Do better, be better.
I didn't raise you be a coward, Belle. Suck it up and quit crying about it.
You could help so many people. You have to open yourself up and trust others. I know it's hard....
Well spoken. This will also be the day when I step down as leader of Golden Death, I would like all of you to give this young woman your best.
I know you’re struggling deep down and I’m sorry if this added more pressure to you - but we can’t lose you. You’re the leader and our friend.
Belle's mind was racing with the memories as she gritted her teeth. She began to focus on pushing the memories out and focusing on her mind. If she didn't control herself, she'd end up wasting Rosemary's sacrifice. That was a debt she could never properly repay. She wasn't going to throw away her shot or her ability to help. If not for herself, then for the citizens. They believed in her. They chose her. Whatever spark they ahd seen... Bell swallowed and shook her head. Going home wasn't an option, no matter what. Who would she be if she ran away? Who would help these people? God, she was mad at herself. She wished she had a switch to turn off her emotions. Her mind's eyes filled with Embry's bright brown and the anger quickly began dissipating. Emotionless in battleground robbery, were people's downfalls. Her grief began to turn into hardened anger as the shell of her former self took over.
The tears began to evaporate on her cheeks as she regained control over herself and used hydrokinesis. Belle wiped her eyes quickly to help clear her vision as she stared at the two blond elves. To her surprise, Hagmer leaned down and gave her a hug. Frozen, she stared with shock, then slowly raised her arms to return it. She slowly let go and nodded. Belle took several deep breaths. Her attention was caught as she watched the first male-human use water to launch himself at the scary demon-greeter. She hoped it hurt the bastard and vowed if he didn’t, she would kill that demon herself. The human’s brave act knocked the barriers down which allowed everyone to begin fleeing. Her attention was caught by the dark-skinned female human now shouting against Aklenroth. She felt a smile tug at her lips. This woman was going to be a great ally, if they ever met again.
Belle looked at Hagmer who had jumped on the table to announce the barriers were down. His words, telling her she could leave, had her shaking her head. No, she wasn’t going to run. Belle wanted to find Bowyn and Torvi, although her blood was boiling. So many innocent Avalians were dying at the hands of the lich. Leaders did not abandon their people, no matter how desperate times became. Belle ignored her mind telling her to flee. She began studying the ballroom and noticed a pyrokinetic human attacking the demon and grinned. She was thrilled to see others, especially humans, fighting back. "No, I'm not leaving your side. We're going to get out of this together." Her eyes flashed with seriousness as she stole a quick glance at him. "I'm not going to let anyone else die if I can help it." Her voice held steady as emotional numbness took over. Her mind was clear as day. Think, Belle...
Belle surveyed the ballroom and then noticed the giant black wolf chasing the creature she’d seen the hydrokinetic human with earlier. Malachi had as well, as he threw two light orbs directly at it. Next, she watched as the winged-demi who had opened the rift attack him with her magic as well. Belle tracked the wolf’s moments and moved forward. Her eyes traced their movements like a hunter watching a deer scurry. Belle looked at the glasses and raised her hands with intense concentration. The glasses on the table raised as the water began to spill out.
Next, she then set the water flying onto the floor where the wolf would be running. She had waited until the white creature had passed prior to tripping the wolf. If that didn’t work, then Belle moved some of the glasses closer to her and stared at them. Water from the refreshment and the glasses stand flew into the air and around her into a small ball. She focused on the ball in front of her and gathered as much as she could. As if she was whipping a ball, she sent it flying into the wolf’s face. She let out a grunt at the weight of it and turned to watch her attacks. Belle then raised her hands and created a shield of water around Malachi and herself in case it came at them next. Her blood was boiling, her fists clenched, and her expression filled with rage. "If that wolf falls, we need to grab that... creature and move as fast as possible while it's stunned. I'll be right beside you and shielding you. Hopefully our combined magics will have done the trick."
Her attention was briefly caught; a familiar voice, Kuroi’s, was questioning why they were fighting. Belles’ face filled with shock and disgust. What was he even saying? Had he not heard all the humans standing up for this land? She shook her head at him. His anger from earlier, was that the cause? He’d just been standing beside the redhead human and her! Whatever his reasons, she felt disappointment rise inside of her. While she focused on the water shield around the elf and her, she glanced over slightly to hear the same woman berating him.
Belle felt a sigh of relief fill her as she saw Torvi guiding the warrior-female, herself and then Kuroi out of the grand hall. Her words filled the hall and Belle couldn't help but agree; still, bitterness rose inside of her at Kuroi's words. She scanned the room quickly as she faced the scene with the wolf and creature. Elleta, Regulus and Morgayne were nowhere to be seen, and she had prayed they had exited safely. Belle turned and focused on Malachi, the white creature and the demonic wolf. Her shield was still bubbling around them. Her gaze flickered to the female ensnaring the demon as she glanced at Malachi.