Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Today was the day.

Today, the students of the Margaret Carter Institute would audition in front of selected faculty members. They could choose to demonstrate any skill, technique, or power - it was completely up to the students. The next day, they would have their results back - the critiques and comments, as well as what Contest of Champions team they would be placed on.

The Judges:
  • The Vision - A synthezoid constructs by Dr. Henry Pym with the assistance of Dr. Dominika Novikova, the Vision has served with the Avengers since his creation. His messy divorce from the Scarlet Witch continues to be the topic of gossip magazines, despite both parties insisting that they are happy as friends and coparenting their twin boys, Billy and Tommy Maximoff... both of whom will be auditioning for a spot on the reigning winners, the Young Avengers.
  • Nimue, the Lady of the Lake - A newcomer to the Margaret Carter Institute, Nimue dates back to Arthurian legends. Not much is known about her, except that she is replacing Agatha Harkness as the resident sorceress of the Margaret Carter Institute. Her ward, Ser Megan of the House Pendragon, is also auditioning for a spot this year.
  • Ser Nemo - The other newcomer to the Margaret Carter Institute, Ser Nemo is taking over time travel studies, after the previous teacher lost their own life in a time paradox. There is similarly not much known about him, although his credentials are from his previous career as an agent of the Time Variance Authority.
  • Usagi - A creation of the High Evolutionary, Usagi is a genetically modified cat with the skills of a ninja and the alcohol tolerance of a giant. She teaches classes on combat at the Margaret Carter Institute and has done so since its founding. She is sometimes mistaken for Rocket Raccoon.

Earlier that summer, a webform was sent out to all students. Students could request any number of environments, objects, weapons, scenarios, etc etc for their audition. With the resources of the Avengers, almost anything can be made available if needed. The auditions will occur in the school's gym, in the training room. This gigantic room is roughly the size of a football field and can have its floor easily swapped out for other materials, from sand to vibranium to cotton candy. For students with mental powers, Shiar golems have been generously donated by the Empress. These golems have a variety of 'factory settings' and can have their mind space viewed via a Stark Industries device, allowing the judges to see the effects of the power in real time.

Students audition in alphabetical order. In the morning, seniors audition for Vision and Nimue, and juniors audition for Ser Nemo and Usagi. In the afternoon, sophomores audition for Vision and Usagi, whereas freshmen audition for Ser Nemo and Nimue.
Okay everyone, OOC chat here - these auditions are somewhat like the ones in the Hunger Games. You go in, show your stuff, and the judges will make decisions about you based on your performance, yay! Obviously I already picked out the teams, so if your character does bad, it won't change their placement... but it might cause IC drama!

You have 14 days to post this round. Everyone's counters are reset.

You MUST ask for rolls for any use of powers, skills, abilities, etc etc in your post. You may NOT control the reaction of the judging panel.

Example audition ideas:
  • A luck manipulator ties themselves to a spinning wheel and has a machine throw knives at them.
  • A flyer navigates a difficult obstacle course
  • A healer heals a fatal wound on one of the Shiar Golems
  • A telepath forces a Shiar Golem to tapdance, and then psychic knifes it to the brain
  • A werewolf goes into a blind rage, destroying a bunch of training dummies
  • A teleporter teleports to various locations around the world and brings back souvenirs

I will post Percy and April's audition at some point ideally in the next week. If you have multiple characters, it is fine to post for one character at a time.

Once you have posted your auditions, feel free to do collabs with people that take place at any point on Mon. Sept 13th (the Carnival) or Tue. Sept 14th (Auditions).

Any questions? Just ask!
It is your turn to audition. You step into training room A or training room B, depending on your assignment. The two judges are behind a rickety old table, clipboards in front of them and what must easily be a hundred manila folders. The lights shine brightly on you. You can see a bit of blood smeared on the western wall - clearly someone's audition earlier didn't go well.

"You can begin when you're ready," one of the judges says, smiling somewhat wearily at you.

Your heart thuds.

