Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@BlackPanther If you want to then you should. :P But totally up to you. :)
@BlackPanther You could totally have em go out of work and head over and help out.

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Caits Cassandra, @Vicier & @Lord Zee Billy

As Riley started to slowly put away the wrecked tent that her two best friends have been using together the night before, which was still covered in now dried up blood. She sighed softly as she started to get the things out of there, that was when she heard a car pulling up near the RV. Riley backed out of it slowly and turned around to see who it was. She recognized the car as Cassandra's and smiled, glad that someone had actually gotten her text. "Hey Cassie." Riley then stopped as she could pick up a scent herself eucalyptus? Riley looked towards her friend. "I don't know the smell either.." Riley said softly as she looked around she caught movement in the corner of her eye until she spotted a Dingo?

Riley jumped suddenly when she could hear the familiar howl of Vanessa, and yelped loudly in surprise when Vanessa suddenly tackled her to the ground, and then Riley was on top of Vanessa looking down at her friend. Riley had looked up to Vanessa for the past week now and she respected her more now. "Oh yeah i'd totally want to take the Alpha rank out from under you." Riley said jokingly as Vanessa rolled off of her, and then accepted the hand and pulled herself up.

Riley dusted herself off and turned to look at the Dingo that was still on the edge of the camp then she heard some more footsteps and turned to see that it was Billy. Riley quickly went up to her friend and gave him a hug, she was actually glad that he didn't come to the camping trip a week ago. "Hey there Billy." Riley said with a soft smile then her attention turned back towards Vanessa. "Maybe the were-dingo was just passing through?" Riley asked as she approached Kaylee but kept her distance still and smiled at her trying to be friendly.
What up peeps?!

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Infirmary.

Kristina stood there over her sister's body for a moment as she looked around as she saw the other people of Newnan carrying and dragging and carrying bodies behind the courthouse, most of them were of course were the Walkers and the people that had attacked the settlement. Kristina decided to go for a little walk alone by herself. Kristina made her way back towards the main street she watched as James Grady, the bat lady and Zoie were all gathering and getting ready to go out and distract the Walkers outside and draw them further away from Newnan. She heard Ashton's radio going off, mentioning someone by the name of Alicia, she didn't know who this person was but then again she didn't know anyone at all in this group.

Kristina eyed the two women in armor again as the two of them talked to one another, she watched the truck drive off towards the gate and Ashton heading there as well. She thought for a moment to head over there and see what was up, but decided against it, Kristina looked over seeing the door open and saw Dick there and glared at him then one of the women headed over to talk with him. Kristina wanted to punch him one more time, but knew that she would most likely get in trouble with that. She sighed softly as she quickly jumped to hear an explosion out in the distance. And then Kristina saw Ashton coming back his expression completely changed she silently watched him making his way towards the Buster and climbing into the cab and shutting the door behind him.

Kris decided to head into the Infirmary to see if she could be of any use to anyone there, she silently followed behind Richard and Astrid as she stood outside of the infirmary. Kris watched as Froggy was flipping his shit at the new girl and the Miss Captain Hook soon to be, and then she watched Richard pretty much socking the redhead in the face and knocking her down onto the ground. Either Dick was really pissed or just annoyed either way she didn't like him hitting a woman. "Wow hitting a woman already Dick Face very low for you." Kristina said glaring at him.

Kristina watched Astrid going to grab some zip ties and handcuff and gag the woman, she looked at them both with slight irritation maybe Niesha deserved it or not she wasn't sure. Kristina walked and sat down at the other end of the infirmary.
@Vicier Shes good to go send her to the CS tab and you can post. :)
I'll get you to spill one day woman. :P
Is someone gonna die?
@Vicier For you? Of course join in! :) Though you will have to make a human that okay with you? :)
@MissCapnCrunch Maddie is so cute! :D
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