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Time: Morning
Location: On the Road -> Diner
Interactions: @princess - Angel
Mentions: @13org Ylva ~ @Ithradine Lucuis

Shay followed the duo ahead of her towards the table. Her mind’s eye was flashing with the memory of having sat down at the restaurant bar last year when her family was slaughtered. Her emotions rose as she fought to resist the memory. She distracted herself by watching Angel glare at the girl at the table next to them. At the same time, the waiter put the menus down which excused Shay for not reacting. She was having difficulty not smirking though. Angel was colder than an iceberg and Shay was amused by it. She wondered if she would become as cold as she had. She sat down and mimicked Angel in going straight to the menu. She buried her face in it and began to ignore the others. She didn’t know if they were friends or foes and did not want to find anymore of the latter.

Time: Noon
Location: Alexei’s
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Alex; @helo Elias; @Pink Khione - Vivan

Mention @princess Angel
Nikolaus let out a sigh of relief when Elias served him the shot. He quickly drank it as shock filled him. He realized he was being served peppermint schnapps instead with the nickname ‘Saint Nick’. He started coughing and patted his chest with wide-eyes. Tears filled them as he turned to his side while he coughed. Once Niko regained control over himself, he burst out laughing. He turned to Elias with a grin on his face. ”Good one,” He managed to say and frowned at Vivan and Elias’ exchange. Was she going to New Paeonia? He was going to need to question her, but only after the Devil left. Niko felt concern rise and swallowed as he became impassive.

He positioned himself on the barstool to eavesdrop better and glanced over at them. It seemed like Alex was leaving which gave him a sense of relief and worry. Why was he leaving and for what purpose? He took out his phone and noticed it birating and sighed. He hit mute on it and set it back in his pocket but the damn thing kept ringing. ”Fucking what?” he muttered as he checked the ID and made sure to tilt the phone so nboody else could read or see what it had said. It was a news alert stating that Remy, Angel and he had all left HQ. He felt his heart race; where had Angel gone? He stood up and glanced at Elias. ”I’ll take the nachos to go. Thank you,” He got up tiredly and glanced outside. His jeep was in the front and not too far; but he didn’t want to exit the same time as Alexander either. He bit his lip as he pondered his predicament. He needed to question this girl as well. Niko hesitated, unsure of what to do. There was a high chance of Alexander knowing who he was and he was not in any position to fight with him.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @Tae Elsea ✦ @princess Malachi ✦ @helo Cade
Mention @Tae - Kenia

Cora nodded at her companions' words. She would need to trust him for now. She gripped Elsea’s arm and appreciated the feline demi on her other side. Her head turned to the side as she glanced at Malachi and withered under his glare. She nodded and mustered her energy and ran for the entrance, dragging Elsea behind her. She gripped the feline’s paw as well, making sure none of them were left behind. In her mind’s eye, she figured that she would meet Malachi outside. Her mind processed the demon’s movements, but her brain was too tired to comprehend them. All she knew was they had to get out now or else perish.

She felt a sigh of relief once they made it outside. She let go of the other two and tiredly sat on the grass for a second. She rubbed her arms and glanced around for Ken ia. She didn't see her, and prayed she was safe. Cora slowly raised herself up and looked at the other two. ”Now what?” she inquired and swallowed nervously as she glanced back at the others inside. Her heart was aching for them, but most importantly, for Malachi. Please stay safe, Malachi and Kenia...
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Outside
Interaction: @princess - Risa

Things became quieter in the air. Artemis began to glimpse around the surroundings as she swam to the surface. It seemed the fairy in the air was gone. She breathed a sigh of relief - she truly hated some of these civilians. She rose out from under the water and glanced around. Risa knelt by the edge of the water with exhaustion spilling over her. Artemis smiled faintly and ducked back beneath the surface and swam towards her. Cautiously, and quietly, Artemis poked her head out of the water and kept her tail tucked beneath her. She smiled as she poked her head up. Artemis did not want to climb out quite yet if it wasn't safe, so she remaiend poised to strike. God, her entire damn dress was soaked now.

