Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

The feeling of drowsiness continued to envelope you, threatening to drag you down into the abyss. Max, you managed to force your eyes to stay awake, but every second is a fight against the sandman. Klara, with your rambunctious source of energy, you'd be pretty alert - even as your body ached for a nice nap. And Carolina, the tired, draining feeling continues to pull on you, but in the way you might feel when heading to the airport for an early flight - exhausted, but awake and alert.

Mercymorn, the more sarcastic and mean of the two horses, let her head droop as she fell asleep. Butter Rum tried nuzzling her, but it wanted to sleep as well. They're coming... The Green Eyed One is coming... Butter Rum warned.

The poppies continued to bring on drowsy sleep. Ropes of bones crawled out of the ground, making their way slowly towards you. They shot up, stopping short of entangling you, before assembling themselves into a person with glowing green eyes.

"Mm, hello there, poppets," they said. "Don't you all look tired? How about a nice rest and a cuppa, eh? I've got just the thing..." They waved their arm, and suddenly, a path cleared in the hedge maze. It led to a magnificent manor, made out of a strange off-white material. Carolina, you would be the first to recognize what it was. It was made of human bone.

I had mentioned before to you, Max, that the Green Eyed One is a deity of death. I should have been more clear. The Green Eyed One deals in death. They trade. A soul for a miracle. A life for a jewel. A death for a dance.

* * *

You have a good eye, Madalyne. Ananym certainly would not tell you this, but there were no other demons in that tower. There were others trapped within its walls, bound to a cruel and unsuspecting mistress. "No one important!" Ananym told Mads cheerfully. Space-time seemed to contract as you all dashed down the staircase. Within seconds, you were at the bottom of the tower. Annika, you would be hit by a sense of vertigo, as if you had left your stomach at the very top. "I let them in, duh! They came in through the door," Ananym then answered Jack, as if he had said something very stupid.

"Ooo, yeah, you can have all the knives you want! Just not my special knife. That one's for important occasions only," Ananym told Annika cheerfully. You do not want to see her special knife. I have. Trust me.

"We need to go that way to get to the library," Ananym said, pointing her finger towards a red brick path that led into a thick woods, and up to a mountain beyond. On this mountain sat a fierce and sinister castle. Lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating it as if on cue. "We could race! Let's race!" Ananym then took off at a run, a bundle of pure demonic energy, heading for the woods.

Tread lightly, my friends.

* * *

Prudence, I am not surprised you did what you did. I will be more interested to see whether or not you regret your actions, but I think that you will not. The quickening of your heart, the tensing of your muscles, the sharpness upon your teeth. Those are the first signs of this new power you have welcomed. As you step out of the mausoleum, a veil seemed to slip away before your eyes.

You are in a space that is pure red. There are no features. The ground appears to be water. In front of you, there is your Lord. Make no mistake - it is not his power that allows him to appear to you now. It is yours.

To you, Edus, you would not see anything amiss with Prudence. Aside from her eyes. They are orbs of pure red, no pupils or other colors in sight.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

Runa chuckled, smiling sharply at Ed's answer. Prudence gave her no response. That was fine. They were quickly likening Prudence to a cat. They did not mind. Although they preferred the company of wolves, they could respect a feline companion. "The mantle has already been thrust upon you, my friend. There is no refusing it now. You may shed it and bestow it upon another - perhaps, if you wished to give your piece to me, I could begin to reunite whatever has fractured the office so. Or perhaps you wish to bestow it to someone else, but choose wisely, as you will be handing them the power of a god."

They made no designs as to whether Edus ought to give the power to themselves or not. They would certainly like for him to do so. They had forgotten the taste of magic in their blood for so long, it felt good to have it flow once more. And now, she wanted more. She craved it. She craved the power she once possessed, back when she had been the Mother, not the Crone.

But those who asked for power from a man were rarely given it. That had been their experience. If they were a quiet, frail old thing, then they would not be distrusted. Or perhaps Edus was wise and would see that even snakes grew old.