Your audition begins.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy's rage burned hotter than the sun, scorching any in her path. For better or for worse, the first person to follow her out was Athena's daughter. Unleashing her anger on Kristin was not something that she would regret the same way as if she had on her brother or Mads or Niah. "Oh spare me your fucking sympathy," Nancy requested, rolling her eyes. "You mean nothing to me and I mean nothing to you, so how about you just go back inside with your grody ass friends and leave me ALONE?" Nancy snapped. She found her twin daggers called to her hands unconsciously, the imperial gold blades appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Diana may have gifted her a bow, but Nancy still reached for her daggers first.

Zeke came out, advising Kristin to hang back. But it was too little, too late. Nancy was so blinded by her own anger that she hardly even registered him. All she felt was the cool of the metal in her hands. And all she saw was a patronizing Greek, wanting to exploit her as some sort of glorified sniffer dog, all the while bitching and moaning about how inconvenient Nancy's trauma was. It could've been Kristin or Demetri or Cass in front of her, and the result would've been the same. "Unless you want to fight me," Nancy threatened, twirling her blades in her hands. "Then we can fight. But I'm not going to talk to you and I'm not going to pretend to be your friend. I'm too old for that bullshit."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Sword Fighting, Agility, Superhuman Speed

Leda didn't like the idea of leaving Kiera by herself. If she were being honest, she would have left both Sera and Kiera behind. She would rush off by herself to face Oceanus, praying to whatever god would listen that they would aid her in the battle. And she would live or she would die knowing that the other two were safe. Demigods were born to die. Leda had long since accepted this, knowing that she would burn twice as bright for half as long. But she couldn't bear the idea of that happening to Kiera - or Sera, really. Her thoughts were interrupted as a bunch of telekhines appeared - three really - and the sisters managed to each take out one. In the blink of an eye, Leda looked like a rainbow streak, rushing through the water and slaying the remaining one.

"I got it," Leda said, but her eyes were only on Kiera. "I know I say mushy shit all the time, but this is serious, luv... I need you to know that I love you more than anything," she said, pressing her forehead up against Kiera's. "You're my everything." She closed her eyes. She had a strange feeling that nothing was ever going to be the same again - that she might not have that many chances to tell Kiera how she felt.

April shrugged off what Danni was referencing to, the entire Space Sluts v Star Whores debate. Truthfully, April didn't like thinking much about their life before the Empire. They had lost almost everyone they had ever known in the Incident that had claimed their lives, the one that they had narrowly survived due to Nemo's intervention. Thinking about that time reminded them of their parents, of the friends who hadn't been saved, of the lives that were stolen from them, of the feeling of a living, breathing planet without each inch covered in cold unmoving steel... Their fine control was better now than it had been in high school, but back then, just thinking about what had happened would almost guarantee the hydraulics in the ship exploding.

They had been about to clammer into a seat next to Piccolo (they had watched some Dragonball Z Kai as a kid, not a lot, but some), when something caught their attention. April swung their head quickly, trying to focus on it, but it had vanished as soon as they had noticed it. They scowled. It had been like a shimmering little pyramid shaped thing. What the fuck was that? Were they losing their mind? It did run in their family... Or was it their little sister, being an asshole? Why not send a killer cannibal owl then, if Zelda wanted to mess with them?

April shook it off, putting it out of their mind. Maybe they had a concussion or some shit. They weren't going to worry about it. Not with fifteen fucking million credits on the line! They hopped on in, sitting down next to Piccolo. "Can we get going then? My tits are shriveling up the longer we're waiting here, let's go!"

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

22 pts (Light-Side)

Raynor had never wanted a padawan.

He had gotten used to Emzie, and had become fond of the droid. The droid was easy to trick, and didn't seem to question where he would disappear to for long periods of time. He hadn't told Emzie about his family yet - and he never planned on doing so. It burdened him to keep that secret, but he knew that the Jedi Order would exile him if they knew. He would not be allowed to fight for the Republic. He would not be allowed to save innocent lives, all because he loved someone.

But Kaylelia was harder to fool. It was harder to cancel a training session to go over to Colbol Corp HQ. He was seeing his family less and less, and it was like they were sand slipping between his fingers. He knew that he shouldn't, but he did blame Kaylelia for it. If she were a better Jedi, she wouldn't need him.

