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Shizuyama Wilderness


The monk and Mika looked at each other in disbelief, but then the former slowly smiled and winked at the mother. "It appears I have been caught..." He started before turning around ominously. "You see, I am actually... an enemy mage!" The monk turned around again with the revelation, his arms stretched out. "Sent to this unsuspecting village to test my newest, nefarious scheme!"

Mika and her son gasped as the monk continued. "My new illness is quite diabolical! It is not for humans but for you, yokai! And it cannot be cured with normal means, no! In order to get better, victims must... drink the tears of their fellow yokai!" The monk continued his rather performative revelation. "But you can do nothing, yokai! You three are in no mood to cry right now and one of you is even a mechanical being! You are doomed, nyehehehe!"

The mother, confused at first, caught on and exclaimed. "By entering this village, you have infected yourselves! Yokai, you must bawl your eyes out to save yourselves!"

The silliness of this evil scheme invited doubt, but it was up to the taskforce on how to continue forward.

Kazenosuke's House


"Shizuka and I are not married. Which is to say. I am free."

"Oh?" Kazenosuke raised an eyebrow, not minding Io's close proximity as the Lich cast healing on him. "Hmm, we can have a drink when we have free time and see where to go from there." The dancing blade winked back.

“I’m not married to him as well, in fact I only recently met him as well as Io, also whatever your drinking, I think has burnt out any taste buds that you had”
Yuki Akamata

Kazenosuke chuckled. "Well, what can I say? I am but a humble, wandering swordsman and humble, wandering swordsmen don't get to choose their drinks."

"What say you, Dancing Blade, will you come with us to meet with Takeshi and the rest of the Taskforce?"
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Sure, sure. I'll keep my end of the bargain." Kazenosuke replied, rubbing the back of his head once Io's spell was done. "Been a long time since I've seen ol' Tak. Although, not exactly looking forward to talking with him about my absence in Sanjo Beach." He sighed. "Right. So, do we take off now? I don't exactly have much, and my house is ruined pretty recently, so I'm all ready to go."

And with that, the mission to bring in Kazenosuke was done. The taskforce members could head back to Terauchi Temple or go somewhere else if they wish.

But suddenly, all three of the taskforce group caught the all too familiar signature energies of the Mad Hatter Alice pass by somewhere near. It appeared that the tall mushroom monster was on her way on a mission. Knowing her, it might be wise for Shizuka to follow the trail to keep Alice from danger. Or rather, keep others from the dangers of Alice.

"Hmm? Something the matter?"

Fukami Port


"Moreover, who the hell wears that gaudy rainbow colored armor in the middle of the day in public on purpose without shame. You look like a tie-dye reject."

"Yeah! Tye-Die!"

"How dare you? I poured blood, sweat and tears making this custom armor for myself. Someone else's to be honest, but it still a lot of them." The rainbow knight retorted as Carroll and the Whimsy Blade continued to duel just nearby. "And I don't wanna hear that from a Queen that streaks naked in front of her subjects. And as for you, little Fairy... Nah, I got nothing. You're doing great so far, keep it up."

Amidst the clashing of the two sentient weapons, the rainbow knight continued with his hands on his hips. "Now then, what exactly are you two monsters doing here?" He asked firmly. "On a quest? On a mission? Or just here to terrify the islanders? Give 'em reason to join up with those wacky Varjans?"

"Because if it's the first two, maybe I can help." The weird knight offered. "Y'know, as soon as those two over there are done fighting. Hold on, if they're both weapons, how are they gonna hurt each other...?"

Terauchi Temple

"Oh, that would be Sir Shizuka Kannazuki. At least, he's the technical leader of the taskforce." Lady Kyouko answered. "There's also Ayu who is my head spy on the island and assistant to the taskforce. She based on Terauchi Temple, where you will be teleported in."

Musubi was then led up a hill and into Lady Kyouko's estate. In the courtyard lay a wide stone platform with markings etched on it, a magic circle. A figure was also there obscured by robes and a hood, and the Nurarihyon could sense immense magical power coming from them. Lady Kyouko nodded at the figure who nodded back and Musubi was placed in the middle of the platform.

Lady Kyouko and the figure stretched their hands out and began to cast the teleportation spell. Musubi's sight was then engulfed with white light...


