Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Her brother didn't answer her question about whether or not he was frightened - either he was annoyed at her for asking or he really was just that petrified. She wasn't going to push him however. If he really was terrified of what was to come, that wasn't going to be any help. Instead, Megan watched quietly as the fires were extinguished and people got ready for action, as darkness had come upon them. Megan hadn't put on her armor yet, as it would magically pop on when she needed it, and for the moment would be rather loud.

Megan nodded, confirming that she was ready when asked. She had her hand resting on the hilt of excalibur. Her assigned group was with her father and Sierra, so she moved over there to stand by them. "Let's do this, then." She was prepared for this.

@Martian: When Rory approached the booth, they'd be greeted by the current president of the Academy Knights - or as they were officially called per the club's charter, the king. "Ah, a brave knight for the tourney!" the King greeted jovially, a cheap Party City crown atop their head. The king turned, looking at the knights sitting on the bench. Most of them were out of breath and somewhat bruised, despite the foam swords - all except for a dark haired girl with braids. Her armor looked more authentic than the rest, with the crest of a gold dragon on the front.

"I'll face them," the girl said, grabbing her foam sword from where it was resting against the bench. Her accent was British, but not quite - it was difficult to place and almost sounded fake.

The king looked at Rory with pity for a moment, but soon replaced their worried expression with a smile. "Very well then. What be your name, brave Ser Knight? You'll be facing, er..." they paused, sighing slightly, "Ser Megan."

Megan's dark eyes darted over towards Rory for a second, though her thoughts and intentions were still somewhat obscured.

@Natsu: Zelda had already gone off on her way with her new She-Hulk teddy bear. If Mary Sue wanted to, she could chase after her and perhaps make a friend. But if not, the attendant at the booth is more than happy to give Mary Sue the quiz, asking her questions one after another:

@BlueSky44: Zelda had won her new beloved and prized possession, a She-Hulk teddy bear (feel free to add this to your inventory!). As she wandered around looking for something else to do, she'd notice that the fortune telling booth line was pretty short. There was just a few people in it at the moment. If she wanted to get her fortune told, maybe now would be an ideal time to do so. Or at the very least, she could get out of the sun and into the shade - it was boiling outside.

@BlueSky44@Kirah@Forsythe@Nallore: The four of you - Zari, Andy, Vicky, and Mads - were all within the general vicinity of Thor's hammer. Mads would not recognize Zari or Andy, but she'd likely have seen Vicky around before. Maybe it's time to go make some new friends? Or at the very least, Mads could take a try at the hammer. Most people seem to have gotten tired of being told they were bad people by the hammer, so there wasn't much of a line anymore, so any of the four could go up and try their hand at it (although maybe not Vicky, as the answer is unlikely to change).

@Ever Faithful: Poor Ardere, she had been thinking about saying hello to the girl, only for the girl to leave. When Ardere made it to the line for food, she'd spot a man built like a bear not too far ahead of her in line, talking to a boy with green skin and another one with a mischievous smile. Farther up the line, she'd notice a large group that seemed to have clustered together - though that group was almost at the very front now. If she wanted to get food sooner rather than later, maybe now would be a good time to try and get some friends. Or she could wait.

@Ogobrogo: Billy's eye twitched slightly as Teddy told Hulkling that he was incredible. "I tell him that all the time and he never listens to me, isn't that right, babe?" Billy complained, before putting a kiss on Hulkling's cheek - as if to say back off, other Teddy to Teddy. Hulkling didn't seem to notice his boyfriend's jealousy and/or discomfort though. Instead, Hulkling seemed more shocked to hear that Teddy had only been able to lift three cars.

"Is everything okay, Teddy?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes. "If you need a work-out buddy, I'm always here. But... there's no reason you shouldn't be able to lift thirty easy," he argued. Hulkling had smiled slightly though, when Teddy had said he was going to go and drop thirty, just to keep Hulkling on his toes. "And besides, how will we be good rivals if we aren't both at the top of our game?"

"Okay, is it bad I kinda like the idea of you going and lifting more cars?" Billy admitted, addressing both of them, but clearly more Hulkling than Teddy. But who could blame him - if Hulkling were your boyfriend, wouldn't you want to watch him lift impossible weights?