So this is how he found himself in a shuttle heading over to the Senate building, staring at his best friend (Emzie) and his padawan, Kaylelia. The data pad containing the summary of the briefing from the Jedi Council was in front of them. They had been happy with Raynor's work on the Colbol Corp job earlier in the war, and they knew Emzie was special as droids went, so the trio had been sent to go investigate the Senator's murder. "Alright, Kaylelia, what do you make of it?" Raynor asked, wanting to know her first impressions. He'd ask Emzie second. He figured Emzie would give the more detailed and logical answer, whereas Kaylelia could draw upon the Force and her intuition.



The Clone War rages on with no end in sight. Despite Kamino providing the bulk of its resources, the Republic still must purchase droids for specialized and/or menial tasks, such as serving as legal assistants to Galactic Senators. Two days ago, a translation droid in the employ of Senator Brijes Davibroa, a popular politician from a Core World, killed him during a session of the senate. The droid was apprehended and surgically studied, yet no clues have been found yet as to what prompted the killing. There are whispers that Separatist hackers are responsible, and that no droids in Coruscant can be trusted. But yet without them, the Republic would fall.

It is up to Jedi Knight Raynor Blake, padawan Kaylelia Stymerr, and droid MZ-33 solve the mystery before more blood stains the Senate floor...
The detonation shook the ship Emzie and Commander Raynor were inside of, sending tiny spider-webs of cracks through the glass of the bacta tank, but by some miracle it held. Emzie would be able to confirm on their scopes that the droid factory had been completely destroyed. The flashing lights of battle in orbit around the planet continued, but the sounds did not reach them - all they would hear was the occasional crash of burning debris, falling from the sky. The mission was concluded here. The casualties had been many. The cost was high.

But for the Republic, they would pay any price.

@Nallore: the New Zealander takes her hand, shaking it firmly. "I'm John," he introduces himself, not giving a surname. He turned his head, as if hearing something that Diana couldn't hear, before returning his attention to her. "It's insane, isn't it? A wrecked Kree ship and they're just letting us comb through it, instead of putting it to good use... Imagine what we could do with all the resources the Avengers just leave as scraps..." His eyes seemed distant for a moment, clearly mulling something over. "Like let's face it, we're killing the planet. And Stark and Richards and all the big names, they don't give a shit. When the Earth goes to hell, they'll save themselves and leave the rest of us to die. Instead of letting ships like this rot, we could be using them to travel to other planets - hell, even Mars - and give the rest of the world a fighting chance. I bet they could reverse climate change in a weekend if they really tried. We could have a living Earth and resurrect those dead planets, if they just gave a shit... Sorry, I'm monologuing," he apologized with a slight laugh.

@PatientBean@Blizz: Leah's phone will show that April read the message, but there's no response. If this post is one that needs to be fade to black for your characters (as I think it will be), you could replace it with a post describing maybe the first time Leah and Sabine met? Or describing a significant event in your characters' pasts. Either way works! (And open to other ideas).

@Ever Faithful@Trainerblue192@Achronum@Forsythe: "Oh, um, I'm great!" Teddy answered, seemingly snapping out of it somewhat. "Like Frosted Flakes." He then paused, realizing that maybe Ardere didn't know what Frosted Flakes were. Did they still make them? Was he old now? He could only be four years older than her - so she had to know about Frosted Flakes. "What about you, Ardere - how are you?" he then asked, as sweat dripped from his face.

He opened his mouth, about to say something at the fight brewing between Vicky and Dorian, before he closed it. He was getting overwhelmed with all of this. And each time he snuck a glance at Danni, his heart short circuited. He wished he really was a bear. Bears didn't have to deal with all of this.

"Happy birthday!" Teddy then blurted. "How old are you?" he asked, before wincing. Gods, why did he have to be cursed to sound like an old man... The more he talked, the more uncomfortable and... well, uncool he felt. And he desperately wanted to be cool in the eyes of Danni.

@BlueSky44: Zelda would hear someone scream FUCK, shortly followed by a BOOM. She will hear what sounds like rushing water, and after a few minutes, water will begin to pool at her feet. It's clearly coming from somewhere, but where? She could always follow the watery trail to find its point of origin... Or she could ignore it, that would work too.

April Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Kree Spaceship -> Stark Hall
Skills: Hydrokinesis
~First Day Fit~

April heard Danni's promises for live commentary and she shot him a thumbs up, but otherwise hadn't paused in her pursuit of her sister. Well, mostly. She had managed to chase Zelda down to Stark Hall, the sun beating down on her, and April looking forward to a brief respite in the AC. As she pushed open the doors, her hands instinctively reached down into her pocket, pulling out her phone. Her eyes scanned the text rapidly, the words all out of order, before tumbling into a coherent message.

im probably gonna regret sending this. kind of a lot of feelings about you for a while now. im love with two different people. I'm with sabien right now. talk to you later.

There was more, but these were the phrases April's eyes focused on. She momentarily forgot about Zelda and her pain. Her heart stopped. Leah liked her. April didn't even know if she liked Leah. But Leah liked Sabine too. And she had picked Sabine. She hadn't picked April. And it seemed Sabine had picked Leah. April's hopes felt like they were withering away on the vine. Her phone clattered out of her hand, hitting the ground. And the screen shattered into a thousand pieces.

"FUCK!" April screamed, as tears began gushing out of her eyes. She couldn't see. She knew that she ought to pick up her phone, but she didn't care. This was supposed to be the best day of the year, and instead it was a cruel nightmare. April ran in the direction of the nearest room, the nearest place to be alone - the bathroom - and she locked herself inside one of the stalls, sobbing her heart out.

Why had she thought she had a chance with Sabine? And why hadn't she seen what was there with Leah before it was too late? Why was she so stupid? April felt it then, in her bones, that she was going to die alone. No one could ever love her. There was a ringing in her ears, as fuzziness enveloped them. Dorian and Danni were both going to find amazing partners one day and leave her behind. Everyone was going to. Everyone was going to find someone better.

The toilet she was perched on began to shake. As did everything else in the bathroom. She didn't care though. She continued to cry, feeling like she wanted to reach inside of herself and claw her own brain out, removing the offending organ. Everyone'd be better off that way. Dorian probably didn't even want her to be at his birthday soirée. She was spiraling out of control, as all of the toilets burst, water shooting up like gushing geysers.

The water that exploded from beneath April propelled her upwards, slamming her against the ceiling - and then everything went black.

Percy Novikov

Location: the Field (School Carnival) - Outside of Agatha's Tent
Skills: N/A
~New Outfit~

"No, I don't think I do, no offense," he told Mads, when she inquired about his fortune. He didn't want to think about it himself. He just wanted to think about the watch and its maddeningly unknown inscription. He knew that it was going to consume him, that it would dominate his thoughts, his waking moments, but Percy didn't care. It was probably as good a use of his time as any. His curiosity was temporarily shifted though when Mads suggested that they go to... the gym?

He didn't mind staring at a well toned physique, but the gym was bound to be empty with the carnival still going strong.

"Mm, my condolences to this Victoria. She isn't living up to her name, clearly." He had half a mind to suggest renaming this girl to Perdita, meaning lost. It would be much more fitting, although Percy imagined any of Zari's opponents would inevitably end up bearing the title. She was passionate about everything she did, but swords above all else.

He wasn't sure if what Andy was talking about was the same thing as what Mads had mentioned - was the thing Andy wanted to show Zari in the... gym? It seemed weirdly mundane for the two of them, and Percy had never known Zari to do anything mundane. "Sure, I'll bite. What is it?" Maybe Andy wanted to show Zari a treadmill, in an attempt to find an outlet for her girlfriend's endless supply of energy.

The Grimoire describes the magical capabilities of your character. For each magical thing they can do, list the type of magic, give a brief description, and then place any notes. For example, one of these slots might be Tarot Cards, classified as Divination, and under notes you would put how you could use them to predict the future blah blah blah. Another slot could be Transformation, Transmutation type, and you could put down how you can turn men into beasts and so forth.

You'll be limited to 7 slots in your grimoire to start, but obviously some characters might not have filled it up entirely yet, and others may have.

Example Grimoires -

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