Avatar of NoriWasHere


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11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
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1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts


Define light magic? As in the use of light itself in magic?

Welcome aboard the interested train!

If you have any questions, as well, let me know!


If any other questions spring to mind just mention me here and I will respond as quickly as I can!

Fantastic question!

The Empire of Aurr is hard locked fantasy human race.

The Saldonian is more of a soft lock. They will more or less be elvish in nature, none the less. But there can be some regional differences between them. Those in the forest may require different skills and characteristics than those on the coast. So I plan to allow some mix-ups between regions (some may be taller, some may be shorter) and some may display an affinity for certain magic (in the desert fire and the coast water) between the regions.

What did you have in mind?

Awesome! I will be working on updating a lot of the info so if you have questions, let me know!

"They never told us what to expect, so I imagined we would-be knights. I saw it as clear as day, our shiny plate armor, our swords that had names, and the look that our fellow soldiers would bestow upon us as we arrived upon the battlements. It was an incredible sight to envision for that young Saldonian mage, who had just crossed the Land of Whispers, to hold. Back then, I had faith, faith in my leader, faith in my commander, and faith in the impossible fact that the will of a nation united had held back the unbeatable. Back then, I had my faith, and now I do not. How could you have faith if you've seen what I've seen?

They never told us that our enemy wielded beasts with skins of steel, or that their soldiers were all covered in plate, or that their archers could fire without reloading, or that our mages would be hunted and caged. Never were we told that we were fighting an enemy who had a deep hatred for my kind, a resentment born into their magicless souls. They break easily enough. However, the armor they wear is shoddy, and the imperfections baked in make them walking metal coffins when the battle starts.  

They tell us to hold our faith in our cause. How can I have faith if I've seen the things that I have seen? In the bodies, I have created? How can I hold onto my hope in a land of death and despair? I can't; how could I? When they bring their monsters of war that kill us with their heavy bolts. Or when they send their monsters of the sky who drop fire on our positions.

I have seen my friends disappear into a mist of red in front of me, walls crumble around, and whole sections of our army obliterated in an instant. We are still told to keep our faith. Our leaders sit safe, across the Land of Whispers, behind their thick walls and up in their tall castles and dare to tell us to keep the faith.

Faith is an addiction, and I will be dependant on it no longer.

It has been a week since our walls lit up the countryside. We lost friends in the days that have followed our retreat, and we are down to only a few now. I will attempt to lead them across our enemies barren lands back home through a hidden passage. I hold no faith in our ability to win the war, but I know that they do, and I must protect them all the same."


The Basic idea for this story:

Setting for the story:


How magic works in this RP



If you have any questions just let me know!
My post is 75% finished, I’ll try and get it finished after work tomorrow but expect it no later than Wednesday
Welcome to all the new faces! I will work at getting my post more refined tomorrow and then up hopefully Saturday!

Mayor's house

The creature mouth moved, curling downward on its edges, as the first of the two bolts ricocheted off its face leaving behind a small but noticeable gouge in its wake. The creature shifted its focus towards an individual in the group while the second bolt crashed into the midsection of the creature, breaking almost immediately causing a shower of splinters to fall into the nearby area. The creature’s eyes glanced downward at an agonizingly slow pace, looking as if they were inspecting the impact before they ever so slowly raised up once again, locking eyes with those of Cyterius. The creature’s eyes remained locked for a painfully long two seconds before the tension was cut by the sound of a laugh. At first, the group would hear the laugh of a child at play. It was distant in that the voice matched that of a young voice and it sounded like it originated somewhere outside the village. A second would pass before a second laugh could be heard, this one was closer and different than the first. The laugh sounded like it belonged to an old couple, laughing at just how old they had become and how much has changed. It was warm, sweet, and completely out of place in this dark and dreary village. Another second would pass and a curious of voice would join the others in laughter. The sounds of soldiers gathered ‘round a fire, laughing could be heard coming from a nearby building while the laughter of a young woman originated somewhere behind them. Soon, the area was filled with a thousand different laughs from a thousand different directions.

The bevy of laughter carried with them a sinister tone, however, and something about it would feel unreal. The magic users in the group could feel the magic that each sound carried with it as if it was compelled by some unknown spell or magic. It would have a similar feeling as the cold that descended on the village earlier. Though they could feel it, they would not be able to identify the type of magic used. They would get a feeling that this magic predates theirs, however, and it would bring a lingering feeling of dread. The non-magic users would feel a sense of unease carried with the laughter. They could feel something was off but would not know why.

As quickly as the chorus of laughter appeared, it began to fade and before long, only one voice remained and its source was the creature. The creature's mouth moved up and down and allowed a rustic, yet distinctly feminine laughter to fill the air out as it maintained its stare with Cyterius. Slowly, a red glow began to appear on the chest of the beast as the red jewel revealed itself once again. The laughter continued as the creature brought its hand close, causing red arcs of energy to spring forth from the jewel. The energy danced across the creatures' hand for a moment before it pointed it at the splintered remains of the second bolt. The energy surged forth, reaching out and pulled at the broken pieces as the red glow cast shadows all across the road. After a few seconds, the splintered remains of the destroyed bolt began to combine back together forging the destroyed bolt into something else entirely. Smaller in diameter and length, the new bolt gleaned with a red aura as red arcs of energy danced across its surface. The creature, while still maintaining the staring contest, raised the energized bolt up and aimed it at Cyterius. The creatures head tilted as the laughter ceased.

“Incoming,” S’venia shouted as she dove for cover on the side of the road as the creature let loose the bolt in the direction of Cyterius.
Hey! I am still in this as well @Opposition. Just have had some crazy busy weeks beforehand. Will try and get a post up during the week but next weekend is more likely. Cheers!
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