Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Location: The Obstacle Tower, Camp Half-blood
Interacting With: @Caits Connor & Niesha @Vicier Syleste & @Feisty-Pants Natalie

"Can't wait then it should be a lot of fun." Elena said with a bright smile as she looked over towards Natalie she was slightly curious about the woman, and she didn't mind a little bit of practice with a bow and arrow even though she knew how to shoot a bow. Elena preferred using her sword and shield whenever she was fighting or practicing. She then gently gave Syleste's shoulder a friendly pat the girl was always cute and timid, and Elena always liked hanging out with her whenever she had the time to do it. "Since I don't really have anything else to do right now, i'm going to go out and practice a little bit. I'll swing by your cabin later and we can do that slumber party." Elena smiled as she started to head off towards the woods.

Elena wanted to get a little bit of practice in as she started to follow the scent which she picked up deciding to take up the offer with some training with the Huntress. Elena closed her eyes for a moment taking in a deep breath as she enjoyed the quietness around the woods, she would sometimes go out for runs in the early morning through the woods by herself from time to time to just relax.
Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @rivaan Valencia.

As Riley went into the RV she started to inspect their little house for the next couple of days, it all seemed to be all in good working order which she was really glad to see. She then looked over towards Valencia as she started to play around with her silver knife Riley was a bit impressed by the skill with the knife, she would have probably cut herself or lost a finger if she tried to do any of those knife tricks that Valencia was using. Riley also started to wonder where exactly she had learned how to handle the knife, Riley the got out of the RV and leaned herself up against the RV and watched Valencia continue to do her little knife play until Val finally addressed her about the lake and where they will be camping.

"There is a small campsite like right in front of the lake itself, gives you a really good view of the whole lake itself and it's really beautiful at sundown and sunrise. Which is why the town was named after." Riley answered as she waved her friend to get into the RV, she might as well show her friend where they will be camping for the next few days. Once Valencia was inside Riley started to pull the RV out of the driveway leaving her car behind, she started driving off towards the lake. The pavement eventually turned into dirt roads they were then in front of the lake fifteen minutes later.

At the lake it was very peaceful a small little island near the middle of the lake could be seen as well as the mountain that was overlooking the entire lake and town. As Riley got out of the RV she started to make sure that their little area would be safe of all of them which she usually did by herself most of the time while all of her other friends were getting things ready on their end.
@AbandonedIntel Thanks. :)
@AbandonedIntel Just one what sort of powers exactly you mention gods and I think more of like fantasy type powers like summoning creatures and stuff like that. Or is it something more like Heroes or any other comic bookif you have seen the show where they are more like super human like telepathy electrokinis ect?
@AbandonedIntel I saw this RP a few months back, but it looked like it started but i'm interested in joining. :)

Sophia Harris

location: Building E (Kristina's Apartment)

Sophia simply sat on a chair as she moved it over towards Kristina's bed as she looked over her shoulder at Niesha as the two of them spoke to one another. She looked around Kristina's apartment which wasn't that much it was pretty well kept for some of her clothes she had were folded neatly near the window, most likely she had just gotten a clean set of clothes. She would gently reach over and hold Niesha's hand lovingly blushing slightly for a moment. "Meghna I think is getting things ready for the show tonight who the newer people who came here today agreed to do are you going to it?" Sophia asked, she then stretched slightly as she looked outside the window overlooking the streets below them.

Kristina looked over at Sophia at her question and shrugged slightly she looked pretty tired actually. "Not really sure I might or might not I was up pretty early anyway." Kristina answered her friend and then gestured towards her friend's missing hand. "How are you doing?" Kris asked her couldn't really imagine losing a hand. "It hurts every now and then but nothing I can handle." Sophia answered her friend.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building E (Room 2 Kristina's)

Kristina turned her attention towards Niesha and gave her friend a quick smile at the question if she needed anything. "If you happen to gave an Xbox or something laying about and a spare tv sitting around here or something that could probably cure my boredom." Kristina said jokingly and then shook her head, she probably would end up getting bored with it anyway she wasn't much of a gamer before the outbreak happened. "But seriously no i'm fine, might need some painkillers for tonight but Ms. Sally said she would swing by with some ice later tonight." Kristina told her as she noticed Sophia reaching for Niesha's hand and smiled.

"So are the two of you dating now or something?" Kristina asked, she was glad that the two of them could find happiness together even in this world. Though she had lost all of her family now she was the sole survivor of her family the last month she felt alone, but the people here have kept her from just leaving which she thought about after losing her sister. "You can say that yes we are together now." Sophia answered blushing slightly at Niesha as she shifted slightly in her seat.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 Rec Center -> Building B (Zoie's House)

Meg turned her head to look over at Bazhooli as he addressed her wondering if they had bowling pins, which she knew that they had. "I'd have to look around but yes we do. The kids play with them sometimes and they have a habit of just forgetting to bring them back here. I'll go and search for some." Meghna said she would have to make sure to tell the kids to put things back where they belong once they were done with them. Meghna watched as Tatiana started to search for a music player, sadly she knew that there weren't any in the rec center. But Zoie she knew the second in command had one in her house. "I'll go and see if Zoie would be willing to lend us her music player just for tonight." Meg said towards Tatiana and gave the woman a soft smile and then looked towards Bazhooli. "I'll come back with some bowling pins as well."

Meghna searched around until she found an empty box and headed towards the entrance to the rec center, Meg gave a quick nod towards the guard until Ashton cleared Baz he would still have to be on guard detail. "I'll be right back." She told him as Meg left the building and started making her way past Jefferson Street and onto LaGrange Street where Zoie's house was next to James' house and closest towards one of the inner walls. Megnha gave the door a few quick nods as she stood there, hoping that Zoie was alright despite being shot or someone who was there with her to open the door.
Post will be up tomorrow.
Post will be up tomorrow.
@BlackPanther Welcome to our little slice of heaven! :D

Also post/new character up tomorrow.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley looked towards Tuesday asking about Cecily raising an eyebrow slightly towards her twin, Tuesday didn't really take an interest into her dating life. "No Cecily isn't here at the moment she's at the coroner's office right now like I told Roy i'm not sure when she will be back home." Riley said as she watched Ronnie moving over towards Cecily's room with her sister as the two of them whispered to one another. Riley moved over towards Cecily's room as well and gently closed the door. "Sorry I don't think Cecily would want people she doesn't know into her room." She looked towards Felix remembering that she had seen him on the other side of the roller derby before all of the shooting started. "Well Marc did pick a good protégé then." Riley said with a smile.

It's not like she didn't trust the two of them Riley didn't want to piss Cecily off if either one of them broke something or messed around Cecily's personal things. Riley took a step back as she looked over her shoulder towards Marc as he answered her question it was good to hear that Cynthia was slowly getting better despite everything that happened back in Grimm. "That's good to hear that the three of them are doing just fine." Riley said with a soft smile as she looked towards Ronnie and Tuesday for a moment knowing that the two of them didn't like either Marc or Roy at the moment in the apartment. Riley started to think for a moment to maybe get them out, then thought of an excuse to get out of the apartment.

"Tuesday and Ronnie here and I were about to leave here pretty soon and go looking for some cars, since you've all probably seen the news of that pileup my ride got totaled I sort of need a new car and I don't really trust public transportation here." Riley told them it wasn't really a lie she did need a new car and she didn't trust using the buses or taxies here in Justice to save her life.
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