Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

??? - Tue. November 23rd, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

From the safety of the real world, Arcade observed his victims. Not as they were on the screen - not the frantic pixels, their digitized consciousness. No, he stared at their bodies, suspended in the tanks, undefended. He could kill them all now. He had acquired the sedatives needed, administration of a lethal dose would be simple, easy.

But it was inelegant. And in a world filled with supervillains, he needed to stand out. He needed a brand. Killing on its own was easy, but making it definable, something where people knew they'd been bested by Arcade and no one else? That was the challenge, that was the occasion Arcade was rising to meet. It had been simple enough to get their trust, to convince them to come with him after hours, to use the Framework.

It didn't hurt that he had help, either.

"Take her away - and dispose of her," Arcade instructed, his eyes on the unconscious Asgardian.

"Will do, Big Brother," Ardere said, a devilish grin on her face as she approached Zari's tank.

"Be careful," Usagi hissed. "If she wakes up, I won't be able to protect you - and you won't last long enough to protect yourself!"

Ardere rolled her eyes. She had daydreamed plenty of times about putting the robot in a trash compactor - Usagi was endlessly annoying.

@Forsythe: Vicky tries valiantly, but unfortunately crit fails (1). Rather than opening up the Framework to her and Arcade's programs, she opens herself up to the Framework and Arcade. The takeover is quick, over in seconds. Her fears of being taken over by Ultron are realized - or at least, a miniature version of them. A single command has been implemented: kill. At any cost. By any means.

@PatientBean: Sabine also makes a valiant effort, to mess with the Framework's memory in order to help Vicky. What results though is uncontrolled, perhaps more of a curse than a blessing. Eight of her classmates vanished.

@Patientbean@Trainerblue192@Natsu: Everyone vanishes aside from Sabine, Gideon, Dorian, and Mary Sue, leaving you behind in Mario Land. But even the level seems to glitch before your eyes, landing you outside a menacing castle. Gideon, bouncing from side to side, looks at it with eager glee. She more or less agreed with Dorian - that this was valuable experience and at least here, she could murder the shit out of their attackers. In the real world, that was frowned upon.

"Do you think everyone else is in there at the end - that they're our princess?" Gideon asked, before pressing forward and entering - revealing a maze of obstacles, of drops into lava, of rotating beams, of enemies trooping back and forth - and a distant roar of Bowser.

April Flynn & Percy Novikov

Location: the Framework - Mario -> BG3 & Breath of the Wild
Skills: Hydrokinesis | Temporal Teleportation
Fit: Framework Suits - Player 2 Princess Peach Variant -> Mipha | Toad -> Gith Rogue

"Yeah, I know you play games!" April protested, a little confused and also unused to hearing her sister talk so much. She couldn't recall the last time Zelda had said more than just a sentence outside the company of just family. "I didn't know you were good at them, though," she added. She didn't really hang out with Zelda. Zelda didn't share things with her and she didn't share things with Zelda. It was fine, it was balanced. Even when they were both at home, they did their own things. Zelda stayed inside and April went outside. They had different worlds, different lives.

And then the scenery changed.

Mario melted away, replaced with a misty field - some sort of temple roof, laden with stone and... mud? There was a strange creature in the center, small and odd - and then, erupting from the ground, a gigantic shark - a shark that the creature rode, charging straight for them!

Instinctively, April threw out her hands - or rather, fins - she was now red and white, her skin smooth, her body resembling some sort of humanoid fish. She'd never seen such a creature before - she had no idea what game Arcade had trapped them in - but no waves were summoned. Instead, a ring purple tinted mud slammed into her, sending her flying backwards - every piece of her body ached, as she collided with the ground - as the same force threw Zelda and Andy back.

As text appeared, hovering above the head of the creature: VICKY

She hoped that wherever they were, her girlfriends and her friends were faring better than she was...

Had Vicky betrayed them?

Or was this Arcade?

Percy did not share Dorian's opinion about this being a valuable learning exercise, a place for experience. He was comfortable with the idea that he would journey out into the world and face danger. He did not appreciate one of his classmates trying to kill him, and felt justified in his anger about it all. Even in the real world, he wasn't going to be exactly thrilled about someone attempting to drive a dagger into his back.

However, before he could voice this opinion and reiterate once again that they were all in mortal peril, the scene shifted. Gone was Mario, replaced with... something else.

They were inside what looked like a massive organ, a space carved with flesh and blood. The ground beneath his feet felt sticky and he resisted the urge to vomit, doing his best to breath in deeply - only to then notice that his nose was completely flat. He quickly felt his face and his features, cataloging the change. He was taller now, his body lean, bony - his skin yellow and spotted. To those well versed in Dungeons and Dragons, he was a githyanki. To Percy, he was a frog creature.

And he was not alone. There were three others with him - identified with text boxes as Danni, Leah, and Diana.

And on the ground, coming crawling towards them, were tiny baby devils - tiny imps - ready to attack.

"...What sort of game is this?" Percy muttered, as he felt a dagger in his hand. He tried to teleport forward, to attack one of the imps, but found that he was frozen - that he couldn't move.

It wasn't his turn.

Guin Stark

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Guin had relapsed not too long ago.

For the first time since she'd been a teenager, she had abused drugs.

