Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

@Natsu approved!!

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded, hearing the plan be devised. She understood why she and Jack were split up on this mission, but she wasn't particularly thrilled about it. She was worried about her brother - it was just part of being a sibling. While he did have to train in order to become a detective, Megan didn't have much confidence in his combat abilities - or his prowess when it came to his newfound magic. She found herself wishing that Jack was going to go hide somewhere safe, while the rest of them rode off to battle. But she knew Jack would not agree to that, and she had already given him enough grief about this stuff, so she didn't say a word.

Instead, she thoughtfully chewed her food. She couldn't help but notice how vibrant Sierra's hair looked with the setting sun - almost fire-like. Maybe some people would've found it romantic, but Megan didn't really know Sierra - and Sierra didn't really know Megan. "Are you scared?" she asked her brother instead, perfectly calm.


EARTH 257 - 9:20 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Outside the Palace -

The rest of the Doombots had been dealt with now, and silence was almost ready to envelope those remaining outside. The sounds of battle coming from within the palace were hard to ignore - that and Oliver's crazed ramblings. Amelia paused for a moment, glad to see that no one had died, but worried about what to do. Her heart was conflicted. Oliver was out of his mind right now, and she didn't want to leave Niah alone with him. But she also didn't want to abandon the rest of her team when they were so close to stopping Doom - when they were so close to saving the multiverse.

But she then realized that if something happened to Niah because she left, Amelia wouldn't be able to live with herself - multiverse or not. "Right, you two good?" Amelia asked, walking up to where Oliver was clutching Niah. "That coulda been real nasty there, glad you managed to get her out of the way. Did you want to come help us punch Doom and knock out his teeth? Should be fun. Plus, would be kinda rad to save the multiverse, don't ya reckon? Given that we all live there."

Inside the Palace -

The best thing about Sylvie, the reincarnation of Amora the Enchantress, wasn't that she was a Nexus Being - rather, that she was a witch. Her specialty was enchantment, bewitching the mind and convincing it to believe a falsehood to be true. She could identify a person struggling to maintain a sense of self, their identity, from a mile away. And in the case of the Secret Warriors, those now convinced that they were their selves of Earth-257, Sylvie instantly recognized their plight.

"Vær som du skal være," Sylvie whispered, her eyes flashing green. The same green flash appeared in the eyes of those struggling, and suddenly, their minds would clear. Everyone would remember their lives on Earth-666. And only those who had previously chosen to would remember their life of Earth-257. Everyone was back to normal.

Maria held Doom within her grip, draining away his life force as he struggled. If he didn't hate her before she mocked his disfigurement, he definitely did now. "Витцхбреед кучко!" Doom cursed, as he sent off a somewhat feeble eldritch blast at Maria. It didn't work to shake her grip, nor did his attempts to force the ground to open up and swallow her. His life force draining away by the moment, he let off another blast of arcane fury, but Maria would be able to hold on.

Even though it looked like Doom was losing, Raynor wasn't going to trust that. He had sprinted into the palace, witnessing the gruesome scene. His heart clenched in sorrow, seeing his aunt, Queen Sif, dead. He didn't shed a tear for Luminous though - this was a better fate than the Nazi had deserved. His cousin, Klara, was the Queen of Asgard now - the last legitimate member of the House of Odin. Raynor assumed that Sif had disowned him ages ago - it would have been the smart thing to do, to blot out the stain from the record.

Raynor sent off a blast of pure light, blinding Doom. He threw his dagger, aiming for Doom's throat, but he struck his breastplate instead and Lyting clattered harmlessly to the floor. Holding out his hand, Raynor summoned his dagger back to him, and he tried again. Now, did it occur to Raynor that he could easily walk up to Doom and stab him right now? No. It did not. And even if it had, why would he do that - it didn't look nearly as cool! For what it's worth though, his second throw of the dagger also missed, hitting Doom's armor.

Bonnie, meanwhile, was not nearly as dumb as Raynor. She knew the weapons she had at her disposal. She knew that she could throw something at Doom and try to kill him - but that she might miss, and if she missed, she had a good chance of hitting Maria. No, but there was a weapon on her that was sure to succeed, particularly now that Maria had removed Doom's mask...

