Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

This guy will also be one of our enemies...

The first thing that comes to mind is an Amalgamation of Beast Boy and Iceman. I don’t know how that would work out.

I'd say Ice Beast is a snow/ice beast of a man that can transform into ice versions of animals he's come into contact with. So if he's been to a zoo he could transform into ice and snow versions of lions, bears, birds, etc. Base appearance of a white furry humanoid with glowing green eyes.

Years ago Scott Grayson was the original Sparrow of the hero called Dark Claw, until his meta-mutant powers kicked in. After years of training with the violent vigilante as well as a chance encounter with Dr. Strangefate, Grayson went on to form the Titan X (10). Shortly after, Grayson took the name Night Vision and the team evolved over the course of roughly nine years. Members of the team would come and go, dozens of heroes it seemed like. The group even had an off-shoot, the Teen Titan X, that had several iterations as well.

Now during a time of crisis, the remaining members of both groups have banded together to stop a mutual enemy. After years of facing such threats as Doctor Pyro, Gizmo Toad, Psimon Sinister, and the Hellfire Cult... now they face something of unspeakable horror. When T.O. Trask chose to dabble in the occult to prolong his life he unleashed a demon of incredible power that took life in an experimental Sentinel. Now the Tri-Sentinel has become the master mold for demonic machines and laid waste to the meta-mutant islands of Genosha and Marakoa (Markovia + Krakoa).

However, before Night Vision could even prepare to take down the demonic machines plaguing meta-mutants, the Herald of Cytorrak came knocking. Who could have sent Malcolm Cane Duncan to take down the heroes, and who will be left standing to stop him from destroying the T Tower? What secrets will be revealed in the aftermath with cameos from Doctor Strangefate and Dark Claw?

Established Amalgams

Super Soldier (Superman + Capt. America)
Dark Claw (Batman + Wolverine)
Sparrow (Robin (Steph) + Jubilee) To distinguish this universe from others, Sparrow will be blonde.
Hyena (Joker + Sabretooth)
Dr. Strangefate (Dr. Fate + Dr. Strange (but he's really Charles Xavier))
Spider-Boy (Superboy + Spider-Man)

Originals for the RP

Doctor Pyro (Doctor Light + Pyro)
Gizmo Toad (Gizmo + Toad)
Psimon Sinister (Psimon + Mister Sinister)
T.O. Trask (T.O. Morrow + Bolivar Trask)
Blood Diamond (Brother Blood + Emma Frost) Leader of the Hellfire Cult.
Herald of Cytorrak (Herald + Juggernaut)
Tri-Sentinel (Trigon + 'Wild' Sentinel)

Its been too long since I've had time to RP, so I've been cooking up this idea for a few weeks now. Amalgam Comics style universe with a twist, just creating characters combining heroes from the Titans/Teen Titans with the X-Men. I chose to only incorporate a handful of the established Amalgams from previous universes because I didn't wanna step on too many toes in what you fine folks have to play with. There's no Amazon flying around so Storm is free to use in a new Amalgam character. This whole idea stemmed from a Titan X concept I saw somewhere on the internet recently that had the Night Vision Amalgam leading a squad. I came up with a backstory and connection to previously established Amalgams and here we are LOL.

Does anybody wanna combine Batgirl with X-23 to make a teenaged female spin on Dark Claw? Who on Earth could mutants like Gambit and Morph combine with from the Titans universe? Maybe Gambit and Arsenal could be merged to create Wildcard? If I wasn't already using Night Vision I would totally combine Kid Devil and Nightcrawler to make Hellcrawler. What would a combination of Wonder Girl and Jean Grey's Marvel Girl be called? Prodigy? Girl Boss?

Like the majority of my RPs, I'll be looking for around 7-11 players. The only requirements are that characters are based on combinations of Marvel and DC heroes affiliated with the X-Men and Titans franchises. Not gonna put up CS requirements until there's some interest. Might decide to make Night Vision an NPC/Mentor so I can make another hero... either that Hellcrawler idea or maybe something of a combo of Kyle Rayner and the X-Men's Armor...

..anyway, where's everybody at?! How y'all been? Who's down for some superhero'ing?

Yeah it's still going I think everybody's just got stuff going on. I'm getting ready for a move myself...

EPISODE - 1 - Tears for Fears
Featuring: Red Tornado @GubGar - Supergirl @Eviledd1984 - the Question @Simple Unicycle - Tempest - Guardian

Starman headed back to the kitchen area again down on the first floor of the Tower. It had been nearly six hours since the incident that morning and since he'd only been there a few weeks he just assumed stuff like that must happen often. The museum and gift shop on the other side of the lobby wall was still evacuated and the day manager Gary had left for the evening. Parts of the wall had an open view of the League's lobby so it was also something of a site seeing attraction. Flash once joked about it being a 'superhero zoo', but then realized it brought in nearly four million dollars annually that went into maintaining the Tower and adding several dorm styled living quarters for full time heroes on-call. Starman wasn't thinking about any of that though....

