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Time: 4pm
Location: OH Infirmary
Interaction: @princess Angel & @FunnyGuy Sean

Mention @Pink Khione Vivian

Nikolaus found himself captivated listening and watching Angel speak. He managed a wry smile when she inquired if he wanted to unplug the monitor. As much as he wanted to say yes, but he was not allowed. He sighed as the question appeared once more; why had he gone out? Part of him longed to explain why, yet with Sean there… He sighed and shook his head in response. He did however answer part of her question; ”My existence is enough reason to piss him off. Better yet, maybe peppermint schnapps and vodka is enough to infuriate him," Nikolaus felt livid knowing that his family name was enough to murder him. He clenched his fists and then began to take deep breaths to calm himself. He did manage a smirk thinking of Elias' prank.

Nikolaus sighed and turned to face Sean. The trade that came out of him was expected, but nonetheless surprising. He raised an eyebrow and kept a neutral expression. He knew he was right, though he didn’t care right now. Nikolaus listened and bit his lip when he’d heard an entire team had been massacred. His heart sank and showed in his eyes. While he hardly spoke to anyone, he did care deep down for the others. Some of them were stuck in this bullshit too, one way or another. He let him finish and then spoke.

”He sent three vampires to kill me and underestimated my abilities. One got away so I’m sure she’ll let him know. Thank you though." He replied with a joking tone, though he had underlying tension to his as well. ”What team was murdered?” He then glanced between them and nodded to Angel. What mission was this? ”Don’t be shy, Sean.” He narrowed his gaze but managed a neutral expression. Where was he taking Angel and why wouldn’t he share? Perhaps two could keep a secret.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @helo Cade
Mention n/a

Cora watched Cade speak and listened intently. She wasn’t sure how to soften the answer she needed to provide. She bit her lip and replied, ”On Earth, we sort of have factories and farmers that take care of our food supplies…” She was afraid to ginto detail in case of scaring him off. Cora then fell silent as he continued talking. A sad smile crossed her face as he spoke. His gentle and soothing words warmed her up akin to the fire in her palm. She knew people could be cunning bastards, but this feline here was not one of them. She could see the earnest in his eyes and his words. Cora nodded in appreciation.

“Thank you, Cade. It is heartwarming to hear you say that, and I, were the shoe on the other foot, would say the same.” Cora smiled broadly this time to show she understood and trusted him. What had she sacrificed? Not much. After that brat ruined her life, she had spiraled down hard. She had just started to get back on her feet. She couldn’t help but wonder if her life had gone the way she wanted, would she still be here? That was illogical to focus on, so she brushed it aside and focused her attention on the demihuman.

She continued speaking as if she hadn’t missed a beat. ”So Cade, what made you join the rebellion?” She began to lower the fire as the food began to finish cooking. Despite the grimace she fought to hide, she was excited to eat. Her stomach growled in agreement.

Time: 4pm
Location: OH Infirmary
Interaction: @princess Angel & @FunnyGuy Sean

Mention @Pink Khione Vivian

Nikolaus was shocked into silence. Remy was missing. He’d gone out for his own selfish reasons and now the poor child was missing. A chill down his spine intensified his fears that she was in the Devil’s camp. He scowled as he listened to Trotter. Despite his fury, he managed to give him a faint and begrudging nod. ”Screw you,” he thought bitterly. Niko sighed as he watched the exchange. He felt as if there was a weight on his chest. Remy was missing, and now he couldn’t help search for her. One glance at Angel after hearing her tone told him enough. She was going to lose it. He sat up and bit his lip. What could he do to help? His mind wandered momentarily then returned back to Trotter and Sean. Niko rolled his eyes at his commentary. Whatever Sean thought was his business.

