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About me

Hi! MrSkimobile here. I've been RP'ing and occasionally GM'ing for close to a decade now.
I like RP's that are on the Casual+/Tabletop side, that are preferably original settings. No genre preferences.
This thread holds the full archive of my antics on this site.
Always feel free to contact me. See you around!


DELTΔ HYPER (Scifi F1 Slice of Life) - Kais Zenix, Supersoldier-turned-Racer


(currently not GMing any games)

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Fate: Accelerated (Play-By-Post) Edition

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Revised draft of my character ready for approval.

@Izurich @Eviledd1984 @AwesomeZero5 @KazAlkemi @Expendable OK, so this seems like a good point to end the session and start a new one. Everyone has either gone through some action, or are in the middle of a bit of a cliffhanger. So imagine the dramatic music swelling, all your scenes cut to black, credits roll with a ‘next time on Neon Noir’, and all that jazz.

With each new session, your fate points (the points you use to invoke aspects to influence rolls, or to use your stunts/abilities) are refreshed to at least your character sheet’s refresh rate. If you have more, you keep them all.

Furthermore, I think that we’ve hit a minor milestone here - everyone has had a significant enough event or choice in their story to develop in some way -, so for the next session you may CHOOSE from the following as a reward:
  • RENAME a character aspect
  • SWITCH the bonuses of 2 approaches
  • REPLACE an existing Stunt
  • GAIN a new Stunt

@KazAlkemi I changed Varis Hark's name because I liked the 'Harm' typo (?), makes him more ominous.

Session 01: SYN-SENT

@Izurich Lenneth, ART-ficer Workshop, Lower City

A lazy cat lazed outside the workshop as cats tend to do. The workshop was the usual modular box, barely bigger than a garage, and there were no signs outside hinting at what lay inside. The best artisans don’t need much, and rarely draw attention to themselves, and that's exactly why the Master chose the ART-ficer for his personal ripperdoc: his clinic wasn't much, and he didn't draw attention to himself. Save for his strange doorbell, that is. When it spotted Lenneth, the cat stretched its legs, then waddled inside, its neon-lit fur undulating in all the colors of the rainbow, 'nyaaa NYAAAA'-ing loudly as it went. "No, you stupid old cat, tell them to go away, business hours are from… What the--?" Derek Burris stopped in his tracks as he saw Lenneth’s battle-damage.

Frantic moments later she was laid out on his table, and his arms had opened up in an octopoidal arsenal of tools, whirring at the base of her skull and chassis like the fingers of a concert pianist. "I swear, that master of yours is going to be the end of you. My masterpiece.” The ripperdoc's face had softened from his usual gruff concentration as he looked onto Lenneth's doll-like face. Derek scanned the diagnostic readouts holographically projected above her. Stable vitals, and her system had performed a solid feat of auto-first-aid -exactly as he programmed it- but the stress on the systems were evident. "Even the finest creation has its limits, Lenneth, even those of my making," he said, as he plugged Lenneth into a recharge station with a face that was halfway between a preacher and your regular know-it-all at the pub. The cat purred as it jumped onto Lenneth’s lap. "And it’s not just the body that takes its toll, eh… I worry your master forgets that sometimes. No more playing the hero for at least a few days, doctor's orders.”

@EvilEdd1984 Benjamin Markus Zebrowski, Black Sun Neurostim Den

"Blood is everything to us." Gretchen said. "So much can be told from just a drop of it: where you've been, what you're like, who your relatives are. And whether you’re born with a chrome stick up your arse, or from the tank, when it gets down to it, we all bleed the same. So this..." she gestured towards the sample taken from Ben's flesh. "You could call this our insurance policy, our oath, our essence."