"I can't believe I still haven't eaten anything yet." Starman thought to himself taking off his helmet and heading towards the kitchen. "Next time I go into the training War Room thing or whatever I need to go with somebody that isn't some street level goon as an enemy. I wonder if papaw Ted had an arch-enemy?"

Sometime when he was still in his twenties, Farris Knight worked as a cook in a cafe down in Opal City. Watching him make a grilled sandwich was like watching some chef on tv. The sandwich he'd made before being gassed was something quick, but he wanted to enjoy this one. He buttered a skillet and threw what looked like steak and cheese on it with a few diced peppers and onions off to the side he'd prepared. It looked like he had made enough for more than one sandwich, but nobody got too close to him. Farris was dancing to the beat of his own drum and whatever synthwave music he had playing in an earbud while making the food. He had removed his helmet when he got to the kitchen as well as his gloves and rolled up his sleeves. Starman noticed the three heroes congregating off to the side of the lobby just a few feet away from the kitchen area. Tempest and Guardian were watching some NFL game on the tv over where the couches were located at this point and Tempest looked over the back of the couch towards Farris as he'd never smelled an Opal City styled Philly Cheese Steak.

Farris thought that the Question looked over when he first started cooking, but he wasn't entirely sure since the guy didn't have a face. He decided to walk over to Q with the extra sandwich to see what was up with the three of them. Supergirl and Red Tornado were there as well.

"Anybody seen that new Sandman? Guy was giving me weird vibes earlier just before that gas or whatever hit. Was hoping to catch him with a sandwich and some small talk to see what was up with him... unless one of you guys want it?" Farris asked already biting into his sandwich and waving the other at the three heroes knowing that only two of the three of them could even eat it. The Question looked at the sandwich then back up to Starman before shrugging.

"Sure. Sandwich sounds good after that... ordeal. Sandman, though..." the faceless man fell silent, pondering what connection the missing hero had to the attack on the Tower.

EPISODE - 1 - Tears for Fears
Featuring: Red Tornado @GubGar - the Flash - Guardian

Alarms were going off, members of the expanded League were compromised, and the Flash had only just got to the Tower. Doc Mid-Nite was still evacuating the museum and gift shop areas with the civilian manager Gary.

"I can't leave for five minutes can I Gary?" Flash asks with a chuckle.

"We got everybody out, we still don't know what's going on..." Gary said sounding winded.

"Something came through the vents, people started hallucinating. The walls shook and soon after Red Tornado came over the comms. I called emergency crews for the civilians effected by the gas or whatever. We still don't know what's happening on the other side of the wall..." Mid-Nite explained.

"It's okay, I got it..." Flash stated vibrating his molecules through the wall to see the chaotic scene before him. Red Tornado seemed to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary creating whirlwinds to help disperse the chemicals in the air.

Several floors above the chaos walked the man in the purple hood calling himself Sandman. He seemed to be talking to someone, but it was unclear who, or how he was able to communicate with them.

"The Tower went into lockdown. I didn't expect the Tornado to be on monitor duty sixteen out of the twenty-four hours of the day. We may need a distraction across town to get the robot out of our way if we try this again."

Back on the ground floor both Tornado and the Flash created tornadoes from their hands for several moments before they both stopped.

"I think that's got it, Red. You see anything out of place?" asked the Flash of the android hero.

Red Tornado's spinning hands came to a gradual stop, the windstorm they generated halting with them. Teamwork with The Flash... how strange. A year ago he had been the one to *defeat* Red Tornado. He wasn't attempting to make any sort of comment just yet. The android hero scanned the room (non-literally, Professor Morrow unfortunately did not install particularly advanced scanners) a second time to be certain. There was nothing he could pick up on...

"I must apologize for the collateral damage done to the interior of the rooms by my aerokinesis, necessary though it may have been." the android hero continued.

"I can clean everything up in no time. Barely an inconvenience." the Flash replied making quick work of the mess as heroes began coming out of the mental trip and/or drowsiness.


