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There is indeed another floor above the mess hall's ceiling.

Although, whether you guys will make it there is another story.

@Drunken Conquistador

I believe so but I'll leave it to @Lumiere to make the final say.
Now I'm inspired to create an RP with a character sheet that only has 'Appearance'.

No 'Name', no 'Gender', no nothin'!
Due to stuff on my end, I cannot post an update this week.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Due to stuff on my end, I cannot post an update this week.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
A world in which humanity has met its end.
A world in which everyone has died.
A world in which nothing more can die.
In which naught stirs but walking corpses.

The protagonists of Nechronica are the girls of this world unfortunate enough to possess hearts - the Dolls.
To put it simply, it is a game in which the players become zombie girls and fight against other zombies.

The one who caused the dead to wake - the ruler of this shattered world - is the Necromancer.
The Necromancer serves as both the master of the game and the archenemy.
For it could be none other than the Necromancer who gave hearts to the Dolls.
For in a world filled with mindless puppets, the Dolls - they alone whom possess wills of their own - are no more than toys.
For the tragic comedy wrought by the foes sent against them is a delightful spectacle.

Since Dolls are already dead, they will find no rest when they are broken.
The peace of death came to an end long ago, just as did the world itself.

As we have a cup of tea, beneath these skies as gray as lead-
let us tell the tale of this long, long epilogue.

Hello everyone! Your failure of a GM over here, here with his first attempt at a Tabletop Roleplay starring with a somewhat obscure Japanese tabletop RPG. Said RPG is...

Nechronica ~The Long, Long Sequel~

The Rulebook (and other stuff) has been translated over here.

This is the PDF of the translated Rulebook.

This RPG is built for Live sessions and not Play-By-Post sessions. Thus, I will be modifying and/or structuring the RPG for a Play-By-Post session and will be posting the new-and-improved Rulebook in the OOC once it comes up. I'm working on it right now but I want to know who's interested in playing as an anime zombie girl. (And if you are interested, I recommend reading over the Rulebook and planning your character 'cause this RPG's meaty)

If you have any questions (especially about the RPG's mechanics and how I will be handling it), ask away~!



You can read more about the setting over at the website located above.


Here will be described the various mechanics that are featured in Nechronica.



~@Restalaan (YNG), @AzureKnight (VRA), @Lmpkio (TCA & MOR), @ShwiggityShwah~

"Excuse me, average boy. I never actually got the chance to thank you. You know, for saving me and all. I probably would've gotten out of the way in time and promptly dispatch that simpleton, but you have my gratitude regardless."
Vară Riemsianne

Neil smiled, not minding the nickname given. "Hey, it's no biggie. You saved me back, right?"

"I have to admit though, that was my first fight ever. In my entire life." Neil revealed. "Not that I'm a stranger to fighting, I saw much... but from a distance. To be part of the real thing? It's surreal." The boy chuckled. "I was actually frozen solid there. I thought... I thought I'd be sitting it out. But I saw you in trouble and I... just had to, you know?"

He appeared to want to say more but decided against it before finishing. "Thanks again, Vară."

~@13org (FYR), @AzureKnight (NAG), @Restalaan (DIT)~

"I... misjudged him. I might have misjudged humans as a whole race... Selfish... Greedy... Self destructive... They lack respect for their own... The don't value anything but their own desires. Not even life. Maybe the elders were right... A Viera belong to the woods. I wonder if the woods will welcome back with open arms again."

Haley could not believe what she was hearing. "W-What're you saying? Are you- Are you leaving?!"

"Just like that? Someone gets pissy and you're ready to throw in the towel?" The Siren began to berate Freyr. "Come on Freyr, you're better than that. You've encountered the Varjans and you're gonna get discouraged by some callous jerk?" She sighed. "Besides, what about the other Humans you've met? You think plain ol' Neil back there is just as much of a jerk? Or that Maria girl in Boreal Port?"

It was then that Ditzy and Nagare who also had words for Freyr.

"Ms. Haley I hope you're not too upset either, I know he insulted you during all that."

The Siren sighed. "...Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't affected but I'll be fine." Haley replied to the Dragon. "Thanks for asking."