Takeshi did not follow Lunatea, his face a frown. Despite doing the right thing as a Shizuyaman, the young lord could not help but feel sorry for the rabbit yokai... and feel as if he made the wrong choice.

Upon turning the corner, Lunatea immediately bumped into Ayu. "Oh hi, Madam Lunatea! How are you?" The warm greeting immediately turned into shock upon seeing the forlorn face of the Wererabbit. "Oh, Miss Lunatea. Is something wrong?" Ayu immediately inquired. "You can tell me anything, okay? I'm here to help."

As soon as she said that, however, the pagoda near them lit up in light. Someone, once more, had teleported in. Ayu sighed as she turned to Lunatea. "Listen, let's continue this after we greet the newcomer. That's a promise. Also come with me so you don't slip away and get my promise to go unfulfilled."

When the white light faded from her sight, Musubi found that she was in an empty chamber. The appearance of her surroundings made her realize that she was in the familiar interior of a typical Zipanguese pagoda; One side was filled with candles and statuettes while the other side was a set of sliding doors. One of them slid open to reveal a white-haired human woman and a rabbit monster.

"Greetings! You must be here to join the taskforce." Ayu happily greeted the newcomer Nurarihyon. "I am Ayu and this is Lunatea, a taskforce member. Lord Takeshi Oja, the son of the Island Lord is also here somewhere. Welcome to Shizuyama... what's left of it anyway."

@Restalaan (GRI)

“Can teach, how to make me tough? So I can make axe and armor tougher too.”

"Ah, so you've met our Dragon Warriors and their Chi Shield technique." Nobutada replied. "Despite the similarities, my ability and the Chi Shield are very different. I'd say, my ability is pretty unique to myself only. I know how it works, but to teach it entirely to somebody else. That I cannot do."

"Fortunately, you wish to learn the Chi Shield and not the ability that I have." The large monk continued. "I know how the technique works, but are you sure it's something that's worth for you to learn? The Chi Shield requires being calm and peaceful in the middle of battle. Not only that, one must resist the urge to attack for a continuous time in order for it to be effective. That means, you must rely on your allies to fight for you while you distract the enemy."

"And from what I've seen so far, you're not exactly that kind of yokai."

@Restalaan (SKA), @AzureKnight (HIN)

“I think we should probably wait until her sister gets back first, unless you need it done now...”

"You're right. We should probably wait for the sister." Yurine replied before watching with amusement as Skarsneek assumed a position where he would be able to body lock Hinami should she awaken and thrash around again.

The old warrior sighed before bringing out a paper charm with some specific writing on it. "This! I meant this! Is the spider yokai using this to calm the undead down? If she is, what kind is she using?" Yurine scolded Skarsneek, right before Hinami started stirring. Her voice still the eerie wail of her feral state.

Yurine then placed the charm she had on Hinami's hat, hoping it would work. "This is a sealing charm to render the indestructible undead of old into a docile state. If it doesn't work, then get ready." The old warrior warned as she waited for Hinami's reaction to it.

@AzureKnight (ATS)

As time passed with Atsuha in the warm water, the steam of the hot springs began to grow pretty thick and obscured the immediate area. The Jorou-Gumo could feel her vitality restored and fatigue lifted. It was about high-time for her to get up when she heard some very faint footsteps approaching and a figure emerged from the steam mist.

It was Takeshi Oja, fully naked save for his fundoshi undergarment. He was yawning wide as he approached and was about to take off his last piece of clothing when his eyes, fortunately or unfortunately, opened just in time. "M-Miss Atsuha?!" He immediately recoiled, trying to cover his body with his arms. "I-I didn't know you were here!" The young lord panicked, averting his eyes from the bathing Atsuha.

"I-I'll leave at once! Sorry to disturb you!"


*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



Update out! Sorry for the late post. I wanted to post the update but then the Internet died.


Accepted! Hopefully she sticks this time. XD
Shizuyama Wilderness


A second after Eula explained her function, the monk and the mother returned. The former had some moss in his hand and both had hope in their faces. "Remember, Mika. Crush the moss, add them into a cup of water and bring to a boil. Have your son drink the mixture and he should be fine the following morning." The monk said as the two entered the house.

"Thank you, healer." Mika nodded her head. "Rikuo, how are you doing? How's the yokai?"

"Mother, healer! I am doing fine." The boy immediately answered since he could not wait to break the news. "The two yokai, the hornet and this backpack girl. It looks like they're together!"