@Ogobrogo: The face paint artist blinked, not really too sure what to say. "I... Danny who?" they asked. They were worried for a moment that they had missed something, but they were pretty sure they hadn't, tilting their head at Chi Mai quizzically. "Have you had too much sun or something?" they then asked. "I can get you some water..." But even though they were concerned, they were still a ~professional~ and they painted Chi Mai's face, transforming her into a tiger.

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

Percy was shocked that things could, indeed, get worse. Out of nowhere, the boy with the beautiful eyes vanished from sight - and then suddenly, he felt so very very very wrong. His entire body had the sort of pins and needles feeling you have when trying to wake up a limb that's fallen asleep. His chest felt like there was a gigantic weight pressing down on it, as if trying to crush his lungs. He couldn't move his eyes, he couldn't scream, he was powerless, helpless, trapped -

He flickered in and out of space-time, a perfect execution of his powers, but it was terrifyingly out of his control. His mothers had warned him about the dangers of his powers, in his hands he trusted himself, but in... It clicked into place. The boy with the beautiful eyes was possessing him.

And then, it was over. The spell had lifted. Percy should've felt relieved and free. But instead, Percy couldn't help but feel completely violated. He didn't know whether to scream, swear, cry, or some combination of all three. But as much as he would swear on his life that he didn't care about the opinions of these people, he wasn't going to let them see him sweat. The only person present who had ever seen him cry was Diana and Percy wasn't even too happy about that.

So instead of genuine emotion, Percy laughed. "Are you mad? Why would I give you my jacket for this "Max" to deal with? You set me on fire, spray that nasty shit into my mouth, and then hop into my body and you all assume that I'm just going to sit around and take it? That I'll just shrug, say it was an accident, hand off my jacket, and wait for you to turn it to ash like an idiot?" Percy shook his head defiantly.

He clearly wasn't taking Diana's advice to calm down. His eye twitched ever so slightly as Leah introduced herself to him, make a lighthearted joke, but also advised him to tell Diana to get a personality. Diana was his annoying older sister, but she was his annoying older sister. "Maybe you should consider upgrading your personality as well," he snapped at Leah. His stomach was growling quietly and he was hungry, food was so close, but Percy was beyond 1000% done with all of this.

"надеюсь вы все горите в аду," he said, giving the group the middle finger before marching off in the direction of Stark Hall. Hopefully his roommate wouldn't be back, so he could get some peace and quiet.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April had been fantasizing about the start to her junior year for months - before sophomore year had even ended. In no version of events though, had things gone so disastrously wrong. She hadn't even done anything and April couldn't help but have her eyes blur slightly with tears, and laugh somewhat nervously. "Umm, that was an accident - he can't say it, because he's still ghost, but that definitely was an accident, okay?" April blurted, trying to apologize on Dorian's behalf as her heart felt like it was about to explode from pounding in her chest.

She was tempted to stress eat some of the treats that the ghostly form of Dorian walked on over with - she was used to him going around as a ghost, so not being able to see him didn't freak her out. But there were so many people crowding around them, and Danny was spiraling, which made it all so easy for April to begin to spiral as well. Her ears felt like they were ringing when Leah slung a muscular arm around April's shoulder and teased her playfully. "What? Me? Evil? N-n-never!" April stammered. "I don't even have that many villains in my family tree! Well my dad used to be one, but that doesn't count - and my grandpa's getting a real reappraisal these days, he doesn't even make the Top 10 list anymore of SHIELD's most wanted, so there's that. Then there's my various aunts and uncles... Most of them former villains, but again, they're good! So if anything, if I went evil, it wouldn't stick because I'm just meant to be a good person! And if I wanted to kill a freshie, I'd freeze his blood, I wouldn't burn him, it's bad for the environment, toxic fumes and stuff!"

She swallowed slightly, conscious that she was rambling. Diana at least seemed to be in the mood to deescalate the situation. "Oh, she's, um... She's around, I think. She might be in a costume, I don't know. She's... somewhere?" April said with a slight shrug. She flushed pink when Sabine approached, asking Danny if she was okay. Despite being besties with one of April's besties, she was pretty sure Sabine had zero clue who April was.