"Well...my name is John Clarke. As far as skills go, I may be the man you need to fix that hole. I did construction and engineering in my home town. If you can tell Bart to just get materials, I could do it. Actually, I don't think I brought the tools for it. I could head into the closest town and buy the tools and materials. Consider the tools payed for but I'll bart the bill on the materials. Anyway, aside from construction, I've been a blacksmith for awhile. I'm also a decent tailor so making clothes, armor, and weapons for the group wont be difficult if the need it. I'm decent with a weapon too."
John Clark

"W-Well, Bart already took most of the gold so... no gold for you." Neil replied, relaxing somewhat.

"And don't worry about the hole for now. If Bart comes back without anyone, we'll get you working. For now, you can take it easy for a while, maybe do a quest or two. The day's perfect for some adventuring." Neil suggested. "We actually have some requests posted at the Quest Board. Err, it's outside but I took a quick glance and there's a lot." He continued.

"But since you just came here, you are free to relax and explore the guild for the day. Of course, we expect you to pull your weight here but considering you're an engineer and knows how to fight, I'm sure that won't be a problem."

"Oh, I also can enchant items while I make them. My clothes are enchanted against wear and tear. I can do more than that but I thought I'd give an example. "
John Clark

"Oh, you can make stuff too and enchant them?" Neil repeated. "We actually have a forge behind the guild. And we also have Talia, our very own Cyclops smith. She usually in the forge but... we've yet to avail her services since our... usual fighters don't use weapons that much. Still, it's nice to have her."

"Do you wanna meet her? I believe she's at the forge right now. I believe she's also into construction and building like you are."
Character List

(The players shown below are the active ones in the RP. The list is up-to-date as much as possible)


Yeah. Please edit it.

The other guild members won't be meeting the newcomers yet.
~@Lmpkio (TCA & MOR), @ShwiggityShwah~

"N-n-nononono. That can't be right. The Kaiju, they're extinct. Thousands of years, thousands... How- how Kaiju? Can't be? How- here?"
Ozzy Skyway

"Kaiju, huh? They exist here?" Neil was more curious than surprised at the revelation. "Know anything about them, Ozzy?" He asked nonchalantly.


Neil could not help but warmly smile at the sight. "So, you two know each other?" He asked both Morgan and Titanica. "How long do you two go back? Years? Decades? Scores? Centuries? Millennia?" He asked in a joking tone.

"I guess it's nice to know you're not alone, right?" He added, a hint of envy in his voice.

~@BKburke, @Stern Algorithm~

"Actually, I was invited to this guild by a man who went by the name of Bart. My name is John Clarke. I was hoping to find the guild though I feel I may be lost. I apologize for my rudeness. Did that woman from before say something harmful to you? If you do not wish to talk about then I understand but I would hate to leave you sulking when I could perhaps help to better your mood."
John Clarke

"No, no. It's alright... It's alright." The boy declined John's offer. "She didn't say anything bad. Well, she did... but-but it was not something... something directly harmful to me." He sniffed.

"So, you're one of--" The boy was cut off when the Liliraune pair spoke up next.

"Let's get inside! I'm soo thirsty!"
Vivian Altissima

"Ah! Sorry, my sister's in a bit of a hurry, it was a pleasure to meet both of you, umm, umm, we were asked to join the guild, I look forward to working with both of you!"
Sylvia Altissima

"Oh, ahhh..." The boy was taken by surprise when the Liliraune pushed past him and into the guild building. "Hey uhh, John. Can we-- Can we continue this inside?" He motioned John to follow him inside.


The boy had grabbed a wooden pail of water and dumped it into the Liliraune's clay pot as per their request for water. After doing that, the boy cleared his throat. "So uhh, let me start again. Welcome to the Guild, you-you three. And yes, that's-that's the actual name, 'The Guild'. We're just 'The Guild'." He said. "My name is Neil. I'm... well, no one basically. Just your average human."

"A-Anyway, you were invited by Bart? He sure invited a lot of people..." Neil remarked. "Anyway, you uhh... uhh... sort of... came at a bad time." He scratched the back of his head. "You see, there's been uhh, a schi... a... uhh... a problem last night that got everybody riled up. It was uhh, it was about Bart himself... mostly."

"But! We're-we're still operational so... we need to complete some requests so we can repair that hole over there." Neil motioned at the hole in the Guild's entrance. "But before that, why not introduce yourselves first? You know, besides the names, tell about your skills and hobbies and stuff."

"Oh and we have other members here. They're uhh, they're still asleep, I think. Bart himself has gone out to search for a crew who would repair the hole."
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