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*cries in mogeko*
Nur might stay, for a little while. Grasping for a thread of hope. Something to prove her wrong.

But she will answer the call, when it comes. Just like Orne and Zeen had. Just like many more.

Radiant Cathedral

Western Gate

"...I don't know what you two apparent troublemakers are here for, but if you don't recognize me then you have nothing but a single rock between your collective skulls. Seleth Thenri. recent victor against the princess in the tournament."
Seleth Thenri

Orne's eyes widened and Zeen raised his eyebrows. "Bulls***. There's no way an upstart like you could've defeated the damn Princess." He denied your truthful claim.

"I believe her." Zeen adjusted his glasses. "Seleth may not be the perfect Dark Elf but a liar she is not. Very few of the Light and Dark Elves are." Orne was not happy with Zeen's assessment but he grunted in agreement.

"I do not mind guests here in this holy place, but I will not tolerate troublemakers... and Nur is currently under my watch. If you are here to cause trouble for her, then I will only ask you nicely once to leave."
Seleth Thenri

Orne glared at you and reached for his axe on his back but Zeen stopped him with the raise of a hand. "Peace, Orne... for now. If Seleth can defeat the Princess, we stand little chance against her..." Zeen said. "...for now."

The two boys then quietly left the shrine, leaving you and the quiet Nur. "Thanks for... covering me, Seleth. Although, I do wonder why Varjan wants to see me. I'm a nobody. No one likes me. If people don't ignore me, they usually throw insults at me." She then glared at you, in hate and envy. Snarling, she continued. "At least you get to beat the Princess. At least some people give you respect. At least you get to be--"

Nur stopped herself. "I-I'm sorry." She apologized meekly. "I really am all what they say. You show me kindness and here I am being a b*** to you."