It was long since out of her system, and in the aftermath of it, her skin had been crawling with shame. She didn't have any intentions of doing it again, of getting that high to shove out her personal issues, the drama with Tony and Miranda. But then again, she hadn't intended on getting high in the first place - she hadn't meant to do that when she had gone into the mansion, when she'd made her way to the medical bay, and grabbed some compounds that she shouldn't have.

So now, even though it was over, the remnants lingered. Pietro had kept a closer eye on her, hovering somewhat anxiously. She wasn't exactly talking to her father right now - she was more angry with him than she was with Miranda, as he had kept this from her - had lied to her for years, had let her believe Maddie had been her mother, put her in the path of that abusive, narcissistic monster.

In an attempt to keep her anger at bay, to keep herself from the temptation or even just the possibility of another relapse, Guin had also gone for a run outside the mansion - and as she saw Annie jogging up the other direction, Guin waved. "Hey, girl - what's up?"

Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Avery had been busying themself in the library, looking through various books. For once, they weren't looking at things for D&D. No, they'd found a 100 books to read before you die listicle and had decided to work their way on through it, making notes of what books the mansion had on hand. They'd had most of them - they were all classics, after all - and Avery had finally located the copy of Dracula. They hadn't read it before, but they knew the basics of the plot. It seemed as good a spot as any to start with.

Tome in hand, Avery then moved to leave the library, emerging from its depths and finding Ed and Carolina near the entrance. They waved at them slightly awkwardly - Carolina wasn't a source of awkwardness, but they were still figuring out their relationship with Ed, still trying to determine what sort of connection they wanted to have with their uncle. "Hey," Avery said softly, partially keeping their volume low because it was a library, but mostly because it was their personality to do so.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: Archery, Audiokinesis

Nancy's body shivered as she heard Diana's voice - as the goddess materialized next to her, a quiver full of arrows and immediately on the defensive. The hollow numbness and anger that had filled her snapped, the shield, the facade cracking apart. Her hands shook and she blinked rapidly, trying to clear her eyes of the tears - to keep her chin from wobbling - to keep herself from coming undone, from shaking apart. Diana was here - here in the bowels of the Lotus Hotel and Casino, here in Nancy's darkest moments. Her aunt, her goddess, was here.

And as much as Nancy felt like breaking, that same pain she turned into strength. She let her emotions guide her voice as she shrieked, not quite managing the right resonance at first, but eventually the waves settled, an onslaught that collided into the giant, stunning Porphyrion. Working together, in unison, was something that the Romans prided themselves on - and with Diana by her side, hope crawled into her chest and expanded ever outward. They could defeat this giant. They could save Mads. They could save everyone.

She loosed another arrow from her bow, and it hit its mark, landing in the giant's eye.

But even for all of that, for everything they'd done, he was still standing - he was hardly bloodied. They had a fight ahead of them - and a long one at that.

"Unless it's relevant to this fight, let's wait," she told Janelle, sounding more like herself.

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Leda nodded, hearing that Mads wanted to talk to Nancy - one of the Roman praetors, from what Leda remembered. It felt like a lifetime ago that she'd left Camp Half-blood. Well, she had died. Everything felt distant now in this place, like a dream, like someone else's memory. Except for Kiera. Kiera was the only thing that felt real anymore, that made her heart feel like it was still beating, that she wasn't just a shade of her former self.

Leda bowed her head slightly, pulsing out a soft rainbow in front of her again. "Mum, if you wouldn't mind, it'd be super chill if you could show us Nancy, the Roman Leader?" She hoped that Iris was in the mood to take another message - and that it could reach her at all. The last message had glitched out, ending prematurely. And she didn't have an offering to give her mother either - if they ended up making it out of here, they'd need to make sure to burn a few meals or so to her mom in thanks.

But luckily, the rainbow in front of her shimmered, showing a grainy image of the Roman leader - and a scene of absolute chaos.

??? - Tue. November 23rd, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

April Flynn & Percy Novikov

Location: the Framework - Mario
Skills: N/A | N/A
Fit: Framework Suits - Player 2 Princess Peach Variant | Toad

Percy was flattened to the ground like a pancake after his sister teleported on top of him. Luckily, his body in this environment seemed to follow game rules - it flickered slightly, briefly transparent, before returning to normal. Just as had happened with Andy when Mary Sue had shelled her, a tiny red heart cracked above Percy's head - he'd lost a life. If Ed - if Arcade - was telling the truth, when those red hearts ran out, he'd die. "He's not here to help us get stronger," Percy muttered, his hands shaking slightly with anger. "He's crazy."

Zelda had taken the powerup available to them, and Mary Sue had installed a barricade of sorts. From what Percy understood of this game, the goombas would start traveling in the opposite direction now until they reached another barrier, and only then would they turn around to reverse. He'd never played Super Mario himself - but he had watched Dorian play it before. The green pipes they'd seen before had been important.

And without Zari present... His hands clenched into fists.

He was going to enjoy driving an axe through Arcade's head.

"Mary Sue, can you make a set of stairs that go to the pipes?" Percy asked.

"Ed, let us out of here!!!" April demanded, stomping her left foot ever so slightly.

