Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Christine Ramirez

Interacting With: @Thundercrash 7872 @smarty0114 Oliver & Eliza Harper

Christine looked towards Seven for a moment and nodded, as long as she was able to help out others around her she would be happy to tend to all of those that had been injured, but it looked like no one had been injured during the crash. "Alright then lead the way." Christine said as she turned around and followed behind her cellmate, that's when she froze and heard a loud scream and quickly followed behind the others to see Oli carrying a girl in his arms. Christine quickly led the way into the Auburn Liberty, she followed Seven into the pilot's chambers and knelt down next to the girl to get a better look at her.

Christine started to check for any sort of injuries while Seven went to try and disperse the crowd that followed, she hated when people started breathing down her neck while she was doing her work. Chris got up from where she was sitting looking at the faces of the other kids who were former prisoners. "I'm going to shut the door, i'll let you all know if shes okay." Christine said as she pressed a button and the door shut behind her. Christine turned back to the girl as she inspected her most likely she was in shock from whatever she saw. "Could you tell us what you saw out there?" Christine asked while looking up at Seven for a moment. "Did you see anything since the crash at all, any animals by chance?"
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Outside of Boston Heights

Riley raised an eyebrow towards the man and nodded slightly it was true that she had died she was right there and pretty much all of Boston Heights was there to witness it. "I was actually there last night, even got hit by some of the debris from her body landing on the table." Riley said as she moved some of her hair to reveal the bandage on her head from the night before. "Did you know Danica at all by any chance?" Riley asked, she hadn't known Danica all that well she remembered seeing her going out on some runs along the sidewalk. But other then that she never really knew her and she felt bad for the girl.

"I'm Riley Ridgeway by the way, and you are?" Riley asked trying to be as friendly to him as possible, she knew about the gun tucked behind his shirt but she didn't want to make the man to unstable. "Maybe I could get you something to eat or drink? I live in the Classic Building behind me." Riley said pointing towards the building behind her.

Samantha Hunter

Location: Town Center
Interacting With: @Sohtem Scarlett Warrington & @Morose Dr. Chase Barnes

Samantha continued to get some video of the scene as best as she could, she looked up at the sky still feeling some of the light raindrops hitting her skin, and decided to put her camera into her purse for now. She started to make her way towards the ambulances to get a better look at what was actually going on, she stopped and shuddered slightly at the sight of the injured people. There obviously was a shooting, but she decided to try and get some answers from the towns people, she turned back around towards the crowd and searched around she knew that the medical personnel and law enforcement were going to be way to busy for her to get any answers. Sam continued to walk through the crowd until she saw a dog running up towards a man and jumping up at him causing her to smile slightly. She watched a woman coming up to him to get the dog off and it easily obeyed her command.

Sam then decided to approach these two people, also she needed a place to settle down for the next couple of days so she wanted to know where the best place to get a room as well. "Hey, uhm i'm new in town and I was actually wondering what actually happened here, maybe you guys could fill me in on what has happened?" Samantha asked and then looked towards Rex and gave the dog a soft smile. "Also I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend a place to stay for a few days? I just traveled all the way from New York and I don't know what would be a good place to stay that isn't to overly priced."

Kristina Smith

Location: The Southern Gate

Kristina leaned herself up against the wall until she heard the familiar joyful voice of James she smiled at him, he was one of the people that helped her cheer up after loosing her sister and considered him as a good friend and enjoyed working under him. "Good morning big bro." Kris said with a smile as she followed behind James and looked towards Guy, the two didn't get along the first day but she couldn't really blame him it was her fault after all for getting him on agricultural duty. Kris followed him towards the south gate where all the animals were located. "I'll start gathering the eggs then." Kristina said as she grabbed a small bucket and headed into the chicken coop, it reminded her growing up back home when she was younger as she helped take care of the chickens. Kris started searching through their nests as she started pulling out some of the eggs and gently putting them into the bucket.

Once she had all of the eggs Kristina walked out of the coop setting the bucket of eggs down, she went back inside and checked to see their feed, Kris walked to their trough and saw that they needed some more and walked out again to grab the feed and started to pour it over. She smiled as she watched the chickens and roosters quickly going over to get their meal for the day, and backed away rubbing away a bit of sweat from her forehead. Kristina turned her head as she heard James' radio going off, hearing Zoie's voice crackling through the radio about new comers at the gate. "Want me to come with you? Or I could stay here and continue tending to the animals, totally up to you." Kristina said and looked over towards Guy who was also working.

Sophia Harris

location: Newnan Infirmary, then to Sophia and Niesha's Apartment.

Sophia turned her head as she saw Ashton coming in and smiled slightly towards him as he addressed her and Astrid. "Feeling a lot better, thanks ready to work once i'm able." Sophia said with a slight smile and turned towards Astrid as Ashton left to get Froggy for distillery work, she was eager to get out of the infirmary and actually do some work rather then staying in a bed all day doing nothing. Sophia sat up awkwardly once more as Astrid pulled up a wheel chair. She climbed into the seat with Astrid's help and sat there as she was wheeled out of the infirmary for the first time in a month. Sophia covered her eyes with her right hand as the hot morning Georgia sun hit her face, Sophia watched as the people went about their daily duties in Newnan.