They noticed nothing of Prudence's choice. They did not sense that the shadow had retreated. And she did not hear the scraping of the iron gate, as the exit of the cemetery swung open, revealing a red brick road.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: Medical Science

Megan nodded, before beginning her work as Rapunzel handed her the needle. It was by no means her finest stitching. She made no comment about her patient's choice of conversation topic. Perhaps someone might have unkindly assumed that Megan did somewhat crude work on purpose, as a way to express jealousy over the blonde haired girl winning the heart of the red haired girl. Megan had fancied the second woman for a moment. But above all else, Megan was a professional. She took pride in her work.

Would she really intentionally do subpar stitches?

"No, the scar will be prominent - you're very lucky," Megan told her patient. After all, scars just indicated things that failed to kill you. Megan would prefer to have more of them. A wound that healed without one was just a disappointment. She eyed her assistant - the girl who had an uncanny resemblance to herself. "Forgive me, I didn't catch your name - I'm Dr. Megan Pendragon," she said, extending a hand.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy saw where her brother was pointing to - it almost looked too good to be true. It was perfect, really. A rundown gym with what looked like a padlock on the door. Maybe someone would call the cops on them if they saw them breaking in, but maybe they wouldn't. And they needed to find somewhere to sleep. It was irritating to her how much harder it was to be a teenage runaway in the modern era, at least in her opinion. It had been so much easier in the 80's.

"Rad. That looks like as good as anything we're going to find," Nancy agreed. "Let's check it out then." She didn't say the quiet part - that she was more concerned about it being a monster lair than just being full of video cameras. She had heard about a kid in the Legion who - on his way to finding Lupa - had ended up sleeping in a cyclops nest for a few hours before realizing his tragic mistake.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Superhuman Speed

They got lucky.

Kiera hit Oceanus hard with Poseidon's trident, the blast slamming into his chest. The titan was sent backwards, ruining even further the structural integrity of the cave. The cave ceiling was coming down around them, gigantic chunks threatening to either skewer or crush them, killing the young demigods. Oceanus was buried alive - Leda would've preferred dead, but incapacitated was enough, at least for now. And in the way only a child of Iris could, Leda could see everything happening in slow motion. She ran quicker than thought.

She scooped up Sera into her arms, before doing the same to Kiera. Her muscles were burning with exertion, but the adrenaline was fueling her, pushing her ever onward. In that moment, Leda could've outrun the gods. She pushed onwards, flying like a rainbow streak of light towards the exit - the exit that was rapidly closing, as more and more rock came down all around them. Leda narrowly missed being crushed at least seven times. Even at her speed, it almost wasn't enough.

Her heart was hammering faster than should've been humanly possible, a vibrating blur in her chest. They had just seconds now. She could see it, a gigantic chunk of ceiling that would hit the ground in just a moment, blocking off their exit and trapping them forever. Her body realized what her head and heart did not; she wasn't going to be fast enough. Without thinking, Leda threw her charges through the exit, praying to the gods that Sera and Kiera would land safely, that they'd go on through...

And then the cave ceiling fell on Leda, crushing the daughter of Iris.

Her last thoughts were of Kiera, and then she was gone, forever. Leda Storm was dead.


For a moment there, Firestar had almost forgotten why she had been coming this way. One of her students had been violently sick the last few days, and the nurse had finally figured it out this morning. The meds Teddy took to suppress his powers had been weakening his immune system as well - now that they had been flushed out of his system, he was back in perfect health. It wasn't his fault that he had missed his audition time slot. And it was his senior year. Firestar had been bringing him to go see Ser Nemo, determined to get him a spot on that team.

They had paused for a moment for Teddy to go use the restroom - the small group in the hallway was standing right outside the sign for the men's room.

The boys had done their best to calm Zelda back down, and they returned to class. "Okay, ice cream it is," Firestar told Zelda, giving her a comforting smile. She then turned her attention towards the men's restroom. "I need to drop off a student with Ser Nemo, and then we can go," Angelica added. "Teddy, you alright in there?" she called out.

She then internally winced. Was that be embarrassing of her? Oh gods, she wasn't even in her mid 30's yet and she was already deeply uncool...


