Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

25 pts (Light-Side)

Raynor's eyes darted over towards the window. Outside, there were the busy lanes of traffic, people zooming by on their flying vehicles. It gave Raynor an idea. An ordinary person wouldn't have been able to do it, but he was no ordinary person. He was a Jedi, in tune with the Force. If he used the Force, he could push Shakka and himself far enough out that they could clutch onto one of the passing craft, and spirit themselves away from Jarothe and his droids. "You're not going to like this," Raynor warned.

He didn't give her another second though to really contemplate what he was saying, as Raynor sheathed his lightsaber and rushed, grabbing Shakka and crashing out the glass window with her. He could feel the ebb and flow of the Force around him, using it to guide his aim as he propelled them twenty, thirty, forty feet forward horizontally... and they hit the roof of what was essentially a taxi cab. The alien driver and passenger inside both started screaming as the cab spun wildly out of control, Raynor's muscles straining to keep a grip onto Shakka and the cab, to keep them from falling to their deaths... But at least for now, they were safe.


"Jedi business, open the door!" Raynor shouted at the driver, who uneasily opened up the back door with a tentacle, the frightened passenger scooting as far away from the opening as possible, white as a sheet. "Shakka, get inside, now!"

Commander Firtick

28 pts (Light-Side)

Commander Firtick was not unaccustomed to loss. Nor were they unfamiliar with the idea that they might die on any of these missions. To lay down their life for the good of the Republic was a high honor; but to continue to serve her would be an even greater one. Their head was pounding and they reached up, feeling the site of the wound tenderly. They felt dried blood crunching underneath their fingers - one of the clankers must've gotten them good, but not good enough. They were still in this fight. "Sorry, what's your designation?" Firtick asked the droid.

"My memory's a bit hazy, you'll have to forgive me," Firtick apologized. It must've been the head wound. They could remember bits and flashes - the droids coming upon them seemingly out of nowhere, the General going down... but the specifics, such as how they had gotten there, and what the backup plan needed them to do exactly were escaping them at the moment. "But the self destruct option... We won't all get clear. Take me to the designated point, and then I want you to clear out with Commander Blake. And that's an order, trooper."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy got into the truck without much hesitation, putting her pack into the bed just as Mads had. She took one of the outer seats, as the middle seat made her feel confined and cornered - a small vestige of her trauma that "blessed" her with its appearance. But she could manage it. It was relatively small as her triggers went. The man seemed pretty friendly, and he was part of the Legion, so Nancy wasn't concerned about him.

Plus, he was driving them for free - she had noted how he had passed up on the gold Mads had offered. "Yeah, we killed a dragon. No big deal," Nancy humble bragged. "If you're taking us to the airport and don't mind trading gold for cash, so we can buy tickets, that'd be rad." Otherwise they'd need to make another stop before getting there. She somehow doubted whatever restaurant they were at would trade cash for gold. "What cohort were you in - and what's your name?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

A blonde girl was the first one to talk, explaining that a small group had gone to gather intelligence on Maleficent's castle. She glanced behind her, noting that Jack had come inside, rather than practice outside with the other mages. She wasn't surprised. Jack likely cared more about figuring out how they were going to overthrow Maleficent than competing against the other boys. That and she could imagine he might feel conflicted about his magic, given its source. Merlin then opened up - at least partially - about the plan. Atlantica's army with Robin Hood's men would serve as a distraction, the Genie and Merlin would use their magical powers, and then...

Merlin decided to not share the rest of the plan yet.

Megan scowled at that choice. She didn't agree with it. Unless everyone else was about to return imminently, there was no reason why Merlin couldn't share more of the plan. Unless did he not trust everyone present? Did he think that Jack was going to go turn on them and serve Maleficent? Megan scoffed at that idea. She was pretty sure no one would betray them like that. So there was no worry in her mind about the information leaking. "If you share the full plan, we can work together to improve it - what else are we going to do besides rattle around this old tower?" she asked pointedly.

