Time: 4pmLocation: OH Infirmary
Interaction: @princess Angel & @FunnyGuy Sean
Mention @Pink Khione Vivian

Nikolaus found himself captivated listening and watching Angel speak. He managed a wry smile when she inquired if he wanted to unplug the monitor. As much as he wanted to say yes, but he was not allowed. He sighed as the question appeared once more; why had he gone out? Part of him longed to explain why, yet with Sean there… He sighed and shook his head in response. He did however answer part of her question; ”My existence is enough reason to piss him off. Better yet, maybe peppermint schnapps and vodka is enough to infuriate him," Nikolaus felt livid knowing that his family name was enough to murder him. He clenched his fists and then began to take deep breaths to calm himself. He did manage a smirk thinking of Elias' prank.
Nikolaus sighed and turned to face Sean. The trade that came out of him was expected, but nonetheless surprising. He raised an eyebrow and kept a neutral expression. He knew he was right, though he didn’t care right now. Nikolaus listened and bit his lip when he’d heard an entire team had been massacred. His heart sank and showed in his eyes. While he hardly spoke to anyone, he did care deep down for the others. Some of them were stuck in this bullshit too, one way or another. He let him finish and then spoke.
”He sent three vampires to kill me and underestimated my abilities. One got away so I’m sure she’ll let him know. Thank you though." He replied with a joking tone, though he had underlying tension to his as well. ”What team was murdered?” He then glanced between them and nodded to Angel. What mission was this? ”Don’t be shy, Sean.” He narrowed his gaze but managed a neutral expression. Where was he taking Angel and why wouldn’t he share? Perhaps two could keep a secret.