Ben saw tiny lines of text scroll up at the back of Gretchen's iris, undoubtedly cross-referencing what he said with whatever data was available to them. She nodded. "At least you're not lying: quite the spotless record, your worst crime I'd say is getting drunk off of that cheap synthetic stuff. Interesting..." She then grew serious. "P.I. business, huh?" she said, one of her eyebrows lifting the slightest bit. She shifted her eyes to the guard behind him. Ben heard him stir for a moment, but then the door shut behind him, before opening again a short while later. The lanky man came back in, placed two glasses in front of them and a shared bottle - whisky, without the 'e' and all, and with a name on its label you couldn't pronounce even on your most slurring-drunk days, the real deal, in other words. Then he left again with a bow, leaving the two alone. Gretchen poured both of the glasses, then bounced one of them towards Ben, and taking the other one, leaned back into her chair.

"We share a lot here, in the Blutwölfe. Shared blood, shared... history." Ben swore he heard something akin to pain in her voice, even if it was supposedly bred out of her. "If you hurt one of us you hurt all of us. A victory for one of us is the victory for all of us. And a transgression of one of us..." She looked at Ben with a piercing gaze. "I'll come straight to the point. We have reasons to believe there is a rogue element in our midst. Jäger-model, someone from my very own gene-seed. But with his... own agenda. We believe he has been involved in unauthorized activities, disruptions, including the disappearance of valuable assets. His actions threaten the secrecy and stability of our organisation, and make a mockery of who we are. I want you to find out who this is." She swirled her glass and raised it in cheers, never once having taken her eyes off of Ben. "Have you ever killed someone, Mr. Zebrowski?"

@AwesomeZero5 Kit Cochrin, In Virginia’s Car

A little while later, Kit and Virginia were cruising in her car up to her office at a pace almost too leisurely for the chase Kit had just a short while ago. Rizzo had taken the previous car for the usual decommissioning protocol: fly it to one of their bought-off fabricator furnaces in the city, and watch the evidence be thoroughly reduced into its constituent components for creating other vehicles or foodstuffs. But not before grumbling things about disguises, cover stories and all the other details that they would have to think about, of course.

Finally, Virginia spoke up, still more business-like than anything. "You have no idea of the crew that’s coming. It’s the whole deal. Something big’s coming up. SatoCorp and Parker industries seem to be especially interested in going, then some small fries, Pleasure King Subach’s coming, all their lackeys will be there. As will ours, of course. Some NYSF infiltrants, no doubt, and then some shadowy figures we still haven’t identified yet. Do you have any in mind we should be wary about, having had an ear close to the ground the last few years?”

She smiled, fully realizing the awkward excuse of a question she asked, and for a second, Kit could see through the lawyer-boss facade when that usual mask of hers dropped for just that brief second. "I miss our talks, Kit. It pays well, up in the chrome towers, but you lose touch with… it, you know.” She said, staring out into the vast neon landscape that stretched out in front of them.

@KazAlkemi Zain Anders, Sprocket’s Scraphouse

V4ris Harm’s visor lit up in an angry red as Zain's knuckledusters sent sparks flying from its frame. V4ris stumbled, servos whirring, then they leapt behind cover and drew a sleek blaster, set to stun, which started to whine in an increasing pitch as it charged up to undoubtedly very painful power levels. "You’re making a big mistake, Anders!" Harm growled through their modulator. "You think Ratface is just gonna let this go? You’re an accomplice now, and we’re going to enjoy hunting you!" And Zain knew they meant it - their bounty hunter’s name wasn’t ‘Harm’ for nothing - they may have been a robotic creature more than a man, but their thrill of the stalking, the trapping, and the pain, was still just as great as any of the all-too-human psychopaths Zain knew. What’s worse, all 4 of its shard-mind bodies were.

"Zain, cover me!" Sprocket shouted as she dove behind the counter and frantically clicked and clacked at her terminal. The security shutdown activated, doors slammed shut, lights in the shop shut down, and the spider-bots leapt into action with a vengeance Zain didn’t think they had in them. They wouldn’t be much good against V4ris -cameras aren’t the best weapons- but they could keep him busy and distracted. Zain could hear Sprocket open a safe and grab the holo-cloak Anders indicated through her prompt, and with a final tap on her screen, the emergency exit opened to a narrow escape tunnel. "This way!" she shouted, as V4ris' blaster discharged its charged bolt.

