Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 He looks good accepted. :) Though maybe add a FC to better visualize him, but totally up to you.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

April Brooks

Location: Powerbound Academy - Auditorium
Interacting With: @AbandonedIntel Powerbound Staff @Ashevelendar Alexis Hunter

April slowly opened her eyes as she groaned slightly as she heard her alarm going off, she reached over for her phone and the alarm had shut off. She looked out the window as she stretched out and yawned loudly. Today was going to be her first day going to the Powerbound Academy which was what her grandfather recomended that she go to before he passed away.Ā  April started to grab some clothes and quickly got changed into a simple t shirt and a pair of blue jeans, tossing her PJ's into her bag.

April had left her hotel room and headed down towards the food court area where they were surving some breakfast. As she got her plate of scrambled eggs and toast as well as some bacon she quickly started to dig into her food enjoying the food it would be the first time that she would be living without her parents as well which she was slightly nervous about.Ā 

A few minutes later...

April was sitting in the back of a car that was driving up the windy road that would take her to her new home for the next couple of months. As the car drove through the gates April leaned her head forward opening the window as she felt the cool mountain air running through her hair April could see the school in the distance along with several other cars stopping at the front of the school. Her eyes scanned the area as she saw other students were outside socializing with one another.

Then her car came to a stop as the car door opened April gave a soft smile as the man took her bags and started to take it off towards the dorm rooms. The young woman stepped out, April took out her phone putting in a pair of headphones in and started to listen to some music. April followed the group of new students that were heading towards the auditorium. She stood there in line as she made her way into the auditorium she stood in line as Sajaa asked for her name. "April Brooks." She said and once she was let in April started searching around for an open seat.

Once April did she sat down and leaned forward as more and more students started to fill the room, than Headmaster Udina approached the podium along with the other stuff and what appeared to be a robot of some kind. She started to listen to the speech as April looked over her shoulder at a girl who wore head to toe in dark clothes that hid her face. April couldn't help but laugh slightly at the woman's question but she remain pretty quiet non the less as she listened to everyone around her.
@WildRose Feel free to join us! :D More food, I mean more people to kill some walkers. :P
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Charnobylisk Miss you to Char! :)

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

"It is really good James really outdid himself." Sophia said as she sat down at the table, she started to dig into the deer rather quickly as she started to enjoy the flavor of the smoked meat she looked up at Ms. Sally asking if they had seen Bridgette anywhere. She shook her head as she swallowed her food, she really didn't see her at all today at least what she could remember. Then Ms. Sally mentioned a leaky grease trap, she did have some metalworking experience before becoming a foreman in construction among other things that she had done before the outbreak happened. "I could take a look at it, I have some experience with that sort of thing." Sophia said as she looked towards Niesha and Kristina for a moment as much as she wanted to spend time with them, she did really want to help out around here for once.

"Though I may need an extra set of hands, it is kind of hard doing things single handed now." Sophia said softly, she looked around the room then she turned her attention towards Ms. Sally. "If you have any tools here, and show me where the problem is I could try and get it fixed up for ya." Sophia said as she started finishing up eating the rest of her deep, and then got up to put her plate away she looked over at Niesha and Kristina. "Would one of you two like to assist me?" Sophia asked.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina was already eating away at the deer as she looked towards Ms. Sally and then looked towards Sophia and Niesha for a moment when Sophia asked for some assistance with the reason why she needed Bridgette for. Kris gently gave Niesha a gentle nudge for her friend to go and assist Sophia. "I'm sure that Niesha could assist you Sophia." Kristina said with a soft smile, not that she wanted to go and help Kris had hurt herself earlier and she didn't want to make it any worse than it already is. "I'll be fine and i'll just wait here for the two of you."