When it seemed as if he’d finally leave, the Colonel made a comment that caused Niko physical pain. He managed a scowl and hid his reaction. Niko remained silent the entire time until the Colonel had left. When the coast was clear, he gestured to Angel or Sean to shut the door. Once the task was accomplished, he turned to them both. ”I have news as well. My escapade was worth it.” He cleared his throat and slowly sat up. He winced but continued, ”Alexander is learning billiards and had a human at Alexei’s teaching him. She’s about our age. Also, he invited her to come to New Paeonia.” His tone was serious as he glanced between Angel and Sean. ”This human seems rather innocent and naïve to what he really is. I don’t want her ending up in his hellhole and becoming one of them.” For whatever reason, he felt compelled to protect the innocent. Maybe it was knowing that sweet, hyper Remy was in danger and was bringing it on. That poor child…

He cleared his throat again as he glanced at his heat monitor. It was beeping consistently although his blood pressure had dropped. Perhaps it was because the Angel herself was in this room, lighting it up with her beauty and grace. He kept trying not to stare at her as he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye instead. ”Are you okay, Angel?” He tried to remain impassive as he inquired casually. Or tried too, at least. He scowled in pain from his ribs and sighed. ”The bastard sent three vampires and it still wasn’t enough.” He chuckled to himself.

Time: 4pm
Location: OH Infirmary
Interaction: Nathanial Trotter & Angel briefly

Mention @princess Angel & @FunnyGuy Sean

“Nikolaus, I expected better of you.“Trotter started disappointedly, shaking his head as he moved into the room hands folded behind his back. He continued after an exasperated sigh. “Going off on your own in the daytime? Paying a guard off? Really? I’ve had this issue with Angel and Remy, but from you? And now look at what it’s done to you. You could have died!” Once the man had started, he couldn’t be stopped. “You deliberately disobeyed me. Do you know how much importance your life is? I will have to revoke privileges from all of you! Oh and then apparently you ran into Drake and did not immediately report it to the HQ!” He stressfully sat down in a seat near the bed and put his face in his hands. After a pause, he mumbled the following question into his hands, separating his fingers to look at him, ”Was it Angel or Remy who got you to do this?”

Nikolaus watched his father begin his rant and stoically stared ahead. Disappointment, huh? He’d expected him to be angrier, and the dissatisfaction began crawling in. Still, the man wasn’t done yet. Niko fought to remain impassive. The guilt burned at the edge of his mind which he too ignored. The thought of him being upset at him dying piqued his interest. He tilted his head to one side and raised an eyebrow. It was short-lived, however, as his ranting began forming into anger. Then Niko felt his blood begin to boil as he clenched his fists. His heart monitor began beeping loudly. How dare he bring Angel into this? He emitted a low growl and resisted the urge to bite his tongue, as the fangs would draw blood. He turned away and thought he saw movement outside indicating people eavesdropping. This only increased his annoyance. He listened to Trotter and fought to remain silent. His mind was racing with retorts.

Niko turned to glower at him once he’d finished. With daggers in his eyes, Niko began his retort. ”I had low expectations, but damn.” Niko glared him down and wished looks could kill. ”You’re blaming this on Angel and Remy? The child you manipulated into this mess, and the other one you permanently screwed up? You’re blaming my actions on them?” He clenched his fists which began turning white. ”Maybe if you weren’t so blinded by your war on the supernaturals, you would take the time to notice it was my own actions and no one else’s. When’s the last time I spoke to those two, huh? Oh, wait. Fucking never, because you won’t let me near them but especially Angel.” Niko let his words sink in as he pushed on with venom in his voice.

”Maybe you should start seeing your assets as people instead of just your toys to use. I’m fucking sick of your training. Do you want to know a fun fact? I nearly broke my back the other day, and Emily told me to rest, but you pushed me to go on. What kind of a person does that to their son? Huh? You. Go screw yourself, Trotter.” He then picked up a bottle of water and almost whipped it at him. He sucked in a deep breath and drank some water. One finished, he set it down and glared venomously. He drank some water and awaited the waves of fury that would emit from this son of a bitch.

Trotter did a double-take, blinking. He let Nikolaus finish his rant and gave him a cold stare. “This isn’t about those girls. I just did not expect this behavior from you and being that the two have a track record, I came to that conclusion.” He got up suddenly and stood over him. “Son, I did not raise you to react in pure emotion. You need to think critically here. Your feelings are not important right now. You ran into Alexander Drake. The creature is responsible for hundreds of deaths. Even the deaths of Angel’s family. Yet you are making this about you being upset because you don’t get to hang out enough with the girls and you had a hard training session? This is nonsense.”