”Risa?” She inquired softly with warmth in her eyes. A wave of emotion ran through her: joy, shock, and hesitation. ”It’s me, Artemis. Are you okay?”
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Ball
Mention: @princess - Malachi
Interaction: @Dezuel Zelginn; @13org Myra

Do better, be better.

I didn't raise you be a coward, Belle. Suck it up and quit crying about it.

You could help so many people. You have to open yourself up and trust others. I know it's hard....

Well spoken. This will also be the day when I step down as leader of Golden Death, I would like all of you to give this young woman your best.

I know you’re struggling deep down and I’m sorry if this added more pressure to you - but we can’t lose you. You’re the leader and our friend.

Belle's mind was racing with the memories as she gritted her teeth. She began to focus on pushing the memories out and focusing on her mind. If she didn't control herself, she'd end up wasting Rosemary's sacrifice. That was a debt she could never properly repay. She wasn't going to throw away her shot or her ability to help. If not for herself, then for the citizens. They believed in her. They chose her. Whatever spark they ahd seen... Bell swallowed and shook her head. Going home wasn't an option, no matter what. Who would she be if she ran away? Who would help these people? God, she was mad at herself. She wished she had a switch to turn off her emotions. Her mind's eyes filled with Embry's bright brown and the anger quickly began dissipating. Emotionless in battleground robbery, were people's downfalls. Her grief began to turn into hardened anger as the shell of her former self took over.

The tears began to evaporate on her cheeks as she regained control over herself and used hydrokinesis. Belle wiped her eyes quickly to help clear her vision as she stared at the two blond elves. To her surprise, Hagmer leaned down and gave her a hug. Frozen, she stared with shock, then slowly raised her arms to return it. She slowly let go and nodded. Belle took several deep breaths. Her attention was caught as she watched the first male-human use water to launch himself at the scary demon-greeter. She hoped it hurt the bastard and vowed if he didn’t, she would kill that demon herself. The human’s brave act knocked the barriers down which allowed everyone to begin fleeing. Her attention was caught by the dark-skinned female human now shouting against Aklenroth. She felt a smile tug at her lips. This woman was going to be a great ally, if they ever met again.

Belle looked at Hagmer who had jumped on the table to announce the barriers were down. His words, telling her she could leave, had her shaking her head. No, she wasn’t going to run. Belle wanted to find Bowyn and Torvi, although her blood was boiling. So many innocent Avalians were dying at the hands of the lich. Leaders did not abandon their people, no matter how desperate times became. Belle ignored her mind telling her to flee. She began studying the ballroom and noticed a pyrokinetic human attacking the demon and grinned. She was thrilled to see others, especially humans, fighting back. "No, I'm not leaving your side. We're going to get out of this together." Her eyes flashed with seriousness as she stole a quick glance at him. "I'm not going to let anyone else die if I can help it." Her voice held steady as emotional numbness took over. Her mind was clear as day. Think, Belle...

Belle surveyed the ballroom and then noticed the giant black wolf chasing the creature she’d seen the hydrokinetic human with earlier. Malachi had as well, as he threw two light orbs directly at it. Next, she watched as the winged-demi who had opened the rift attack him with her magic as well. Belle tracked the wolf’s moments and moved forward. Her eyes traced their movements like a hunter watching a deer scurry. Belle looked at the glasses and raised her hands with intense concentration. The glasses on the table raised as the water began to spill out.

Next, she then set the water flying onto the floor where the wolf would be running. She had waited until the white creature had passed prior to tripping the wolf. If that didn’t work, then Belle moved some of the glasses closer to her and stared at them. Water from the refreshment and the glasses stand flew into the air and around her into a small ball. She focused on the ball in front of her and gathered as much as she could. As if she was whipping a ball, she sent it flying into the wolf’s face. She let out a grunt at the weight of it and turned to watch her attacks. Belle then raised her hands and created a shield of water around Malachi and herself in case it came at them next. Her blood was boiling, her fists clenched, and her expression filled with rage. "If that wolf falls, we need to grab that... creature and move as fast as possible while it's stunned. I'll be right beside you and shielding you. Hopefully our combined magics will have done the trick."