It would be like a sort of little date for them Kris simply sat there as she continued to enjoy the deer that was brought to them, she moved her sore ankle up onto the seat next to her to keep it elevated. She looked towards Ms. Sally biting her lower lip for a moment before asking the reason why she had actually came here for. "I was wondering if I could have some ice for my ankle Ms. Sally?" Kristina asked softly giving the older woman a soft smile.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building B (Zoie's House) -> Building 9 (The School) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)

"Well you know me, I have to watch over everyone and make sure everyone is okay." Meghna said with a smile as she stood up she was really grateful to hear that she could use Zoie's music player. "Thank you so much Zoie, I promise i'll bring it back to you once everything is done." Meg hated to ask that from Zoie taking away the injured woman's music. "If you are up for it you are more then welcome to come see Zoie, same for you James." Meg offered as she moved over to where the music play was plugged in, she pulled it out of the wall and wrapped the wire over the music player. "Hope to see you two later." Meg said with a smile as she looked towards Zoie once more. "And thank you so much for letting me borrow this." Meghna then started to leave Zoie's house closing the door behind her.

Meg picked up the box and headed towards the school where she knew that the kids had left some of the bowling pins in the classroom, as she walked past some Newnanites she would smile and wave towards them. When she finally had gotten to the school building Meg opened the door and entered it. She looked around as she headed towards the toy box that was set up in the corner of the room for the little kids to play with.

Meg grabbed several of the bowling pins and a few small balls that she had found in there, then she started to head out and made her way towards the Rec Center. Once she was there Meg opened the door seeing everyone in the room. "I got you all presents!" Meg said as she handed Tatiana the music player then she saw Jack and smiled at the man as she extended a hand towards him. "Hi there, I'm Meg it's nice to meet you." Her attention then wen towards Bazhooli as she handed him the box that had everything that he could do to entertain the people. "Here you go Bazhooli."
@Ambiguity So how are things going with you lately? :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

"Grimm Indiana the ass end of nowhere pretty much, but yeah what Tuesday said it's probably famous now because of what happened. Hell wouldn't be surprised if they did actually make a movie out of it in the like next year or something." Riley said as she looked over towards Roy as he was getting ready to leave. Just something off about the detective didn't sit right with her, why did he even want to see Cecily for anyway, she knew that the two of them were working on Danica's case together. "See you around Roy, hunt down some perps for me." Riley said as Roy had left her apartment. Riley looked over towards Ronnie and Tuesday she got a small bit of what Roy had whispered to her sister, she looked at Tuesday she couldn't help but give a disappointed look she didn't like the line of work her sister chose to work. Mainly because Riley was afraid of getting a phone call that her sister was either in the hospital or worse her body in the morgue somewhere after a deal had gone wrong.

Riley then turned her attention towards Marc and Felix looking at the two remaining guests in her apartment, she wasn't sure why Marc had came to her apartment specifically and it wasn't really to catch up after what had happened months ago in their hometown. "So, Marc I know you probably didn't come here to reminisce over what happened at Grimm. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren looked over towards Reginald as he and Aziza spoke to one another, seemed Aziza knew the man seeing as the two of them were friendly to one another he wasn't bad in her book then. Her eyes scanned the room as Reginald started to introduce everyone in the room, she didn't know any of these people except for Nora. Lauren raised an eyebrow when Reginald suggested going with everyone for some drinks, which she wouldn't be opposed to. And if these people were experiencing all of these things like she had been with Aziza and Henry she wouldn't mind getting to know some of these people. "I wouldn't mind a drink at some point to get to know all of you. Though someplace that my friend Aziza wouldn't get attacked to. She is like a little sister to me as well." Lauren said with a soft smile towards Aziza as she leaned herself up against a wall in the office making sure that she didn't knock anything down.

Lauren's eyes moved towards Vera as she went towards a cabinet and started pulling out various kinds of folds and papers, she wasn't sure what all of it was. Then the suggestion of going out towards an old city up the river, Lauren wasn't sure what they all had been talking about before the three of them had come here for. "So what is this trip you are all going to, how does it tie into all of us?"
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@AbandonedIntel Finally made the edits, I dunno what else needs fleshing out hope it's okay.
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