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Bump! Looking for players!

If you are interested, send me a PM since your character's entrance will need to be discussed.
Update out!

The taskforce has received: Takeshi Oja!
Sanjo Beach

~ @Riffus Maximus, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

"Argh!" Saarvel screamed when his hands were crushed by Kirei who then stabbed him in the throat with two materialized daggers. He choked on his blood, but was far from dead. The legionnaire had one last trick up his sleeve, a backup knife from his boot, to try and take Kirei with him once and for all.

Alas, the waters that Kirei was under parted and lunged at Saarvel. The dying Shadow Master stumbled back, right into the readied blade of Stella. The Leviathan's weapon pierced through Saarvel's armor, running the legionnaire through, and was coated in blood. This was the end for Saarvel the Seafarer. He did not even see who finally killed him.

Lavinia's ice bolts and Janus' lightning strikes made short work of the Varjan Brigands throwing javelins. For the moment, no Varjan had their attention. The invaders were focused on ascending the hill and battling the last of the defenders. The final line of the Shizuyamans had been broken, watchtowers burned and wooden walls were coming down. The futile defense was reaching its inevitable end.

Releasing a quick sigh, Janus looked to the taskforce. "We must flee back to the campsite, taskforce. While no one's onto us." He then did a fast headcount and noticed Nyla wasn't exactly with them.

With haste, he looked and found the Shoggoth among some rocks...

"Just rest and maybe...have a little bite? Its packed full of nutrients and will make you feel much better quite soon."

With the samurai on her lap, Nyla could finally make out his features. The samurai was young, likely somewhere in his early twenties. Black of hair, his face was dirty with a mixture of blood and sand. His dark yellow eyes were half-lidded, but he noticed the Shoggoth's offer of pastry.

He reached out a hand in his delirium, but it never touched Nyla's cake. Instead, the hand caressed the eldritch woman's cheek and smudged it a bit with bloody sand. "You have... beautiful eyes..." He said to the Shoggoth before his eyes closed, his last strength slipping, his consciousness leaving him and the pastry going uneaten.

Janus suddenly appeared, apparently looking for Nyla. "Miss Shoggoth, we must-- Gods above..." The caster immediately kneeled down and took a good look at the samurai's face. "Do you have a deity of luck watching over you, Shoggoth? This man right here is Takeshi Oja, son and heir of Hideo Oja. How have you found him? What are the chances-- It doesn't matter now. We must flee, back to the campsite where I received you."

"Hold onto him, Shoggoth, and never let go."

Sanjo Town

~ @Xaltwind (GWN) ~

After dealing with the Varjan group by blowing a gust of wind so powerful that it created a hole in the house from whence the Varjans were ejected, the familiar blue-armored Sidonus appeared and stood in front of the space that Gwen made with her magic. "Bloody hell, Baphomet. I understand that collateral damage is inevitable in this kind of fight, but try not to knock down people's homes, yeah? They hate you enough already."

"Anyway, we've done what we can. There are still villagers here, but the Varjans are getting too many for us. We've got to retreat back to Janus' campsite." Sidonus explained. "Make your way there now. I'll look for the others." And with that, the blue warrior left for his objective.

The order was given, but Gwen can either obey it... or follow Sidonus to continue helping.

~ @Xaltwind (COCO) ~

Returning to the rendezvous point after helping evacuate more villagers rather than help Vară, Coco would find a Sidonus who also recently arrived. "Nice to see you still kickin', cat."

"Listen, there's still people to help but the Varjans are getting too many. I fear the battle on the beach is lost and it's time for us to haul outta here too." Sidonus told the Werecat. "Make your way to Janus' campsite. I've already told the Baphomet so the last one should be the Succubus. I'll go find her." And with that, the blue warrior left for his objective.

The order was given, but Coco can either follow it... or follow Sidonus instead to try and keep him out of trouble, perhaps.

~ @AzureKnight (VRA) ~

Na'kratz took a readied stance when Vară summoned a draconic familiar as well as transform her appearance. When Camael came at him with fiery claws and sharp teeth, the Amethyst Prince evaded them all with surprising swiftness. Until Na'kratz parried a claw swipe and seized the familiar, dragging Camael around and letting him receive the fireballs from Vară.

