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4 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

"Really, you never heard of it?" Nadia asked looking at Klara for a moment before forgetting that she was way older then she or Runa were and wasnt to much aware of the times again. "It's a show, about a virus or whatever that brings people back from the dead. And when you get bit you end up turning into one, or if you die without getting bit you somehow end up turning as well to. Unless your brain gets destroyed then you are dead for good." Nadia explained she remembered her cousin Kristin liking it a lot. She slowly crossed the lower span of the bridge while looking up. Occasionally seeing some bits of snow and ice falling off just above them everytime the gatekeeper used it's massive club thing to smite whatever was worthy or not worthy.

As Nadia shimmied her way across the lower span she looked down for a moment, seeing the blackness below wondering what would happen if they ended up falling down there it looked like it would go down forever. She would then be at the other side, and looked around for a moment before seeing a ledge that she could grab onto. She was about to reach out for it, before Nadia ended up slipping, but barely managed to catch herself from falling. "A little help here?" Nadia asked looking back down for a moment panicking slightly.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Arnora looked around the area some she didnt have anything liquid that could easily catch something on fire, and she had a feeling that anything that was liquid would be frozen by now anyway. This was the coldest place in all of the Nine Realms after all as well to, as Arnora managed to find some rocks, and inspected them slightly and knelt down. She started to smack the two together before a few sparks would come out. Arnora quickly searched around before finding a stick big enough to use as a torch turning to look at Lara for a moment and smiled.

Arnora then used a portion of her shirt and started to tear it off, and wrapped it around the stick and smacked the stones together a few times, until she was able to get a small fire going. She stood up turning to see Astrid holding her phone flashlight out at least it would be pretty useful. "There would be a lot of dragur and giants there, so taking out the crew would be really hard, so we'd have to damage their supplies or sneak onto the ship and damage it from the inside." Arnora explained as she entered the darker part of the cave, noticing that it was a large cavern. She couldnt see or hear anything else in the cavern as she turned to look back at the two of them for a moment it was clear. "Stay close." Arnora said as she entered the cavern.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

Cassandra leaned forward slightly as she listened to Oliver as he told the group what he had found out about the skrull threat and that the aliens intended to replace all of the world leaders at Geneva which wasnt good at all. And that they couldnt outright strike at them first without causing an international incident, or being caught by the Kree taking out the skrulls easily. Which was going to be really difficult. "So we have to basically fight them one hand behind our backs then." She said as Cass looked towards Bonnie coming up with a plan, which sounded better then her team's faces werent plastered all over the news like all of the Avengers and X-Men were which could work to their advantage.

[color=6ecff6]"That should work."[/color[ She said turning to look at Alex for a moment, he knew more about the security at the White House. "What else should we expect at the White House, security wise aside from Secret Service? Assuming you have mutant detection equipment in there somewhere to, we would have to disable that." Cass said, since most of the team were mutants unlike Oliver, Amelia, Bonnie and Matt she turned to look at Hawkeye and smiled towards him. "We can handle it, as long as everyone sticks to the plan and doesnt question it." Cass said looking at Kwassi for a moment.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

Evelyn leaned back slightly as she looked at the others in the room as they explained the skrull threat, and they would need to infiltrate the White House and then pose as some Secret Service Agents. She was pretty good with that sort of stuff and she had no problems sneaking into the White House. Though she didnt like the idea of having to hold back since the other alien threat would see that as a threat she listened to the group talking and remained fairly quiet for the time being.

"Sounds like a good plan, though how would we lure someone like a world leader away if they had replaced them without being caught?" EVelyn asked, that was one of the concerns since she had a feeling that would be a bit difficult since they are will be surrounded by their own protection detail.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship
Skills: N/A

Maria fixed up her hair slightly looking at the skrulls who were unconscious feeling bad for the ones that she had actually ended up killing, she turned to look at Mr. Fantastic. As he explained where they were and how long it would take to get them back, being away from home for eight years was something Maria did not like at all she had a child on the way to. Even a month or a year was way to long for her to be away from home as well to when Captain Marvel used the console to get them back to Earth quickly.

"Looks like you aren't the smartest man in the world anymore." Maria said jokingly as she looked over her shoulder towards where Princess Anelle and the Wasp were. "Well we have four days to get home, theres probably some useful intel in the computers. We could figure out what they were doing to us, and what they plan on doing to Earth as well i'll be back." Maria said as she turned and started to make her way over to where The Wasp and the Princess were.