"You could look hot with a silver streak in your hair, Danni," April chimed in over the comms. They thought it might actually suit him rather well - and it would definitely be an evocative contrast against the dark color of Danni's hair. Maybe it wouldn't be too hard to dye pink or something then on top of the streak, did people need to bleach grey hairs before dying them? They didn't actually know. Their natural blonde hair tended to take color up rather easily, so April had never learned too much the ins and outs of hair dye.

"Could we toss it out the airlock, maybe?" April suggested, thinking about how to dispose of the corpse. Tossing it here would be easiest on everyone - especially if they got boarded or something at the next stop. It was never easy to explain why dead bodies were around, though April supposed there was a possibility someone might've had a bounty out on this wannabe Ravager. They sensed though that Danni was uneasy with the idea of carrying the body around though, and with a fifteen million bounty in their sights, April didn't mind letting this potential smaller one go.

A shadow then fell across the gunnery room, instantly grabbing April's attention - as it was massive. "What the hell..." April mumbled, swinging around the viewport until they saw it. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT'S BIG!" they screamed, firing at the massive asteroid and giving it everything they had. "IT'S LIKE GALACTUS SHAT A FUCKING KIDNEY STONE BIG!" They were hardly making a dent in it, blasting it repeatedly, before the thing finally started to break up... slightly. This stupid thing was dummy thiccccc. "HOW IS IT SO FUCKING BIG...?!?!?!?!?! WAIT DORIAN YOU MOVED THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Ogobrogo: Keep on going, folks! :) Teddy will notice that he had received a spam text earlier that day - NEED SOME INSTANT CA$H? GET UP TO $1000 -- TODAY!!! Reply YES for further info. He will of course receive another text from Diana as well.

Percy Novikov

Location: Carnival - Food Trucks
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

Percy sighed slightly in annoyance. Diana did not seem particularly concerned about making it to Agatha's for the reading or not. By her phrasing, Percy was pretty certain his sister's mind was made up - she was going to go hang out with his roommate and some random people. Maybe she was chaffing at his company. He didn't blame her. He didn't particularly want to hang around with just his sister the entire day either. "I'm sure a Kree ship will crash into the football field before the week is up," Percy reasoned. "But an immortal witch trading fortunes is somewhat of a rare occurrence. Go hang out with your friend. I'll be fine."

He'd have plenty of time to get to know his roommate later - although that wasn't much of a priority to Percy. As long as Teddy could be tidy and clean, that was all Percy asked of him. He wasn't looking to make friends. And in his opinion, it would likely be easier to live with Teddy if there were no emotional bonds between the two of them - things would be simpler that way. Just as Percy idolized Odysseus, he idolized the archetype of the lone wolf.

Zelda seemed to be rather bright - her idea echoed the one that had been mulling around in Percy's mind, only she didn't make any mention of unstable molecules. Instead, she proposed a holographic solution, eventually working into a design that would shift as needed. Percy liked that. He liked people who were creative and clever - and his ego enjoyed that they had had similar ideas about things. "Huh. If you ever manage to make one, basing the default design off of the school uniform would be a natural choice," he suggested. "I'm going to go see an oracle about my future, however. I'll see you later, Diana. Zelda."

He didn't know if she was going to come with him - and he didn't expect her to. She had already seen Agatha. Percy nodded at the two of them, before heading off in the direction of Agatha's tent. It wasn't far.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April's cheeks must've been semi-permanently red, as Sabine inquired after her wellbeing. It was super sweet and kind of her and made April want to die of shame. But a happy sort of shame. Truthfully, April didn't know why she felt so icky. So she did what she always did - conceal, don't feel, etc etc. Repressing her emotions that she did not understand was definitely the way to go. Did she logically know better? Yes. But that did nothing to change April's behavior, it just made her strategize more to try to hide things. "Oh, yeah, totally fine - nothing but great news from Agatha - she said I'm going to become like a great female person, so y'know, Prom Queen and all that jazz is def in the bag."