Then the Percy-sized bomb dropped. April's jaw dropped. Yes, he had been assaulted - on accident - by her friends but... April really didn't know what to say or think. She didn't know what they were supposed to do here either. None of the teachers seemed to care what was going on, and they were almost at the front of the line for food. "Oh my god that could not have possibly gone worse..." she mumbled, the color rapidly draining from her face.

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

25 pts (Light-Side)

"The Delta 7 and the 170 starfighters I believe are our primary interest at this time - larger support ships as well, perhaps some suited for medical craft, and other warships. Essentially, our standard order with the addition of the Delta 7," Raynor specified. "In terms of quantity... It's my understanding that you're under an exclusive contract with the Grand Army of the Republic. We'd like to purchase every ship that you have."

Raynor then paused, hoping to let that information sink in, to see if there would be any sort of a tell from Jarothe. "How many ships do you have right now, Jarothe?" Raynor asked, before smiling a friendly smile. "I'd like to be able to give the Council a count, so that way the appropriate funds could be transferred the next business day." And by getting Jarothe's count, that would be a key piece of information for the investigation - one to incriminate the man.
The Stables...

Lorna had never heard of a kistune before - most of what she knew about Japan had really just been things Kitty had taught her, or things she had assumed from watching Studio Ghibli movies with her mom when she was little. "Is it.. a type of magic cat?" Lorna guessed, since kit sounded like kitten to her and she didn't have anything else to go off of. She blushed in embarrassment, second guessing whether or not that had been an okay thing to say. She didn't really know a lot about other cultures. She was still mostly learning lots about her own cultures - she'd learn about her mother's culture when hanging out with Nadja and her family, and her father's culture here at Camp Half-blood. Lorna still wasn't sure how the two could mix and combine.

"But either way, that's wicked cool! What sort of stuff can he do? It sounds like magic stuff? Is he immortal? Where's his power come from? Is it something you're born as or something you become - or kinda both?" Lorna asked, incredibly curious. Her mind could hardly decide what to fixate on - the bombshell Kitty had dropped or how incredibly COOL it was to be on the back of a pegasus, her heart pounding as Kitty helped her onto the back of the horse.

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

21 pts (Light-Side)

Raynor lunged forward somewhat recklessly with his blade, hoping to cleanly slice through the droid and end this conflict. His body felt like every nerve ending was on fire, screaming at him to take a beat, to catch his breath, to rest. But there wasn't time. And his body wasn't his own. He was a Jedi, he served the Republic, and he would die serving the Republic if that was what it took. His wild swing was a wild miss, and it left him open and vulnerable, as the droid shot him in the side.

Raynor clutched his side, wheezing. The droid fired off another shot and it missed him, going wide. It might've been stupid, and it was a technique that Raynor had not even tried to study properly, but he threw his blade at the droid. The Force must've been with him in that moment though, as the blade skewered the droid and it crumpled to the ground, useless. Raynor staggered to the side, leaning against the hallway, the hand clutching the blaster wound damp with blood.

"You - lead," he choked out, holding out a shaking hand to recall his lightsaber to him. "We ride or die for the Republic."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Woods
Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs

Runa shook her head at Bethany's assertion that they had two Klaras. She did not believe that. What she did not know was how someone could fool her, the goddess of lies, with such a large one. The odds of them finding their Klara in this reality were slim; the odds that Klara had been replaced with another, genuine Klara in addition to that? Astronomically poor. There was only one person who could skirt so perfectly around her special power, someone else who could lay claim to the dominion of Lies in the Asgardian pantheon. It was either him or one of his many minions.

Guinevere, Runa thought, hoping the telepath would hear her. Restrain that one.

The next thing she knew, the fake!Klara was screaming in pain. It hadn't been exactly what Runa had had in mind. She raised an eyebrow, looking at Guinevere for a moment. She would speak to her about this later. It was a dark path for one able to manipulate the mind to begin to tread. But Runa wasted no time, using the opening to bend darkness into chains, chaining up the false Klara, binding her limbs. "I have to commend you - it is not easy to lie to me. Unless, of course, you wield the power of another god of lies... My uncle's power," Runa said, her words soft but stern.