Ser Nemo didn't seem surprised by what Danni had told him, but he chuckled nonetheless at the last part. "This is my first year teaching anywhere. Before I worked here, I was policing the timeline at the behest of my Lady Saturnyne," Nemo explained to Danni. "As to whether I know everything that is going to happen... Where would be the fun in telling you if that was the case, my dear boy? Now, strap yourselves together. If you work quickly, you may still beat the other pair."


Leah's strange transformation left everyone baffled - even Zari did not recognize what had happened to her. Arcade was (somewhat grossly, but was a teenage boy) salivating at the sight of a seven foot tall scary woman who could definitely step on him. He was similarly interested in Vicky, after she had killed Diana by literally stepping on her. He was never super interested in the Contest of Champions throughout his years at the academy, but he couldn't help but be fascinated by his teammates.

And as luck would have it, Arcade happened to be in those bushes where Vicky had tossed the EMP arrowhead. He quickly grabbed it, and looked at his hunting knife, wishing he had some cord or something so he could tie them together. So far, his strategy of hiding out and waiting for the others to kill each other seemed to be working. But if he was being honest, he was a bit bored with hiding. He wanted the show to get ever higher, ever better.

Vicky's repulsor blast went off without a hitch, catching Diana square in the chest. Diana wasn't very lucky it seemed. The piercing attack killed her almost instantly - her form shimmered and faded away, as she respawned onto the platform. Just a single life left.

"SOME OF YOU AREN'T KILLING EACH OTHER ENOUGH!" Usagi's voice boomed throughout the arena.

The ground shook, and this time, it wasn't Leah's doing. The small arena was now soaring upwards, as the sky turned black and eerie. And then, appearing out of nowhere, there was a GIANT WHITE GLOVED HAND. It was the size of a building. It was Master Hand from Super Smash Bros.

Master Hand grabbed Zari! Zari would manage to glitch herself out of the hand, falling and landing on the arena. The hand was flexing its fingers menacingly, this time reaching out for the rogue queen herself, Leah!

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Hydrokinesis

"...Yagoda? Who's that? Is that a Star Wars character? Like Yoda's secret twin or something? I mean, doesn't matter, since it sounds like that person can heal with water - oh, like Katara! Ummm. Well, no. I don't think so. I mean. I've never really tried? Like, maybe I can, but I've never been in a position where someone was hurt and there wasn't, like, an actual medical person. Or a bandaid. Or like it was a bruise and they didn't need anything, so... who knows? Maybe? I don't think water actually has any healing properties, I think it's kinda just a gimmick, but I can try!"

Mary Sue's point that Lady Nimue was basically a goddess helped to soothe her nerves and anxiety somewhat. They definitely couldn't have killed their teacher then, right? Mads cast a spell from her grimoire, heal, but it didn't seem to take at all. There was no change. Lady Nimue was still motionless and unconscious.

April's anxiety flared back up again. Maybe Nimue wasn't as durable as the other goddesses. Maybe they really HAD killed her. "Um, Mads, is she, like, breathing or something? Or... I think it's still called breathing when you have gils, right? Does she have gils? Does a person made of water need to breathe???"

Andy killed Mothman with a powerful bolt of lightning. He dissipated into fine watery mist. April felt like crying over everything that had happened, as she shot off blasts of water at the remaining bats. There weren't very many left. She got lucky. She managed to take them out.

For a moment, the training room was quiet.

Then, Lady Nimue yawned. "Had your Lady been mortal, she would be dead," Nimue said sharply to the girls. "But I did not charge you with the care of such a person, so you have passed. I would ask each of you now to reflect, and tell me what you could improve for next time. Whoever wishes to start may do so. We will then proceed with the next course of your training for today."

