San Fransico, Sierra Trail:
"Lets get going then." Persephone said as she started to follow shortly behind Niah up the hill where they were in front of the massive structure that was Mount Othrys, there weren't any monsters waiting for them just yet but the goddess continued to move forward and headed into the building that was just below the mountain itself. The hallway was pretty dark the group would hear what sounded like wind or something along those lines.
Eventually they were led into a rather large room at the center of the room itself Niah would instantly recongnize that it was the god Terminus the God of Boundaries in New Rome. He was on his knees holding up the weight of the sky itself, and just behind him was a man wearing a rather fancy looking suit sitting on the throne of the Titans in his hand he was holding Zeus' Master Bolt. "What brings you all here?" Said the Titan Atlas as he stood up glaring at the goddess and the group of demigods before him.
Kristin Reynolds
Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: Spear Fighting
Kristin was still a little bit stunned as the monster tossed Cassian through the doors, but she quickly snapped out of it as the monsters quickly sprung into action and charged forward, a cyclops managed to punch her knocking her backwards and into a wall. She groaned slightly as Kristin slowly started to stand up again drawing out her spear and charged forward managing to stab her attacker killing it instantly. Another cyclops ran up to Zeke and knocking him down onto the ground and swung its massive club at him, hitting him in the stomach, breaking a rib or two. And then a third monster charged forward hitting Janelle with it's club as well knocking her back with a rather loud thud hitting her head slightly causing it to bleed.
The god Alexios was jumped by three cyclops as they attacked him knocking the god back slightly but he managed to get up and took the three out with ease. "You really are hurting my feelings, and some friend you are condemning her to the fate of being trapped in Tartarus." Leandra said and she started growling noise as Demi decided to wrap around her body restraining her, luckily for Nancy she would be able to disarm the traitor and use her own knife against her cutting her side slightly.
Madalyne Crane
Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A
Madalyne thought for a moment, she was a daughter of Trivia however she didn't have any of the abilities of necromancy or the control of the undead and ghosts like some of her other siblings had. She wasn't sure what would happen in Leda's position as she reached over to gently touch her shoulder. She was physical to the touch and she did kill some of the monsters that were harassing her when she woke up, which was slightly interesting. "I honestly don't know, like how do you feel?" Madalyne asked Leda, when she asked her what would happen if she herself would die in here.
"I'm pretty sure i'm alive again, if I were to be killed i'd probably just rise again somewhere else in thus cursed place." Madalyne said as she leaned forward and looked down at the ground for a moment. She started to think for a moment as she looked at Leda getting a slight idea. "You can do that Iris Message thing right?" Madalyne asked knowing that the Greeks tended to use the Iris Messaging system for communications a lot. "We could try and send a message out somehow that way possibly it might be a bit of a far shot though.." Madalyne suggested, if they could get some kind of message out they can tell their friends and loved ones that they were okay somehow.