Luminous Citadel

~~~ @Frozen0Titan (KAZ & TIB), @CitrusArms, @AzureKnight (ENI), @ZAVAZggg ~~~

"My name is Rimlian. Rimlian Greylock. And there is no need for you to apologise. You could not have known that I would be caught up in the events that transpired today."

"I humbly thank you for consideration." Athos bowed.

"With the information gathered from Sir Keith, the investigation will target the mastermind: A woman named Annabelle Orlov." Athos declared. "With Keith's help, we will track her down and bring her to custody. Keith says she will most definitely resist so we must bring our best when confronting and arresting her."

"This last operation of the investigation will be taking place as soon as possible. Please be ready when you are called. If there are no more questions then this debriefing is over." The Court Mage finished. "Oh and, if you wish to visit Keith, you may find him in the dungeons beneath this place."


Should any of the investigators visit Keith, they would find him in a special cell that is guarded by elite-looking guards. The iron bars looked plain but they and the rest of the cell were reinforced with magic, making escape supremely difficult. Not that Keith was going to attempt one.
Due to... different circumstances, I hereby declare this RP permanently ended.

Apologies to those who wish to see this continued, if any.
~@Restalaan (YNG), @AzureKnight (VRA), @Lmpkio (TCA & MOR), @ShwiggityShwah~

Bart's outburst left a sour air in the guild but Titanica and Morgan's touching reunion sweetened it back, ending the night in a bit of a high note. With tea from Morgan too!

~@13org (FYR), @AzureKnight (NAG), @Restalaan (DIT)~

Haley said nothing to Freyr's retort to her and sighed when the Viera had calmed down, musing about returning back to Vieran Woods. "Just come back to us when you're done, alright? If you're going, that is." The Siren shot Freyr with a tired smile before flying back to the guild.


~@Restalaan (YNG & DIT), @AzureKnight (VRA & NAG), @Lmpkio (TCA & MOR), @ShwiggityShwah, @13org (FYR), @Stern Algorithm~

"A carpenter? Bart hired us to cook! ...and make medicine. Name's Vivian! ...and Sylvia. If you could show us to the kitchen, garden, and medicine pantry, it would be greatly appreciated!"
Vivian and Sylvia Altissima

"Oh, you two are more for housework, huh?" Neil remarked. "You're certainly welcome. Our meals were prepared by either Haley or Talia and I help a bit at times. Having someone who specializes in cooking and other house-stuff would be a big help." He then realized what his words implied. "Err, that's not to say that Haley or Talia's cooking is bad. It's just that... you know what? Never mind."

"Anyway, we don't have a... garden or a pantry of medicine. Most of our healing stuff came from our own magic-users." Neil sighed. "But they're... gone now so having, uhh, apothecaries would be a huge help. But like I said, we don't have a garden for medicinal herbs or anything so you two will have to start from the ground up. I hope you two don't mind that although, we are ready to help if you need it."


The next morning had arrived and the guild has completed their first week. The guild members assembled at the Main Hall where they found Neil talking with Vivian and Sylvia. "Hey there, Neil! Who's the flowers?" Haley landed beside the Liliraune and began examining the plant monster. "Girlfriends of yours?"

Neil blushed as he coughed. "These are Sylvia and Vivian, Haley. They're here to join the guild and they specialize in medicine and cooking."

"Yeah, I would think so." The Siren agreed. "These guys usually don't move from their spot for a looooooong time. They're not exactly built for travel, after all. Hey, how'd you guys get here?" She then asked Vivian and Sylvia. "Transformation magic? I heard that's the rage these days."

"Anyway, here's what we got from yesterday, everyone. Also, there's a package that came here earlier. I think it's for Bast and Eilidh but I haven't seen those two come back last night. Anyway, the messenger said it was just two-hundred gold for a job they did."

{@Restalaan (YNG), @Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA & NAG), @13org (FYR): 450 G}
{@ShwiggityShwah, @Lmpkio (MOR): 150 G}
{@Restalaan (DIT): 120 G}

"Whoa, that's a haul, right there." Neil remarked. "However, Bart left earlier, taking two-thousand gold. He said he found a crew who'd work on the hole. I hope there's no duping occurring 'cause that's a lot of gold."

"You just let him take it?" Haley was incredulous. "Couldn't you have woken us so someone would've went with him?"

Neil had no retort. "I-I... you're right. I'm sorry but... he took off pretty quick. I had-I had no time but to-to say goodbye."

The Siren sighed. "Whatever. Let's see what we've got today."

-----MAIN QUESTS-----

-----SIDE QUESTS-----


"Hello? Is anyone there? My name is John. Neil told me your work and I wanted to come pay a visit. If I'm bothering you or disturbing your work I can come back another time."
John Clark

"Huh?! What? Hold on, I'm coming right over." You heard a reply, likely coming from Talia herself.

Moments after, the Cyclops appeared before you. She was certainly taller than you but did not exactly tower over you, just barely reaching the forge's roof. She had stone-colored skin and one, sharp horn jutting from her forehead. Of course, being a Cyclops she had a single eye. Besides that, she did not appear threatening but she was sweating a bit from the heat in the forge.

"Oh, hello there Mister John. I'm Talia Bucchas. I'm this guild's blacksmith. Err, unofficial since I'm... well, it's complicated." The Cyclops scratched the back of her head. "Anyway, it's okay, you're not disturbing anything. I'm just forging weapons and armor. Err, reforging them." Talia sheepishly explained. ""You might be wondering why I'm doing that this early in the morning and the reason for that is, well, the last days were pretty stressing days, you see. I cope by forging stuff. A lot."

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Mister John. You mentioned you wanted to visit me? What for? Do you want me to make you something?"

I'll be posting soon so if you'd like, you can hold off until then. Next update will have the next day arrive.
Hey guys! My grandpa died (actually people close to the family have been dying left and right) so I'm busy as heck so no update this week.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey guys! My grandpa died (actually people close to the family have been dying left and right) so I'm busy as heck.

Still, I needed to put out an update since it's already delayed.

Seeing the stone pillars erected by Ashton, the commander growled as he unsheathed his gladius and hurled it, tip-first, at Ashton's creation. The pillars shattered, revealing that the sword was no ordinary weapon. Regardless, Ashton's plan was ruined. Some four guards have broken past and tackled him to the ground and began beating on him with their boots and rods.

