Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Location: Egyptian Museum

Lauren simply stood in the corner of the room eyeing the other people in it, the starlet named Josephine, the journalist Haakon, the two British military men Harry and Keystone the man who looked like a treasure hunter William, her friend Aziza the dancer and the two noble ladies Nora and Vera. It was certainly an odd group that she was with, Lauren's hand rested gently on her necklace as she leaned up against the wall, as the discussion of payment for this trip came up Lauren closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief as she didn't have to pay a single penny for it. Though traveling out into the desert wasn't all that appealing to her, but she wanted answers as to why these dreams, and why these people got branded jewelry. When Aziza spoke up, she looked towards her friend noticing the little slip when Aziza used Harry's first name she smiled slightly at the two of them.

"If Aziza is going i'll come as well, just to make sure she is safe and to get some answers." Lauren said, as she thought about her life back at home, and started to wonder how they were all doing back in the US. Her husband at home she was worried about raising their daughter by himself. Then Vera said it would take a few days for everything for their little expedition to happen which she had a feeling it would. Lauren tied her hair into a pony tail as some of it started to get in the way of her face, she looked towards Lady Munn once more. "So once everything is all set up, what time and where should we meet for this little trip?" Lauren finally asked looking towards Aziza for a moment and smiled softly towards her friend.
Seraphina Adams

Location: Town Center -> Forgotten Relics
Interacting With: @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange & Mitsukuri Katsumi@BlueSky44

After her failed kick Sera felt herself losing her footing as she tripped over the crazed man she fell onto the floor causing her to drop her gun onto the floor. She quickly scrambled to try and reach her gun, that was when the man had gotten his hands on it he heard the first shot go off hitting Katsumi in the stomach. Seraphina looked up at the man when the second shot went off, as she felt a very sharp pain shooting through her whole shoulder and arm. She cried out in pain as she quickly scrambled for some cover behind a nearby counter, her eyes going down towards her shoulder as blood started to stain her shirt.

She then started to flashback to what happened during her days as a police officer, the gun shot went through her stomach and then she returned fire before finally blacking out from her injury and waking up in the hospital a day later. She shook her head back to the present as she moved her head out briefly from the corner she was hiding behind seeing the young girl who wasn't as lucky. Then Seraphina heard the door opening, as Sylvia came in. "Get to cover now!" Sera yelled loudly towards Sylvia as she searched around to try and find something to defend herself with.

Sera remembered what Katsumi had said before the asshole tripped her and started firing, that they needed to hit it in the head that would be the only way to kill it. Seraphina sat there silently hitting herself she should have shot first instead of kicking, then they wouldn't be in the situation that they were in now.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station -> Around town.

Riley sighed slightly as she stood in the room and started to pace around it as she tried to think of where her sister had gone, at least she was glad she might have convinced Tim. But she wanted to make sure that her sister was alright, she looked over towards Roxane and Cynthia for a moment. She wanted to make sure that the two of them were safe, Roxane had a family back home, and Cynthia had been through enough already. "Well i'm going to go and search for my sister." Riley said, knowing that she probably just disobeyed something Marc told her to do. But Tuesday was the only family that she could truly trust and actually had a somewhat good relationship with, despite them never seeing eye to eye on things. Riley walked over towards Roxane resting a hand on her friend's shoulder and gave her a quick smile, and then a hug. "Just watch over Cynthia." Riley said as she quickly left Tim's office.

Riley made her way towards her car and took out her car keys and phone, she started to text Chloe where she was at once she was inside her car Riley pulled out of the parking lot. She decided the first thing to check was the center of town, Riley drove along the town center of Grimm. Trying to wonder where she would have gone, she stopped briefly at the icecream shop that she and Tuesday used to go when they were little.

Riley started to dial Tuesday's number into her phone to try and call her again, she wasn't sure where she was or if Chris had actually gotten her sister yet. Riley stopped her car and leaned back in the seat sighing loudly as she waited for her sister to answer the phone,.
Timeskip post will be up either tonight or tomorrow evening at the latest, for right now though hold off on posts if you do have one in the works you may post it and then add the timeskip into it once my post is up.
@Morose Ill have a post up after work tomorrow. :)
@Andromedai Sorry for my lateness to the party here is my character. :)

@Eviledd1984 When we do the timeskip.

@rivaan Once Rivaan posts again i'll be starting the timeskip and we can get the story pumping with life once more. :)
Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @rivaan Valencia.

Riley watched as Valencia suddenly became very active and started stripping down to her underwear, causing her to blush slightly as Riley stood there staring at Val's body for a moment as she started to notice the various scars, claw marks, burns she started to wonder where and how her friend got all of those scars. Riley as much as she wanted to go and swim she didn't want to yet that would be for tomorrow when all of them were at the campsite together. Once Val had finished up her little swim and then the little fishing moment she could see the fish flailing around on the edge of the blade sticking out of the pour little fish. "Nice job there Val!" Riley said with a smile as she headed back into the RV where there were indeed some towels.