Starman was finishing up a session in the training holo-deck with the Guardian. The two heroes fought against an enemy known to several more of the street level heroes than anyone, Blockbuster. The setting was an urban block of a nameless city with several cars, civilians, and debris in play. The objective was simple. Get the civilians to safe areas and take down Blockbuster with no major damage to the surrounding area. The obvious course of action would have been Guardian on crowd control and the guy with the cosmic weapon taking down the buff crimelord. So they did it the other way. Guardian deflected melee strikes from Blockbuster with his golden shield as Starman flew through the area and rescued the civilians in faster time. Once the crowd was dealt with Farris assisted Guardian in taking down the badguy and shortly after the holographic 'skin' of the civilian and enemy holo-droids faded as quickly as the surroundings.

"Have you heard anything about the gas attack on the HQ from earlier?" Guardian asked as they made their way to the exit.

"I overheard Flash talking with Hawkgirl and Steel about how a bunch of security cameras all went offline shortly before it happened. It could have been coming from the museum side of the lobby or somewhere on our side either one... who knows?" Starman replied. "Some of us didn't get to sleep it off, I had visions of Lovecraft styled space monsters eating the planet. By the time I got off the ground the sandwich I'd made was already ruined... I still need to grab some food..."

The Unlimited Protocol

Superman was in a coma. After the Martian Manhunter was compromised by an alien parasite he almost single handedly took out the League. Batman was suffering back injuries from the same fight and currently rehabilitating in Gotham. Wonder Woman was dealing with a war in Themyscira after someone made an attempt on the Queen's life. Hawkgirl and the Flash chose to enact the Unlimited Protocol when Green Lantern ventured back out into space to deal with Corps business in another sector. They hoped they would get a few dozen heroes looking to step up to the big leagues, what they got was barely a dozen. Heroes like the Question and Animal Man answered the call as well as the grandson of the original Starman. Will these heroes be enough to save the world against a new cadre of enemies put together by a former friend?

Season 1

Episode 1 - Tears for Fears - When a new hero claiming to be taking up the mantle of the Sandman is more than what he seems, someone figures out it's really Batman's enemy the Scarecrow. Who will see their fears come to life while trapped in the Metro Tower under the influence of the fear toxin? And what was Scarecrow's end game?

Episode 2 - Night at the Flash Museum - Two villains (Multiplex and Mirror Master) are tasked with robbing the Flash Museum in Central City. Nobody's sure what they're after, but the League has them surrounded. Who do they work for, and who will they take down in their escape?!

Episode 3 - Gravity is a Liar - Countess Vertigo is causing chaos in the Hub City branch of STAR Labs for information. What can the League figure out when the rooms are spinning, and up and down are both sideways?

Episode 4 - The Door Man - The League works to take down several villains wrecking several branches of STAR Labs. Solomon Grundy, Giganta, the Atomic Skull, and the Cheetah all get away because of one man... the Key. The mysterious cabal of villains are one step closer to their goal!


1.) No back-to-back posting. Posting will be restricted to 3-4 posts per player per Episode. Larger storylines will have higher post caps as well as Character-centric Eps.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GM controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.


Episode 1 - Tears for Fears

Metro Tower was something to behold. The larger than life tower rested on the edge of Battery Park near the center of Metropolis. It was home to many of the newer members of the League, as several were from all across the United States. The large front lobby acted as a sight-seeing attraction and had a small Superman and Justice League museum as well as a gift shop. It was only open between the hours of ten a.m. to around four p.m. Monday through Thursday depending on if there were any emergencies or evacuations. New members of the League would take turns with security duties since there were only two civilians who worked the lobby. Today it was the female Doctor Mid-Night. Captain Atom and Steel could be seen as they walked past the civilians to the League entrance to the rest of the Tower. The wall just opened up for each member as they placed their hands on a scanner.

The Tower was just so massive. Ten floors with everything from a gym with a pool, a holo-deck for training, a library, crime labs, workshops fully stocked with tools, dorms for the full time members who lived on-site... and a lobby and kitchen of their own. Hawkgirl could be seen flying up and through the opened up center of the first several floors of the Tower. Flash was always in and out as he also protected Central City full time, as well as kept a full-time job. There were several legacy heroes in this new and expanded JL Unlimited. The aforementioned Doctor Mid-Night, Blue Beetle, Starman, and a mysterious hooded version of the Sandman just to name a few. He wore strange gauntlets that dispensed his knock-out gas, and his suit was mostly shades of purple with gold trim. This Sandman had a frightening feel to him and constantly boasted to his enemies that he was their worst nightmare. His mask was pulled up exposing his mouth to drink coffee on the far side of the kitchen in the open area lobby space that also included restrooms, an elevator, and a den with several couches and wall mounted tv's.

"So... another legacy hero, huh? The original Starman was my grandfather, you?" Starman asked removing his helmet and the temporary forehead patch that connected him to his helmet's abilities.

