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Freya – East Blue Seas near Conomi Islands

Winds rough under sunny skies, Freya's long green hair flowed over the back of her reclining chair on the deck. Her Justice coat was lashed to an umbrella, which was keeping most of the sun off of her.

Rolling over, she muttered, "I should do something..."

"Purupurupurupuru. Purupurupurupurur."

Turning back over to the small table at her side, an emptied cup of juice sitting next to a Den Den Mushi, Freya stared as it rang for the third time...fourth...fifth.

Midway through the sixth she finally grabbed it, figuring she got what she was asking for. "Hiiii," she droned.

On the other end, her Comms officer, Teru, began, "Captain, we got a call from Lietenant Anaru's group. He's heading into the Conomi Islands to subdue the Sunny Massacre Pirates. Since we're close he said you're welcome to join."

"Sunny Molasses? Crew names get dumber every day. And I thought the 'Steak Pirates' were bad." That said, Freya wondered if Conomi Island had any good steak. "Patch me through."

"Yes ma'am."

Sitting up, throwing her legs over her seat and sitting with her back straight, she waited until she was in contact with a comms officer under Anaru's command. Voice less lax and more refined, Freya said, "This is Freya, Captain of the 99th Patrol Division. Inform your commander that we're en-route if the situation starts to get out of hand. This is his operation so he's retaining command. Over."

Replacing the receiver, Freya's posture slumped, but she stood up anyway. Surveying the deck, the mood was no more relaxed than she'd been just moments ago. Piping up, she ordered, "Oi! We're changing course! Navigation! Deck! Set a course for the Conomi Islands!"

Not making a further move herself, Freya took a cigarette and lit up. Her officers weren't familiar with the stubborn gorilla, were they? Or maybe they were, who knew...

@Great Sogeking

Matsuri couldn't help but giggle excitedly, "It really is yer hands how did I know that!? That wasn't even on purpose!"

The question turned on her, Matsuri withdrew, a fist under her chin and her hand on her elbow, face tightened into thought. Realizing what Nina was asking, Matsuri shakes her head, before responding, "Oh, uh, yeah. I found a really good book in a store that had a bunch of ideas for superhero names, so I picked 'Red Staccato'! Staccato means..."

Matsuri's mouth hung open, a raised finger held up as she planned to point something out, but she stayed quiet. Finally, she dropped her hand, before revealing, "I forgot. It was...it was...it sounds cool! I think it's Italian, since I named all my attacks in Italian, like 'Rosso Linea' fwah!" Matsuri punched out in the air in front of her.

Taking a breath, Matsuri went back to her 'thinking pose', muttering, "Sand Stone...Sand Stone..." Looking up to Nina, eyes a bit lidded, Matsuri was more reserved as she asked, "Do you wanna borrow my book?"
@Great Sogeking

"Mhmm," Matsuri muttered with a nod, backing off a bit. She was a bit surprised though, and even more so when she was captured by the arm of some girl, eliciting a gasp! That fell apart when the orientation began though, Matsuri getting her butt square in a seat alongside those other two.

The orientation was...surprisingly normal. She managed to stay awake during the speeches, and she didn't know the school song, but by the end of it she wasn't quite sure.

Getting up to move was nice, at least, but Matsuri was certainly a 'little' ball of energy, as it looked like she was pretty runty as far as the first years went, which led to her buzzing around trying to get a nice view as the year was taken through the halls. The teacher's voice was plenty audible though, but Matsuri tuned out what she heard about the dorms: didn't matter none to her!

As she tuned the teacher out, she tuned the rest of her year in. There was some chatter among all the nerves, but Matsuri was just as curious as every about everyone's superstuff. Catching a certain brown haired ponytail that had accosted her earlier. Rubbing elbows, Matsuri inquired, "Hey, you from before, who're you? Oh, I'm Matsuri." Thinking of the way she approached earlier, Matsuri raised her arms, wondering, "Ya got a 'handy' Quirk? And what's yer hero name and stuff gonna be? Huh, huh, huh?" She flapped her arms excitedly as she waited for the answer.
@Plank SinatraI'm a little wary of any time manipulation powers, but absolutely awestruck by how creative this is. I think I'm going to allow it, although might I suggest maybe adding a limit or two to it? As it is the one he has is a pretty big one, but since it's a time manipulation power I just wanna be on the safe side, you know? But I think as long as he's basically a support of sorts, speeding up allies and slowing down enemies, it will probably be fine.
@Plank Sinatra