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: N/A

Percy snorted slightly, a bit amused with Sabine's choice. "Why aren't you doing this yourself?" He wasn't even mad about it. He cracked his knuckles and stretched out his fingers. It was fake, but he did remember now spending a week at a bomb disarmament training camp. It was bizarre. He could even recall his moms dropping him off, telling him about how important a skill this was going to be, and that the teacher smelled like string cheese. "Not that I'm complaining. I would rather be the one to do this anyways," he said. When it came to matters of life and death, Percy would rather handle it himself. He didn't want someone else pressing the button. He'd live or die by his own choices and actions - not someone else's.

He approached the bomb. He sorted through the fake memories. He knew exactly how this bomb was made. But how to unmake it - was it as simple as doing everything in reverse? Should he cut the wires in opposite order to their installation? He was about to make that cut, but then hesitated. What if this was wrong? What if he cut the wrong wire and he died on the first day of training?

One of his moms had almost ended the world to retrieve a friend from the quantum realm - what would she do if her son died?

Percy cut the wire. His heart was pounding. His hands were steady, as much as they wanted to tremble. But nothing happened. The bomb didn't go off. The door to exit the obstacle course swung open. They had done it. They just needed to continue to awkwardly shimmy their way along, still tied together. It was pretty annoying having had to hobble around, even though Percy had teleported them most of the way along.

But then an electronic countdown started behind them. Ten, nine, eight, seven...

"Run!!" Percy shouted, hobbling forward as fast as he could, temporarily forgetting just from fear and panic that he could just teleport them out of this one.

Ananym blew a highly dignified raspberry. "Magik kicked that stinky old man to the curb ages ago," she explained to Jack. I do not believe any of you have had the privilege to meet Miss Rasputina - a Russian child stolen from her family, she was raised in Limbo while her brother served on the X-Men. She is a powerful sorceress in her own right, but I worry about the stain on her soul. The longer one remains in Limbo, the more powerful its corruption can become. Something I am afraid you all may be doomed to find out.

"And of course they hurt me, we're demons," Ananym added with a shrug. "But if you want to go somewhere safe, c'mon - I've made Dad's library into a really cool fort! And I have knives we can snack on. They're nice and crunchy." She then started to run down the never-ending spiral staircase, not bothering to see if the others were following her. She knew that they would.

* * *

We are cool Butter Rum agreed, letting out a whiny as it raised its front legs up slightly.

Mercymorn rolled her eyes at the other horse. You are so cool - NOT!!

Butter Rum let out a wet huff.

The three of you were reunited at least, and while the horses weren't huge fans of the gothic swords, they had not started to run off again. There was an uneasy tension in the air. Max's spell, while somewhat well executed (I would never say such a thing to him), had not burned the maze. But the plants seemed to have sensed something different was at play.

The next thing you all realized, strange flowers were drifting through the air. The scent was sweet and calming. It made you all fell like lying down and closing your eyes, of painlessly drifting off to sleep. Even Mercymorn seemed to let out a yawn.

Sure, we can take you through the maze... But to leave it, you have to pay the toll Butter Rum explained.

What have you all got on you that you can trade with the Green Eyed One? Mercymorn asked. Human souls? Rights to the firstborn child? They got crazy for that sort of stuff. Maybe we can talk about it after a nice long nap...

* * *

The shadow on the wall makes no designs on you still - none that you can perceive, at least. In Limbo, not all tests are ones of physical might. Some of them are mental. Some of them are the simple planting of an idea, one that has now been suggested to you all - that by slaying another, you may gain more power for yourself. It may not tempt you now.

But can you say that it never will?

Should you wish to leave the mausoleum, no force will stop you. But as Runa asked, you must decide - on what path do you walk? What are your intentions? Will you do as I asked of you?

Or is the world doomed to fall due to a child's folly?

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Runa smiled slightly at Edus' question. It was very sweet of him to ask. She was moderately surprised as well that neither of them moved to drink from the cup. Perhaps they were both more heroically inclined than they had anticipated. But that was fine. Runa had no real urge for heroism here - they knew that Strange likely had left contingencies behind, in the case of his death. He was probably arrogant enough to have left a copy of himself in some dusty vault, hoping that Runa - or one of the other would-be sorcerers supreme - would kindly wake him up and bestow upon him the mantle.

