Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

"I would miss all of the friends that I have made here if I ended up having to move so suddenly." Alice said softly as she looked up at Millicent and smiled slightly as she ran a hand through her hair, this place was actually very beautiful and she didn't feel like having to leave it just yet. And the island was still a complete mystery to her, though it was such a beautiful island even this little place that they both ended up stumbling into.

"Well i'm sure that you will still get along with just about anyone here though." Alice said with a bright smile as she started to swim around the small pool of water and then started to float on her back looking up at the day light shining through the giant opening of the volcano. It was actually very relaxing and she decided to just come here whenever she felt the need to since it was such a relaxing place to be.

Later On That Night...

As the girls spent pretty much their whole entire day under the extinct volcano the girls spent a lot of time just talking and playing in the water, enjoying their time just hanging out. They completely lost track of time as the sun started to set and the full moon started to rise. The moon slowly started to move its way over Mako Island until the moon was shining directly into the opening of the extinct volcano and onto the pool of water that both Millicent and Alice were in.

Then something weird started to happen as the water suddenly started to become very warm and then the water started to bubble all around the girls. Both of them stared at one another very confused at what was going on, eventually the moon moved away and just as the bubbling and warm water suddenly stopped.

"That was really weird I think we should head back home c'mon follow me I know the way out of here." Alice said as gently took Millicent's hand and then took a deep dive under the water and started to swim until they were at the opening and Alice quickly helped Millicent back up to the surface as well.
@rocketrobie2 It's all good and i'm still interested. :) By the way you tagged yourself. :P
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Roller Derby Rink

Riley watched as Ronnie took out his phone and brought up YouTube on his phone and handed her his phone as a video came up with the Juno Roller Derby Team. Riley couldn't help but cringe seeing how violent and aggressive the team was with the other players, she wouldn't even go down onto the rink with any of them in fear of something like that happening to herself. "Well, I guess we can rule out cheating. And I don't care if you burp just don't burp on me though." Riley said as she took another bite from her pretzel and heard Ronnie letting out a burp and couldn't help but shake her head slightly and let Ronnie take back his phone. Riley leaned back as she took a drink from her cup and watched the derby girls down on the rink below them, and wondered how this was connected to Danica's murder.

Riley looked over her shoulder to see a man approaching her and gave a slight smile towards him, she wasn't sure if he was a fan or if he wanted to just hit on her. Then she felt Ronnie's arm over her shoulder as the man glared when Ronnie gave the man the bird, she couldn't help but smirk slightly. "Well, maybe I should hire you as a body guard from random men." Riley laughed slightly as she set her drink down and finished eating the rest of her soft pretzel and started picking up the salt from inside the wrapper and then licked it off.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel, the way to the picnic.

"I'd imagine Kai and Ada would have probably gotten it on last night since I guess they are officially back together now. And I think they would have like five little Kai and Ada demons spawns running around in the next five years." Riley said with a light laugh as she then turned her attention back towards Tuesday she felt bad for her sister. "I couldn't imagine myself working at something like Disneyland or anything like that, and deal with little kids constantly."

"You know I could hire you, and we could travel the world together and what not." Riley offered to her sister, she could never imagine herself being put into prison she may have gotten speeding tickets in the past but she was never put in the back of a cop car. "That's if you want to, its really up to you though Tuesday." Riley said with a soft smile. As she continued to drive towards the picnic Riley looked back towards the road and thought about visiting their parents since they were in town or at least by herself. Maybe after this whole thing blows over she would visit them she hadn't talked with them since she was kicked out of her house.

Samantha Hunter

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn, Room One
Interacting With: Her laptop & Satan?

Samantha was starting the video once more to try and find something else that shouldn't be there, then she started to let out a light groan as she brought her hands up to the back of her head feeling as if it were a headache. Sam then felt something wet and warm sliding down her nose, she quickly brought her hand up and looked down to see that her nose was starting to bleed. She looked confused as she quickly went up and grabbed a paper towel from the small kitchen like area and brought it up to her nose and leaned her head forward pinching the bridge of her nose to try and stop the bleeding. Samantha froze for a moment as she started to hear a voice as if it were coming from the speakers of her laptop. "Who's there?!" Sam yelled suddenly looking around to find no one else in the room with her.

She started to hear the voice repeating itself Sam quickly went over and unplugged her laptop and shut the computer off, but that still didn't seem to stop the insisting voice. Samantha remembered the crazy man named Barnes mentioning a woman named Amy to get revenge on her or something. As the voice continued even after she shut off her computer she quickly picked the thing up and went into the bedroom and then dropped it into the closet and went back into the main room.

But even after putting her laptop in the other room the voice just kept getting louder, making her headache even worse she walked over to her bag and started searching and found a small thing of aspirin and grabbed two popping them into her mouth. She looked out the window seeing that it had gotten dark, and being completely creeped out and really uncomfortable being in the room. Sam decided to not sleep in the room. I need to go somewhere else.." Samantha said as she started making her way and grabbed her purse and left the room, closing it behind her and made her way outside of Aunt Sue's to where she had parked her car. She unlocked the door to her car and climbed into the back seat of it and made sure that her car was locked, pulling out a blanket from the floor of her car and wrapped it around herself.

