and sustained use. It was supposed to be a leg, not a portal into a sun. Amelia was about to let out an exclamation about how they were so close, how these tin can robots weren't that tough anyways, and so on when Oliver sped on over. He looked like a serial killer from a Netflix show. He was entirely deranged.

"Er, mate?" Amelia said apprehensively. She was worried for Niah's safety. Niah didn't have her leg, she couldn't run, and she didn't have an offensive power. "That's a bit toxic, don't you think? Why can't you two be together forever without her committing murder for ya? Would you commit murder for her? Something to think about, eh?" She honestly didn't even know what she was saying, as she gently came to a landing down next to Oliver and Niah. She knew that Oliver could move faster than she could think. But maybe, if she just kept on talking, Niah would be able to do something to get him out of this Ted Bundy funk.

Of course, the five or six Doombots remaining opened fire on the group. The small missiles zipped and zoomed, before going on a course directly for Niah - if hit, it would be a fatal blow...

Meanwhile, Cass had managed to successfully yeet a Doombot on through the portal. The Doombots near them, realizing that the portal to the sun was a HUGE problem, zoomed off over towards Niah, Oliver, and Amelia. The path was clear for the group to go after Doom - or to go help their friends. The choice, of course, was up to our heroes.

Raynor decided that those three could handle it. Probably. "Look, you can arrest us after all of this is over - we need to go stop Doom now or everything is going to shit," Raynor told Cass. He was hoping that she would cooperate. He really didn't want to fight her. He was already fairly certain he was going to be sore for days and he didn't think fighting someone with dermal armor would be a good idea to avoid further injuries. "You can't serve the Iron if everyone is dead," he pointed out.

He looked at Flynn, hoping Flynn would be just as agreeable. "And Genosha won't last either, if he wins," he argued. He figured that Flynn would hopefully listen to him. For better or for worse, Genosha valued what Raynor had done for them - the dark acts he had committed so that way the shining leadership could keep their hands clean.

And then, over at the entrance to the palace, Luminous heard Maria's pleas - and Bonnie's threat. But it wasn't either of them that moved her, not really. No, it was her sense of duty. In this world, Luminous was a hero. She fought for those who could not protect themselves. And as she heard a death cry from inside the palace, she knew that they were right - that the man called Doom was a monster who needed to be stopped.

"I'm trusting you," Luminous said, before releasing them all - and flying off inside of the palace.

"Are we... are we working with Luminous?" Bonnie said hesitantly. But there really wasn't much time to sit around and chat about it. She had heard that same death scream. Someone had just died - or was dying - inside of that palace. And if it was the Enchantress, the Nexus Being, then the multiverse was at stake. Billions upon billions of lives depended on them. If it meant they had to work with Luminous, well... so be it.

Inside the Palace -

Doom groaned, stifling his cries from Sparky's lightning bolt frying his face. He was already disfigured, this wound would not do much to change his looks. "Enough of this! I am Doom! I an invincible and I will not hold back my full power any longer!" He then turned and fired at Sif - not a spell, no, but a ray. It was the sort of contraption that was built to be fired only once, maybe twice if you were lucky.

For lack of a better word, it was a death ray.

Sif's shield was meant to protect her and the young Enchantress from Doom's magical, mystic attacks. But it was nothing for his science. The ray went straight on through, only stopping when it hit Sif.

Her heart had stopped before her body hit the floor, dead.

Sylvie, the Enchantress, shrieked. She was frozen in terror and fear. She was young, even by Asgardian standards, and had never been in a real fight before. But she was Sif's ward and she would not be killed without a fight. Glowing green mists appeared around her, as she prepared her mystical defense.

"No," Doom said simply, firing off the death ray again - the last shot the gun could ever fire, as it broke under the stress.

There was a blur, a flash of silver. Sylvie went flying, pushed out of the way by an unseen force. And Luminous suddenly appeared, dead on the floor, her body next to Sif's.

Destiny's prophecy came true. Luminous had been lost forever, never to regain her memories of Earth-666. She had died a hero, not a villain.

But it wasn't over yet. Our heroes still had a multiverse - and a witch - to defend.
the Arena...