And while at first Runa would have been quite glad to hand this responsibility up to another sorcerer... They had missed having access to this much magic. The magic in her time was dead and dying, something she could not properly complain about, as they had been the one responsible. Here, though, magic was alive and well. They felt alive and well in a way they had not in years. Perhaps they might stay awhile.

"I would be very much surprised to find a single friend in such a place - and yet, it seems I have collected two," Runa surmised. "I have no interest in enacting this cursed ritual. We may leave. Yet I would ask you two to consider what path upon which you walk... I realize that seems vague. I ask you quite literally - where do you wish to go?"

"We may seek out that which has brought us here - or we may ignore the call and cross the realms. I know of such things and could cast such a spell. We could search for poor Stephen's killer. We could attempt the return to Midgard, in order to construct the Veil. Without its protection, the realm will fall. Such is the way of things. I know of this spell, and I may teach it to you both, for I have had to cast it in my own time. I am sorceress supreme of a dying world. Perhaps I will be sorceress supreme of two."

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird - Asteroid M Docking Bay
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

I don't want to be with Max. If he annoys you too much, knock him out and put him in the back of the Blackbird, Guin proposed to Pietro. Besides, she wanted Pietro on the opposite team to her - the mental link between the two of them made communication even easier. And if something happened to her group that made Guin unable to telepathically warn the others, Pietro would know. If it hadn't been for that advantage, Guin would've put him in a group with her. He wasn't as incredibly overprotective as he used to be, but still overprotective enough.

Her eye twitched at Max's reply. She started the day not even really remembering who he was - and now, she hated him. She wanted to punch him. But she thought better of it. Xavier was always telling her she needed to stretch her powers more. And before she even really thought about what she was doing, she went inside of Max's mind. She made a few key edits. Well, really just one. Every time Max said the word plan, he'd forget how to move in any manner other than skipping. No running, no jumping, no crawling, no walking. Only skipping. It'd be a short effect - just a minute or so - but Guin didn't care.

She felt a little guilty, but what was done was done.

"Alright, let's go," Guin said, taking the opposite exit to Carolina's group.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"Could you maybe make an illusion of Magneto?" Neil whispered. Maybe it was Magneto through that door, and if that was the case, nothing they'd make an illusion of would be likely to scare him away. But if it wasn't Magneto, then Magneto was one of the scariest people that Neil could think of - especially here, on this metal space station. Annie knew who Magneto was too, so her illusion of him would hopefully be more accurate.

But ideally, Bethany's powers would work and would get them to the hangar where the others were - waiting with their ride to get out of this place. Then they could all get back to the mansion and Neil could go back to plotting D&D campaigns and anxiously trying not to think about what was bothering him. He gave a small encouraging smile to Bethany. He trusted her. And he trusted Mira. And he trusted Annie.

9:00 AM - Wed. Sep. 15th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute


Firestar couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty - she had clearly misread the situation and now a student was having a psychic panic attack. When the wave hit her and the others, Firestar could feel everything Zelda felt. A single dramatic tear fell down her face. She remembered the last time she had felt like that - it had been when her horse, Butter Rum, had died... She clenched her fist. What she wouldn't give to be able to punch Emma Frost in the face right now.

"Oh no no no no, I am so sorry, I thought," Firestar stammered. "Never mind. Um. Zelds, right? I'm guessing Zelda? You can go back to class with them if you want, or I can go take you out for ice cream. That always cheers me up." She hadn't received any training from the school on mental health moments, but Baskin Robbins really was Firestar's go-to when her mood was foul. She used to grab a single scoop after chemo sessions, despite the doctors telling her to avoid dairy. It was her comfort food.


Both Zari and Diana seemed to have gone to the Dragon Ball Z Kai school of fighting, which involved mostly talking and standing around in between feats. Arcade was more than happy to watch everyone else fight from his hiding spot, no one seemed to really remember that he was there. His strategy was to let them all take each other out, and then he'd show up and stab the last one standing in the back, giving him an easy win. Besides, he got to have the time of his life watching the others go at it - it was better than any Battle Royale rip-off he had ever seen in his life! And it made him want to watch more...