Sam truly wasn't a believer of any religion it really wasn't her thing at all, she preferred seeing things that were right in front of her but with all of these events going on she wasn't even sure what to think anymore. She saw something that looked demonic on her laptop after reviewing the footage she caught earlier and now she was hearing things.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha, @BlackPantherGage & Aron & @Caits Cassandra

Anastasia didn't mean to make a strange face when the mention of the wolves, she was also new to the town as well and could understand where the woman was coming from. "Sorry I didn't mean to, i'm also very new to the town like I said." Anastasia said as she thought about the campsite she wasn't sure if the camp was cleaned up or not since the attack. But then again it really wasn't her place to say that they should get it cleaned up or not. "I'm sure you will find someone who is willing to be interviewed on the wolf attack, i'm not sure the victims of the attack though would be willing to give out any info though." Anastasia said with a slight shrug as she ran a hand through her hair. Anastasia looked towards Natasha once more she could see the woman was either irritated or had some sort of headache.

Anastasia turned her head as she saw the twins Gage and Aron enter the little café along with Cassandra, she didn't know the twins but she remembered the brief conversation with her and Cassandra a week ago and gave her a soft smile. "Hi there Cassandra, how are you doing?" Anastasia asked as she grabbed her cup of coffee and took a drink of it and set it back down onto the counter.
@BeautifulSnow It's all good and our characters are still in the same spot. I'll be posting later tonight.

Kristina Smith

Location: The Southern Gate, then Kris' Apartment.

"Thank you Niesha." Kristina said softly as she stood there letting Niesha inspect her foot, it hurt like hell as she watched her friend walking over and grabbed a shovel. Kristina held onto it shifting her weight onto her good foot, it was still embarrassing for her to end up falling into the manure. She stood there as Niesha walked over and grabbed a hose and held onto the shovel as she felt the cold water being sprayed on her soaking her clothes and hair completely until all of the animal shit was finally washed off of her Kristina looked towards Niesha. She trusted her enough, to go to the apartments and get it fixed up and then head to the infirmary to have Froggy to examine it some more. [color=cyan]"I think we can head back to the apartments get it bandaged up and then get it examined at the infirmary."[color] Kristina said softly. "I think that Pestilence will calm down in a bit. And the others might get him under control."

Kristina started limping alongside Niesha wincing slightly as she tried to keep as much weight off of her bad ankle as best as she could. Kris could hear the horse running around still some of the agriculture staff were still trying to calm the raging horse. "Well I guess I won't ever be riding a horse again, or at least for a very long time." Kristina said as she and Niesha entered the inner walls, she then remembered something that Sophia told her awhile ago. "So, how are things between you and Sophia?" Kristina asked, as she limped closer towards their assigned building.

Kris remembered first talking to Niesha while Froggy was out of the infirmary and Astrid had stepped out, it was a day after the attack and Sophia was still sleeping. Kristina spent the time getting to know Niesha a bit more, once they finally got to their assigned building Kristina went to her room and opened the door. "The first aid kit should be in the bathroom." Kris said as she went and sat down at the nearby table that was in there. Kristina could still smell herself and shuddered slightly at the stench, she wasn't sure what smelled worse animal shit, or Walkers though she would rather be in a pile of shit then be covered in human remains and Walker bits.

Sophia Harris

location: The Streets of Newnan, then The Rec Center.

Sophia watched as Meg started to finish up teaching the young ones for the day, she swiveled her chair around with her right hand to turn out the door. "Do you need some help?" Meg asked as Sophia looked up at her and shook her head slightly and gave a slight smile towards her, even though she was still recovering from last month. "Just give me a slight push through the door and i'll be fine after that." Sophia said, as she watched Meg opening the door, and gave her a light push over the bump to the entrance of the school. "Thanks." Sophia said as she gave Meg a little wave as Meg closed the door behind her.

Sophia brought up the bottle of water up to her lips and took a quick drink as she used her feet to push herself along the streets of Newnan. As Sophia pulled herself along the streets, she could see a glimpse of a couple, she certainly hadn't seen them before while spending her time in the infirmary the whole last month. She was a little bit curious as she moved herself along until she was up at the door.

She reached over for the door and wheeled herself in, Sophia looked around the empty room seeing the place reminded her a little bit like her old high school gym minus the bleachers, wax wooden floors, and the basketball markers along the floor. Sophia pushed herself in seeing woman on the floor and then looking over towards the man. She wasn't sure if she was intruding on their little moment together or not, and just by their reactions to the building she knew that they were new Sophia coughed slightly to get their attention. "Sorry, uh am I intruding?"

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The woods around Arnco Mills

Raymond looked over towards Tiffany who actually decided to follow him, he would smile slightly and shook his head he wouldn't kill anyone unless there were truly no other options left. "I'm not going to kill you or take your stuff. If I wanted to steal your stuff i'd have done it by now." Ray said calmly trying to catch his breath. He gave her a quick look over, he didn't trust to many people these days but he got the feeling that Tiffany wouldn't harm him unless he did something threatening to her. "The name is Raymond by the way." Ray said as he introduced himself.

Then out of nowhere a walker had snuck up behind Tiffany and grabbed onto her hair tightly, he wasn't going to let another person die today. Well the last guy he left to die because he wasn't moving when there were walkers nearby, he took out his machete once more and quickly tried to find an opening. The bush was in the way of both her and the walker, Ray quickly waited for an opportunity until it finally came. He brought his machete back and swung downwards at the elbow join, it landed but lodged itself slightly into the Walker's arm. Ray quickly pulled it back and then brought it down as hard and fast as he could severing the limb as the arm still held onto Tiffany's hair.

Raymond quickly went and slashed his machete into the walker that tried to take a bite out of Tiffany, the walker's body fell limp as he turned around seeing another walker. Ray smashed his machete into the Walker's skull, and then he kicked off the walker killing the second one. "Lets keep moving and pay close attention." Raymond hated going into the woods, there were just to many that could just jump out at you.
@Morose I saw what you did there in your first paragraph on Ed. :P
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