Callie Johnson

Location: DC, Sewers -> Mutant Underground
Skills: N/A

Callie heard something cracking and looked up seeing the ceiling was cracking again and then started to do another cave in, she closed her eyes just as a large chunk was about to fall on her. Luckily Veil had her forcefields up, sighing slightly as it fell harmlessly off of it, and turned to look at the others. She was glad that Max did his thing as an opening came up and Jack went to help out with Kristina and pulled her out of the mess.

"Lets get out of here now." Callie said as soon as everyone was out she quickly went through the portal, and noticed that Glimpse wasnt with them, and turned to look at Veil. "Where's Glimpse and happened out there?" Callie asked, seeing that Kris was in a literal block of ice, hopefully they would be able to bring her back. They still had the problem with the bombs as well to, and hoped that they had a location for where they were to.

Bethany Bell

The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Bethany slowly opened her eyes letting out a slight groan as she sat up and looked around, seeing that she was in a cell she had been in one before when OMEN had taken her and Lance prisoner when they were still around. Beth cracked her neck slightly she then reached around her neck she was surprised that they didnt have an inhibitor collar of some kind on her at all. "Are you alright Runa?" Beth asked turning to look at her for a moment as she slowly stood up and looked around the cell for a few seconds.

"Well I guess the good thing is that we can use our powers, for space cops they are kind of dumb to allow prisoners to use them." Beth said as she started to think about the others and she hoped that they were alright, she thought about shadow traveling herself and Runa out of their cell. "So any idea where we are?" She asked Runa.

Kiera Donovan

Location: New Rome - Argo III Top Deck
Skills: N/A

"Thanks for the ride love." Kiera said giving Leda a smile as she started to climb up the rope ladder, seeing all of the New Romans on the top deck some of them really injured and some looked like they wouldnt last to much longer at all. Seeing the injuries were really bad as she looked away, seeing the city burning in the distance, Kiera couldnt help but feel bad that they were loosing their home as well. Alannah was just getting out of the wheelhouse seeing all of them, her face looked a bit worried as well to, she wasnt sure how many people the Argo III could realistically fit before she took charge it was her ship after all to.

"Those with serious injuries get them to the infirmary on the second deck below right away, those with minor ones get to the cargo hold on the bottom deck." Alannah said, as Kiera nodded as she went over to see Demi laying on the ground. Seeing the blood coming out of his one eye, he looked really tired and knelt down grabbing him by the arm. "I got you Demi." Kiera said while looking over at Leda and Mary as she helped Demi getting to the infirmary.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter - Argo III Top Deck
Skills: Mystiokinesis, Military tactics, First Aide

Madalyne looked at the ground below she really was hoping that Nancy and the others would make it safely onto the Greek Ship, as she looked at Alannah as she gave orders for the injured and nodded. "Anyone with medical knowledge set up a triage area in their cargo hold." Madalyne ordered as she noticed that the monsters were now turning their attention to the greek ship now as well, she quickly used her magic and created a large shield that covered the entire ship. She strained slightly as she held up the shield, she'll do it for as long as she possibly could.

The Roman's quickly got to work with their orders and went to help the injured down below decks, while some of them continued to man the weapon emplacements on the Argo III's top deck. Madalyne had a feeling that the ship capacity wouldnt hold all of them, they had a plan to have a rally point just outside of Lafayette California.

Alexandra quickly followed behind Nancy out of New Rome going as fast as she could while holding the bags over her shoulders, the monsters right now were mostly focused on looting the city and taking what they could. Alexandra was breathing heavily and was nearly out of breathe when they finally made it to the Argo III, seeing the remaining members of the Legion were boarding she would spot Marco and wave him over to the two of them. "Boss lady's first." Alexandra said to Nancy gesturing for her half-sister to board first. They would see an opening in the ground slowly appear as well.

Clytius was on fire now as the Giant wasnt down for the count just yet as the Giant charged after the goddess, shoving past Waverly who would end up getting a few burns up the side of her arms as the two continued to fight. The younger probatio went in and managed to take out two of the monsters before getting hit by a cyclops with it's massive club knocking him into a barrel of greek fire killing the young probatio instantly. The broken barrel then started to pour onto the floor and near Clytius. The Goddess quickly noticed that as well turning to look at Em and Waverly waving her hand as she created an opening out of the Labryinth for the two of them. "Get out now!" Ariadne ordered as a fire started they didnt have much time before the other barrels would explode.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Houston Space Center
Skills: Spear fighting

"Have you been living under a rock your whole life?" Kristin teased Zeke some more she thought that just about everyone had seen Star Wars a some point or another. Or played a Star Wars video game, or book anything like that she managed to roll out of the way just as the Chimera fell to the ground asleep now. There was just Echidna and the last of her little henchmen now as Kristin drew out her spear again and ran forward, managing to cut Echidna's side a bit.