Regardless if Camael was hurt by the fire or not, Na'kratz then shoved the familiar and followed it with a thrust of his claws. The attack was cancelled, however, by a downward swing of a sword from Sidonus. Before Na'kratz could react, he was kicked away by the blue warrior. "We need to flee, Succubus! Head back to Janus' campsite! I'll follow you once I destroy this fool!"

Sidonus then attacked Na'kratz. Despite his words, the Amethyst Prince was simply too fast for the blue warrior. After dodging a sword thrust, Na'kratz found an opening and slammed his claws into Sidonus' chest, piercing the armor. "Aggghhh!" The warrior howled in pain. "Go! Don't worry about me!"

Janus' Campsite

After escaping Sanjo Beach and reaching his camp without complication, Janus let out a deep sigh. Things have developed faster than he anticipated. Perhaps, even faster than what Lady Kyouko anticipated. He should send word to her soon. The situation in Shizuyama was completely different now. In hindsight, however, they should have seen this coming. Maybe that was why Lady Kyouko was so eager to send a capable taskforce here.

"Is everyone alright?" Janus asked of the taskforce. "...'Twas a fool's hope. That defense on the beach could never be won." He remarked. "But we did not emerge empty-handed. Fortune smiled upon us in that dark hour." The caster then looked to Nyla.

"Lady Shoggoth, how fares Lord Takeshi Oja, heir of Shizuyama?"
~ Eon Tower, Main Hall ~

"You in, Einer? We can discuss Miss Nadia's crazy synergy research if nothing happens."
Shavis Namiste

"Hmm, I suppose I'll take you up on that offer, Miss Namiste."

Einer and Shavis exited Nadia's office after the... debacle with Scarlett back there. Shavis led the bard back to the main hall after suggesting they take a fresh breath of air after witnessing such a scene. Einer agreed, and followed the Belua without question.

The main hall was filled with faces familiar and unfamiliar. Einer had no time to observe all of them in finer detail, as he was with Shavis looking over the current requests. The Belua eventually settled for an escort quest: a Republic noble on a business trip needing some guards due to an increase of reported monster attacks. An easy mission and a hefty reward... on paper. Einer feared there might be more than meets the eye like in the previous quest her undertook.

Still, he had the mighty Shavis Namiste with him. She looked like she can handle a monster or two or maybe even a dozen. "Indeed, that is a good approach to the general nobility, Miss Namiste, but worry not. If Lady Molnar decides to be rude towards you, know that you also have a noble at your side."
Update out! It's clobberin' time!
Terauchi Temple


~ @Crowvette, @Restalaan (GRI & SKA), @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) ~

The combined magical barriers of Io and Atsuha put a veritable wall between the Varjans and the insides of the temple, taking down the first attackers who attempted to pass through them. The warriors of Shizuyama and some of the taskforce were with the Varjans on the other side of the barrier, making them the focus of the invaders' ire. Something that was preferable in the defense of Terauchi Temple.

Losia, a Varjan Champion of the Blood Horde and also a legionnaire of the infamous World Hounds, was only further angered when Kerry used her as a stepping stone to get further into the Varjan lines. The Champion was about to go after the Hornet when she was struck in the face by a sectioned staff, courtesy of Hinami. Only Losia's head twisted in the attack, and she looked back at the Jiangshi before spitting out a bloody tooth.

With almost inhuman speed, Losia slammed the edge of her shield into Hinami's midsection which knocked the wind out of the undead. The Champion then kicked Hinami with enough force to knock the Jiangshi flat on her back. Seeing the figures of Atsuha and Io after Hinami's fell, Losia switched targets. Much like her compatriots in the Blood Horde and the World Hounds, she utterly despised spellcasters. And she could tell these ones were casters with only one glance.

"RAAAAAHHH!" She thrust forth her sword, loosing several fireballs at the monsters' positions and sending wisps of flame flying at the very wooden buildings of the temple.