When Zari stabbed Leah in the back with her sword, the sword ended up hitting something embedded in Leah's spine. It wasn't a direct hit, more glancing than anything, but it was enough. The simulated component started to malfunction. Leah would transform...

As for Diana, Vicky's bitchslap really seems to have shaken her concentration. Her attempt to teleport out of the way failed. Vicky's boot connected with Diana's face, crushing her like a rotten pumpkin. Diana wouldn't feel it though - her form shimmered and she would then respawn at the starting platform, her weapon still on the ground by Vicky. She only had two hearts left.

"Woah..." Arcade whispered, his eyes wide. "That's so metal..."

April Flynn

Location: Gym - Training Room A
Skills: Hydrokinesis

"WAIT!" April screamed, but it was too late.

Lady Nimue was made of water. That was why April's powers could possibly spirit her away to safety. But Mads and Andy had both launched off their attacks, Andy's being electricity... They may not just fail to save their Lady. They might kill their Lady. April reached her hand out and clenched the air, pulling her arm back in towards her - trying to grasp the water molecules of Lady Nimue and yank her out of Mothman's grasp. But Mothman's grip was strong - Mothman liked to work out and stay in shape - and April couldn't get Nimue to budge.

For her part, at least Lady Nimue wasn't screaming in fear - that meant everything would be fine, right? Right? RIGHT?

April's heart was beating like the screams of a goat. Mads' fireball soared through the air, colliding with Mothman. His wings caught aflame and he started to fly in circles as he screeched - not in pain, but because he wanted to go to the light. Lady Nimue was still held in his grasp. She didn't seem to be scorched, likely because she was made of water. Andy's attack hit next. The lightning struck Mothman square in the eyes and he screeched, flailing backwards as he let go of Lady Nimue!

Lady Nimue, who had also been hit by the lightning... Her watery form dropped limply to the ground, hitting it with a thud. Was she alive? Was she even conscious? It was impossible to tell from this distance. April broke off at a sprint, not caring if Mothman tried to eat her alive or something, as she tried to close the gap between her and her teacher. The beast screeched, slashing its burning wing at April - she threw up a shield of water out of reflex, the wing slamming into it and becoming extinguished. But the shield held.

"Nimue!! Please, please don't be dead - we can't have killed our teacher in the first week of school! They'll not let us compete for sure if that happened!" April sobbed.

There was no answer from their Lady. But the mothman continued to rage.

Percy Novikov

Location: Gym - Training Room B
Skills: Omnilingualism

A pang of concern hit Percy as Sabine said something had happened to the other team - and obviously, it was just him being worried about Zelda. Yes, maybe he had been somewhat dismissive when he told her to just quit the team, but he did care about her. More than he did for anyone else on the team at least. And most of the people at this school, if he was being frank. He could list the number of students here he'd shed a tear for on one hand and still have fingers to spare. "As long as we win," Percy said. He was competitive. He didn't deny this about himself.

He still thought the pizza reward was stupid.

When Sabine said his power was sick, Percy almost vomited. His symptoms were getting better, but they still weren't gone. He managed to cover though, doing his best so no one could tell something was wrong. The dream he had about young Tony Stark taking him to the nurse had been enough. He didn't need to actually go there and be seen. He'd shake off whatever it was Teddy infected him with - as long as it wasn't M-Pox, he guessed. Or X-Pox, but he hated that name. It felt silly. They didn't need to slap an X on everything - he had no interest in being X-Percy. Or Percy X? X-Percy Too X Too Novikov?

The next room was fascinating. It was an intellectual puzzle. Percy tilted his head quizzically, not at the tooth, but at the photographs in front of them. They were three different men, all with their names written at the bottom - Sinister, Malcom, and Benjamin. Percy's subtler power began to work without him thinking about it. To him, the letters on the page rearranged themselves, as the names translated:Harmful, Evil, Of the Left Hand Side || Devotee of Saint Columbia || Son of the Right. Sabine already had her hand on the door handle for the lefthand door, after identifying the tooth belonged to Sinister. The name was vaguely familiar to Percy, but he couldn't place where.