Her brain wasn't even fully processing what was happening - that they were stuck inside a video game, told that the stakes were life or death, and they had no way out. She was still in the mindset that they were training for the competition, that everything was fine, that they were just students - even Leah's father had yet to turn up yet, and his was the only threat to their wellbeing that April was prepared to really think about. No, the idea that Ed was here to murder them in a sick video game environment was just foreign to her.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. I'm making a name for myself, you see - and it all starts tonight," Arcade's voice boomed around them. "Every supervillain needs a gimmick. Consider this my soft launch!"

April's left eye twitched.

It slowly sank in.

They needed to be careful here.

Really careful here.

"Okay, who's good at video games? Besides Dori," April prompted, hoping that they weren't completely screwed. She wasn't really a gamer girl herself. Zelda played way more than she really did. She'd played enough to know that she wasn't really good at them, and she'd much preferred going outside and hitting the beach anyways.

Family Soap Opera

Once everything was said and done with their journey back to Earth, Guin would be feeling better from the overexertion of her powers, which was definitely a good thing. Pietro was sort of hovering around her to ensure that she was okay. However, despite that, she'd still have a very vague headache that was just barely there. The pair however were soon going to be interrupted by two people walking towards the pair. Well, more of one who was rather confidently heading their way, while the other was sort of walking a little ways behind the other, almost reluctant about it.

"We need to talk," Magneto said, Miranda was there too, and Pietro was shifting a little uneasily by Guin, not entirely too sure about the entire thing.

Ordinarily, Guin would have muttered her comments to Pietro a little more privately, but the lingering headache and everything she'd just done had made her want to give her telepathy a little bit more of a break. Or perhaps she just enjoyed being a bit of a bitch to Magneto. "Great, you two," Guin rolled her eyes. "Let me guess: you're here to get our insurance company's info so you can file a claim for your busted ass station?"

"You act I actually paid for it to begin with. Actually I am grateful for your group's intervention in trying to get as many off the station as possible," Magneto responded, looking at Guin. "And you instantly get defensive, when I haven't exactly done anything to offend you today."

"Erik, perhaps this sort of conversation would be best if you weren't seemingly being at least a little hostile, calm down okay?" she said to him.

"I'm still confused as to what would need to be talked about, since I know I haven't had an actual conversation with you in like, forever. Since I'm the oddball, Wanda and Lorna were both always the favored children and all." Pietro responded rolling his eyes a bit. Guina this is a bit weird.

"Yet," Guin corrected. "You haven't done anything to offend me today yet. But the day is young - I'm sure you'll find a way." She crossed her arms, her head aching ever so slightly as she heard Pietro's whisper to her across their mental link. She nodded in agreement - this was incredibly weird. She didn't know what exactly Magneto wanted to talk about, but she wasn't inclined to hear it. The only reason she wasn't storming off in a huff right now was because Pietro hadn't made a move to flee, and hadn't indicated to her just yet that he wanted to. It was his family, so she let him call the shots here.

"As stated, I'm the disappointment child so why is this conversation even seemingly important?" Pietro then added again, looking at him still very confused.

"I actually came over here to apologize for my treatment of you and for everything that has seemingly occurred between us. I have been trying to do better then in the past, hence why I decided to try working at making a nation for mutants where they didn't have to live in fear and change how I go about doing things, if you haven't seemingly noticed."

"...Wait did I hear that right?" Pietro ended up responding, very much in shock at that statement.

"If you do not believe me, should Guinevere feel up to it, she can read my mind to see how sincere I am and how I am trying to do better." He hadn't put his helmet back on since he had taken it off hours before when Guin asked to read his mind, so he didn't seem concerned about hiding anything.

"I'm fine," Guin snapped immediately. Even with her exhaustion and overuse of her powers, she wasn't about to just take Magneto at his word. She didn't trust him - didn't believe that he was telling the truth. It was just another tactic from Pietro's abuser to try to trick him. Maybe Magneto was here to try to recruit Pietro back, to have his favorite punching bag back at the Brotherhood after his project went up in flames.

So she lifted a finger to her forehead and focused, peering into his mind. What she saw shook her to her core. He was telling the truth. She even caught a glimpse of the home he had had on Genosha, where he had set aside a room for Pietro if he ever wished to visit. It sickened her. "... He's not lying, shockingly."

He was really surprised to hear that. He'd never once had ever heard his father apologize for anything ever in his life. "...I don't think the doc is going to fully believe this conversation is even happening because I don't believe it..." Pietro ended up saying out loud.


"Doc Sampson whose my shrink that I have been talking to for the last few months, makes things a lot easier to deal with. Plus he's the only one that actually isn't freaked out at the idea of having me as a patient so there is that added bonus." he explained with a shrug, still incredibly weirded out by everything but figured he'd answer the question. "Actually manage to drag Wanda with me once or twice to see how that'd go, went better than I initially thought it would honestly."

"I know that, it is likely that we won't be able to have a good relationship of any sort, given the past and I know better than most how difficult the past can be to let go. I am hoping, for at least, a better one going forward. I am truly trying to do better, and if you might be willing, perhaps we can do something then."