"Really? I never would have guessed!"

"Now, now, Mika. Very few of the yokai have relationships like these with each other, but they do exist." The healer turned to Relica. "Still, even I did not know this. I am glad that you two found each other."

What was once one were now three. Truly, a lie travels way faster than the truth.


"No, no. I'm not here for you to help me. I'm here to help you, your dad and everyone else in this village out. See, a few of my friends and myself are with a monk who wants to heal you folks. I just have a couple of questions. How many of you have fallen ill? When did the first of you get sick and how?"
Kerry Maros

"Ill?" The boy repeated, confused. "Err, no one's sick in the village. At least, as far as I know. We are running low on food, though. Although, I suppose that's better than being attacked by Varjans..." Jin continued. "I wish the next supply caravan comes soon--"

"Jin! What's going on there? Is the yokai not leaving?"

The boy turned to answer, "No, no! She's-- she's leaving, father!" Before returning to Kerry. "I'm so sorry, miss yokai, but we don't want to involve ourselves in anything right now. Oh and, there are no ill people here. Really sorry and I hope you have a great day." Jin then closed the sliding door on the Hornet.

Kerry then remembered that the healer said earlier that despite their urgent business, he needed to go and assist the poisoned boy they are taking care of right now. That probably meant that this was not the settlement that was afflicted with the illness.

Kazenosuke's House


"How long must we continue this until someone keels over? There is no need to drag this contest out any longer, admit defeat Dancing Blade."
Shizuka Kannazuki

"Surrender and I can-"

“If it is not over yet, then I will make sure it is over….you won’t be standing for long….!”
Yuki Akamata

Kazenosuke smiled as Yuki charged at him with her electric-charged Oni claws. Shizuka prepared for Kazenosuke's counterattack but Io's casting of a magical cage around the dancing swordsman was too late, Yuki was already upon him.

But Kazenosuke made no move to defend himself nor counterattack, he dropped down to the ground instantly instead. Yuki crashed through the wooden walls of the dancing swordsman's home, dazing the Oni a bit but otherwise unharmed. She could even get a glimpse of Kazenosuke's humble living quarters if she decided to look around. A single table, a mat to kneel on and some bits of miscellaneous furniture.

"Bwahahahahaha!" Kazenosuke burst out into laughter but made no attempt to escape Io's magic cage. "Oh man, that's so good!" He continued, wiping a tear off his eye. "Well, you've got me. Looks like it's my loss." The dancing swordsman surrendered. "You people work together well as a team. That's good, that'll be real useful against your enemies."

"Although, I shouldn't be surprised. You all are married, after all."

Fukami Port


The rainbow knight tilted his head and simply watched Alice and Carroll sink into the water. "Huh, I didn't know Cursed Swords could do that. Did I read that file right...?" He remarked to himself, likely not heard by the underwater Mad Hatter.

Not long after, someone jumped in after Alice much to the rainbow knight's surprise. It was Liliana, but the knight did not know who she was. All he knew was that someone thought this Mad Hatter/Cursed Sword/Whatever was sinking and drowning and spared no thought in trying to save her. The rainbow knight supposed such a trait was blameless, if reckless.

The knight decided to give them a little helping hand by getting some rope, tying one end to a small anchor that was lying around and lowered it into the water where the monsters decided to go swimming. Now, one would think on how one measly knight could lift at least three monsters. But the rainbow knight would not be there if he wasn't good at his job.

Terauchi Temple

It was not long after the taskforce arrived at the temple when Takeshi and Kikyo arrived too in their horses, although the group had long split up. The two warriors found only Lunatea when they entered the temple. Takeshi bid Kikyo farewell as they disembarked their horses and the young Oja approached the Wererabbit.

"Lunatea." Takeshi greeted, who had now replaced his kimono top with a similar garb. "I assume the others have gone to rest? It was a pretty hectic battle back there, wasn't it?" He guessed. "You know, you're gonna have to give that back someday." Takeshi motioned at his red kimono currently being worn by Lunatea. "I mean, I guess I can let you keep it. A nice, little souvenir from Shizuyama: The clothes of the Island Lord!"

"Anyway, I think I'm going to go have a dip on the springs before I do anything else. It's been a long day. What about you?" Takeshi might have not said it, but he would probably indulge Lunatea if she wanted him to do something else.