He stood up suddenly and waved his hand as if to wave off the conversation. Nikolaus was going off on a tangent in his eyes and not giving him the answers he needed and the boy seemed unnecessarily fixated on Angel just as he had been in his youth. ”Nevermind. Clearly you are covering for her... Nikolaus, I need you to explain to me what happened with Alexander.”

Nikolaus listened to him and felt his fury rise. The man's assumptions were wrong and he went to interject. However, the Colonel did not waste time and continued. He clenched his fists. The beeping of the monitor kept increasing, and it was likely his blood pressure rising. Dizziness was making the room spin, and he felt as if he couldn’t focus on Trotter. Unfortunately, it did not tune out his voice. He let go of his fists and felt his stomach churn. He fought his reaction and took deep breaths to slowly relax. Stress would only make his conditions worse. Sadly, there wasn’t any fixing it right now. The man had the nerve to pin it on Angel? Why was he surprised he wasn’t listening? Niko gritted his teeth and began to draw blood inside. He spat it out on the floor callously and turned back. He hated his fangs. The guilt was rising and he felt helpless and powerless as he had numerous times in the past.

Once he’d finished, Nikolaus glared vehemently. ”Blame Angel one more time,” He began low in a menacing tone, ”and I will make sure that the trip to Alexei’s look like a fucking field trip.” He sat up and shook his head as he began laughing sourly. There wasn’t humor in his laugh or eyes. He sat up and coughed hard. Briefly, he remembered his ribs had been bruised the nurse had said. He ignored it. A bruised rib wasn't enough to hold him back. ”Nothing happened with Drake. On the bright side, he was much nicer to me than you are, and he tried to have me unsuccessfully killed. If you wanted someone without emotions, you should have hired a robot.” He said nothing more and waved him off as he had done so previously. ”I’m done talking to you." He swallowed hard as not to show emotion and laid back down. His monitor was beeping loudly, and he was trying to take deep breaths to control it. He glanced at his blood pressure; it was higher than normal. Niko growled and faced the other way to avoid looking at the Colonel.

Trotter was silent as his eyes traveled to the heart monitor whilst listening to Nikolaus threaten him. He wasn’t sure how to get through to him and reach any understanding. The conversation was apparently stressing him out to an extreme and adding to his irrationality. To have his own son threaten him in such a way disturbed him and his own limit was getting pushed. His face reddened when Niko went as far as to compare him to Drake. Trotter had contained his composure this long, but Niko was to find out that his father was not a robot either.

His countenance indicated that he was ready to smack Nikolaus across the face, but he didn’t move to. He was glaring him down as he fought against his rising anger and instead concentrated on trying to pinpoint what was lighting this fire in Nikolaus, his usually rule-abiding son. The problem was clear from Nikolaus’s fixation in the conversation and she conveniently walked right into the room as if the universe was answering his question.

”Remy’s missing.”

Trotter stared as the young woman moved swiftly into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, changing the topic and inviting herself in as if nothing else had been happening.

Niko watched as the angel herself strode into the room. Shocked, he watched her stride in casually and then take a seat nearby him. His heart monitor which had been slowing down, was now picking up again. Damn it. He began fidgeting with the cord until her words registered. Remy was missing? Oh God. He stared at her with wide eyes. ”What?” His voice was filled with horror.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Midnight to Morning
Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Interaction: @Tae Elsea ✦ @helo Cade
Mention n/a

Music: At Dusk, I Will Think of You
Cora’s night had been peacefully silent. The sounds of the screams and cries had faded out and brought her silence. She wasn’t sure if that was ethical or not. At the moment, she wasn't concerned. Her mind drifted back to her elven parents and human companion, Rei. She hoped they were safe and well. She reminded herself that logically, worrying would cause her more stress. She pushed them out of her mind for now. Her mind focused on the situation at hand: escaping, and finding safety.

Cade had led them through a safe path, though she remained guard. Her hands were clenched and ready to light up at any moment. Once they were safe, they were able to rest. She listened to Cade growling occasionally, and kept watching his tail flicker. He’d been kind and led them to safety. At this time he did not prove as a threat. This brought her peace as she managed to drift into dreamland.