There was a lot of trauma and all that he potentially had to unwrap before potentially doing that full thing. Namely would be to talk with the shrink first to ensure this potentially wouldn't be a horrible idea. "...I'll have to think about it, since obviously there are a lot of issues here. However, if I do end up saying okay let's try, don't be surprised if I drag you to a therapy session at all," he ended up saying, before mentally saying to Guin Yeah, next session is definitely going to be interesting.

"That is all I can ask for on the subject," Magneto said, nodding his head in agreement with what Pietro was saying. "Though that is not the only thing that needs to be discussed here right now."

Guin was frowning, protective over her husband and his mental health - and already doubting that anything good could come of a reconnection with Magneto. But it was his choice. She was no stranger to parental alienation - she had cut off contact with her own mother. If her mother were to be here today and ask for a second chance, she wouldn't be inclined to give one. They were different people though and Pietro had already lost his mother - his father was his only remaining parent. I'll come with you, if you want Guin said, even as her head ached with pain and her nose bled ever so slightly.

And while her usual response would have been to ask Magneto what else he wanted, this was a sensitive area between him and Pietro - so she let him lead the conversation. If it had been up to her, they would have left ages ago.

That would be nice... Not fully settled on it though, as I mentioned, going to talk to Doc about it and see what he thinks... Pietro responded to Guin, before looking at his father. "So what else is it that you want?" Pietro asked him.

"Actually the next part of the conversation has nothing to do with me. But more of Miranda, as there is something that she needs to say. Which if she doesn't say it I likely will end up mentioning it." he said, turning to look towards her, and she very much did not seem to be too thrilled to be having this conversation.

"...There are so many things that likely would make this conversation easier..." Miranda ended up saying as she took a step forward and walked right up to Guin. "Um... I know that everything that has ever happened, you have no real reason to potentially trust me... But you know what my powers are... At least vaguely... If you don't mind, this might make it easier to explain," she continued, holding her hands out to her, "I have something that I need to show you."

"...What?" Guin froze, her mind reeling. She had nothing to do with Miranda. She hardly knew her. She'd met her in the world Wanda had created, yes, but otherwise she didn't know her at all. She was a complete stranger to her at best - and at worst, she was the girlfriend of Pietro's abusive father. "I'm sorry, but what exactly could you possibly need to show me? I barely know you."

"...It's complicated, okay? I am not good at talking through things, and it partially is a particular memory I need to show you. It's harder to explain than you'd think... And doubt you'd believe me anyway..." Miranda was clearly having a difficult time with the explanation, she actually was stumbling over her words. She'd never really had the best confidence in herself, the closest had been when in the House of M reality she literally had ended up killing Magneto, or when she ended up breaking things off with him permanently back in Genosha. This though was probably the hardest thing she'd ever actually talked to anyone about at all. This would be so much easier if a certain person was there with them but who knew where he was, and she wasn't going to just ask someone to call him without explanation.

Guin frowned. Her heart was pounding quickly and she didn't know why. Something about this entire thing was unnerving to her - like she was standing on the precipice of something, with a final chance to turn away. She almost opened her mouth to ask for Pietro to take them away - maybe Spain, her family had a nice holiday house there - and leave all of this behind, to stop whatever strange encounter before it could finish. "Fine, but just so you know, you're being incredibly sus right now."

Taking a deep breath, Miranda took Guin's hands in her own, her eyes glowing purple as everything went dark briefly, before everything eventually came back into focus. They'd be in a large house, one that Guin would have very vague sort of fuzzy memories of from when she was really little. Miranda took a step back, looking around the house that was around them. "...I know this all seems weird... I'm sorry... The original idea was to have Tony be here too when we had this conversation... But well... Things don't always go the way that they should... And I learned that things likely would be better if you never knew, but... Things change and I realize that you should know the truth... Even if it changes nothing." she said softly to Guin, before just pointing somewhat towards a room that was off to the side. She'd hear voices coming from that room, one was a woman's voice, and the other sounded like a young toddler girl who was giggling over something.

Guin backed away from Miranda as the scenery changed to one that she almost recognized, one filled with familiarity but lost to time. And the mention of her father... Many possible explanations jumped into her mind, none of them that she liked. She felt sick, like she was about to vomit. Every instinct was telling her to go, that whatever Miranda wanted to show her, she didn't have any interest in it - that she didn't want any part of this. "Stop!" Guin snapped. "Just - just stop this, now!" Her skin felt like a thousand little bugs were crawling across it, her chest was tight, she couldn't breathe, and her ears had started to ring. "STOP IT!"

Maybe this was a really bad idea. Guin didn't seem to be doing too well over the whole situation, and Miranda froze the memory, figuring that might be better then watching it play out entirely. This was not something she was good at, not to mention she had expected to not be seemingly alone in this whole conversation at all. "Sorry... Maybe I shouldn't show you... Unless you want me to..." she apologized, unsure of what to do.

She breathed in. She breathed out.

In. Out.

In. Out.



Slowly, Guin came back to herself. Slowly, the tension in her body began to lessen, the pit in her stomach feeling less like it was about to swallow her whole. She was in control. The techniques she'd been taught in rehab came back to her now, as she looked Miranda dead in the eye. "I don't want you to show me anything," Guin said, perhaps harsher than she meant it. But it was the truth. "Say what you have to say. But this? This doesn't work for me."