Meanwhile, Skarsneek saw all this happening from one of the roofs of a pagoda. He also saw in the distance a group of Varjans deep inside the temple already. They were in one of the corners of the temple, a section full of the crude, hastily-built shelters for refugees. One of them wore a distinct blue armor and his helmet was far more noticeable than the others.

Fortunately, the hiding peasants were nowhere near this area. Unfortunately, the Varjan group has freed and were now speaking with all the prisoners the taskforce has taken so far.


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

Fighting alongside the warriors of Shizuyama, Eula took down all of the Varjans that stood in her way while looking for an opportunity to break through the enemy lines. But the attacking Varjans were just too many, and the few Shizuyaman warriors were becoming even fewer. Magical barriers from her fellow taskforce members were erected to halt the Varjan advance, but Eula was on the other side alongside her human allies.

After a samurai was hit in the chest by a javelin, Eula found herself alone and surrounded by Varjan Brigands and Warriors. A most unfortunate development and the Varjans were not waiting, a Varjan Footman fired an arrow at the Automaton to start this one-sided fight.


The arrow bounced off the sword of Takeshi Oja, who had rolled in past the Varjan encirclement to aid the lone Automaton. "I've got your back." The young lord assured Eula. The Varjans hesitated, one monster was one thing but a monster and the Island Lord's heir? They took a moment to gather their courage and attack.

With her back covered, Eula now only had to face a Varjan Warrior with a two-handed axe who went for a horizontal swing at her with a sword-armed Varjan Brigand following close behind.


Kerry flew past the advancing Varjans and reached their backline in but a moment. She did not go unnoticed, of course, but few of the attackers had ranged weapons, much less ranged weapons that could reach the Hornet's altitude.

Soon, Kerry spotted the Varjan artillery: Two catapults hurling burning boulders at the temple. Io's shield continued to protect the temple but it was a dangerous risk to continue relying on the shield. Kerry also spotted a small, dark obelisk between the catapults. It was covered in runes that glowed blue.

Meanwhile, a couple of Varjan Footmen attempted to drive her off with some arrows while the catapult crews continued their work but also watching Kerry cautiously.


Yuki and Lunatea elected to stay behind and handle any Varjans that got past the defensive lines held by their allies, the latter joining the former after giving a short speech to the refugees that confused them... but also reassured them.

Their positions were soon tested, however. The rest of the taskforce had chosen to stand with Takeshi in the main entrance, leaving the other entrance a little undermanned. Still, both entrances held but Yuki and Lunatea heard the barks of vicious canines. They saw, in the other entrance, a group of Varjan Wardogs zip past the Shizuyaman defenders and start attacking the refugees who were still out in the open. They lunged and bit, going for the legs and the necks of their hapless victims.

Four of the Wardogs spotted Yuki and Lunatea and they moved in for the kill, not showing any sign of fear towards the monsters. Even Yuki's current appearance did not deter them the slightest.

Varjan Ship


(Currently in collab)
Update outto! Sorry for the late one since I had to fetch my sister from a 4-hour away airport.

Next update will be on the next weekend (not this week's) so we can get back to the schedule. Or, y'know, if everyone posts.
Sanjo Beach

Saarvel had been raiding kingdoms in the name of the Shadow Masters ever since his induction into the legion. Sure there were close calls, but he survived them all. Where his fellow legionnaires fell, he stood alive with the victors. It would be one thing if he was a mere plunderer, but he did not live this long without knowing how to kill a man in seconds.

But this was one fight he never prepared for. Saarvel knew no one in his legion who did. They were here to slaughter men, not monsters. Still, Saarvel thought this paltry squad would not amount to much. Because if they were, he wouldn't know what to do. So when Stella gushed forth a wave of water that threatened to drown him and his group with water above land, Saarvel panicked but still managed to slash away the water with his bloody glaive while his Varjan Warriors scrambled to remove their helms to let out the water.

But that was not all, Lavinia also streamed water to their feet that turned to ice, freezing them in place. Saarvel watched as his group was taken down by Kirei and Lavinia, leaving him to face Nyla who had a human-sized frying pan hovering over him. Saarvel raised his spear to block the swing but it was futile. The Shadow Master was knocked down and out to the sand, ending the Varjan threat for a scant few moments.