@Expendable Niner, Lower City Alley

The drone rattled and froze briefly in its flight pattern, as if it only noticed a bug had landed in it. Niner stumbled when the full countermeisures of its internal security systems hit her. Rho caught her just in time as she stumbled. The digital punch didn’t feel right, as if an entire networked security system mobilized against her instantly, not just the drone’s, but much, much more. She felt the digital tendrils run through her, feel at her, scan her, distract her, claw at her.

"Talk to me, Niner” Rho transmitted through their mental comm-link as she took a defensive position, her silenced rifle at the ready. "My heat-vision spots three guards coming this way, but they’re moving haphazardly, not tactically. We’re not being flanked. Can you divert them, or do I engage?” In the distance was Dex’ voice, only reduced to a noise of static now. Were they being jammed?

There was more going on here than simple implant manufacturing.

GM’s prompts and Actions:
  • [@All] FP Refresh to at least your REFRESH rate, if you have more, you keep them all. Minor Milestone reached, CHOOSE from the following as a reward: RENAME a character aspect, OR SWITCH the bonuses of 2 approaches, OR REPLACE an existing Stunt, OR GAIN a new Stunt
  • @Expendable: roll to hack/‘attack’ the drone/network (0 to merely stop the drone/countermeisures, 2 to take full control of the drone and scan the network), roll to divert/attack the oncoming troops (2 is success).
  • @KazAlkemi: V4ris Defends Forcefully against Zain’s punch (1, gets 4 stress, incurred via Mild Consequence and 2 Stress). GM compels Zain’s Relationship aspect that Ratface finds out (accept to gain 1 FP, or refuse and try to talk your way out of it at a cost of 1 FP). Whatever you do (try to escape or keep attacking V4rus), roll 1 Defend roll against V4ris’ Forceful Attack (difficulty: 3).
  • @AwesomeZero5: please describe a misadventure or a faction you had ‘Trouble’ with in the past.

Consider me interested. I love wipeout and the sol, interviews, controversy and randomized races sound very cool. Currently away, I'll try to make a character sheet soon.
@Expendable I was in a rush to finish the post before going on vacation so I may have skimped on details. The information you have is that there's a surveillance drone and armed guards about, so it's likely one of those. As I was writing I was imagining one of the guards, but if you want, you can choose yourself if you have something cool in mind (maybe someone's trying to escape?). I also imagined your neural interface collar to be an upgrade to the one you had, with wifi if you will, hence some of the suggestions for hacking their comms. As for weapons, I don't think lethal guns are an option quite yet, but some kind of stun weapon or another utility tool (jammer, smart-net launcher, holo-decoy, flashbang mini-drone, quick-hardening cryo-foam dispenser, or again, if you have something cool on your mind, I'm not gonna stop you, unless it's a pocket nuke or something. If you feel unsure, you can always pm me). Still, your partner has lethal weapons, so if you feel like it or if push comes to shove, you can always control her for a bit (like how AwesomeZero did with Mr. Rizzo during his chase). Keep in mind certain things might draw more attention than others ;)

In general, if I don't fully describe things, I'm giving you full permission to use the ambiguity to do awesome things or insert some of your own ideas in the story... Within reason, of course. I can be more explicit about this in the future if wanted. If you are unsure or want my or the other players' input, always feel free to ask via pm or the discord. This is what EvilEdd did for the blutwolfe and Kaz did for his electric brass knuckles, for example.

@Izurich Outside SatoCorp Site 05, June 12th 2177, 21:54[/b], tick... tock...

"Helpfully: medics are on their wa--". The tactical drone stuttered and rattled as Lenneth accelerated off against its last functioning parts. The buzzdrones dropped like sparking mosquitoes once the scorned hurricane of a woman was done with them, buzzing up what little luxury remained of the lounge. The HaLO module had triangulated the entry and exit holes of the sniper shots into a single point. And as she slid out of the shattered window with all systems overclocked, every actuator in Lenneth's body lined up millimeter by millimeter: shoulder, stock, barrel, and in the distance, that one square inch in that one window out of thousands. Tick... Tock... Lenneth's internal countdown said. Bang. And in the opposite Site 04 building, the cleaning bots would be having an unexpected start of the day mopping up red.