Well at least Guin had ended up saying something to her, and now mentally Miranda was panicking because she was not used to fully telling anyone anything. Actually, she was really bad at wording things, but with how things were going so far, she figured she didn't have anything to lose and probably couldn't make anything worse.

So she went with it.

"Sorry... I'm not used to figuring out wording, I've honestly never been really good at it... You might think I dove into your head to pull out a memory, but I didn't. This memory that you see here, of this house... It's not your memory, it's mine..." she started to say, before taking a few steps away from Guin and kind of looking like she might have a bit of a breakdown herself at this point. "How exactly? Well I don't fully know what stories or everything that Tony told you but... The person you believe is your mother, well she never was... I am..."

Miranda was still trying to figure out how best to explain what was going through her head, and took a moment to fully think through what she was saying. "I was on the outs with Erik, I basically had left the Brotherhood for essentially a decade by the time this memory happened. I had left in late 1993, and I stayed away. Trying to build a life for myself away from everything... In 1999, I met your father, while I was at the Stark Expo that year. Tech and everything always interested me so I had gone... Well one thing led to another and I ended up pregnant with you... Tony found this house, and we moved here together... Honestly I don't have too many happy memories if I'm being truthful, aside from those few years in this house... With you... Most of my life I spent running, but here I was truly happy... This memory though, is from when everything came crashing down... My past caught up with me, but ironically it wasn't my time with the Brotherhood that caught up... Before the Brotherhood even really was formed, I was younger than you when I met Xavier and Erik, and they were in need of some help... Where they were getting together a group of people, mutants, to try and combat against an organization that was not exactly too kind. They tended to sort of try and get it so that they could have mutants under their own control... I didn't have anything to lose back then, so I went to go help them out. Some... Not so great things happened there, and in the end, I ended up leaving with Erik, not entirely too sure what to even do... Well turns out that organization ended up going underground instead... And they figured out where we were and if the memory here played out... You'd see the whole thing as it happened... I used my powers to defend you and your father, and the two of you managed to get out of here... A few days later, I found myself by Xavier's mansion, I was going to see about asking for help or something, but no one seemed to be home at the time, or if he was there, he chose to pretend I wasn't instead... So I ended up back at the Brotherhood, having hit the lowest point I could have thought possible... Eventually your father found a way to contact me. But we figured at least at that point in time... It was probably better for me to stay away. The idea was that we were going to tell you a few years ago but... Your life seemed like it was hectic enough already without me potentially stepping in to make things worse... I don't expect anything... I never did... I just wanted to tell you the truth... Since we ended up running into one another once again, I wanted to tell you for a while... I also figured it'd be better if I told you before Erik said something..." Yeah, Miranda was starting to cry a little bit now as she spoke.

Guin was uncharacteristically quiet as Miranda spoke.

She listened, even as her ears thrummed. Even as other memories flashed into her mind - of being a little girl, excited that her father was home, only for him to be reeking of alcohol and other scents she couldn't yet name, collapsing on the floor in front of her - of being a little girl again, excited that her mother was there to spend time with her, only to be pinched and prodded and used as a prop. The excitement to see her parents had waned and waned, leaving her with a hole that could not be filled, no matter how much her father's employees tried. A loneliness, an ache that had led her to self-medicate - to succumb to the same genetic predisposition for addiction that her father had. Her relationship with her father had been repaired over the last few years - but there was no fixing the relationship with her mother.

But that hadn't been her mother.

They'd lied to her.

For her father to let her believe Maddie was her mother... To put her in that position...

Something hardened in Guin's heart.

And now for the woman claiming to be her mother in front of her, in tears... Guin didn't move to comfort her, didn't move to help her. She didn't know her.

It would have been easier to be angry with her - but Miranda had a reason, an excuse.

If this was even the truth - if this was even real.

Guin's mind was spinning, her body filled with that familiar ache, a hunger for that which would undo her. "Okay."

Guin didn't know what to say.

"Thank you for telling me."

It was robotic, almost mechanical.

"I want to go, now."

It took Miranda a moment to collect her own thoughts, before she waved her hand, and they were back on the mansion grounds standing where they had been before. She turned away and started walking away. "...I'm sorry Guin," she ended up saying to her as she walked away. Magneto ended up leaving after looking at Pietro and Guin for a moment. Then he was gone too, leaving just the pair of them there.

"...Guina? Are you okay?" Pietro asked her, taking her hand in his. This had been not something he had been fully expecting to have happen, and he was a bit concerned since he had no idea what happened with Miranda before she had left at all.

"I don't know."

Annie & Avery

Antoinette sat on the stool with her legs crisscrossed, paper scattered around her with various sketches on them. After things had settled from their trip in space, Antoinette approached Avery about doing some artwork for their DnD campaign. It was something she had been thinking about for a long time, but as usual in the mansion, her attention had been required elsewhere. However, she was doing well in training with Guin and decided she wanted to do something fun now that Avery was back.

"What do you think, Arnold? Too angry?" She held up a sketch of a dragon with their wings out-stretched in mid-flight and a snarl on their face. The tribble merely purred on the table in contentment, surrounded by all the sketches.