Once she awoke, she found Cade gone and Elsea asleep. Her mind raced as she scrambled to her feet. Before she could begin to let her mind wander into uncharted territories, Cade returned food and sticks. He’d been trying unsuccessfully to light the fire. Smirking, she strode over to him and turned out the fire. Focusing, she narrowed her eyes, and imagined flames erupting. She grinned as it roared to life and sat opposite of Cade. ”Thank you.” She gestured to the food and swallowed. She had never eaten any woodland creature before, or much less watched one cook over a flame. Cora swallowed and took a deep breath.

This was a new world, with different times. She’d have to make due. Swallowing, she stared away from the food and to Cade. ”Do you think you could teach me how to hunt later? I um… I don’t have much experience, and I don’t want the burden based upon you solely.” She smiled faintly and folded her hands. She moved closer to the fire and tugged at her dress. She missed her sweatshirt and sweatpants. Cora sighed and took a deep breath to calm her thoughts. She opened her palm up and created a small fire to hold closer to herself.


Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Ball - > Forest
Interaction: @princess Malachi ✦ @13org Myra ✦@Eviledd1984 O'ner

Belle smirked at Malachi’s comment and didn’t interrupt. She remained silent and began to follow him. It was to her surprise the two began tagging along. She shrugged it off. If they were a threat, Malachi and her would handle it. The white creature piqued her curiosity but she did not voice it. Her brain felt as if it might explode. Too much had happened for one night. Internally she felt she could scream, walking back into this forsaken forest. Belle clenched her fists momentarily and released them. Thank God she was in shape, because the damn elf made them walk five miles. Cursing in her mind, Belle was ecstatic when they finally stopped to rest. She curled up in the back of a cave nearby to remain hidden. Her identity was out there now for those who had seen and survived. Too fucking bad. Humans were here. Her only regret was not yelling, Come and get your human!”

The crackling of fire and smell of eggs caused her to jolt awake. Ready to strike, Belle began to form a bubble around herself and then relaxed. Malachi leaned up against a tree as he cooked two eggs over a campfire. How he had found them she didn’t know, or cared. If the elf had mugged someone she’d approve. Belle stood up and dusted off her dress. She began to relax, only to tense again as she glanced around for their two carry on travelers. Belle said nothing to them. Whoever they were would come out and so would their true colors. She glanced at Malachi. ”I hope you paid for those.” Belle managed a tiny smile as she tipped her head gratefully. She went over to the fire and began surveying her surroundings with a watchful eye. Her gaze flickered to the others occasionally, and with silent menace.

Time: Night -> Morning
Location: Cave mile away from Roshmi
Interaction: @princess Risa

The night had been quiet. Risa had found an old friend of hers, a bear, and had led them to safety. A cave was the choice of safety which brought Artemis relief. She smiled as she watched the bear and Risa cuddle up against each other. She wished she could speak to animals the same way but retain her mermaid form. She sighed and stayed awake a few hours to guard Risa. Finally, sleep consumed her and through half the morning. Her eyes slowly opened when she heard Risa’s voice. Was something wrong? She began trying to remember the previous night. It was a blur of chaos and loss. She bit her lip and climbed shakily to her feet. All the walking had caused her weariness to form in her body. She needed to dip in the water soon to wake her muscles back up.

”Risa, what’s going on?” She slowly crossed over to her and frowned. ”Does someone know we are here?” Concern filled her voice. She began to glance around and cleared her throat quietly. She was ready to emit a loud, powerful scream in case they had been found. She pulled Risa to her side and stared down at her.
Time: Noon - 4pm
Location: Alexei’s parking Lot > OH Hospital
Interaction: n/a

Mention @princess Angel
Niko had left the bar shortly after Alexander had departed. He’d keep an eye on the girl, Vivian, for now and report it to base. There was something wrong with a human wandering into Drake’s territory unaware. He was going to make sure she stayed safe,even if she didn’t know it. Niko had waited around fifteen minutes before going outside. Once he had, the hairs on the back of his neck tingled. His jeep tires were slashed and his car now graffitied. AS soon as he had run inside, a hand had grabbed his head and smashed him into the brick wall of Alexei’s. Niko grunted in pain as the voice hissed, ”Not so fast, Trotter.” Niko shoved the vampire off of him with a grunt and with coldness in his eyes. He noticed the man was bald with familiar brown eyes. Niko had memorized them and glared; this man had taunted him for years. His name escaped Niko, but he thought it was Eric. It didn’t matter, the bastard would die soon. Behind him stood two other vampires. Niko growled as blood pooled at the surface and pain rushed in. His eyes teared from the pain but he blinked away the tears. There wasn’t enough time to care for it now. Why couldn’t he have healing as a side effect?