She didn't mention the stuff about her love life - because April wasn't insane. She would have to be threatened with death in order to discuss her love life with the love of her life AKA the most gorgeous girl at AA AKA her crush, Sabine motherfucking Bassard. Holding hands with Sabine today had been the most amazing and terrifying thing that had ever happened to April in her life; she wasn't going to push her luck.

Her attention was only diverted from her impending social doom by Danni crashing into her, wrapping her arm around his. And then, not too long afterwards, Dorian had wrapped his arms around the pair of them, nestling his head into the spot where her and Danni's shoulders met. April could have cried in that moment. Instead, she tilted her head down to gently boop Dorian's head with hers affectionately, and gave Danni's arm a squeeze.

She giggled at the boys' protests over reading. April didn't mind reading - for fun. Reading for class could be okay, but teachers tended to assign the more drab and dull books known to man. She'd much rather analyze a St. John Allerdyce novel than War and Peace or whatever garbage they were being forced to consume. "Okay, but I do need you to read the Secret Tides of Salt Wives. It's an Allerdyce novel, so def don't get caught with it, but the romance between Katya and Luz is to die for. Like, I ship them sooooo hard."

Her stomach twisted with dread though at the thought of another tarot reading. But before April could protest that she was good, actually, and that she had had her fill of the future, and that maybe seeing the future was actually a bad thing and she was happy living in the present, blah blah blah... Chi Mai showed up with a cutie in a terribly outdated and unfortunately somewhat bland fit.

April gasped upon realizing that Chi Mai was HIGH. That same queasy feeling filled her, and April tried to bury it deep down. At least this time she understood her own emotions. She was upset that Chi Mai had gotten high without her. That was one of their special activities as friends. And with Chi Mai running off, leaving them to get high and not inviting April along... It made her feel like maybe Chi Mai didn't want her as a friend anymore.

So yeah, April was DEFINITELY doing her best to keep those feelings down. If she didn't think about it, then maybe it would just resolve itself and everything would be totally fine! Everything was going to be okay! It was a great start to the new school year!

April didn't notice it, but as Chi Mai asked Andy about the chips, there would be the sound of light laughter coming from Andy's bag. "Oh woah, you knocked out Leah with just one kick? That's wild - and you didn't grate your foot like it was cheese in the process?" April asked the newcomer, forcing herself to focus on how insane that was. She had seen people fight Leah before - even had been forced to do it herself from time to time in combat class - and it usually ended with a bunch of scratches, if not shredded skin.

A green haired chick with a much better and up to date sense of fashion then arrived - with a... floating robotic eyeball trailing behind her. That triggered a memory in April and she gasped again. She knew this green haired weirdo! Sorta. Not really. She had never really met her, and she couldn't exactly remember her name, but she had seen her photo in one of those like Christmas Cards her mom put up on the fridge. "Are you another SHIELD baby?" April blurted, addressing Greenie. "Because I could've sworn that I've, like, seen your face before - and that creepy eyeball baby. But he's a cute creepy. I think. Right? Like, he's giving... the Owl House, if you've ever seen that. But steampunk. Steampunk Owl House."

April didn't acknowledge the other person showing up - Vicky, one of the quieter girls in the junior class. There was just too much going on and too many people talking for April to really say or do anything to Vicky, before Vicky left. Danni gave introductions anyways, and April smiled a little extra big when she was introduced as Princess, just so they would know who was being talked about. "Aww! You can also just call me April - almost everyone does. I'm not actually a princess, although I think I aspire to be? Maybe? Anyways, you two seem so chill! What's your SuperLink handles, I wanna add you! Also, where'd you transfer from? Another super school or somewhere else? I'm guessing a super school, because of the Eyeball Baby, but you never know, lots of kids here just came from public schools!"

"Oh, for fucks sake..." Percy Novikov groaned, arriving at the line for Agatha's tent, and seeing his least favorite people in the world clustered around it.