Nale attempted to strike at the commander from behind, intending to strangle the golden-armored with a chain. However, the commander instantly turned around and caught the chain before it could even reach his neck. His strength was undeniable when he effortlessly yanked it off Nale's hands before hitting him with it. The commander began swinging it to gain momentum for one, deadly swing at Nale. Fortunately, this gave the Fate-Seeker to get away.

Meanwhile, Gangraena charged the incoming guards and easily tossed them away. Her target was the commander in the gold armor who was busy fighting Nale. He was open to attack but the guards kept coming and they began to slow Gangraena down. And they kept on coming. And coming. And coming. Gangraena's innate strength was no longer enough and the guards had managed to halt her advance. But that did not mean she was out of the fight.

Pox attempted to use one of the mess hall tables to block the incoming wave of guards. But with no one helping him, the guards pulled the table away and closed in on Pox as well as Selphia.

You were stirred to escape and you successfully left the void that was your prison. But the moment you stepped out of it, you felt something. Something like an alarm being sounded all across the realms. You knew what that meant. You had to move.

Roaming for a while, you find yourself in a gigantic room filled with dozens, if not hundreds, of forges and smiths. You saw anvils next to each other, hammers and tools beyond count. Scorching heat emanated from the bubbling lava within the huge pots near the walls. You knew that this was one of the many forge-rooms that Kazzok used to arm his forces.

Strangely, the complex was empty, making it eerie to be there. But then, the silence was shattered.




Metal boots stomped on the stone floor. They belonged to only one owner but its presence was great. You hid behind one of the anvils and peeked to see who was the newcomer. He was a massive figure, his form towering over average men. He was clad in black, spiky armor and his helm concealed his face save for his fierce red eyes. You knew who this was: Vizcondrius, one of Kazzok's greatest champions. No doubt sent here to try and capture you.

To face him head on would only mean being sent back to your prison. You must find a way to distract him or keep him occupied so you may be able to explore your surroundings more closely.
Hey guys! My grandpa died (actually people close to the family have been dying left and right) so I'm busy as heck.

Still, I needed to put out an update since it's already delayed.
Seraph Academy ---> Radiant Cathedral

Western Gate

"I know the rumors well. That I'm unpleasant. A, shall we say, bitch, to put nicely. I've been accused of bullying and being far too headstrong in a number of aspects. So let me ask you...when faced with such rumors, what am I going to do? Lay down and cry? Cower and flee?"
Seleth Thenri

Nur smiled weakly. "...No. You're not that kind of person, are you Seleth?"

"I'm heading to the Cathedral, if you wish to come. We can talk more there, and if you wish I can try soothing your worries with some prayers, perhaps?"
Seleth Thenri

The girl was silent for a moment. "...Yeah. I'd like that."


With the timid Nur behind you, you make it back to the Radiant Cathedral. The sacred grounds were your home, free from the worries and problems that apparently plague Seraph Academy. However, that was no longer the case when you see in the shrine of Aylama two young men. One of them was blonde of hair, his attire a mixture of white armor and blue fabrics. His eyes were blue but his fierce, impatient expression made it look like he was better suited for more fiery colors.

The other boy was bespectacled and had short, scruffy hair. His clothes were a shade of green but the scarf around his neck were of red and yellow colors. Unlike his companion, he was reserved and had a neutral, uninterested face.

"We've been expecting you, Nur." The one with glasses adjusted his spectacles. "And I see you brought a friend."

Nur, meanwhile, was completely confused. "What? Expecting me? Who are you and how did you know I was coming here?"

"Don't be stupid, Nur. You know who I am. We're the dredges of the Academy." You, yourself, knew who the blonde one was. He was Orne, infamous for his short temper and frequent starter of brawls. He was kicked out of Seraph Academy a long time ago but he was still allowed to participate in the annual tournaments. "But glasses here is named Zeen. A wannabe mage who can only do cheap tricks."

Ignoring Orne's insults, it was Zeen's turn to talk. "Nur. We are looking for you in behalf of Varjan. We were... told that you were headed here." His bespectacled gaze then turned to you. "Although, we were not told that you had company. Who is the Elf, Nur?"

"Her name's Seleth. Infamous like me but somehow still in the Academy." Orne spat. "But she's not the type to make friends. So the question is, how'd she find Nur? She find kinship with the poor girl?"

The presence of the two men in the Cathedral was foreboding. But surprisingly, so was Nur's. Could it be just a feeling?

Outside The Academy Infirmary

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

"Lisia?" A familiar voice called you out from your stupor.

It was Mira, the Eastern mage. It had been quite a while since you two last met, the tournament really taking up much of your time and likely hers as well. "I heard what happened. You were beaten by Seleth." Mira unintentionally rubbed that fact to your face. Still, the girl was sympathetic. "Are you alright? How are you feeling?" She asked in concern.

"Hey, don't be afraid to let out around me, Lisia. I'm a friend, after all." Mira gave a sincere smile. "Where are you heading right now? Wanna grab a quick snack or drink first? It could cheer you up."

You felt that Mira pitied you. Considered you fragile, treating you carefully. Perhaps she needed correction?


~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS) ~~~

"Now tell me dear, does this masked man look anything like my beloved Enishi?"

Annabelle sighed. "No. But they both have blue-ish colors so Keith, in his stupid mind, probably made the connection."

"Keith's a wild card in a very literal sense. I should've seen this coming." The mastermind gritted her teeth. "...That's it. We're cutting our losses and pulling out. I don't know what Keith'll blurt in prison but I'm not taking any chances. We're ceasing our operations and leaving Zauberheim before we get caught." She declared.

"But!" Annabelle added. "I have a final mission for you, Hisana, before we part ways." She leaned closer to you. "You see, I am not keen on just letting a... spanner in the works get away just like that. So, I want you to kill him. I want you to kill Keith. Kill him before you leave Zauberheim." The mastermind gave you her last order.

"As for moi, we had an order from some boy earlier. He ordered a ton of stuff so it'd be a waste to let go of all that gold. We'll be sticking around for one more day before we haul ass."

Southern Gate Town ---> Luminous Citadel

