Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@BlackPanther Yep just put them in the OOC once it is up but not in the CS tab i'll be putting all the accepted CS's into it.
I have been thinking about this for awhile again and gonna be giving this RP a reboot once more, mainly due to people dropping without a word, and it's hard to see who is interested in the RP or who isn't in it. This is why I decided to just start fresh from scratch once more, i'll link you all the new thread here shortly.

@Zhaliora@Vicier@BeautifulSnow@Damo021@BlackPanther@Caits@Azaria Blue@rivaan
Nice lol. :P


The night before was amazing as Cassandra not only ran the club but she also always would go out onto the dancefloor as well and joined the people around her in dancing. Despite being two hundred years old since she had been turned by her sire all those years ago Cassandra at first was scared of what she was, but as the years went on Cassandra learned to live with what she has become now. Living through two world wars as well and experiencing the world change around her was interesting to her. She eventually bought the building fifty years ago, and The Nightlife became very popular with all kinds of people. Cassandra also used her club as her own feeding ground, she of course was always careful when she fed and making sure she didn't kill or turn anyone. She however met Raven at her club, remembering every detail that they had done Cassandra eventually took Raven home with her.

Cassandra eventually fell asleep after their night of fun, she slept peacefully after the whole thing, as the morning came Cassandra slowly opened her eyes watching the lovely woman slowly getting up with a confused look on her eyes as she realized what had happened. But she remained very quiet and continued to pretend that she was still sleeping, eventually Raven left her apartment and quickly went to wherever the woman needed to go. Cassandra eventually got herself out of bed letting out a slight yawn as she remembered the taste of Raven from before and smiled hoping to see her again.

Cass slowly went towards her walk in closet wearing nothing as she started to slowly put her clothes on picking a simple tshirt as well as a pair of blue jeans. Cassandra had to go back to The Nightlife, during the day Cassandra worked doing all the money and inventory stuff she needed to do for the night to come.


Lizzy sat at the back of the bus she looked occasionally at her watch seeing the time she was getting really late to visit her best friend Aline, they were certainly a different pair of friends, Lizzy's family weren't rich or famous she lived with her parents still. She couldn't remember why they became friends but she felt like they actually got along really well together. Sadly Lizzy didn't have enough money to buy herself a car just yet mainly because her parents were to busy and were always out of the house with their jobs and all her expenses were mainly on food. Eventually her bus came to a stop as Lizzy quickly got out of her bus and made her way towards La Varelle where she worked. Luckily it was actually her day off today and she promised that she meet her friend Aline there while she had the day off, Lizzy was actually a little bit jealous of Aline being a model and everything.

As Lizzy made her way inside she looked around and saw that Maria was there working the counter pouring a few customers their coffee for the day. She then spotted Aline in their usual spot and quickly made her way towards Aline and sat down across from her and smiled softly. "Sorry i'm late, LA traffic as you know is always really bad around this time of the day." Lizzy said brushing a stray strand of her redish orange hair out of her face and looked towards her and smiled brightly as she quickly reached over and snatched a French fry. "So whats up?"
@sakurasan Working out a post now. :)
@Filthy Mudblood I'd totally be interested in doing this! :) And being from the US, i'd be willing to help out with the school system as well as helping with being a Co-GM if need be. :)
@sakurasan Sounds good to me! :)
Aluressa Felstrike

Aluressa looked towards Solares for a moment and nodded slowly as she started to follow behind the others gently patting the fel bat's neck as she made her way into the banquet hall of the hold. She approached the table and sat down at it she looked around at the other races that had been assembled in front of her. Her eye listening to the briefing that the Warden was giving to them, Aluressa ran a hand through her hair as she leaned forward her head slowly following Alina's and shook her head and rolled her eyes. Aluressa didn't like nor dislike Death Knights as they had no choice on them being turned.

The Demon Hunter remained very quiet as the others spoke, then once the briefing had been finished Aluressa slowly got up from where she was sitting she didn't have any questions as of yet. She knew her job was to hunt down and stop any demons that threatened Azeroth, Aluressa looked towards the Warden. "If you need me I will be around." Aluressa said as she turned around to leave the room.
@sakurasan Same i'll be putting more in as time goes on. :)

Cassandra's club is one of the most popular in the city, always busy tending to both regulars, celebrities as well as a secret area only those that are supernatural know about. Which is called The Nightlife.

Lizzy and Maria both work at the same restaurant which is more of an old retro style diner that is very family oriented and is always known for having the best fries and hot wings.

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Alleyway near the store.

Riley looked over her shoulder at Tuesday for a moment she closed her eyes and sighed for a moment as she ran a hand through her hair, she didn't care at this point that it was stained in Lawson's blood. "Well, who are the current list of suspects the ones that you think could be whoever the killer is. What if we get like a yearbook or something and have Cynthia look at it, maybe she could point it out?" Riley asked she knew that she was cleared due to her alibi that she had given the previous day. Riley wasn't sure who was the one picking them off, she knew that her immediate group of friends that she had kept in contact over the years weren't killers. "Lawson is probably our best bet since he was face to face with whoever it is." Riley said as she noticed Cynthia starting to wonder off again.

Riley had a feeling that Cynthia was the one who knew who it could be, but the fucked up mind of hers Riley couldn't understand a word of any of her crazy ramblings. Riley started to follow Cynthia closely just to keep her close as she stood next to the corner and then eyed Cynthia once more and then stared at the blood. "Cynthia, could you give me a hint to who it is we could make a game out of it or something?"
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