Her shield - given to her by Athena, it was Athena's aegis. It had the head of Medusa on it. And as Bonnie had previously demonstrated on Doombots, it had the power to nondestructively turn something - or someone - to stone.

"αντίο για πάντα," Bonnie said perfectly in Greek, a language that she did not know, but somehow, the words formed instinctively. She flashed her shield at Victor, and before he could avert his gaze, the snakes on the shield opened their eyes.

Doctor Doom was instantly turned to stone.

It was over.

The Secret Warriors had won.
@Ogobrogo Fixed!
@Ogobrogo@PatientBean@Trainerblue192@Blizz@Achronum@Nallore@BlueSky44@Martian@Forsythe@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Kirah

Here are your official classes, copy and paste 'em in - if you want any changes done, let me know. Also let me know if there are any mistakes.

@Natsu Notes, can move over once fixed -

Echo is in use by Trainer's Harry Styles male gay Dazzler person
Age is wrong - would be 12
Agility and dodging are basically the same thing, so swap one of those out
Franklin Richards is like 13 or so rn, he is a teen :P

Also the thing we chatted about over DM!

In the name line, you misspelled Lensherr :P
She is good to have a rubber suit

Move her on over once you make those fixes!

In case anyone hasn't been around on discord -

Relations are due on Jan 14th. If your character is the kid of a character previously played in this universe, you need to include a relation for them. Freshmen don't really need to know anyone. Sophomores and up will likely have connections with people!

Jan 15th I am aiming to begin the RP with the first IC post.

Roommate assignments have been added to the OOC post.

@Ogobrogo@PatientBean@Trainerblue192@Blizz@Achronum@Nallore@BlueSky44@Martian@Forsythe@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Kirah

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy shook her head slightly at Joanie's antics, as the dragon picked up Demetri and then dropped him from the top of the car to the floor. It reminded her of how some animals might drop a coconut to attempt to smash it open. Joanie then settled back to her perch on Nancy's shoulder. Demetri didn't seem to be damaged, so Nancy didn't really care. The roar though, Nancy cared more about that. She rose to her feet and drew her twin daggers to her hands, the celestial bronze glinting slightly from the train car's light.

Demetri, ever the scaredy cat, came bounding back over.

"Minotaur. Deos," Nancy said, cursing in Latin. The train was probably one of the worst places to fight the Minotaur. The narrow halls would make it difficult to dodge, but it also meant it would be almost impossible for the Minotaur to turn around, especially once it had gained some speed. Nancy bit her lip for a moment, thinking. If they could get the Minotaur to build up speed and somehow open the rear exit of the last car, the Minotaur would run itself off of the train and hit the tracks. But with all the civilians around...

"Here's what I'm thinking we do. He's already grody as shit when it comes to making turns in an open space, here on a train, it'll be only harder. Someone acts as bait more or less, drawing him forward, and the others attack from the sides. If Janelle can get in there and put him to sleep, we might have a chance. My other idea is to get him to run himself off of the train, via the back or front exits. Basically, we use the space to our advantage and his disadvantage."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda was keeping her ears plugged, not going to risk letting an inch of siren song come through. She knew that it wasn't 100% soundproof, but she also knew that sound carried differently through water than it did in air, so maybe it would be more effective than she thought. More sirens were gathering and Leda didn't move her fingers an inch - if anything, she shoved them into her ears further. Rupturing her eardrum or something by accident was a far better fate than being eaten alive by sirens.

She wasn't quite sure what Kiera had said - or Sera, really - but the hippocampi started moving in a direction away from the sirens. It seemed like the situation was deescalating. It was somewhat impressive - and bold - for sirens to target not one but two children of Poseidon. "Fucking losers, mates," Leda said, shaking her head. She was confident none of them were getting hurt, which made this a big swing and a miss for the sirens. Though that's how things tended to go in most stories about them...
@Sherlocke Hi there! Unfortunately we are all full (will have 17 PCs once the last few are turned in that I have pre-approved). If you’re interested in a superhero RP, I would recommend checking out Blue’s X-Men RP - roleplayerguild.com/topics/163808-x-m… - where you can likely just repurpose this CS
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