Lorna was eagerly thinking about the battle she was going to have with Kitty later. And thinking about how to get Kitty away from the river. If Kitty got into the river, she'd become basically unbeatable - and that wouldn't be any fun. Lorna didn't have any flashy abilities like that. All of her powers were more subtle. For instance, she had the uncanny ability to always arrive just before the bus reached the stop, and she never had to wait very long for one. Maybe she'd be immortal on a bus. Lorna made a mental note to see if she could bleed the next time she was on public transportation.

"Do you think the Romans are real? Or just copycats?" Lorna mused. "I bet we can't be the only mythology that got it right, y'know. Like what if there are other gods just bopping around, nearly bumping into each other? Do you think there could be someone with a parent from one thing and then a grandparent from another, maybe? What'd that even be called? A three quarters god?" She paused in her ramblings though, perking up a bit as Kitty mentioned getting on a pegasus. "Maybe I ditch mytho and come with you - I could be your passenger?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't say something during the uncomfortable period of silence - she actually loved that sort of tense, awkward silence. She relished in it. However, Eric broke it, explaining that there were really only two teams involved in this plan and that Sierra had misspoke. One would sabotage the docks, one would rig things to explode. Megan nodded at his explanation. It did make more sense. "I see. Do you know who you wish to complete which task?" Megan asked. She figured he must already have assignments in mind.

Her eyes flickered over towards the boar, as Eric's men finished cooking it. It did look rather good. When a portion was passed to her, Megan accepted it. She noted that Sierra was rather quiet, but she didn't say anything. She didn't know her that well. And while it made Megan ever so slightly sad to imagine that Sierra was sad, she didn't dwell on it.

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: N/A

Haze stared at Mary for a moment, looking like she was debating saying something, before she took off at a run away from them all. Guin hadn't used her power to penetrate Haze's mind, so what she was going to do was anyone's guess. However, the battle was over and Haze's fancy metal detector had been left behind. "Let's not question it, I'm still hurting way too much to want to question why we aren't being murdered," Guin suggested. There wasn't imminent danger, so she wasn't going to try to move with broken ribs. Nope, the forest floor was rather comfy.

Sorry, next time I'm on the verge of death and passing out from pain, I'll just not, Guin replied to Pietro somewhat sarcastically. Pietro handed her Haze's device and it was somewhat chilling for Guin to look at it. She recognized her own handiwork. It was built the way that she would have built it. Yes, she already knew that Haze was a version of her - but this just made it sink in, seeping into her bones. Haze was her. There was a part of her that was that psychopath, that victim.

"Uh, yeah, Mary's... right." Her eyes widened. "... I guess the Phoenix has a thing for gingers..."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Mirror Dimension -> Right in Front of Bethany + Annie

Runa's eyes widened, as Klara brought up her disastrous break-up with Apollo - although break-up was putting it somewhat more amicably than it had been. She had been deeply in love with Apollo and he... well, he simply wasn't one day and he dumped her for a prettier goddess, one with less emotional instability. Runa still wasn't certain if she could really blame him or not. "You seem to be missing some time, cousin," Runa said, "but not much thankfully - only about a hundred Midgardian years," she added. Runa wasn't being sarcastic. She was almost seven hundred years old after all.

Runa didn't wait for permission, pulling Klara into another hug. "I failed you. Name my penance and I will do it," she swore. It was the very least she could offer. She should have been better. She should have noticed something was wrong with Klara. It was pure dumb luck that she had managed to save her cousin - Runa shuddered to think of how much worse things could have been, had Klara not been wearing the circlet she had crafted for her... Runa then released Klara. "Come, our allies in this fight are the X-Men - and the large green monster," she said, before using the sling ring to open up an exit from the mirror dimension. She then stepped on through, motioning for Klara to follow.
@Forsythe Alright, sounds good! I think just add the description of what's roughly in her workshop - Pym lives in the area so she probably can have it be at Pym Tech.
@PatientBean Looks great, move her on over!!!
@Martian Alright sounds good! Blue is planning on doing a New Mutants RP one day, a kid of Northstar might be a good fit there.