"Everyone! I think the battle, and the Oja Clan, are lost. Look!" Janus said, pointing to the swarm of Varjans ascending the hill and engaging the last line of Shizuyaman defenders and fortifications. "...I wanted to find at least one survivor. A warrior who can vouch for us." The mage declared but looking at the surroundings, there didn't seem to be any living samurai left. They had all been killed as the taskforce fought in that brief moment, littering the beach with their bodies and the Varjans they took down with them.

~ @Riffus Maximus, @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

Another line of Varjans were coming towards the taskforce, a brave group of ten barely-armored Brigands with axes and javelins. "Let's clear these rabble out and regroup with our forces on the village--"

Just as Janus finished, something tackled Kirei all the way towards the flowing seawater of the battle-bloody beach. It was Saarvel, who had regained consciousness and was now filled with nothing but rage. His helm dripped with blood from the heavy concussion but that did nothing to hinder him from throwing Kirei under the water and choking the swordsman with his gauntlets.

"I'll save you, hold on!" Janus was about to blast Saarvel away but he was interrupted by a thrown javelin that nearly hit him followed by an axe swing that he ducked under. "Gods damn it!" The mage had to fight off his attackers before he could help Kirei.

Before Nyla could join the fight, if she wanted to, she spotted in the corner of one of her many eyes a person crawling amongst some rocks nearby. A fallen samurai warrior, in broken armor with about three arrows sticking out of his back. Where was he crawling to? Perhaps even he didn't know, merely following his body's last gasps of life.

His helmet was off and the Shoggoth could see his scruffy, short black hair. Nyla would recall Lady Kyouko talking about how one of the Oja Clan members having this kind of look. Still, such a description fitted many so this poor samurai could be anyone. Then again, Janus said that they needed a local survivor.

Sanjo Town

~ @Xaltwind (COCO) ~

The Varjans never expected the earth to suddenly erupt from under them, hitting them in... unfortunate parts of their bodies. They were left unconscious with only the father and his baby child, the latter crying loudly. The father recoiled when Coco approached but when she told him to escape, he bowed his head. "Thank you, milady." He said before leaving.

As Coco rounded the corner in search for more people to help, she would see Vară squaring off with a Varjan in black and dark purple armor and wearing an iron mask...

~ @AzureKnight (VRA) ~

The children, intimidated of Vară, nodded vigorously at her request. Both out of gratitude, and out of fear of her fiery wrath should they not agree. The children then looked beyond the Fire Demon and screamed, running off in a mere moment.

It was sufficient warning for Vară to roll aside to dodge the thrust of a claw weapon. The Fire Demon then beheld her attacker, a Varjan in black and dark purple armor of overlapping spiky plates. His iron mask was simple but still expressed terror. His gauntlets each had a set of three claws jutting, completely black in color. Vară could sense magic from the weapons.

"You're no Shizuyaman, you're... a monster, aren't you?" The Varjan remarked, grinding his claws with each other. "Very... unexpected."

More Varjans arrived, these ones on horseback. "Lord Na'kratz, you need help with this girl?"

"No, I think I can handle her." Na'kratz replied, not taking his eyes off Vară. "Go chase some fleeing villagers. Each of them will make a fine slave." The horsemen trotted off and followed their orders, riding to chase Shizuyaman villagers.

"Now then, monster. Shall we?" Na'kratz awaited Vară's move.

~ @Xaltwind (GWN) ~

The pair of Varjan Warriors were too stunned in surprise to react to Gwen's attack. They scrambled for their weapons, completely forgetting their victim.

One of them was successfully slashed by Gwen's scythe and he was immediately on the ground, down and out. The other Varjan Warrior managed to narrowly evade his scythe swing and quickly retaliated with an axe swing of his own. His attack found its target, his axe hitting Gwen's horns... only for it to shatter and doing no damage to the Baphomet. It did kind of sting, though.

Undeterred, the Varjan Warrior pulled out his round shield and tried pushing Gwen into the burning house.

I've added some info about the Varjan army composition over at the Characters Tab. Come take a look!
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