Her attention was briefly caught; a familiar voice, Kuroi’s, was questioning why they were fighting. Belles’ face filled with shock and disgust. What was he even saying? Had he not heard all the humans standing up for this land? She shook her head at him. His anger from earlier, was that the cause? He’d just been standing beside the redhead human and her! Whatever his reasons, she felt disappointment rise inside of her. While she focused on the water shield around the elf and her, she glanced over slightly to hear the same woman berating him.

Belle felt a sigh of relief fill her as she saw Torvi guiding the warrior-female, herself and then Kuroi out of the grand hall. Her words filled the hall and Belle couldn't help but agree; still, bitterness rose inside of her at Kuroi's words. She scanned the room quickly as she faced the scene with the wolf and creature. Elleta, Regulus and Morgayne were nowhere to be seen, and she had prayed they had exited safely. Belle turned and focused on Malachi, the white creature and the demonic wolf. Her shield was still bubbling around them. Her gaze flickered to the female ensnaring the demon as she glanced at Malachi.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: [@Dezeul] Elthrael & @princess - Risa

Artemis let out a hearty chuckle at the moth fairy’s commentary. Servant of Aklenroth, huh? She spread her teeth wide for another menacing scream to blow out his eardrums when said moth fairy sent something flying at her. Artemis paused with confusion as she watched the small particles trickle from the sky, then realization dawned on her: it was poison. She had spent enough time around fairies in her past to know what it was. She turned and ran, although not quick enough. Some of the poisonous dust flew into her eyes and mouth, causing her to cough and choke. Her vision blurred and her hearing was temporarily ringing. She gasped for air and raced towards the river.

Once close enough, she dove into it and submerged her entire body. Thanks to the darkness, it hid her mermaid tail. She splashed into the water and then fell silent. Quietly, she flushed it out of her eyes and wiped them frantically. Her mind was locked onto Risa as she prayed the young fairy would defend herself. It took her awhile before she finally felt free and so she picked her head up out of the war. She wiped her eyes once more and growled at her soaked dress. She glanced at the river’s connection around the woods and grinned. It thankfully ran miles down, so she was able to continue using it. Artemis silently went back underwater and began swimming around the river to the back of the duo.

With a nasty grin, the mermaid paused in her stance. She was diagonal of them and out of the way of the poisonous plant dust. Artemis wanted to scream, but her throat still burned from the effects. She locked her eyes on the moth fairy and watched how things would play out. Next, her gaze moved to Risa. Come on, Little One….

Time: Morning
Location: Diner
Interactions: @princess Angel; @13org Ylva; @Ithradine Lucius

Shay chuckled at Angel’s comment. ”I wouldn’t dream of it.” Shay replied prior to entering. She hesitated while Angel casually walked inside. Shay bit her lip and followed her inside. She didn’t know if one of Alexander’s vampires would be here. A quick glance around reassured the witch since she didn’t recognize anyone. Shay let out a sigh of relief quietly and moved to the corner of the waiting area. She kept everyone in ehr line of vision and her muscles poised to fight or flight. Her gaze flickered to the van repeatedly as she guarded her painting from afar. Shay leaned against the wall and kept an impassive expression on her face.

Where would she go from here, she began wondering?

Time: Noon
Location: Alexei’s
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Alex; @helo Elias; @Pink Khione - Vivan

Mention @princess Angel

The music on the radio shifted from rock music to soft rock. Though Niko would have preferred the loud music, it was beginning to hurt his ears. He sighed loudly. He missed being able to jam out and hated having to choose between what he enjoyed and what he needed to do. He couldn’t believe instead of superhuman hearing, he instead had sensitivity to it. Of all things. Niko sat in his car and glared at the wheel as he reflected on his ‘perks’: sharp teeth, durability, super strength, and of course, charmingly good looks. He tried to smile, though it did not reach his eyes. Nikolaus sighed as he climbed out of the car and faced Alexei’s. There was nothing to lament over now; he was getting his prized shot of vodka. Niko grinned as he thought of the Doritos waiting for him under his bed. God, he felt like a kid in the candy store. Junk food, late nights and Vodka? Niko’s mood quickly came soaring back. His mind quickly swerved back to her. He paused for a moment and hesitated. He couldn't go back now or else he’d be caught. Niko sighed and then brightened; there were six days left this week to try.