Echidna howled in pain as she swung her hand backhanding Kristin and knocking her back a few feet. "You will all fail, if you kill me you will never know our plans." She said giving a smirk as the Mother of Monsters was backing up slightly towards an exit and opened the door revealing a set of stairs to.

Sierra Finley

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

"It was kind of funny to see you all get your asses handed to you." Taylor said jokingly, though she personally wished that it was Colby and Maddie were the ones to get flung around a bit. Sierra slowly stood up and dusted herself off she had no clue why Rumple would just simply kidnap Jack and not the rest of them. They all were pretty valuable by the sounds of it as well to, she turned to look over at the stairs where Megan had gone up to grab Merlin and tell him and the others what had happened.

She just hoped that Merlin had a plan to get him back and apparently they knew where they were right now to which was also pretty worrying in her own opinion as well to. "So whats the plan now?" Sierra asked as she went and sat down at one of the open tables and looked down at her arm seeing some bruises were appearing now as well to.

Layla Hood

Location: Camelot, Pub
Skills: N/A

Merlin turned to see Megan coming up the stairs informing them what had just happened, and knew that the birds were just simply a distraction for Rumple to come in and do whatever he wanted to. "We need to get to the tower right now and I can track your brother from there grab your things and get ready to leave if he was just here he'll send more after you all." Merlin said looking over at Megan gently resting a hand on her shoulder in a way to try and reassure her that they were be able to get Jack back safely from Rumple. Layla rolled her eyes slightly at Matt when he said that it stings and flicked him on the forehead this time. "Well yeah that is what it's suppose to feel like." Layla said sarcastically as she looked at Megan as she informed them that Rumple had taken Jack.

"Alright then." Layla said as she turned into her room again and started to get all of her things together and packed up as well to, she had a feeling that this little hideout wasnt safe anymore either. And she was more than ready to get out of here as soon as possible as Layla headed down stairs Merlin turned to look at Megan for a moment before speaking. "I promise you we will bring him back safely." Merlin said as he headed downstairs as well to. "We are all going back to the tower it will be safer there so get all of your things and get ready to leave." Merlin instructed everyone.

Rumple's Hideout:
Rumple frowned for a moment but poured a drink anyway and went over and sat down on a leather chair and motioned for Jack to sit down at the nearby couch Rumple rested his feet on the coffee table in front of it. "You are still in Camelot don't worry you aren't in any danger." Rumple said as he set the other drink down closer to Jack offering it anyway if he wanted the drink anyway. Rumple turned to look at Jack and smiled some more. "So glad to see you again my boy." Rumple said as he leaned back slightly. "So what has the old crusty man Merlin said about me anyway?" Rumple asked. "I am sure you have a lot of questions as well to, i'll give you all the answers you want that Merlin hasn't answered."

Nadia Petrova

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Nadia turned to look at Klara for a moment, she wasnt sure if she knew how she had died. "The reason why I have a fear of the undead, is because I died, at the hands of some Walking Dead extras thank you very much." Nadia said sighing slightly as she looked around for a moment, she knew that bridges had supports underneath and above them. So they could potentially try that way maybe as she stared at Klara poking more about the undead some more. "Well if we are undead we look pretty good then without the decaying flesh and nasty breath what what not." Nadia said sarcastically and rolled her eyes slightly.

Nadia walked over to the ledge of the massive bridge seeing what could be a possible way for them to navigate without to much of a problem and hopefully undetected. "Here, should be a way to travel under it." Nadia said as she managed to climb on a small platform below, her feet slipped slightly. She looked down seeing the long fall before them. "Be careful it's really icy." Nadia said as she managed to get a better grip now and started to walk along the support beam.

Arnora Skadidottir

Location: Niflheim
Skills: N/A

Elizabeth slowly started to come to as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the three of them. "What happened?" Elizabeth asked as she slowly sat up and looked over at Lara. "Thanks." She said as Arnora turned to face Astrid for a moment asking what their quest was, as she thought what they should do an extra pair of hands would really help with their quest now. "The Ship of the Dead looks like its getting ready to move, and the draugr seem to be getting it ready to. So we are kind of tasked with keeping it where it is." Arnora said softly as she moved a bit deeper into their little cave.