"Status report!" barked a suit in SatoCorp Ops Control, data streams scrolling past on his cybernetic eyes. "Sniper's telemetry indicates termination, sir, target 'Ghost' is at large!" replied the security officer. The suit cursed. "Deploy cleanup now, we cannot afford to let this leak!"

The way down in Neon-York is long. But near-terminal velocity doesn't need to be fatal when near-fully augmented and clever with it. With systems still overclocked, Lenneth scanned her options. Closest were other corporate rooftops and skycar platforms, then a maze of pipes and machinery that marked the beginning of the industrial sector. Both had plenty of cover and escape routes, and there were plenty of aerial worker-drones with minimal programming she could hijack for transport, or distractions. Lenneth knew it would be suicidal for any corporation to send non-NYSF armed forces into public no-man's land after the wars. But still, time would be of the essence: they would be scanner-sweeping the area before long, and with warning signs blaring in her mind, and alarms blaring in the distance, the question now was how she would hide, and where Lenneth would attempt to escape to once in the clear.

@Eviledd1984 Black Sun Neurostim Den, June 12th 2177, 20:21, tick... tock...

The lanky man led Ben through the back corridors, which became more guarded as they went. Ben was met with silent stares, undoubtedly already alerted of his coming. After arriving at one of the back rooms, Ben's guide ushered him in, bowed to the room as he stepped in himself, and kept watch in silence next to the door, hand on his sidearm.

There sat a woman waiting for him. "My brother tells me you wish to join the Pack." Straight to the point. "I wonder what brought a person of your standing here. Tough times?" She said with a questioning tone of voice as she stood up, eyeing Ben up and down. She had the posture of a grizzled soldier. Her appearance hinted at some Japanese genetics, and she had a mole under one of her ultra high-end blue cybernetic eyes. Ben had seen a few men and women with similar appearances in the den, but this one was a veteran of the clones for sure, judging by the scars. Her right hand was almost entirely robotic save for a lone ring finger wearing their sigil ring - had she lost her fingers to some enemy corpo-soldier in the wars, or to the mob as punishments? "Jäger SA-2, Gretchen to my brothers and sisters." The woman introduced herself as, and shook Ben's hand with a vice-like grip. As she did, Ben felt a tiny needle shoot up his palm, drawing blood and tissue. When Gretchen pulled back her hand, she took the small blood sample from her robotic limb and plugged it into the terminal on the desk. Though her eyes were turned away, Ben knew they monitored and judged all his reactions and body language.

Turning back from the terminal to face Ben, she clasped her hands and a small devious smile crept over her face. "You must understand our selection criteria for new associates are very rigorous. Blood demands loyalty, after all. I will remind you it's not too late to turn back. Else, tell me: what will our background checks find when we trace your DNA, Mr... What was it again?"

@KazAlkemi Sprocket's Scraphouse, June 12th 2177, 15:55, tick... tock...

Sprocket's jaw clenched in a mix of nerves and anger. She leaned over the counter. "Listen, you drive a hard bargain, but you're not the usual thug that bastard Ratface sends out to do his errands for him. So I tell you what..." She pushed some buttons and a hologram popped up in front of her. With a swipe of her fingers she bounced it over to Zain.

Holo-Cloak: active camo nano-fabric. Not perfect, but in low-light environments it'll make you damn-near invisible.
Combat Stims: muscle stims, reflex stims, pain inhibitors, all-in-1. Short duration, but good for a fight. Also good for other things, if you catch my drift... or so I've been told.
Scrambler: for when you need to disappear from parts of the Extranet. Gets rid of traces of your PID and tracking data.

But before Zain had the time to make a choice, Sprocket's eyes widened. "Time's up, Sprocket." A modulated voice, cold and calculated, came from the door. An angular helmet obscured his face, but his stance and nonchalance betrayed him as being a fellow bounty hunter, one Zain knew well. Servos humming with each step, his hand hovering over his gun, Varis Hark approached. He raised his gloved hand and activated a holographic display showing the bounty warrant. "You are wanted for illegal trade and suspicion of involvement in terror-related transactions. Surrender peacefully and cooperate, or be prepared to face the consequences." As Varis Hark passed Zain, his helmet tilted imperceptibly as if sizing him up. Without breaking stride, he murmured in a low, mechanical voice, "This doesn't concern you, Anders. Stick to your own bounties."