As he entered Alexei’s, he was given his normal wristband. He shrugged it off and began heading to the bar and sat down. He grinned at Elias. ”Shot of Vodka, Eli.” He smirked as he pursued the menu as if seeing his child for the first time. Niko ran a hand through his hair as he grinned even broader. ”And some nachos, please and thank you.” He couldn’t help but order the food as he saw it and imagined his father’s fury. Delighted, Nikolaus looked around and froze. There he was, the Devil himself. Niko became impassive quickly and glanced at Elias with eyebrows raised. The concrn ahd filled his eyes for that brief moment. ”Did hunting season come early?” He whispered to Elias with a grin.

Next, he turned to face the young woman coming to order a drink and smiled. Hopefully he’d know her name by the end of their visit. She was new, and new was a curiosity of his. Was she a normal human or some supernatural freak like the rest of them? Though, his mind kept racing back to her. Niko needed his shot of vodka quickly. ”Excuse me miss, what’s your name?” He flashed a charming, winning smile at her. It was one of the ones he used for strangers and not his true smile. ”Nice to meet you by the way, I’m Nick.” He turned to glance around the bar. He acted as if he hadn’t seen him before. Niko hid his fangs from the girl as best he could. It would be difficult to explain that but perhaps he could spin a story there. Niko kept a reassuring and sweet smile on his face. Flirting was one of his favorite past times.

While he waited for his order, Nikolaus pretended to be busy on the phone, while keeping Alexander Drake in his line of vision. Nikolaus grinned as he began thinking of the commentary he could make. Did he poke the bear or not? He'd see how he felt after some vodka. Couldn’t die before taking the girl out now could he?
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @Tae Kenia ✦ @princess Malachi ✦ @helo Cade
Mention @Dezuel Zelginn/Terneus ✦ @13org Ayita/Myra ✦ @FunnyGuy Darius/Umber

Cora’s eyes widened as the scene played out in front of her. Her gaze settled on the greeter. As he spoke, a chill ran down her spine and she tugged hastily at Kenia and Malachi’s hands. It wasn’t any use though, as he transformed into a giant demon with four eyes. The color drained from her face as she watched people bouncing off the exits. They were trapped like rats and were not essentially pigs for slaughter. Her heart skipped a few beats as a winged female flew into the air and released a crystal. Mesmerized, Cora watched it turn into a rift and a terrifying demon crawled out of it. Her eyes teared up as she realized they could possibly - no. Cora was going to do everything possible to protect her friends. She glowered as the pandemonium overtook the ballroom.

From there, it was a blur. Cora froze in her place for a moment. What did she do - what could she do? Her mind raced for a solution as the entire ballroom except her, acted. Then, her mind raced: Elsea. Her friend had revealed herself, and so had that other human girl. For some reason, she looked familiar although Cora had never met her before. Whatever - it didn‘t matter right now. Cora wanted to find both humans and make sure they were safe. ”I’m going to find Elsea and that human! I’ll meet you guys back at the Inn.” Cora yelled to the others and let go of them. She didn’t look back in case it forced her to change her mind. She began navigating her way through the crowd. She came to a screeching halt when she found a dark haired-feline, accompanied by a young male Orc, standing together away from the chaos. Before she could react, more chaos ensued.

A familiar figure entered her vision and she whirled around to find the annoying fox child who had ratted them out. Cora watched with horror as he transformed into a giant black wolf. Oh my God, thought Cora with panic. They had been more than wise to kick him out. She turned to try to find Malachi and Kenia to tell them, but they weren’t anywhere in sight. At that same time, Righteous yelling filled the air, and Cora paused nearby them to see another woman, covered in blood, declaring herself against Akelnroth. She tilted her head to one side and smiled: another ally. She noted the woman with a half smile and turned to find the group behind her, holding weapons and defending one another.

”Hey are you okay?” She knelt beside the Orc who turned to stare at her with dark brown eyes.