Guin Stark

Location: the Mall!
Skills: Telepathy, Deduction, Problem Solving
~Fit Check~

There was no answer from Pietro's unconscious mind. Guin did her best to keep calm, even though she felt like tearing off her own skin. This wasn't going to be like Muscles - it couldn't be like Muscles. Pietro wasn't going to die. And if he was dying, then they would save him. And if they couldn't save him, then she would resurrect him. Heroes came back from the dead all the time. It was practically a rite of passage at this point. Everything was going to be fine. Everything was going to be fine. Everything was going to be fine.

Guin forced herself to take another deep breath, as if that would keep her heart from exploding out her chest. Pietro? Please, babe, say something to me... Guin had to resist the urge to scream and shake him, to mentally force him awake. But she knew the best thing they could do for him right now would be to focus on healing him. She stayed by him as Lance left, seconds stretching out into a horrifying eternity of limbo. Guin's heart tore itself into two bits that could never quite be stitched back together. She imagined ripping Exodus' spine out through his throat. She imagined burying Pietro, dressed in black.

She didn't want to focus on it, but she saw that bleak future stretched out in front of her. She'd lose her true love here. And it would shake her. Maybe enough that the Narcotics Anonymous meetings wouldn't help anymore. Maybe enough that she'd lose her moral compass. Maybe she would set the entire world on fire, just to see it burn. Maybe she would bring out a technological doomsday, an apocalypse of sentinels. Maybe she would become something of pure apathy and hate. Maybe...

Guin breathed in again.

Everything was going to be fine.

Lance was back now - Guin nodded as he explained the plan, beginning with quickly stitching up Pietro's wounds. "Okay, let's do this," Guin said, her voice sounding calmer than she felt. Every time she closed her eyes - every time she so much as blinked - she saw Muscles dying in front of her. And when she opened her eyes again, she saw Pietro there, dying. Her hands were somehow steady as she picked up the needle, and extended out her left arm. She had done something like this before - not a blood transfusion, but something else.

She got the needle inside of her - and then, once Lance gave the go ahead - she put the other needle end into Pietro.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Mansion
Skills: Necromancy, Telekinesis
~Fit Check~

Ordinarily, Neil would've withered at that rebuke from Max. He never would have dared to upset a powerful ancient mage like that. But he wasn't entirely himself right now - he never was entirely himself when he tapped into the dark forces that allowed him to reanimate the dead. Or maybe he was himself. Maybe this was who Neil Spellman really was - some gaunt creature of darkness, almost human but not quite. He didn't say anything to Frenzy, as the zombies continued to try to rip and tear and devour her.

Instead, he answered Max curtly, still gazing in his direction with his haunting yellow eyes. "You killed them," Neil echoed. He hadn't been fazed by Max's display of cosmic power - by the tombstones or the cosmic energy that had manifested in the garden. Ordinarily, Neil would have been. But not now. Not like this. Neil was connected to something else, twisting and altering his perceptions, causing the extraordinary to seem so... mundane. "Why did you kill them, Max?" Neil repeated.

Paradise. That concept caused Neil to laugh ever so softly. Mutants weren't the only ones who had bled and died in the name of paradise. People like him and Max could never really exist in one though - the snakes could not live in the garden. The devil could not be amongst the angels. Those touched by dark magic could not dwell in the light. "I can smell the death on you. You're drowning in it."

He then turned his head back to Frenzy, as she had managed to fight off one of his clown zombies. And then, calmly, with utmost focus, Neil pelted her telekinetically with rocks.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy shrugged off Kristin's suggestion as they entered the Burger King. She was somewhat used to this - so many things were different from where she came from. It was honestly one of the reasons the Hunt appealed to her - almost every huntress working for Diana could relate to that, most of them far older than their physical appearance would suggest. Nancy wouldn't feel so displaced in time when with a group of girls where all of them were temporally displaced.