@Restalaan (GRI)

Seeking out Nobutada, Gringor managed to find the monk along with some refugee villagers at the back of a pagoda. The High Orc was not near enough for him to hear what they were discussing. His presence was noticed before he could get close enough and Nobutada bid the others farewell to go meet with Gringor.

"I see you're wearing some armor. Have you finally encountered a weapon that can pierce your yokai skin?" Nobutada noticed the High Orc's newly-equipped armor pieces. "And it looks Varjan too, have you decided to join the invaders?" The monk then let out a laugh. "I jest. The Varjans will never tolerate your presence."

"Have you come to me to just show off your new attire or is there something else?"

@Restalaan (SKA), @AzureKnight (HIN)

Skarsneek was shown an empty room inside a grain storage building with a bed by some helpful monks to place Hinami in. Not long after, a familiar old warrior came to visit them.

"How's the undead holding up?" Yurine asked. "Still knocked out? Well, I suppose that's for the best." The old woman remarked. "While I'm ready to begin the spell to visit her mindscape, I understand that we're all tired right now and I think we should talk to the undead herself regarding this."

"Do you know what the spider yokai does to calm her sister down?" Yurine asked Skarsneek. "I assume the undead isn't a feral that attacks everybody all the time."

Soaking in the warm waters of the spring, Atsuha's body immediately began to relax. Unfortunately, the burdens weighing on her mind might have prevented her from fully enjoying the spring. Perhaps it would be best for her to clear her mind for the time being in order to properly refresh it.

Easier said than done when Atsuha overheard two peasant women talking as they passed by springs.
"I'm telling you, I saw him!"
"I believe you think you saw him."
"I'm not lying!"
"Remember when you said you saw a Centaur a year ago?"
"And it was just a horse rider behind a bush?"
"This time it's different! It was Lord Takeshi Oja!"
"Of course it was..."


*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



~ Hideout ~

"A man of violence and healing, You're a strange one kid, I'll tell you that. In any case, I owe you one, a thief's honor."
Leon Hyksos

"You are very much welcome, Sir Leon. I do appreciate being appreciated." Einer replied. The words were true... if he had been doing something else in the battlefield. "But I doubt the 'strange' part, however. Surely, others of similar profession would do what I did when faced with what happened back there."


Without any more deception or tricks, the traitorous factory worker lead the Reavers to the stolen weapons. They were in separate glass casings, indicating they were highly valuable compared to the run-of-the-mill magitech weapon. Einer's song died down into silence as the musician became entranced with the intricate designs of the stolen weapons. If he could wield them, oh, the possibilties were endless. Einer almost salivated, but the other Reavers questioned the worker.

Allegedly, their robbed client seemed to be robbed of morals as well.

"Mr.Josef, your supervisor? color me intrigued. Shame you have to confess that, it's a habit of mine not to leave loose ends until the contract is complete. Tell me what kind of man is he?"
Leon Hyksos

"I concur with Sir Leon. Your claims make me curious as well." Einer averted his gaze from the weaponry and on to the interrogation. "Do be truthful, of course. I may be forgiving of lies, but I cannot say the same for my compatriots."


I don't mind if you want to wait but I actually discourage waiting for other players to post before they do. One of the reasons is that two players might actually be waiting on each other.

Hmm, let me think on this.

Which I can take long on 'cause...


Hey everyone! Update will be delayed to next week to give time to those who haven't posted yet.

Sorry to those who posted early. :(
Update out! Sorry I couldn't wait for the others but I need to get the update out since I'll be busy this week.

Also, Xaltwind rescinded their latest character. :(
"Where's your shirt, and what's with the cows?"

"It's the work of the yokai taskforce... provoked by your men."


"Kikyo, I don't want to fight the people I'm supposed to be defending."

"...Forgive me, milord. I should've kept a closer eye on them, but--"

"I know that I am defiling Shizuyama's tradition by working with the yokai, and I am willing to accept punishment for it."

"But we cannot be divided right now. Or else, we will lose Shizuyama one way or another. Is that clear?"

"I understand..."