"Now the question is... Are you Loki? Or just a pathetic soul doing his bidding?" She turned her head towards Klara. Maybe Guinevere had had the right idea after all. "Perhaps you would like to have her head, as restitution?" Runa suggested. She didn't think Klara would actually behead the fake Klara. But she wanted the fake Klara to believe that she would - she wanted Loki or whoever it was to reveal themselves and end this silly mystery.

Guin Stark

Location: Woods
Skills: Telepathy

Guin was NOT expecting to see a second Klara when they found the other group - and Lance was still in his Hulk form. She was a little unnerved by that, given that she was pretty sure his memories were still scrambled eggs. "Umm, so did we miss something? Are we friends with this other Klara now or..." she started to say, before the situation rapidly escalated. The two Klaras clearly hated each other, and the words getting thrown around were the standard overdramatic speeches of Asgardians - but when one of the Klaras' sword shattered, Guin felt the tension increase a million percent.

And she heard Runa make a request.

It didn't take a genius for Runa to figure out that the Klara they had been with this entire time clearly was not actually Klara - maybe a holdover skrull, from back when that had been an issue? Though Guin was pretty certain they had first met Klara after the skrulls had popped off... At any rate, Guin reached out with her telepathy, intent on just incapacitating Klara by immobilizing her. But it was hard to break through her defenses and took a few tries, and the final result was more violent than she had intended. She winced, seeing the pain she had inflicted on the fake Klara.

Then, Runa dropped a bombshell - a Loki sized bombshell. "Hey, baby Hulk - wanna smash a puny god? If that's Loki, then that's on brand for Hulks and Lokis," Guin suggested, pointing at the fake Klara Runa had put in chains.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded, agreeing with Zeke's assessment - the arrows would definitely give them an advantage. The plan then quickly went into motion as Demetri chimed in with agreement, as Demetri ran off, shouting to get the Minotaur's attention. Nancy couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his antics - he was funny at times. Demetri managed to escape from the Minotaur's deathly grip by changing his form, and Bacchus' son seemed to be attempting to do something. Nancy had pitied him when the Minotaur had flung him around like a rag doll just moments before - she wasn't sure even if the children of Bacchus deserved to be treated like that...

"He's not taking the bait," Nancy muttered. "Alright, I'm going to try something, let's see if this gets his attention," Nancy started, before being cut off by Janelle's cry. She had been planning to use her ability over sound to throw her voice to out beyond the train, insult the Minotaur, and get him to charge right off of it. Short of that, she might have instructed dear Joanie to try to get the Minotaur off the train - or Nancy herself might've leapt off, trusting that the quest would be safe in the hands of the others.

But instead, Janelle had sent the Minotaur to sleep. "Rad. That works too," Nancy commented. "Nice job, kid." She then approached the Minotaur with her daggers and --

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

At Kiera's nudging, Leda removed the fingers she had stuck in her ears - she hadn't actually ever grabbed the earplugs, just going for the quickest option, as she didn't know earplugs were even an option at first. With her fingers out of her ears, Leda snaked her arms back around Kiera's waist, holding on to her girlfriend. The ride was rather extraordinary, getting to see the ocean in a way that few other mortals ever could. It was incredible, Leda couldn't help but think, as she imagined her girlfriend as at home on the ocean floor as she would be in a mall up above the waves.

Eventually, the natural scenery gave way to a magnificent kingdom, one that took Leda's breath away. "Damn... Your dad's got nice digs," Leda murmured to the two sisters. As they approached the kingdom, the hippocampi came to a halt, and everyone was dismounting, so Leda assumed that was their cue to go. She hopped off of the hippocampus and then offered Kiera a hand to dismount. Once Kiera was safely down, Leda then stretched out her arms and legs. "Wonder how fast I could run down here, luv," she murmured. She knew that water would slow her down - but the real limiting factor probably would be if someone could maintain a protective bubble around her, to keep her from dying instantly. She glanced back at Sera, who had commented she'd love to live here. "From what I've heard, it's not entirely uncommon for kids of the Big Three to move in with their parents - at least Hades' kids have done so."
@Martian: Hey, few edits needed for your post! :)
  • In the second update, I mentioned No one at the school had even bothered to have an attendant sitting with the hammer, they were so confident that none of their students could lift it (which, like, rude!). So you'll need to edit out the line of your post referencing an announcer running the hammer station.
  • Minor point, but you need to edit out the NPC dialogue from the person running the sword booth - per the rules of the RP, the GM runs all NPCs (unless otherwise noted).
  • Also, post needs to be cross-posted on Skyrose to be considered complete