When they entered the Burger King, Nancy took a moment to note the relative emptiness - just the staff and a small family. She almost wanted to warn them all to leave the building, that a bunch of demigods in a mostly empty restaurant was a recipe for a monster attack, but they'd probably just look at her like she was crazy. However, her attention was then pulled by Janelle's noncommittal answer. She didn't know Janelle very well, but in her experience, people tended to have a food of choice at a fast food place. And Janelle had exploded on Zeke earlier that day. "Alright, you want to talk about it, or are we brooding?" Nancy asked Janelle, as she got in line behind Kristin. She was probably just going to get a whopper, fries, and a shake. "You probably have twenty minutes until the next monster decides that we're dinner, so I'd open up now if you are planning on doing it at all tonight."

Blunt? Yes. Too blunt? Maybe. But Nancy could tell this girl was hurting - and the boys weren't there at the moment.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation, Sword-Fighting

"Fine, keep your secrets, then," Leda said jokingly, as the little sea lion swam off as quickly as it had come. She then stood back up to her full height, as the little sea friend had gone off to do whatever it was sea lions liked to do. Sera seemed to really like this construction job, and Leda agreed with Kiera's assessment - she'd fit in really well with the Hephaestus and Athena kids. But it did make sense, to a certain extent - the legendary cyclops forges were here under the sea, so a child of Poseidon having an inclination towards creation wasn't surprising to Leda.

But construction time was short, as suddenly, they were under attack by a pack of telekhines. The demons were vaguely humanoid, but with the faces of vicious dogs. Leda was caught off guard, knocked down into the ocean floor by one of them, the demon trying to claw and scratch her. "Urgh, get off of me!" Leda shouted. She couldn't grab at her necklace to trigger its transformation into her sword, so instead Leda focused on one of her demigod gifts. She heard Sera scream for help, but there wasn't anything she could do at the moment for her - the daughter of Poseidon would have to figure it out on her own.

Leda's body changed, as she looked like she was made out of rainbow-tinted light and energy, like she was a cosmic magical girl. She blasted the demon off of her with pure rainbow light. She moved quickly, tugging on the chain of her necklace as it snapped, coming off of her and then immediately transforming into her glowing sword Ultraviolet. She scrambled up to her feet and ran the telekhine through on her blade, turning it into dust. "Your breath stank, by the way - try a fucking mint next time," she said to the pile of dust that had settled down on the ocean floor.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan decided then that she didn't particularly like this boy. He had rolled his eyes at her, but at least he had given her an answer. And then she didn't like the other one, after he boasted about his bank heist. She slow clapped. "I'm very impressed," she said dryly. She made a mental note to put a knife to their throats once another opportunity showed itself, just to make a point. "You are true heroes." Megan then rested her hand on Excalibur's hilt, before going inside with King Arthur and the rest. The way the boy had brought up the heist made her doubt him - it sounded like something someone would boast to cover up weakness.

They made their inside the tower, only to encounter Merlin relatively quickly. Megan's father hugged Merlin. Her mother Guinevere seemed rather happy to see him as well. Megan studied him, dim memories in her mind of seeing him as a child. Whereas before regaining those memories she hadn't seen him as a familial tie, now he felt something like an uncle to her - just as Lancelot did. "What's the plan to defeat Maleficent?" Megan asked bluntly, figuring they might as well get down to business. "Where are the others?" She assumed they were still missing some - mostly because she remembered a few more girls hanging around the group. But again, she had lost count of everyone who had been there at first - it had been some time.

@Kirah@Blizz: The pair would be able to find their way over to Agatha's tent, and currently there was no line! A group of students - April, Sabine, Danni, Dorian, and Mads - are milling around near the entrance, but it's pretty clear that they aren't currently waiting to go inside. There's no sign of Zari and Vicky yet, so it looks like the two of you beat them there.