Sprocket locked eyes with Zain, and the hologram started displaying her thought-messages. "You'll get the pick before I clean the camera-data and migrate the store, but I'm gonna need some help here."

@AwesomeZero5 Somewhere in the Depths of the Lower City, June 12th 2177, 17:00, tick... tock...

"Still looking out for me, huh, Kit?" Virginia smiled. "Sleep's a luxury for people with my job I'm afraid, but I'll be alright, you know me and my supplements..." she said as she slid the chip into her own data-port augment. Her eyes glazed over for a second before she took it out again, data transfer complete, the chip now smoking as the meltdown command was triggered. "Well, well," she purred as she looked at Rizzo. "You reeled in a big one this time. Good job gentlemen, rewards will be handsome as always." Rizzo crossed his arms. "Get down to it, Virginia, we didn't dodge gangsters just to exchange pleasantries."

Virginia shifted fully into her business persona. "There has been some interesting corporate maneuvering in the city recently. We suspect that elements of the top players are jockeying for control by using neural erasure to eliminate threats and maintain control within the ranks. And this..." she tapped her data ports "...gives us one piece of the puzze. They're planning a gala. Very secretive. Top functionaries, corporate security details, the whole deal. But more importantly, they've erased something from the data, there's a gap in the memories in here, and our client wants to know what it is. They've paid handsomely for our expertise in the discovery phase of this case." Virginia's eyes narrowed slightly. "It won't be easy," she mused, tapping her chin. "Getting in there, but it will be worth a whole lot of Bits. Or, if we play our cards right, it could secure us a few favors in high places, even a seat at the bargaining table." Almost hesitantly, she turned back to Kit. "We may need you once again. If you're not too busy living life on the edge..."

@Expendable Lower City Alley, June 20st 2177, 01:00, tick... tock...

Some weeks later, Niner found herself in a dim-lit alley in the Neon-York's Lower City's depths. In her time out of digital servitude, Dex's team had rigorously uploaded physical infiltration trainings and tested her to build on her digital skills. And now, her first mission had begun. The air was thick with anticipation, the smell of ozone, and the sound of hovercars humming in the distance. Her squadmate, callsign 'Rho', adjusted Niner's neural interface collar, and eyed the rundown warehouse across the street. Its facade may have been scarred with digital graffiti and broken windows slabbed with holographic ads, but they hid the inside of the facility from view almost too well for it to be accidental. Niner saw a surveillance drone patrolling the area, and every now and again guards too heavily armed to be the mere squatters they pretended to be took a stroll outside. Intel suggested it was an unregistered fabricator lab used to produce high-end cybernetics for illegal operations. "Niner," Dex crackled over the comms, "Welcome to your first op. Stick to the mission parameters: infiltrate, gather any evidence you can find, communications or operational logs if possible. Get in, get out. Rho will help you. Good luck."

Niner scanned the area and found some Extranet channels they could potentially use to listen in on and insert communications, and there were maintenance tunnels. Rho suggested she could try to physically infiltrate the building through a side entrance or the rooftop that seemed less guarded. Then a sudden noise came from inside the building, and they heard a guard approach.

GM Actions and Prompts:
  • @Izurich: Buzzdrones and Sniper both rolled -3 on Defend, and are taken out, gain +1 FP for choosing to exit the conflict.
  • @Eviledd1984: Gretchen Compels Ben's High Concept/Relationship Aspect, accept to gain +1 FP.

I really like the kid/autobot combo in a small city idea. That said: my knowledge about Transformers doesn't go much further than Megan Fox lol, I have absolutely 0 nerd cred on this stuff, so as long as you think it doesn't need too much canon/background knowledge, I can be tempted. Are there any snowmobile autobots by any chance? :p
First draft

Sounds cool, I volunteer!
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