@BlueSky44: As Zelda wandered over to the trivia booth, she would see a group of students moving on from playing there. A few of them had teddy bears in their hands, dressed up as famous superheroes - there was a She-Hulk bear, its fur painted green and dressed in a smart pantsuit that would stick out in particular to Zelda. At the booth itself, there were bears in boxes sitting behind the booth, and random pieces of candy covering the table. The worker manning the booth gave Zelda a smile. "Want to try your hand at trivia? Or just take some candy, they gave us too much... If you get all ten questions right though, you get a BearVenger to bring home with you!"

@BlueSky44@Kirah: Maybe back in Washington DC in the early 2020's, Zari had been the one to turn heads - but here, her fashion was on trend and on point. Instead, it was Andy who was catching stray glances and whispers, some of them admiring her retro look, and others lamenting that she looked like someone's mother. However, no one was bothering them. The food line was getting pretty long, longer really with each passing minute, but both sword fighting and the photo station were more or less available.

@Ever Faithful@PatientBean: The two of you have both decided to (ominously?) stare out at the field, before joining the carnival proper. It's extremely likely that you'll notice each other. Of course, whether you interact is up to you. As for Ardere, she would also be able to notice the brief bit of flames going up, as someone in the line for food seemed to use their powers. Ardere might also spot an area of the carnival where there were piles of crushed cars, with students struggling to lift as many cars as they could to show off their strength. For Sabine, she's already spotted the poor fiery incident that happened in the line, and has probably also spotted the arrival of her new bestie/roommate, Leah. She would also notice what looked like a green and silver blur zipping through the crowds - probably Tommy Maximoff, one half of the break-up in today's gossip.

@Forsythe: As Victoria's hands close around the hammer, everyone in line to try their hand at Mjolnir pauses for a moment with bated breath. No one that day had been able to make the hammer budge - not even Billy Maximoff, who had tried to cast a love spell on the enchanted weapon. No one at the school had even bothered to have an attendant sitting with the hammer, they were so confident that none of their students could lift it (which, like, rude!).

The hammer didn't budge for Vicky, though. Instead, it just remained on the ground, having judged her - and found her lacking.


@Ogobrogo: Maybe the events happening a bit further up the line weren't Teddy's problem, but the universe had a surprise in store for him anyways. Standing at six feet tall, with green skin, elf-like ears, and blonde hair, Teddy Altman (AKA Hulkling) almost bumped right into Teddy. Hulkling stopped and then broke into a wide grin. "Hey man, how's it going? Did you get a chance to lift yet? I got to twenty before I had to slow down, didn't stretch properly beforehand," Hulkling said, his tone friendly. His arm was snaked around a somewhat shorter boy with jet-black hair, his boyfriend, possibly the biggest geek and nerd at AA, Billy Maximoff.

"Have a good summer, Teddy?" Billy asked. He then laughed. "I mean, you Teddy, not him Teddy. Urgh."

@Ogobrogo: It was Mai's turn for face paint, and the worker motioned for her to take a seat. There was an example sheet with different things people could request to have done. "Whatcha like, dear?" the worker asked, fiddling her thumbs slightly as she waited for Mai to make a choice. She'd been doing a lot of ironic battery pictures on people - the AA Battery was an unofficial school mascot. Hopefully, Mai gave her something different to do. Mai's phone would also go off with a text from Danny.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April pouted slightly, and as Danny clung to her arm, April used her other arm to cling back on his arm. "I would never abandon my husbands!" April declared, before giggling slightly. She never had had any romantic interest in the boys, just as she knew they never had any romantic interest in her, but the three of them still felt like a natural set - a perfect trio. April could just picture it, the three of them as the stars of a queer and upbeat YA series - it was probably called Avengers Academy and it would follow their lives and hijinks, culminating in them winning the Contest of Champions and then absolutely slaying at Prom.