~~~ @Frozen0Titan (KAZ & TIB), @CitrusArms, @AzureKnight (ENI) ~~~

Lumina inspected Juan's corpse along with the injured boy. Unfortunately, the nobleman was beyond saving. "He's dead. We can't do anything for him now."

"Knight of Razelia, forgive me. We couldn't save that nobleman for questioning. But your assistance is greatly appreciated."

The knight sighed. "...Just doing my job. Also, thanks for saving my butt back there. That girl sure was something, huh? It looked like you knew her." He referred to Hisana. "Anyway, I'm not a knight. Just a guardsman. I quit the Arcknights a long time ago."

Soon, the city guards arrived and wrapped up the situation. All those involved were escorted to the Luminous Citadel for debriefing.

~~~ @ZAVAZggg ~~~

"Tell me...why did you attack me in the first place? I didn't do anything to you. And I clearly wasn't with the people you were after."

"I thought you were someone else, man!" Keith happily replied. "I was protecting that guy..." He motioned to the man who had cards embedded on his neck and head. "...and I had to be careful for anyone who might get the jump on us. Thus, the mistaken preemptive strike on you." From his tone, you knew he was not at all sorry for what he did.

"But so much for protecting that guy though. But it's not gonna matter. None of it will." You could almost see a smile behind his helmet.

Moments after, the city guard arrived and cleared the scene. All those involved were escorted to the Luminous Citadel for debriefing, including you.


~~~ @Frozen0Titan (KAZ & TIB), @CitrusArms, @AzureKnight (ENI), @ZAVAZggg ~~~

In the Luminous Citadel, everyone was assembled before Athos, the Court Mage of the royal family. "Everyone, the operation did not go as smoothly as intended. We had an unfortunate casualty on our hands. That being Sir Juan de la Cruz, even if he is a suspected accomplice. An innocent bystander was also dragged into this mess." He motioned a hand towards Rimlian.

"Fortunately, it is not all grim news for we have apprehended at least one individual who knows much about the criminal ring." He said, referring to Keith. "He is proving to be quite cooperative. So cooperative, in fact, that we suspect he is misleading us. But if they are true, I believe we can take the whole drug operation down soon."

"Sir Enishi, the captured criminal Keith has revealed that he knows about your target Hisana and where she will likely head next." Athos addressed Enishi. "He says that if she does not leave Zauberheim, she will likely be trying to kill him. Keith, I mean. We can dispatch some aid to you if you wish."

"Oh, before I forget. About Keith, we've actually struck a deal with him. In exchange for information, we've agreed to grant him amnesty." Athos revealed. "I know it appears we've made an unwise mistake but he has presented an opportunity to conclude our investigation in our favor. Also, Keith was very adamant about his desire to leave Zauberheim and Razelia altogether. Thus, we believe he will not be causing anymore trouble." The Court Mage was unnerved as he spoke.

"But, Keith is still in custody and he will not be released until we're completely done with him." Athos added. "If you wish to see him for any final words or questions, you may do so."

The Court Mage then addressed Rimlian. "Sir, we are very sorry that you have been dragged into our investigation. We apologize for ruining your business here in Zauberheim" He bowed. "That said, you handled yourself well out there. May we know who you are, sir?"
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