Avery hesitated slightly at the threshold, knocking twice on the door frame. Things had been different since they'd returned from space - well, they'd been different. They had a new name, new pronouns, and their mind was expanding to the possibilities that life could offer them. Their body had been different for a while, but it was like they had finally come into it, had finally claimed ownership over it. "Hey," they said with a slight smile.

Antoinette glanced up from her drawing and beamed when she saw Avery. "Hey! I hope you don't mind I got started without you. Well, to be honest, I've been working on some of these for a while." Antoinette pulled some of the drawings closer and patted an empty stool for Avery if they wanted it.

"Oh!" Avery blushed slightly - had they been keeping Annie waiting for a while? "That's totally fine, can I see?" they then asked, sitting down next to Annie on the stool. They pulled their sketchpad out and put it down in front of them - they'd been doing a lot of digital art lately, but today, they wanted to do something in a different medium, go a little more old-school with it. They had a few ideas of things that they wanted to draw - there was a temple that the campaign would be heading to pretty shortly, so if they could have some visuals of that, that'd be awesome. But they also just wanted to draw a simple group scene, just the party at camp under the stars.

"Of course," Antoinette laid out several pieces of paper she had pulled from her sketchbook and laid them out for Avery to peruse. Antoinette had one of her goblin character. They sported leather attire, with a club and mace for weapons, vivid purple hair, and brilliant yellow eyes. Another was of a magician, heavily inspired by Max, and another was a druid with vines like Mary's intertwined behind them.

And there were two other pieces of paper depicting Avery. The first one was an older drawing. The date in the bottom right corner declared this drawing was made a month before Avery had left. They sported more masculine features, with their blond hair swooping to the right. Their eyes were downcast, paying no attention to the dice they had just tossed up into the air, a smirk playing with the corner of their lips. The detailing on the dice was precise, with the numbers easily read. Antoinette had drawn them in a three-piece suit, grey, with a white long-sleeved shirt, a few buttons undone to reveal the top of their chest, and they wore a long, dark blue cloak with gold accompaniments. Beside it, though was a rough, new sketch Antoinette had been working on when Avery first joined her.

A softer-looking human with no distinctive gender features looked directly at the viewer, despite their back being turned. Blonde bangs covered their forehead, some loose strands framing their face, with the rest pulled back into a short, messy, high pony. The hair looked as if it were chaotic and unruly if left unattended. Their right foot rested pointed, toes on the ground behind their left ankle --- in front of the viewer. Their right hand was raised beside their head, tossing dice down behind them towards the open, left hand by their side. There were numbers on these dice as well, but that wasn't the only thing. Each die sported a symbol instead of the number one. There was a music note on one, a wand on another, a snowflake, a candle... They were a deep purple colour with silver sparks inside and around, almost like the night sky.

"I was going to try and see if I could get those commissioned," Antoinette pointed to the dice as she spoke. "Should be easy to do. Do you think Professor X would get us a 3D printer? We could make them in-house."

They were speechless as they took in the drawings - they were all incredible, beautifully done with amazing detail. But it wasn't the drawing of the player characters that took Avery's breath away. It was the drawings Annie had done of themself. They saw the person they had once been - their old body, before things had changed - before that spell had gone awry and altered their features. An old body with an old name. It was them but at the same time, it wasn't. And as their gaze changed to the new one, the one depicting their current self, tears pooled in their eyes. It was perfect. It was them. "Annie..." Avery's voice cracked.

They tried to say something - to communicate to her how much this meant to them, how thoughtful and amazing she was, but words failed them. So instead, they slowly put their arms around her, giving her the space to say no, and pulled her into a hug as they cried softly into her hair.

Antoinette was worried when they didn't say anything right away. She usually didn't mind if people didn't like her art. That was what art was. It evoked conversation, good or bad it didn't matter. But when Avery took a while to speak up and when their voice cracked, Antoinette worried she had crossed a line with them. Avery leaned in and tentatively hugged Antoinette until she returned the hug and then Avery started to cry.

Antoinette shut her eyes and held Avery close. Antoinette had been giving Avery some space to figure out their new space and what it all meant to them, she didn't know everything they were going through but that didn't matter. Antoinette would always be their friend, no matter who, what, or where they were.

"I'm proud of you," Antoinette whispered.

"Thank you," they replied, relaxing slightly into Annie's hold, before melting entirely. "You're an incredible friend, Annie... Like a sister to me or... You've always been there, even when I'm... Sorry, I'm bad at explaining this - I just - I couldn't be me without you."

Antoinette held them a moment longer before releasing them. She smiled at them, understanding clear in her eyes. "I feel the same. I felt a little adrift in the mansion until you invited me to that DnD game. After that, I really connected with people. It was hard when you left, and Carolina... But I had more faith in myself. Guin has really helped me hone my powers, too. You gave me a family, Avery. I'll always love you for that, and I'll support you in any way I can, forever."

Avery took a step back once the hug finished, but there was a soft, tired but happy, smile on their face. "I'll always love you two, Annie. I promise."

10:40 PM - Tue. November 23rd, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

@Forsythe: For a brief moment, Vicky managed to suspend her consciousness - to be both active within the Framework and present within her own body. But then that control was lost, as if a partition had been forced into existence. Perhaps it was one of the Framework's safety measures. Or perhaps the tech was simply that advanced, enough to know that she had split her faculties, and remedied it. The reason as to why ultimately didn't matter as much as the outcome - that Vicky was fully within the Framework whether she liked it or not.