She was snapped out of her daydream though (thankfully, before she could consider what sort of fanfiction people might write about their hypothetical YA novel) by a thud as Dorian crashed into someone - or they crashed into him? April wasn't 1000% sure what had happened, since she wasn't completely paying attention. "Oh, hey, I know you, you're--" April began to say, before things escalated fast incredibly fast. Everything felt like a blur and she didn't even have time to fully comprehend what had happened - one second, Percy was on fire, the next, Danny had put him out, leaving a thin layer of white on the once amazing velvet jacket. It was completely ruined now.

"Hey hey hey hey hey, we're okay, everyone's okay," April said, trying to reassure Danny. She put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him in somewhat close. "You're fine, right? Everything's fine. And that jacket was last season anyways, so, I think at the end of the day, Danny and Dory did you a bit of a favor? I'm April, by the way - if you don't quite remember me, it's been a few years since I saw you - you got taller!"

April was somewhat annoyed at Leah waltzing on over and teasing Danny - when she felt it was pretty clear that now was not the time to tease Danny about this. They could tease him about it once he no longer felt mortified. Maybe at the end of the year they'd be able to go omg remember when you almost killed a freshie to keep him from cutting in line to get food? legendary shit. And not too far behind Leah was Diana, Percy's older sister. "No one is trying to kill everyone, it's fine, everyone's fine, we're all good!" April insisted. "And if we did want to kill him, we would've taken him to a secondary location - we wouldn't be doing it while waiting for funnel cake. In front of half the school. Duh."

"And the food is free! It's always free!" April then laughed somewhat nervously.

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

This was probably the worst first day of school Percy had had in his entire fourteen years of life. He didn't think highly of other people, but he had assumed that at the prestigious Margaret Carter Institute, people would have a handle on their powers. Apparently he was wrong. In the span of seconds, he had gone from a cute guy offering to buy him free food (and making a comment about his jacket, Percy knew that it was bold to wear velvet outside, but he was bold) to being SET ON FIRE.

"Какого хрена ты делаешь?!" Percy swore, his words coming out in Russian unintentionally. He moved quickly to get his beautiful, destroyed velvet jacket off of him - only to then get a mouth full of a portable fire extinguisher. Percy had instinctively shut his eyes when the boy started to spray him down, but his mouth hadn't closed quickly enough, and he could taste the strange chemicals in his mouth. "Are you satisfied, now?" he snapped at Danny, opening his eyes and quickly shrugging off his jacket.

Someone he didn't know - a giant to Percy in size - then came up and asked who the new kid was. "The 'new kid' is none of your concern," Percy answered bitterly. For understandable reasons, he was pretty pissed off. And he was hungry. His sister then made an appearance as well and Percy rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up in the air in irritation. There went his chance at making a name for himself and not just living in his sister's wake.

"I do not need your protection," Percy reminded Diana, annoyed. "And yes, April, I do remember you. Congratulations. You must be very honored." He then huffed, straightening up his shirt slightly, the top few buttons still undone as to be tantalizing. "Is everyone done now? Anyone else want to make comments or destroy my clothes? No? Good."

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

25 pts (Light-Side)

"I am, thank you," Raynor said, forcing a slight smile. Raynor then took a seat, now that it was clear that Shakka was not going anywhere. "Now, back to business shall we?" He knew that this meal was a game of its own - a game of maneuvering. Jarothe's goal would be to keep Raynor from having any suspicions of him - and Raynor's goal would be to make Jarothe sweat, to trick him into making a mistake. Any opening that Jarothe would give him, Raynor would take. Anything that would allow him to place Jarothe under arrest and call the Jedi Council, and have them come at once. The Republic could seize Colbol Corp.

"I have spent the past few hours questioning Shakka - yet I imagine, you may have some questions for me?" he asked Jarothe.

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