"Sinister means of the left hand side - and Benjamin means son of the right, so it has to be the door you're opening," Percy informed Sabine. "I didn't know you could deduce things from a tooth. Was that a power or a lucky guess?" he asked. Again, all he knew about her powers was that she could mess with people's heads, pulling out things about them they'd never share. As far as he knew, teeth didn't have heads. Maybe Sabine really knew her dentistry though.

The door opened, and the way was clear to the next and final stage of the obstacle course. There was a homemade explosive on a table. There was a single pair of pliers, the sort that had a sharp edge as well to let you cut with. And nothing else. "...Do you happen to know how to disarm a bomb?" Percy asked Sabine.

There were seven different wires at least, from what he could tell - each of them a different color of the rainbow. It felt to him like pandering. His vision spun for a moment, before settling down again. He wanted to go lie down. But more importantly, they had to win. The other group could've gotten their act together and be right behind him... although Percy doubted they could identify the correct door and make it on through, with the last challenge.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Outside Burger King
Skills: N/A

Nancy took a swig of water from Zeke's bottle, before nodding. Even if they hadn't been demigods, the streets weren't a safe place to be so late at night - particularly for a young woman. She thought for a moment. She didn't really like staying in hotels - motels were more tolerable, but even those ones tended to press on her triggers. And from what modern demigods had explained to her, mortals were much more willing to go around and harass people sleeping outside, even constructing bars on benches to keep you from sleeping there.

"Hmm. I'd suggest a 24/7 diner or we could break into a school, but neither seem to be around," Nancy said. "You're from this time. What do you suggest?"

She also had never been to Philadelphia before, so even on top of just different times and whatnot, she wasn't really sure where they could go. Sunrise wouldn't be until the early hours of the morning, so their plan to try to get their deadbeat dad to give them a ride would require finding shelter somewhere. "... We could do a motel," Nancy then said quietly. "I don't love them, but they're - it's - it's not like there as much as, like... ugh, whatever. You know what I mean."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: Superhuman Speed, Agility, Sword-Fighting

Leda's voice was struggling to come back to her, but she managed to gasp out some words. She sounded like she had been chain smoking her entire life with no end in sight. "We don't have much more time!" Leda pleaded. She didn't know who she was pleading with. The Fates, maybe. Kiera had wounded Oceanus, but they hadn't done enough yet to kill him. Poor little Sera looked like she was about ready to give up. Should someone get Sera out of there? Leda wasn't going to leave Kiera behind. But if Sera was too tired and hurt to fight, then she'd be a liability, not an asset right now.

Her mind was racing a million miles a minute, but she didn't have time to think. They didn't have enough time.

She let out a primal scream of rage as she rushed at Oceanus, moving faster than the eye could see. But even then, it wasn't enough to hit him. Her first few waves of attacks were brushed off like she was hitting him with pool noodles rather than Celestial Bronze. On the last pass, as her knees felt like they were going to explode from the strain and effort, Leda managed to get a few good slashes in, Oceanus' weird titan blood pooling out of him. But it still wasn't enough.

None of this was enough.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rapunzel's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan glanced up, looking at the woman who could have been her twin. "Recreationally or professionally?" Megan asked. "At any rate, if you can hold her steady, I can sew it shut." It would be more awkward and cumbersome to ask a second person to do the stitching. Besides, Megan knew her own hands were steady. She did not know if the same could be said for her almost-twin. Her eyes glanced over towards the bright red head. She liked her. But now was not the time.

"I don't need luck," she said to Colby. She took the alcohol and a clean rag from Rapunzel's kit, and she wet the cloth with it. "This will hurt," Megan warned Cassi. "If you would like me to prolong the sensation, do ask," she advised. She then pressed the alcohol rag to Cassi's wound. It would sting like hell. But Megan worked methodically, cleaning and sterilizing while Rapunzel got the needle sterilized. Once she figured it was sufficiently clean, Megan removed the rag. "Needle, please," she said, holding out her hand to Rapunzel.