She smiled seeing some kids playing out in the streets, as some people waved Sophia smiled slightly and nodded towards the people as she was wheeled east towards one of the makeshift apartments. Once she was back inside she started to wonder who she would be bunking with, and once she was inside Sophia instantly smiled when she heard Astrid say Niesha. And shortly after that Niesha came out from the bedroom she was glad to have a room with her better then with some stranger she didn't know and she enjoyed her company whenever Niesha was allowed to visit.

"I'm glad to be out finally." Sophia said and felt Astrid gently patting her shoulder and looked up at her for a moment and nodded. "Thank you again for everything, and i'll let you know if I do need anything and i'll go to the infirmary. And I wont strain myself to hard either." Sophia said and watched as Astrid left and closed the door behind her, she turned back to look back at Niesha. "So where is my hug?" She was so happy to have different scenery then just the infirmary.
@Pluvia Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you ever want to RP or chat feel free to ask! :)
I'll be posting tomorrow. :)
Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice looked around there weren't any other escape tunnels that the lava could have gone through while the volcano was still active, she pulled out her phone just as her friend had done. "No, reception even I charged my phone today." Alice said with a soft sigh as she looked towards the pool of water and knelt down before looking over her shoulder at Millicent and shook her head slightly. "None of my family members I told we were going here today." Alice groaned loudly she regretted telling her family where she would actually be going today. "My dad is one a fishing trip, and my mom is working until late tonight.."

Alice then looked closer trying to find a way out through the underwater cavern, she could see a small bit of sunlight coming from under the water. "Hey how long can you hold your breath underwater for?" Alice asked looking over at Millicent she felt bad for trapping her friend under the water, she should have stopped herself. "And sorry for dragging you here, I didn't think we would end up falling under a cave here under the volcano."
Jennifer looked up in awe as she walked into the rather large manmade looking cave system that had been built under the mansion this she was not expecting to see and she could see why all the secrecy to everything. She quietly followed behind Mr. Nexton to the bottom of the stairs, she noticed the rather large monitor with various keyboards and buttons. Then she followed behind him to a group of glasses that were covered by a tarp, as he removed it Jennifer took a step back eyeing the suit of the Vigilante in front of her.

"You want me to become the Vigilante?" Jennifer asked as she accepted the suit as she looked down at the dark suit running her fingers through the flexible material that it was made of. Jennifer watched the old man walking towards the large computer and got to work when a small wall appeared next to her. She walked behind it, Jennifer slowly started to strip down to her underwear setting her clothes down into a neat pile. Jennifer started to slowly get changed into it.

Jennifer started to try and get adjusted to the weird feeling, she remembered reading the many stories of him back when she was growing up she thought it was all a myth but she was completely wrong. After she had gotten all adjusted to Jennifer made her way towards Mr. Nexton. "How do I look?" Jennifer asked while looking up at the giant computer in front of her.
Christine Ramirez

Interacting With: @Mercenary Lord Abe @Thundercrash 7872 @Subject Zero Cody

Christine leaned herself up against the hull of the ship still taking in a deep fresh breath of air, it was a whole lot better then the recycled air back in Port Hope. She turned her attention towards Cody and shrugged slightly she hadn't the slightest clue as to why they crash landed on this uncharted rock so long as there was breathable air and they couldn't be found by the Inquisitors she was completely fine with that. I'm not sure, honestly we should just be happy that we aren't up for death anymore." Christine said as she started to think about medical supplies, she wasn't sure what was on the ship and decided to ask Abe about it. Christine walked under the hull where she spotted Seven her cellmate back in Port Hope and smiled towards her for a moment.

"Abe was it right?" Christine asked looking at the owner of the Auburn Liberty. "Do you happen to have medical supplies? I used to work at the hospitals before I was thrown into a cell, if we have any injuries I could try and treat them." Christine said as she looked towards Seven her nickname she called her cellmate because she didn't know her true name. "How are you feeling by the way?" Christine asked, she wanted to try and help anyone if they got injured here on this rock.

Samantha Hunter

Location: Town Center
Interacting With: None

Samantha had spent the last several days driving from New York to Altsoba Washington, she could have taken a plane but she didn't trust flying these days with all the crazy news that had been going on. As Samantha drove down the highway until she finally saw the exit to Altsoba, she turned on the radio as she heard news of she had heard the news story of a shooting that had just happened in the town and several other shootings within the town as well as several massacres in several schools across the world. As Sam started to enter the town she drove towards town hall, where she saw a group of people there and ambulances. Once Samantha was in a good parking spot she adjusted her purse and slowly grabbed for her camera to get ready to record things that have been going on.

She quickly pulled her keys from the ignition and got out, Sam closed the door to her car and made sure that it was locked she started to make her way across the street and turned on her camera, and started to film what was going on she got some shots until she heard her phone going off. Sam groaned slightly as she shut it off and pulled out her cellphone it was her boss asking where she was at. "I just got into Altsoba now." Samantha answered as she looked around the crowd wondering if she could get some questions.

"Hey listen, i'll call you later once I get more info on what is going on." She said, after her boss had said goodbye Samantha started walking around and turned her camera on again trying to get the best view of what has happened.
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