”Light Elf, do not bother us.” The orc sneered at her with a scowl on his face. The feline beside him began chuckling as she sheathed her sword. Cora now noticed the blood dripping from it and the light elves behind them stirring feebly. The orc was grinning and holding a club in his hand. ”We do not want Light Elf by us.” Cora frowned at them and straightened up. Did she dare reveal herself? No. These two didn’t deserve it. She scowled at them both and began to run towards Elsea when the giant wolf ran passed her, chasing some kind of creature. She didn’t know what it was particularly, but Cora felt sympathy rise for her. She wanted to help her fight off the wolf, but the next moment she looked, it was gone. She blinked with confusion. Those wolf and the prey it was chasing were fast. Cora tore her gaze away.

Her attention was caught too when the dark haired male from earlier who had started the initial protest, shot up with water and to the balcony. Stunned, she watched as he landed near the demon-greeter. Cora’s heart accelerated as excitement rose How many humans were there? She couldn’t wait to meet them all! She hoped he was possibly trying to kill it since both the demon and he shot off the balcony. This in turn then caused the barriers to lift and allowed people to escape. The chaos intensified as others began rushing to escape. This would only cause a crowd and stampede. Cora turned and went to run when she heard a loud tearing. Scowling and confused, she turned to find the Orc had trapped her dress under a table. The two of them were snickering. She sighed impatiently at the two and began moving the table off her dress as it continued ripping. Cora scowled and lunged forward to begin fixing it. A sudden roar filled the ballroom as she turned to face the demon staring at her. Cora felt panic rise inside of her and swallowed hard. She stopped fidgeting with the table and chair and turned to the demon with a vicious glare. Sorry, this human is off your menu. She quickly formed two fireballs and threw them at the demons’ face. The demon screeched, though her flames weren't highly effective.

Reacting fast, she turned and then lit the table leg on fire and kicked the rest of it out of her way. The table turned on its side, burning, and now freeing her dress. Releasing the flames momentarily, she tore the rest of the dress off and revealed a slit leg. The demi-feline and orc were gawking at her. Stare all you want, you assholes. You trapped me on purpose… Her gaze locked with the female red haired Elf from earlier who was grinning at her in an unnerving, creepy way. Cora paused with confusion and pushed it away. In that moment she'd become distracted, the demon swiped her with its' hand and knocked her off her feet and into a table. Cora yelled out in pain and shock as she collided with it. For a moment she lay in pain and then dizzily clambered back to her feet. If she didn't move, she'd perish. Cora ignored the pain for now and instead, she created a wall of fire around herself protectively. God, that hurt. She hoped to God she didn't have another concussion, or worse...

Scowling, she raised her hands and created a ring of fire around the demon to temporarily distract it from killing other guests. She turned to see other Avalians staring at her. They were cowering away and allowing others to take the hits for them. Cora glared at them, enraged over the injustice. ”What are you doing? Fight! Don’t you hear and see the humans encouraging you to stand up?” She turned to see the demon going to grab a light elf and threw another fireball at it to distract it. The plan worked briefly as she managed to irritate it enough to pause from killing the light elf, who fled. Unfortunately, it had found other guests to terrorize. Cora felt a pang in her heart. The injustice was tearing her up inside. ”We are all one people, and we all need to stick together.” She turned to the entrance and heard the Light Elf governor screaming to let him out and pulling people out of his way. Cora wanted to help, but how?

Scowling, she checked on her ring of fire which was continuing to burn. She then shot more fireballs at the demon as it began trying to devour more Avalians. It distracted it enough to help others escape. She needed more help but who was willing to try? This thing would leave the ballroom and continue massacring others in the city. Cora turned and raised her hands to heighten the flames. She was beginning to feel drained, but her mind kept screaming for her to do more. She decided to push her pain and fatigue aside. Once she finally joined Elsea and the feline (Cade) she lowered the ring of fire around the demon. Her energy was zapping, she had to grip a table for balance. The fire was still burning inside of her, despite the flames being gone. ”Are you okay, Elsea?” She inquired as she guarded them and glared at anyone who came close to them. Her gaze flickered to the feline. Was he an ally or foe? They would soon find out.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Outskirts in trees, not far
Interaction: @princess-Risa & @Dezuel- Elthrael

Mention: @AliveFalling-Kyran; @FunnyGuy-Darius; @13org-Myra
Ambience: Dark Side - Bishop Briggs

Artemis stood in the front of the Grand Hall, whipping around as she searched for the princess. Her mind was racing and her hands were clammy. Artemis’ heart felt empty; she had left Darius and Myra without explanation. Hopefully she would be able to tell them why she had to flee so suddenly… That stupid damn demon inside of Darius would surely twist the boy more from her action. She gritted her teeth. Her mind couldn’t wander; she had a task at hand.