Perhaps it is your resourcefulness, Carolina, that caused my spell to choose you. I do not understand it myself. Your magical ability is undeveloped and weak. If any of my successors were a mistake, it is you.

You rush forward into the maze, hoping to outpace the carnivorous plants behind you. But they are all around you. The boundaries of this horror are alive. As you run past them, more and more of the hedge wakes up, hungering for your supple flesh. I hope you have plenty of color pencils. You will be in need of them. The cloak of levitation tugs at you, trying to beckon you to go up into the sky. Perhaps there, you could spot your friends and rejoin them?

The hedges attempt to eat you again, but for now, you are able to outrun them. But eventually, you will tire... and then they will devour you whole, body and soul.

* * *

"Duh!" Ananym told Mads with a laugh. "There's tons of us - all of Limbo is crawling with demons. Don't you know that?" she then sniffed, her yellow eyes widening. "Woah, you have... a soul. That's so weird! Can I poke it?" Ananym asked. Not very many people in Limbo had souls. Ananym's father had once had one, I can unfortunately attest. As did most of the demons. Demons are not born in Limbo. They are shaped.

At Jack's arrival, the other demons started to scatter. They, it turns out, did not want to test this newfound weakness against gravity for themselves. Their eyes lingered on Ananym for a moment longer. She laughed. The demons made way for the staircase, planning on running down the impossibly high tower as fast as they could.

Ananym grabbed what looked like a slingshot. "I bet I can kill at least twelve, how many can you get, Jackass?" she asked. She loaded the slingshot with a strangely glowing red orb and took aim, planning on hitting the fleeing demons as they left. It was funny to her. The spiral staircase kept them from having real cover. "Are your friends here to play with us?" she then asked, looking at Mads and Annika.

You do not want to play her game. Your life depends on it.

* * *

The shadow makes no moves or designs on you. It simply lurks, waiting. The goblet in front of you seems to be beckoning, Edus, Prudence, and Runa. With each blink of your eyes, the fantasy plays out in front of you. You cut the throat of an innocent creature. You fill the goblet with blood. And as you drink, you are changed. You are transformed, transcending your mortal form into something far more. Steel yourself against this temptation.

The sound of a baby crying alerts you - it is coming from the entranceway of the mausoleum.

Runa the Grey

Location: Limbo
Skills: Intuition
Spells: N/A

They hardly seemed surprised at Edus' description of what was in front of them. Runa had killed too many sorcerers for their power to be shocked at blood magic. In fact, there was a time where they had considered specializing in it and taking it for their divinity. Ultimately, she had decided against it - it seemed too, as her late husband would have described, edgy.

"A self made witch. But yet, I sense a string upon you, one that will allow you to never glean your full potential," they commented. They appreciated that Prudence had clawed her way to where she was, that she hadn't had expensive tutors or books, that her own force of will had gotten her there. But Runa sensed something about the hex witch, something that they believed if severed would allow Prudence to go onto greater glory. It was one thing to channel power from another; it was another to channel the power of oneself.

"It is a dull tale, I am afraid, as to how we two met," Runa said. "But I shall tell it, as you two decide what to do with that which is at hand. I am too old for blood magic." She was curious as to the choice that would be made. She had a feeling she knew what Edus would do, but Prudence was an unknown. Perhaps she would take more power into herself. Or perhaps she would not.

"I met this one as a young maiden, in the old days of Midgard - but not yet old, in the way I am old. He was a brother in arms to my late husband, a shapeshifter who could harness the power of the sun. I accompanied my husband on many journeys, working my spells, and came to be acquainted with Edus in that way. He is a good man, as rare as that may be." They said all of this matter-of-factly, as if they had been recounting the items they had foraged in the woods a long time ago. They knew there were details that they had omitted that would be of interest, particularly to Edus, but they did not care.

She could see the vision, now, in her mind's eye. They would kill Edus again. They would fill the goblet with his blood. They would raise it to their lips and they would drink. The promise of power was simply an added benefit. They had long since been forced to consume others to survive. It would be no different than a snack.
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