Riley came out of the RV and tossed it over towards her friend as she ran a hand through her red hair and sighed softly as she looked out towards the lake. She always liked to come out to the lake when she had the free time to do so, and enjoyed the peaceful quietness that the lake provided. Riley even some nights would come out to the lake and stare up at the stars that were clearly visible, since there wasn't any light pollution unlike the major cities and towns you could see just about every star out in the night sky.

"So I have to ask, uhm what happened?" Riley asked as she gestured to all of the scaring that was on Valencia's body which she wondered who had actually done it to her. She stared at the fish which made her hungry as she decided to make a small little campfire which a small fire pit was already there due to past trips up to the lake. Riley started to gather dry wood and then pulled out a lighter and gestured towards Val to put the fish into the fire so that they could cook it.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia smiled at Niesha she was really grateful that she agreed to help her fix it up, she grabbed a small slice of the deer before heading back into the kitchen watching Kris for a moment until she was out of sight. When they were in the back of the kitchen she looked at the grease trap that was there smelling the grease already. She knelt down to get a better look at what she was dealing with, it looked like it was clogged as well as a broken seal or joint which caused it to leak.

"I'm pretty sure that Bridgette would have been mad either way, knowing how she is." Sophia said softly remembering all those physical therapy sessions for the last month when the woman came in. She turned her attention towards Niesha. "I'll need some buckets." Sophia said as she stood up and started searching through the drawers until she found a scraper.

Sophia then started to scrap off the sides of grease watching it fall to the bottom of the large flowing pile of grease, she had seen people doing putting one together when she worked on building a restaurant in her old life. "It looks like its just clogged and a broken joint to it." Sophia said to Niesha as she looked over her shoulder and smiled softly at her as she started to finish scraping off the excess grease from the sides. "It's going to probably get a bit dirty, but we have to clean it that way we can get a better look. Also try and search for something to seal the joint off, anything that will hold a seal."

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Kristina looked up at Niesha as she gave her that look, she quickly made herself look innocent and smiled slightly as she watched Niesha and Sophia headed off towards the kitchen together. She smiled to herself as she went back to eating the deer, her eyes scanning the room as she watched Astrid and Ashton continuing their conversation with each other. She then stared over at the man that was named Beni and the three of them had left the Mess Hall. That's when Ms Sally came back carrying the bag of wrapped ice for her, she gently took the bag setting it down onto her ankle wincing slightly at the cold sensation.

"I think i'll be fine, besides I think Astrid sort of has her hands full with that guy that they were talking to." Kris said softly as she leaned back slightly she finished her plate as she pushed it to the side and looked over at the older woman and smiled slightly at her. She decided to make a little conversation with Ms. Sally and she wanted a little bit of company while Niesha and Sophia were in the back of the kitchen tending to the grease trap. "So, who was that guy talking with Ashton and Astrid anyway?" Kristina asked, there seemed to be a lot of new people coming in today, and she wasn't sure if they had something to do with the shootings earlier in the day.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

"It's nice to meet you Jack, i'm Meghna." She said with a soft smile as she noticed the plates of deer that he had brought in for everyone, which she grabbed the one that Jack had set aside which she knew was hers and started to dig into the food that was on her plate. Closing her eyes as she savored the taste of it, she now knew what Zoie and Black James were talking about back in her place. She looked over towards Tatiana and gave the shy little bird a smile and nod. "My pleasure, like I said if you need anything just approach me anytime you need me." She looked over towards Baz and nodded towards the large Russian man she was glad that she was able to help him find something for the show.

Then a little thought came to her mind and seeing as the three of them were the newest editions to Newnan and maybe Jack would be more than willing to help out as well. "Jack was it right? If you'd like maybe you would like to be apart of it as well? Maybe some comedy or you could be Bazhooli's lovely assistant if Bazhooli here wouldn't mind?" It was just a thought it would be really interesting to see Jack be apart of it as well.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond smiled softly towards Tiffany and laughed slightly and then started to cough slightly causing him to groan loudly. "Well I wouldn't mind having a peg leg and he could be like my little brother or something if that happened." Raymond said jokingly despite losing a leg today and being in a whole world of pain right now, he didn't want that to dampen his mood. He was grateful for everything Tiffany had done and if Beni didn't come when he did, he and Tiffany would probably have been walker chow by now, or he would be one himself now as well. He then looked towards the injured kid that Tiffany was comforting as she talked about the kids living in this world.

"I couldn't imagine how a kid could grow up in this world." He remembered covering some stories when he was first starting doing a few stories here and there around the world with kids doing what they shouldn't and reading reports in Africa where they used children as soldiers sometimes. "I know how you feel, but if they don't then they would most likely be given a fate worse than death. I wouldn't wish to see children turn into walkers as much as I want a child to live a normal life they need to grow up quick." Ray said softly as he moved slightly in the bed groaning loudly again.
Post will be up tonight.
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