@Forsythe Great! Here are my notes -
  • I think the thing where you hover over and see the truth is cool, but I almost wonder if it would be easier on you to do just Fake Info (Real Info) - i.e., Shieldmaiden (ASTRA). Just since it's no doubt a lot of coding lol. And I have no idea how it might look on a phone.
  • What's in her personal workshop?
  • The survival rations in the backpack does make me wonder - does she eat? If she eats, does she get energy from food? Or is it all for show? (no need for an edit here, I'm just curious lol)
  • lmaooo on the comic Visions bit... I'm guessing you read King's Vision series, with the family? Such a good comic. And outside of that one comic, I never really care - except Viv is cool. Think she's showing up in next issue of Scarlet Witch actually! Anyways, the note I have here is that Vision and Wanda's kids, Billy and Tommy, will be NPCs in the RP as well. Tho I've simplified the lore, so they were never made into demon hand puppets and adsorbed, no retro-reincarnation, they're just their kids.

Overall, I really like her! I think her and Cassie would be super close, and Cassie would see her as her sister as well. The notes I gave above, you are welcome to make edits relating to them, but that's all optional. Go ahead and move her over - I will PM you with the information for getting access to our backup forum, Skyrose, where we copy our IC posts over in case RPG dies on us lol. And of course our discord!

@PatientBean Okay looking at her now! :)

  • I notice you have car keys in your possessions - do you want to add in the car as a possession, and put two asterisks next to it? She can keep it in the campus parking lot or something.
  • I love her powers! She gives me the chills to read about :)
  • Missing one thing under the anything else - I'll give you a hint, there's two spots in the rules that ask for things ;)

Tag me once you've found that other thing for the anything else, and let me know if you decide to edit in the car. Otherwise, she looks great :)
@PatientBean Will take a look after work! :)
@Nallore Looks good, move 'em over!

@Trainerblue192 I'm assuming the last two items in your possessions list you meant to put a * next to? Otherwise looks good, move him over!
@Nallore let me know when you've made these edits and I'll confirm it looks good

Diana -
  • Age is off - she would be 16 at the start of the RP, and have her 17th birthday coming up in a month or so
  • Coursework needs to go in the correct spot of the CS - should be in between Combat Skills and Medical Issues/Injuries
  • Under family, her brother's surname is actually Novikov (Novikova is the feminine surname, he takes the masculine one)
  • Character quote?

Mads -
  • Age is off - she would be 15 at the start of the RP, going on 16 that November.
  • Does Mads not carry a backpack or a purse with her? It's fine if she doesn't, just odd that she shows up w/ nothing to class lol
  • In the history, you don't really answer how she discovered her powers? Like, you give the age and how it's normal in the family, but don't really describe it beyond that
  • Grimoire looks good to me!

@Trainerblue192 let me know when you've made these edits and I'll confirm it looks good

Dorian -
  • Missing pronouns - should be listed between Birth Place & Gender
  • I think knowing all 4 of those languages is a lot, so I'd like for you to remove one - he can always learn a new language in the future. Maybe remove Sanskrit and change the 3 years of Sanskrit skill to say 'basic Sanskrit' - or you could do something similar with Latin. Or change the Korean to be a skill for purely conversational Korean? Idk. But something lol.
  • Can you add descriptions on what Tag You're It and Peek A Boo mean?
  • Anything in his backpack?
  • The magic sword - what does it... do? lol
  • Maybe give him more stuff for Twitch Streaming equipment wise? You've got tons of room to put things in his dorm room!
  • Theme song was switched over to Favorite Song, so if that's the same then just replace the label - if not, what's his favorite song?

Danny - these are basically all suggestions / minor things, so once you make any edits, go ahead and move him over!

  • This doesn't even really need an edit, but basically bc of his birthday, for him to be the same grade as Dorian it means that Casper and James waited a little longer to put him into school (i.e., his July birthday meant he could've been a grade above Dorian, making him a senior, but it's not unusual for parents to decide to have their July kiddo get an extra year at home before starting to help them be ready / more mature). And like, it makes sense to me that James and Casper would do that lol.
  • Could you put a description of Tag You're It next to the skill?
  • Has he been diagnosed with ADHD? If so, does he have ADHD meds on him / in his dorm?
  • No need to make an edit here, but maybe he has some kitchen supplies in his dorm room - like an illegal toaster oven or something :P

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