@BlueSky44@Forsythe@Ogobrogo: Zari paid the hottie tax. The three of you are almost at the fortune telling tent - in fact, it's right around the corner. Mai would be able to catch glimpses of Sabine, April, Danni, Dorian, and Mads - aka the people she had ditched real quick to go get high, only to be distracted by Vicky. The three of them would also see Andy and Leah arrive at the tent, so it would be easy enough to go ahead and catch up to them now.

@Ever Faithful@Natsu@Ogobrogo: There was no sign of Ser Nemo coming back, so the three of them were definitely on their own for the moment. Perhaps if Teddy wanted help with the two freshmen, he could text his friend Diana? She might be down to go check out the spaceship with them, and help to ease some of the tension - as things are definitely at least somewhat tense between the two girls. But hey, they seem to be warming up to Teddy at least - no pun intended. So let's go check out that spaceship and make some friends!

Percy Novikov

Location: Carnival - Food Trucks
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

"Yeah, I was planning on going in alone - I don't need an audience to the mysteries of my future," Percy explained. He didn't really want his sister there - but truthfully, he didn't want anyone else there. It seemed like a private moment. Magic and whatnot was real, so it stood to reason that whatever Agatha told him would also be real. And maybe it would be something he'd want to keep to himself. He didn't intend on going down the road to villainy, but just in case, he didn't want to create issues for his own future. He didn't need people throwing him in jail before his rain of terror began.

Again though, he wasn't planning on going evil - he just recognized it was a possibility. His mom after all had helped Pym to create Ultron with purely good intentions.

"Are you not going to go see Agatha, then?" he asked Diana. "If you're too scared, I can always go in with you," he added with a smirk, hoping that would rile his sister up somewhat.

He was intrigued though with the answer Zelda gave to his question - conventional wisdom, or at least what he had learned from the Incredibles was that flyers were the worst people to give capes to. He tilted his head, thinking for a moment. "What sort of costume would you recommend for someone who blips through space-time?" he asked, curious. He had always dreamt of some sort of costume that could shift to match something temporally appropriate in attire - anything else wouldn't be particularly useful to him. He knew Mister Fantastic had unstable molecules, but Percy hated the Fantastic Four. He didn't want to use a Reed Richards invention. He'd rather die.

Some students randomly came by looking for directions to Agatha's, and Percy couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Ugh, the line is going to be the worst, isn't it..." he muttered. "Maybe we should head on over, before Agatha stops seeing people or dies. She's old as dirt, so could go either way."

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Outside Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~First Day Fit~

April felt out of sorts as she left the tent, one hand gripping the vial of magic water. She didn't know what she'd use water from the River Styx for - it just seemed menacing. Where was the magic water with healing properties, like what Katara had gotten from the North Pole - why couldn't Agatha have given her that? The sun glared into her eyes as April shielded them with her other hand, briefly wishing that the day would be over already. Curling up in bed and going to sleep sounded like a nice idea - she couldn't be worrying about everything and overanalyzing things if she was asleep.

She rejoined the others, waiting a beat before jumping into conversation. "So Agatha says there's a like dragon manual or something in the occult section of the library, Danni," April explained. He was really close to Sabine - her stomach twisted up into knots again. But he seemed already - well, not calmer Danni was never really calm - better than she had left him. She rocked back and forth on her feet slightly, trying not to stare too much at any one person in particular.

Maybe doing another activity would shake off the weird vibes and energy from that tarot reading. April let go of the little vial that was on the chain around her neck, letting it fall flat against her chest. "Sooo where to next, birthday boy? We've got a few hours still before they switch things over for the concert. We def have time to hit up all the cool stuff, like that spaceship club or whatever, or maybe even try on outfits and take some gorg pics," April asked. The concert was supposed to be THE highlight of the carnival - and April didn't want to miss it. It was magical, hearing the music vibrate through her chest as fireworks exploded up above them. Tomorrow would be the auditions - a day filled with stress and anxiety. Today was supposed to be fun.

So why was April struggling to enjoy herself?
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