She took a deep breath and became still. The wind rustled through the trees, the animals scurried about; guests laughed drunkenly; then silence. Miles away, Roshmi citizens were gathered together in hushed voices, heads filled with fantasies of rebellion and chaos. The ocean lapped distantly, as if mocking the peace. The greeter, Cauis, spoke to the crowd and Artemis felt a pit in her stomach. A moment of silence and then:

“We are dishonoured, abandoned, rotting in the scum of damnation. For eternity we have been consigned to oblivion, pushed to the shadows of existence. The day Lilith returns, the sun will drown, the oceans will be scoured with blood, and the rise of the demons will come to punish your souls.”

She whirled around as a distant roar filled the air. Her eyes widened with horror. A demon!? She stared between the hall and the forest, her heart hammering wildly. The demon was ginormous; it was bigger than anything she had seen before. Darius and Myra… Darius and Myra… Darius…. Her eyes filled with tears. He was with Aklenroth, one of his, and Myra was by extension as well. She clenched her hands into fists and turned away from the hall. There wasn’t any way in or out; there was nothing she could do. What would her sound do against a demon that size? Artemis kicked the grass and regretted the action soon after due to a new throbbing sensation in her leg. She scowled and turned to face the forest.

She had to save Risa. She focused on drowning out the noise behind her. It was difficult, to the utter chaos and commotion in the hallway. Artemis turned her attention to the forest. She felt as if the forest was spinning around her as she began to take in all the noises. The trees continued rustling, the ocean waves lapped with mock peace - screams - a nearby herd of deer were sprinting from the forest - a feral, low growling that sent shivers down her spine and then:

"No! Leave me go!" Risa wailed, "Please! She needs me!"

Artemis froze upon hearing the faint yells and cries of Risa. Her mind went blank for a moment and the scenery around her began to tilt. Who was taking her? Artemis turned to the direction of it and began sprinting. She pumped her arms and gazed up at the sky. Her eyes focused on two distant figures and she pursued them heatedly. A fairy maybe - was it the one who killed Dionaea? Her fury burned and she used it to sprint faster. The person she was with was speaking and she tried to tune it out. Who was he thinking he could just take her away like this? Her skin crawled as he continued. If he got too far away, she could still pursue, but it would be challenging…. Luckily, Avalia was surrounded by water...

”Focus.” She whispered to herself. Then, becoming breathless and panting, Artemis continued running and glanced around. She found a stick and smiled as she glanced at the fairy demi, whatever the hell was. It was sharpened at the tip, just enough to cause some blood to drip….. A broad smile, ear-to-ear, filled her face. The images of sailors, elves and demis alike, drip, drip dripping with blood.. There wasn’t any time for guilt now. She had to tap into her darker side. Risa would have to understand.

There weren’t any apologies in war; there was no guilt, and if there was, it was buried in mead and alcohol. War made people demons, but also woke those ones sleeping inside. How some were born demons and others became. The vivacious, unpredictable siren was one of them. Mermaid outside, demon on the inside.

She paused, close enough to them that it would be effective and smiled sadistically. How she looked forward to this. Artemis moved back into the shadows of the forest to make it difficult to find her. Then, she sucked in a deep breath and let out a deafening, sonic scream. It was strong enough to deafen briefly, unnerve his balance, and possibly affect his hearing. If that wasn’t enough, she then gripped the stick powerful and sent it hurtling towards the fairy’s back, hoping it would slice or affect his wings. She then watched as her scene would unfold and quieted her panting to remain anonymous. Slowly, while quieting her footsteps, Artemis moved from her spot to continue gaining headway on them to keep them in her sight.
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