@BlueSky44: Zari did not wake up.

April Flynn & Percy Novikov

Location: the Framework
Skills: N/A | N/A
Fit: Framework Suits

April had mentally shrunk inwards at Leah's response to her question about the break - she knew that Leah didn't travel for those, she had meant that they'd be getting a break from the near constant studying and work that they'd been forced through since the Monster Mash. But the moment to explain herself, to apologize, had passed. Her face was bright red even now inside the Framework, the sensors translating her embarrassment.

"Okay, everyone, loading in the programs now. Good luck!" Ed's voice boomed all around them - and then suddenly, their surroundings shifted. It was like the arena had glitched, falling away and snapping back, replaced with a narrow strip of existence, almost like a hallway. Charming music played in the background, a theme intimately familiar to April - music she'd hear from her dad gaming most mornings as a little kid.

She looked down at her hands and gasped in surprise - they were pixelated, two dimensional. Her outfit had changed too - she looked like a color swapped Princess Peach, or a retro Rosalina. All around her, similar things had happened to her peers, making them look like Mario characters -

They were inside a Mario game.

And a small pack of goomba were coming right at them.

Meanwhile, Percy was speechless for a moment, taking in his surroundings - and his outfit. He was put in a little blue vest with no shirt and white shorts, and there was some sort of massive dome on his head. He instantly crossed his arms, covering his chest in an attempt to preserve his modesty. "Ed, you loaded Super Mario!" Percy hissed, more pissed about the alterations to his clothing and physical appearance than anything else.

"Oh, I know," Ed answered with a slight laugh. "Just so you know, I've removed the safety controls. If you die in there, you'll die in real life... and one last thing? Call me Arcade."

"Seriously?!" Percy clenched his hands into fists, rotating them as he tried to access the emergency override - to forcibly eject his consciousness from the Framework. But nothing happened. There was no response - Ed - Arcade must have seen to that already. He quickly glanced around the group assembled, trying to suss out the powers at their disposal. Someone had to be able to get them out of here. His gaze landed on Dorian.

"Can you shift and eject yourself out?" Percy proposed.

The goombas were about to collide with the group - someone needed to jump on them and fast.

And up ahead, not too far, were a variety of flashing blocks - and three enticing green pipes.

You have questions.

I do my best to answer them.

I explain to you that Limbo exists outside of the Multiverse, but that it is a realm with layers onto itself. It twists and turns, it divides a soul and fractures it. When I entered Limbo, a version of myself was murdered by Ananym - but another version, the one you see before you, survived. I was not able to reach you all in time, as I fought my way through Limbo's deepest layers, but I am... relieved to see that my successors performed adequately.

You saved more than just the city - you saved the universe.

So for that, I... thank you all.

You are welcome at the Sanctum Santorum any time.

In The Days To Come

Carolina Reed:

Carolina, you undertake the noble - if not complicated - task of raising the infant Ananym as your own. There are moments where the child's eyes look like your lost beloved's, moments where the child instinctively uses October's voice. Perhaps your beloved is still there, reaching through time. Or perhaps it is a demon's trick, meant to endear you to the babe. Only time will tell.

Maximilian Gray:

I have no idea who this young sorcerer is. Maximilian, you return to your home and your family, changed by what you have seen and experienced in ways that are not marked upon your flesh. You remember what it is like to be the Sorcerer Supreme, to have the power of the universe at your fingertips - and you feel its absence. But your destiny lies elsewhere, not in a Sanctum Santorum but in a mansion.

Madalyne Crane:

You have shaken off your demonic essence, Madalyne, but Limbo's fires call to you all the same. You leave this plane and head to Limbo, the prodigal daughter returned. There, you hunt day and night for Sym, to find the demon who killed your father. You are so very close to finding him, and your soulsword vibrates, shaking with anticipation. Will you be the same once you have killed this demon? Or will your own heritage resurface, horns sprouting from your head once more?

But there is one portion of relief - your father is alive. Just as I escaped Limbo despite dying within it, a version of your father who did not die by Ananym's hand lived and returned to Earth.

It does not change the fact that his flesh rots in Limbo, that a version of Edus - perhaps the original - did die there.

Prudence Knight and Runa the Gray:

For better or for worse, you two find love - or something akin to it - in one another. Runa, you abandon your dead future and instead take an apprentice, the first one in an age. You teach Prudence everything that you know, and she swears a vow to kill you. It pleases you. You travel the universe together, the multiverse, moving forwards and backwards in time.

Prudence, you have abandoned your old master, and emerged from the depths of Limbo a vampire - a daywalker. Under Runa's instruction, you learn the old Asgardian magic, learn to peer into the space between the realms and divine the future by seiðr. It is promised that once you find a way to kill your lover, you will inherit her station, her authority - you will become the Sorcerer Supreme of the End of Time.

Annika Falling Star and Jack Hawthorne:

Jack, you raise Annika as your own, traveling the time stream as well. You search for her family, for her culture, for a way to restore her memories to her. For now, your leads are slim - but they are not nonexistent. The infant Annika grows more and more each day, and already, hints of her magic are about - she is no ordinary child.