"I didn't know any other Sandman heroes. Read about a criminal once. Wouldn't it be easier to refit your helmet instead of depending on those patches?" the dark hero asked.

"I've been tinkering with some things, actually..." Farris began saying before he noticed something in the air. "You smell something, like maybe somebody vaping?"

"My knockout gas is water vapor, but I'm all out right now... otherwise I'd have thought it was maybe leaking." the mysterious man in purple mentioned before throwing his cup in the trash and walking away from the coffee area.

A more observant eye would've noticed the water vapor coming from several of the vents in the lobby area of the League's HQ. Or the smile under Sandman's mask once he pulled it back down over the rest of his face. Before long heroes in the lobby area started feeling tired, and it was barely eleven thirty a.m. The Guardian and Crimson Fox were both asleep on the couch in front of a tv in the den, and after making a sandwich the current Starman aka Farris Knight didn't feel too good either.

"I feel like I've been roofied..." he thought, before he started seeing things that weren't there. "What... the...?"

Starman fell to the floor. His Quarvat was in it's holster on the back of his waist. His helmet was on the table next to his half eaten sandwich near the fridge. He fought sleep but saw aliens all around him destroying the city and everyone in it in horrific fashion. He could barely move, and his eyes were as wide open as they could be. What was happening in the Metro Tower? And where did this new Sandman run off to?!

The Unlimited Protocol

Superman was in a coma. After the Martian Manhunter was compromised by an alien parasite he almost single handedly took out the League. Batman was suffering back injuries from the same fight and currently rehabilitating in Gotham. Wonder Woman was dealing with a war in Themyscira after someone made an attempt on the Queen's life. Hawkgirl and the Flash chose to enact the Unlimited Protocol when Green Lantern ventured back out into space to deal with Corps business in another sector. They hoped they would get a few dozen heroes looking to step up to the big leagues, what they got was barely a dozen. Heroes like the Question and Animal Man answered the call as well as the grandson of the original Starman. Will these heroes be enough to save the world against a new cadre of enemies put together by a former friend?

The Cast



Featured Heroes & Players

Starman - @Omega Man - Approved
Animal Man - @WXer - Approved
the Question - @Simple Unicycle - Approved
Red Tornado - @GubGar - Approved
Blue Beetle - @rocketrobie2 - Approved
Supergirl - @Eviledd1984 - Approved
Shazam/Black Adam - @Bounce - Approved
Shane TCM - @Hound55 - Approved

Background/Supporting Heroes

Crimson Fox
Swamp Thing
Captain Atom
Doctor Mid-Nite
Manhattan Guardian


Here's a couple episodes and titles to give everyone an idea of where this is going. Only looking for a post per week as far as commitment goes, as the holidays are right around the corner...

Season 1

Episode 1 - Tears for Fears - When a new hero claiming to be taking up the mantle of the Sandman is more than what he seems, someone figures out it's really Batman's enemy the Scarecrow. Who will see their fears come to life while trapped in the Metro Tower under the influence of the fear toxin? And what was Scarecrow's end game?

Episode 2 - Night at the Flash Museum - Two villains (Multiplex and Mirror Master) are tasked with robbing the Flash Museum in Central City. Nobody's sure what they're after, but the League has them surrounded. Who do they work for, and who will they take down in their escape?!

Episode 3 - Gravity is a Liar - Countess Vertigo is causing chaos in the Hub City branch of STAR Labs for information. What can the League figure out when the rooms are spinning, and up and down are both sideways?

Episode 4 - The Door Man - The League works to take down several villains wrecking several branches of STAR Labs. Solomon Grundy, Giganta, the Atomic Skull, and the Cheetah all get away because of one man... the Key. The mysterious cabal of villains are one step closer to their goal!


I should mention I'm the type of GM to give players a bit of freedom. Players can control the enemies to a small degree and if there's any problems they can be addressed. A line or two of dialogue from an enemy and letting them take a few hits is perfectly fine in a post. Just make it interesting and in line with what's been established as the setting. If there's any questions about the enemies we're facing you can always ask about power levels, attacks, weaknesses, etc. This RP is one big collaboration after all.

If you happen to be looking at this OOC at this point and haven't applied, the link to the Interest Check is below. You can also find the link to the groups Discord towards the end of the thread if you wanna get in touch more directly.

JL Unlimited Protocol Interest Check

GM Notes 1/5/24 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Episode List has been updated!!!
@Omega Man

That's fair, would you like me to make another potential story line for Kara?

Nah, I figured I'd take at least one idea from each for a story point or two.

It's also taking me longer to get the OOC up. Nobody has to worry about sample posts in Character Sheets if anybody else is thinking about applying. Crossing my fingers I can get the OOC finished today after work.
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