"We should find a way to make some torches and we can hopefully see if this will take us to the location we need to go." Arnora said to Astrid, Lara and Elizabeth as she slowly stumbled back up to her feet. The undead were right outside and Arnora wasnt to keen on going out into the open again.

Bethany Bell

In Space
Skills: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Travel, Clairvoyance

Beth felt the ship shake slightly as the Nova Corps ship docked with their own, and a few seconds later the Nova Corps soldiers appeared and then told them to stand down. Just as they released some some of gas, Beth started to feel a bit drowsy as she tried to fight and stay awake she close her eyes getting an idea. If she could smuggle herself onto their ship, then she could try and find a way to break out everyone else. But when she looked around the ship, there were a lot of them on the ship and now real place to actually hide. Then Quicksilver snapped and killed two guards before they opened fire on them.

Bethany used all the strength that she had targeting the captain by the looks of it who had given the orders and sent a tendril of shadow and managed to smack the Nova Corp Captain before collapsing onto the ground and started to get even sleepier and then eventually lights were out for Beth a few seconds later.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at Bonnie for a moment sighed slightly and nodded towards her friend, she wasnt sure what Fury had her working on he wasnt even director anymore at all. "Alright then we can talk about it later and maybe I can help you to." Cassandra said as she went and sat down next to Matt and reached for a bowl of cereal and turned to look at Oliver for a moment. He was the one who knew the most of what the skrulls were up to right now as she listened to Fury as he told them some more.

"If you know what the skrulls next move is can you debrief us Oliver?" Cass asked, she was the one usually used to giving briefings to the team so it felt nice for once that she wasnt the one doing it. She took a moment and looked over at Matt and reached to grab his hand for a moment under the table so that no one else would see.

Evelyn Holder

Location: Hawkeye's Homestead - Missouri
Skills: N/A

Evelyn was quiet for the most part as she sat at the table and leaned back against the chair looking at everyone else in the room, they all had been cleared of being a skrull which was a good thing then. As she reached for her bowl of cereal and started to eat some of it while listening to everyone speaking and they could hopefully be able to make a gameplan for the skrull threat.

She eyed Oliver who seemed to be the one with the most knowledge of the whole situation. If they knew where they would strike next then they would be able to take the situation on much easier, as Evelyn ran a hand through her hair. She thought for a moment wondering if anyone else on the X-Factor team was also a skrull.

Maria Novikova

Location: Skrull Prison Ship
Skills: (Flynn's fire manipulation) Hand to hand combat, Kickboxing

Maria looked at She-Hulk for a moment wondering what she actually meant by that and shook her head slightly as she turned her attention over towards the skrulls. She got into a fighting stance again as she went towards two more skrulls and managed to land several good heavy punches on them, knocking the skrulls out easily. As she watched everyone else fighting, she didnt like the idea that Black Widow was using lethal force on them though the others took out some more skrulls.

She turned her attention towards the next skrull as she was going in for a punch, the alien managed to grab her by the arm, and flipped her over onto her back with a loud thud. Maria groaned slightly as she rolled back onto her feet again and went to kick the skrull between the legs. Only for her to miss, she went in for the same spot again kicking the skrull in the nuts, hearing the alien making a slight sound before he collapsed onto the ground.

Callie Johnson

Location: DC, Sewers
Skills: N/A

Callie went in and helped removing some of the rubble that was covering Veil and Jack, she let out a sigh of relife seeing that Veil was okay and slowly emerging from the wreckage. And James quickly went in and patched her up, she went over and gave Veil a quick hug, glad that her friend was okay now. "James wants you to use your forcefields to try and make an opening or something big enough for the others to get through, hopefully." Callie said to Veil, hoping that she had gotten his instructions right turning to look at James for a moment before going to Waverly seeing that she was straining a bit and took her phone back.

"Hey, Andy can you put the phone on speaker that way we can give you instructions on your end?" She asked turning to James and handed her the phone to him putting it on speaker to, sounds like the others werent in good shape at the moment and Havok was the only one who seemed to be lucid enough right now. She hoped that this way they could work together and get out sooner rather than later, she turned to look at Casper and gently patted her friend on the shoulder. "You and Ben did great."
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