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@Metamore hullo! i'm super glad everyone's enjoying their chars and having fun <3 as for seren, it looks like they are outside? right now, it's not the best place to be, and the academy is very firm when it comes to fighting, but as a first year, seren could probably get the middle/back of the crowd and mostly be alright/protected. as stated before, there is little/none magical barriers, but the returning students do a good job of fighting back monsters.

as for worst-case... I would intervene before your character could die/get possessed (though possession can be reversed!), so you don't have to worry, but yes, death/injury (both mental and physical; spirits also must get into people's minds to possess them) is worst case. the threat is very real.

@ReveTheDreamer awesome, can't wait!
the fight has started! :D this is my first time doing something like this, so it miiight go horribly. ^^''
The Academy, Orientation Day. The Great Hall.

As the speeches and talking came to a close, Miss Headmaster Elysion clears her throat. The sound bounces off the sturdy stone walls, silencing most of the students gathered. She smiles, a soft but true smile that lifts spirits. She hopes, in her heart, that these students will pass her tests, will follow the good rules like her other students and the graduated warriors. It has not been many years since the Academy first opened its doors, but the first class of graduates had already been welcomed with open arms to their villages and cities, proclaiming them as "warriors of good". She hopes for the same to these small ones. They talk amongst themselves, and pay no attention to the greater things asked of them. But they will.


Miss Headmaster Elysion checks her watch, again. The time is nine hours and fifteen minutes, and her calculations were correct.

"Usually, we assign partners based on skill and personality, but today, things are going to be a little different. If you stay in your seats, please..."


The sirens placed around the school begin to sound, causing some students to perk up, others to panic. The Headmaster, observing her return students begin to equip weapons and her staff move to the front, raises her voice to be heard above the sirens.

"...You may stand. Students, this is your first test. Show me your skills, young ones."


As the alarms sound, the reactions are quick. Returning students, already used to the sudden nature of these attacks, file in from various places and start towards the front doors to secure them. Lalisa, from her place in the hall, can see most of the first years as they panic, cheer, or just look confused.

Our first test! What an exciting opportunity! Lalisa, though a peacemaker at heart, is curious as to see what sort of monsters they will face--will the first years get to fight? She must try her hardest to please the Headmaster.

Summoning a few plants from the dirt in between cracks in the floor, Lalisa feels a shiver of excitement run down her spine. If only Grandmama could see her now!

I'll make you proud, Grandmama! I promise!

The lights flicker, dimming the great hall significantly. This is the first sign of the Spirits--as dark beings, they detest light, good, and especially the Academy--which is why they attack it so often. Miss Headmaster Elysion is not on good terms with the dark forces, being an angel and all.

With a great roar, something dark and slimy slides under the doors, breaking the windows and streaming down like water. The Spirits, some taking forms of animals, others as people, begin to close in on the crowd. Most surround students in clusters, probing for the weakest link.

The students of the Academy prepare for battle.

(@Metamore@Canidae@ReveTheDreamer@Joker892@QueenNugget@AGenericUser[@InsertAlias]@Cherrywitch@pandapolio. Y'all ready for this? These Spirits act like low-level enemies basically, you can work out how your char fights back/what your Spirit is like as long as you aren't like obliterating them. I'm flexible. There will probably be a boss later, played by yours truly, but for the most part just wing it. If you have questions, ooc is fine, or even (). Good luck!)
@Insert Alias that's okay, take your time dear~
@AGenericUser Feine is officially my favorite character (and he's a lefty, like me), he's so funny to read and such a nerd. Lalisa i'm just getting a feel for, but I hope she'll be a good balancer for the main cast.

the first combat session/partners is coming up soon, sadly @Metamore isn't present so we'll have to go on without them for now.

Lalisa stuck out her hand, supposing Feine would take it and they'd shake, but that doesn't seem to be the case. He instead stares blankly at her hand, and Lalisa has a brief moment of panic--now what? Does he not shake hands where he's from? Is she offending him? She would've thought somebody who talked like he does would know his manners, but... Lalisa secretly thinks him a little spoiled. Not that she would ever say something so rude out loud, of course.

"You've never shaken hands before?" She asks him in disbelief. "Oh, it's easy! Here, you stick out your hand..." At this point, Lalisa reaches for Feine's hand; she hopes it's not impolite, but she sees it as her duty to make things as un-awkward as possible. Taking his hand in hers, she grasps it firmly while explaining, "Then you shake... like so, you have to really squeeze though!" Shaking Feine's hand vigorously, she exclaims, "Nice to meet you!" as an example of a greeting. Once her demonstration is complete, she drops his hand and smiles brightly. "You'll have to do it a lot, so you better learn now. I hope that helps!"

Feine also puts a lot of thought into how he eats. Lalisa feels a bit insensitive for asking the question, but there's nothing she can do about it now. He's interesting to listen to, at any rate.

"I also think that food it meant to be enjoyed," Lalisa says rather seriously, because she takes food seriously. "The taste of a meal can have as much difference on you as the nutrient value. I'm sorry for asking such personal questions; you seem like a very well-thought out individual."

Catching that word again--inspiration--and his muttered sentence, Lalisa nods. That was a lot of words, indeed. But... he wants to be friends! Wait till Grandmama hears, she'll be so proud!

"Let's be friends," Lalisa says formally, squaring her shoulders proudly. Her first friend! Not counting Ashley... Does Ashley count? She sorta fell out of Lalisa's good graces with that cookie throw. What a waste.

"It's not much, really," says Lalisa bashfully. Feine puts in on thick when he's interested in something, doesn't he? "I just thought I might as well try to make friends, since we'll be here for a while." Feine puts everything in terms of writing--do all writers do that? She hasn't known any, so it's hard to say.

"Oh!" Lalisa puts a hand to her mouth and blushes. "I never introduced myself! How impolite of me, I got so carried away..." It completely slipped her mind; Lalisa sticks her hand out formally, tucking her hair back behind her ear. "Lalisa Greenwood. I study plant-based magic. I hope we can... be friends?" she ends nervously, like she's not exactly sure what she's doing. Which is true. Is that how you start friendships? Grandmama, you never taught me about this!

Feine is still looking at the cookie. Lalisa has no idea why--maybe he found "inspiration" in a cookie, after all? Why does he say it like that? Has she been saying it all wrong? Suddenly, she wishes she was home. Grandmama didn't lecture her about writing, just manners.

"Um. Do you... want to eat it?" she asks uncertainly. "Maybe you're not hungry..." She's so, so bad at this socializing thing. Her fingers itch for a good book, or a bowl of batter to whisk.
@Joker892 no problem. take your time.
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