Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Seraphina Adams

Location: Outside of Altsoba
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange

Seraphina would occasionally look at the pile of corpses still trying to not empty her stomach right then and there as she waited for Sylvia's reply to her question who she was. Seraphina was about to turn her back away from the desert and head towards her car again, she froze when she started to hear the demonic voice that seemed to be coming from the woods that led further away from the town. Sera really didn't want to stay out here in the open for much longer. Sure she had heard voices throughout her entire life growing up and even still to this day, but it jus seemed dark and demonic.

"You coming or are you actually really thinking of going into those woods to search for that creepy little munchkin?" Seraphina called out as she quickly got into her car and turned the ignition on Seraphina didn't plan on leaving the woman unless she really wanted to be left behind. If Sylvia wanted to get into her car she took her handgun out from behind her where she had kept it hidden and sat it back inside of the glove compartment.

Location: Grand Continental Hotel -> Egyptian Museum

Lauren smiled softly at Aziza as she held her friend's hand as they had gotten up, at least they didn't think that she was some crazy nutcase for even mentioning her weird dreams to the two of them. She watched as Aziza went over and gave Henry a hug. Lauren stood there quietly as she simply let the two of them have their little moment together. Once they were done she felt Aziza latching onto her arm once more as they left the hotel and headed back out onto the streets of Cairo. Lauren held her friend as tightly as she could as they moved through the streets until they were finally at the Egyptian Museum. Lauren stood near Aziza as her friend spoke in Egyptian Arabic which she really needed to learn now.

When the receptionist pointed out an office Lauren walked with her friend when Aziza had to ask a janitor where the librarian's office was, when they did find out Lauren poked her head into the room as she noticed all of the faces that were in the room. Lauren could only recognize one of them which was Nora Kingston she had bumped into the woman a few times during her nights bar hopping and the two would occasionally talk. "I hope we aren't intruding on anything?" Lauren finally asked shortly after Aziza had asked for this Lady Munn person.
@Lady Amalthea If you get the presidency in 2020 @Pundii then can be your first lady. :P
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

As Riley stood there she looked towards her right as she noticed a cop on a smoking break, though she really didn't take up smoking that much it was very rare that she ever did. "Mind if I have one?" Riley asked him as the officer looked towards Riley and nodded as he took out his pack and then offered it to her and then lit it up for her. "Thanks.." Riley said quietly as she took a puff of it, and then leaned her head back taking a deep sigh and watched the smoke come out. This trip turned to hell in a handbasket pretty quickly, she really didn't wish this trip turned out this way. Riley had canceled her tour just for this reunion only to be a target for some fucked up killer that was possibly a classmate that she knew. Riley took another drag of the cigarette when she heard Roxane's voice she turned her head to look at her friend and smiled slightly as she quickly put it out on the wall of the building and then stepped on it with her boot.

"Could be better I guess with all things considering.." Riley said with a slight sigh as she ran a hand through her hair. "I had canceled my tour in England for this, only to be a target by possibly one of our classmates." Riley said quietly as she turned to look at her friend. "What about you Roxie?" Riley asked.

Then she saw Marc coming out of the building she instantly started to get worried that her sister had suddenly ran off. Sure they rarely saw eye to eye on a lot of things and their relationship was really strained after she had come out to their parents about being gay. She at one point thought about getting into drugs but she didn't and just busted her ass off working in bars and singing until finally she got the record label. But they were still sisters even when Tuesday was disowned after her time in prison. Riley wanted to try and help her sister if she could.

Riley thought for a moment if she should go out and look for her sister, the last thing she wanted on her mind was to see her sister like all their other classmates. She looked over towards Roxane with a worried look she really wanted to go and search for Tuesday even if Marc or Tim ended up arresting her. "What should I do?"

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Building E (Kristina's Apartment)

Sophia stood there for a moment as she watched Niesha starting to stutter, she wasn't sure if she was nervous of her admission of her love towards the girl or not or she was embarrassed. When Niesha turned around Sophia was about to sigh knowing that she might have been a fool to say that. But then Niesha turned around and finally said it which made her heart skip a beat. Sophia smiled happily as she leaned forward and gently pressed her lips up against Niesha's and pulled her closely and held the kiss for several seconds which felt like it was longer to her. She held Niesha's hand lovingly in her right hand as she backed away and stared into Niesha's green eyes blushing slightly and bit her lower lip before backing away.

"C'mon lets head over and see Kristina." Sophia said softly as she started to head out from the back of the kitchen as she walked out seeing the people who were on the walls grabbing their own food. She saw Miss. Sally talking with James and then heading out of the Mess Hall, she could see Astrid and gave the woman a soft smile and wave towards her. Sophia was still grateful for Astrid for everything for the whole months being cooped up in the Infirmary and saving her life from being a walker, even if it cost her a hand she made a note to just simply hangout with her at some point.

Sophia left the Mess Hall as she headed along LaGrange Street until she was at their assigned building, she looked around she wasn't sure which room Kristina was in. As Sophia continued down the hallway until she heard Kristina's voice cursing at herself she then knocked on the door which she assumed was Kristina's. "Come in." Kristina's voice came through as Sophia opened the door.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center

Meghna smiled softly at Tatiana and gently patted her on the shoulder she looked at the two of them as they spoke to one another as the two of them spoke about where they were from. She thought for a moment at what Bazhooli said where he was from and Tatiana as well she didn't think anyone would want to spend their winter out in Russia with its snow. Though Meg had never been there it then started putting two and two together. "I believe what he means is St. Petersburg Florida if I am right, I don't think anyone would want to spend their winter vacation in the snow."

Meg then looked over her shoulder at the makeshift set up, though they didn't have a proper stage setup but they would have to make do with what they had on hand. And most supplies were made mainly for the walls and general maintenance on other structures like agriculture maintaining the pens and stables for the animals. They now just needed the people to come out and enjoy the show, she was glad that Ashton had actually agreed to it.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E (Room 2 Kristina's)

The book that she had in her hand slipped out of her hand as she groaned loudly to herself and started cursing to herself as she slowly rolled off of the bed and got down on her knees. She winced as she quickly shifted her weight over to her other ankle as she grabbed the book out from under the bed. "Come in." Kristina said after she heard a knock on the door, she turned her head over to see Sophia coming into the room and smiled softly and nodded towards her. "Hey whats up Sophie?" Kristina asked as she plopped herself back down onto the bed and set the book on the bedside table. It was good to see that Sophia was now out and about as Kristina laid her ankle down on the pillow, she looked towards the door and saw Niesha and waved at her friend.

"Not much, just came to check up on you is all." Sophia said with a soft smile as she pulled up a seat. Kristina nodded softly towards her as she got comfortable on her bed. "I'm doing alright, just taking it easy for once like Doc Astrid had ordered me to do earlier." Kristina said quietly as she ran a hand through her hair. "How are you doing Niesha?" Kristina asked.
@Lady Amalthea Imma be working on a post later tonight along with the others I'm in.
@Vicier & @Caits Get your spare rooms ready for me Trump won moving to Australia now. :P
@Lady Amalthea Im only 25 woman. :P
@Lady Amalthea Dibs on the vice presidency!:P
Actually walker Trump we should kill off. lol
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