Klara, Daughter of Thor:

Klara, you return home to Asgard. You recount your tale to your parents and roam and play and fight. But gradually, the memories fade - the knowledge of what your cousin became is lost to where childhood recollections go. If it was not for your skeletal friend, a horse that came all the way from Limbo to Asgard, perhaps even this entire adventure would be lost to you.

The Second Edus Penior:

You emerge from Limbo later, finding your sworn daughter on a path of vengeance over your death. You hear of your tragic demise and end, events that you have no recollection of. You return to your world and find that months had passed. You go to Cardiff. Your family needs you.

10:30 PM - Tue. November 23rd, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

April Flynn & Percy Novikov

Location: Stark Hall - Fifth Floor -> the Gym
Skills: N/A | N/A
Fit: Gym Clothes | Academy Uniform

April smiled, the skin near her eyes crinkling as she saw Danni and Dori come out of their room - and Percy. He was Diana's brother and Dorian's boyfriend, but otherwise she didn't really know him that well, and he didn't really know her. He had helped her the night of the Monster Mash though, and given her lack of familiarity with him, that was both good and awkward. So she waved slightly to him, before pulling both Danni and Dori into a quick hug. "Let's go!" she whisper-shouted.

Percy raised an eyebrow. "I don't think everyone heard you," he observed, before calmly heading for the stairs. It wasn't very hard for the group to make it from Stark Hall to the gym - easy, really. No one was expecting kids to sneak onto the Framework, and while it was late, none of these students being out late would be cause for concern - the school may have put all their stock in the Young Avengers winning once more, but that didn't mean the other groups weren't being worked to the bone.

When they arrived, April went up to each of her girlfriends, giving them a kiss on the cheek and squeezing their hands. It was one of the few joint training sessions they'd had - it was hard, having her girlfriends and her besties on different teams from her, but she did have one bestie with her - Mads - so she wasn't entirely alone. "You both hanging in there? Excited for the break soon?" April asked.

But there wasn't much time for chatter, as everyone had arrived, and Ed closed the doors, locking them so no one could get in and discover this unauthorized use. His hair was sticking up at odd angles, and he clearly had been pulling all nighters in preparation for this. "Alright, get suited up and into the tanks - I'm loading the programs now," Ed said, sitting down at the chair in front of the Framework computer and typing in a line of code - one that would initiate the software.

April went into the attached locker room and got changed - as did her teammate, Gideon Muir. Gideon was wearing sunglasses despite being indoor, sipping a cup of black coffee.

"D'you reckon we can go all night in there?" Gideon asked, daydreaming about cutting apart pixels with her sword for hours.

April shrugged her shoulders. "Probably not? But for a few hours, at least. It might not be taxing on our bodies, but our minds'll get tired - and eventually someone might notice we're all gone."

"Cool cool cool," Gideon said, suited up now, before hopping into one of the tanks. She closed her eyes and when she opened it, she was standing in the middle of the Contest of Champions arena - or a simulation of it, at least.

Ananym had been transformed into a small infant, crying with horns curling from its forehead. The same fate met you, Annika - just a babe now, no longer the adult, no longer cognizant. The last Goblin Night ended with a similar sacrifice. Perhaps this was destiny.

With the veil repaired and Ananym defeated, all that remains are her legion, her hoard.

But as Sorcerers Supreme, you all ought to make short work of them, no?

Especially as a familiar face approaches you, stumbling from a portal with the scent of Limbo clinging to him. Like magnets, the shards of the office of Sorcerer Supreme leave your bodies, flying into his - the Cloaks of Levitation, the amulets, all merging into a single item, supporting a single entity.

Limbo works in mysterious ways, I should know.

Doctor Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, is alive.

Runa the Grey

Location: New York City
Skills: N/A
Spells: Kosmisk Ild

"Well, none of you would have been my first choice... But thank you," Strange said.

It had been some time since Runa had heard his voice, but she recognized him immediately - particularly as she felt the vestiges of his office leave her. She was no longer the Sorcerer Supreme of this moment - the rich magics were beginning to fade, her powers gradually returning to their somewhat deadened state. She was Sorcerer Supreme of the future, yes, but it was a future without magic - a dead, waking grave.

As to how Stephen was alive, Runa did not know. Realms outside the multiverse were strange - and their magics even stranger. Limbo was a land that twisted and turned over itself. One Stephen died, another lived. Perhaps that was all the explanation that was needed.

"You ought to be more careful than that, Stephen, to thank a witch," Runa chided. They had known other witches before that traded in gratitude - that used it to take hold of their victims, a line tethering them together, an eternal favor just waiting to be granted. Absentmindedly, they wondered where Mother Righteous was now - if the sorceress would have stepped in had they fallen, had they failed.

But now was not the time for chatter.

It was the time for action.

Zelma had taken the baby Ananym and baby Annika inside, sheltering them with the other infants.

That left the demons.

Runa breathed in.

They breathed out.

And they set the sky ablaze.

They incinerated demons on mass, the flames seeming to pour from their own body, heavenly fire that destroyed whatever it touched.

There were still more, still more to face.

But Runa was not alone.

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