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Why not regale the boy with tales of your romantic exploits, Curry?"
Relica Rune Nox-Umbra

"Well, there was that one time back in Grelden when you and I were on 24 hour outpost duty, we got bored one night, started having drinks, one fun lead to another and then we had some really steamy se- A-A-A-A-Anyway, this is no place t-to discuss such things, d-d-don't you think!? H-H-Hey, kid!? You said shared those shrooms with another f-family, right!? How 'bout I go check on them real q-quick!? G-Gotta see how much this sickness is a-affecting the village, r-right!?"
Kerry Maros

"W-Wait--!" The boy stammered but Kerry was already gone. With his jaw still open, he turned to Relica. "I-I had no idea the two of you were together." He jumped to the conclusion.

"How long have you two been together? Where did you two meet?" The boy started questions, powering through the pain just to know these juicy details. "How will you two have children? Err, sorry. I haven't even asked if you two are interested in children."

It was a good thing neither the monk nor the mother were here to hear all of this, and only Eula and the boy. Otherwise, the 'news' may spread faster than either Relica and Kerry could explain.


Walking to the nearest house and inquiring, the sliding doors opened and Kerry was met with a boy younger than their patient wearing a yellow kimono top. The boy gasped at the sight of the Hornet and was speechless for a moment before an older voiced called from the inside. "Jin! Who is it?"

"It's a-- it's a yokai, father." The boy named Jin replied. "I-I don't know what she wants..."

"I know the monk says good things about them, but we should still be wary." The father declared. "Just tell her to go away."

"I-I'm sorry, madam yokai." The young Jin bowed. "But I'm afraid we can't help with whatever you need."

Kazenosuke's House


Kazenosuke watched his taskforce opponent closely. His brow raised when Shizuka disappeared into three images of himself. The dancing swordsman was sure his technique could parry all three attacks, and that was assuming all three attacks were real. However, the plan changed when he saw Io cast a spell beam aimed at him.

Trusting his instincts, Kazenosuke stopped spinning his blade and brought his scabbard up to block the beam. His scabbard froze instantly and the sudden drop in temperature made him drop it, shattering into a thousand pieces upon hitting the ground. But this left him open and all three images of the azure swordsman descended upon him, where all three strikes hit. Kazenosuke tried to block, but it was late and futile.

The dancing swordsman reeled, blood dripping on his clothes. He stumbled to his abode, his back against the wall. "You... You think this is over?" He muttered before raising his sword but not doing the signature spin. "I'm still standing, don't you see?"

Fukami Port


Alice arrived at Fukami Port, searching for a vessel that would take her to Hama Island. Her tall physique and the arm infested with a Cursed Sword made it clear that she was no human, making the villagers hide in their homes at her arrival. Quite unfortunate, until a male voice called out to her.

"Yooo! Welcome to Fukami Port, madam monster!" A strange individual emerged from one of the houses. He appeared to be a western knight, so not someone from Shizuyama. But that was not the strangest part, his armor seem to be painted in a plethora of bright colors. From helm to boots, he radiated light like a clear rainbow in a drizzle. One could imagine this man not needing to put effort to get noticed.

"Sorry, the people here are pretty suspicious of foreigners. Especially when an entire fleet of foreigners are besieging their island home." The man explained. "Still, they're good people and I'm sure they'll help out a good ol' taskforce member repel these dastardly Varjans." He continued with exaggerated arm movements to help convince Alice.

"So, what do you need? Just let your Ian onii-chan know."

Terauchi Temple

~ @Hammerman, @Restalaan (SKA & GRI), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

Alice was seen heading out pretty quickly wearing a peasant's dress. To where, no one knew. Presumably she was on her way to fulfill another request.

"I believe Takeshi-san and Kikyo-san were discussing something in private."
Atsuha Hangai

"Oh, I see." Ayu replied, but took notice of Atsuha's downtrodden expression and just noticed the unconscious Hinami. "Oh gods, what happened to Madam Hinami?!" She exclaimed. "Does she need help?! I have medicinal herbs--"

"She started attacking indiscrimately while she was rescuing me and Takeshi from Shizuyaman traitors." Yurine came back after hearing Ayu's loud voice. "Her spider sister came to me specifically to see if I can help with her berserker rage. All I can do for her is put her in a relaxed state where her madness can be dealt inside her head."

"Ohhh! Thank you very much, Lady Yurine!" Ayu bowed.

"The fighting and the walking has take a toll on these old bones." Yurine told Atsuha. "But I have the necessary ingredients so we can begin immediately if it is urgent."


*Finish 'Pre-Emptive Strike' to unlock next tale*



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Accepted and I'll be writing her in on the next update.

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