I'm willing to help if it's decided another weakness is needed, but in the meantime, one thing I either missed or wasn't mentioned in Dallas' sheet was the exact delivery mechanism. His abilities are basically a buff/debuff, but does he need to touch someone to activate it? Does he need to be within a certain range? Does he just need to be aware of them spatially?
The edges of Matsuri's lips curled up: mission complete. Looking up at the guy, she wondered, "How were we supposed ta know anyway?"

Wait, in his hand...a paper? Actually, looking around, almost everyone had a paper...where was Matsuri's paper!?

Patting her pockets, Matsuri heard a familiar crinkle, before pulling out her opened acceptance letter. "H-how'd this get here?" she said a bit fearfully.

Figuring it was no longer important, Matsuri returned it to her pocket before noting, "Hey, yer actually pretty nice. What's yer name?" Some gears in her head shoving together, Matsuri got a bit more intense, blurting, "And what's yer HERO name gonna be!? Are ya gonna get a cool costume!? Are ya gonna name yer attacks!?" Matsuri was shorter than this dude but that didn't seem to stop her from getting her wide eyes up in his face.

"Oh, oh, oh OH OH OH!"

Gasping in fear, a red bolt careened towards the school's gates. Despite her cries getting some looks, there wasn't a lot of fuss, as she was slowing rapidly, stopping just a few feet away from a group of bigger seniors. The pink haired girl in her uniform earned a few mildly annoyed glaces, but she was too relieved to seem notice.

Taking a breath, she looked up at the school, before wincing, clutching at her stomach. "Ah! Cramps!" Matsuri whined/ Despite her discomfort though, she didn't shift to a bad mood: she went all out for the first day in both eating, cooking, and running there, but she probably shouldn't have tried to do all of that on the same day. But then they put the really good shows on TV before school and then they make it so you can't see the ending before you have to go to school and Matsuri didn't want to miss it this time! All in all this was a pretty good day so far.

Looking up at the school building, she couldn't help but feel it was going to get better. Stars glistened in her eyes as she bent backwards trying to see the top from so close to the bottom. So cool.

Arms at her side like a happy plane, Matsuri buzzed her way into the auditorium, packed with chai-where was she supposed to sit no one told her. Hmm, that corner seemed to have a lot of youngin's. Matsuri was a youngin'! Now all she had to do was look like she needed help, plopping a hand on her chin, watching the other first years as if it would divine her answer, despite her acceptance letter poking out of her jacket pocket. Big brother Mitsuo was so thoughtful...shame Matsuri had yet to realize this.
@Write Hmm, I was going to reference a previous game I was in that kept a good balance between three classrooms and had semi-frequent interactions between multiple classes (through Gym class, for instance, which had all classes together) but that was a design decision from the beginning, so if there were too many in one class the GM could simply request there be more first years. That's not impossible at this point since there's still some members who haven't finished their sheets.

Quirk based classes is an idea, but if, say, someone joins as an animal form character like Tsuya/Frappy in the series then they'd probably be alone, since I don't think any of the currently accept members have a power like that. That would also deincentivize anyone thinking about a Quirk outside any of the current classes.

@Inertia Provided @Mentions are used well and everyone's aware of what class they're in I don't see it as I problem. If something big happens in one class (say, someone's Quirk firing off), then in one big class EVERYONE has to react to it, and if someone misses that one post then the scene gets weird, and asking everyone to read every post in this RP, which is looking to be huge both player and post wise (none of the posts so far are less than two good sized paragraphs long) is a bit demanding. I'd rather only need to focus on a few other players at a time, personally.
I don't think putting all the characters in the same class is for the best, actually. This is a pretty big game and having everyone together means waiting on everyone for every class scene. Segmenting it leads to easier to follow and write scenes between smaller amounts of characters, while also leaving room in the class in the event someone joins later.

Plus not having multiple classes kind of defeats the point of having ages range more than a year in the first place. As long as we know who is in what class (maybe a list edited into the first post) then we should be fine.
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