”Why not?” Niko finally quipped as he backhanded the vampiress on his right. He took out his stake from his back pocket, and then jumped backwards onto a nearby car to avoid Eric. He hopped off of the car once clear and prayed it wasn’t Elias’ car. At the same time, the blue-eyed vampiress grabbed him by the arm, causing Niko to kick her ten feet backwards. Her grip loosened and nearly pulled his rotator cuff out of its socket, causing anger to rise inside of him. She collided with a garbage can and hit the ground stunned. The garbage can bent and toppled over her as well, adding salt to the wound. He had to live. He had to see her again….

Niko wiped blood from the back of his head finally. The third vampire had paused to stare at him with bewilderment. This man, Niko recalled, was named Dexter and was a bastard of a vampire. He’d prey on whatever he could find, including a homeless shelter where he’d murdered everyone. From this moment on, Niko had dubbed him a personal target and nicknamed him Dexter after the serial killer. Niko took advantage of the moment and rushed at Eric. He jumped back, which was what we had hoped for: Niko swiped his leg out and caused him to fall. He regained his balance and drove the stake into his heart. The bastard yelled out in pain and then became quiet. Niko turned to look at Dexter and grinned at the rage and hatred in his eyes; the sweet feeling of contempt caused his adrenaline to pump faster.

He used his super strength and caused Dexter to tumble to the ground. Niko rushed at him and began punching him repeatedly in the face. It worked, up until the vampiress grabbed him and thrust him into his jeep. Niko yelled out in pain as he rolled over his jeep and smashed through the window. The glass shattered loudly and pieces flew everywhere. Dazed and disoriented, Niiko tried to move and found his back in splitting pain. He twitched as he tried to move fruitlessly. Dexter grabbed him by the feet and thrust him into the wall. He cried out in pain as he smacked into it and fell onto the ground. Gasping for air, his vision blurred and his body aching, Niko scrambled back to his feet. The vampiress began punching him repeatedly and too quick for him to react. He flinched in pain and raised his arms to protect his face. Fury rose inside of him as the possibility of dying here filled his mind. Her cruel laughter fueled his contempt as he blindly struck back. It took a few hits, but he heard her cry out. Next, he grabbed her head and smashed it into the wall. Her skull cracked audibly and she crumpled to the ground.

Blinded by pain, Niko grabbed Dexter and bit into his arm savagely. He tore his teeth out and severed part of her arm. He regained a small field of vision and stole his stake from Eric’s body and turned it to stab Dexter next. Niko kicked him backwards and turned to the vampiress who had climbed back onto her feet. With blood dripping from his mouth and rage in his eyes, she did not approach.

”Go.” Niko growled menacingly as he raised the bloody stake and wiped his face off with his hand. He charged at her threateningly and she bolted away. Niko watched her escape and began to catch his breath. Once he was able to stand up and breathe, he began hiding the bodies in a nearby dumpster. He wished he had matches on him, but it would have to do for now. Next, he called for backup and sourly explained what had happened. He was shaking with rage as he understood he was screwed.

Operation Humanity Infirmary - 4pm

One hour later and he was in the infirmary for examination. He’d been thoroughly examined and then patched up. He had bruises all over his body and his right eye was swollen shut temporarily. His head would recover, although he’d be sore for now and under concussion protocol. Niko ignored everyone’s comments and concerns, unable to care. Niko was furious he had to stay and be examined for a concussion. The infirmary would only make it more awkward and uncomfortable when Trotter came. Cursing mentally, he stared at the wall. Niko shut his eyes and began envisioning her once more, and felt his mind begin to drift peacefully.

That was until the door opened and he heard the Colonel’s voice in a disdainful, enraged hiss: Nikolaus.”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @Tae Elsea ✦ @helo Cade
Mention @Tae - Kenia

Cora glanced between the two having listened and watched their encounter. She studied Cade and sighed. He didn’t seem threatening, at least now, and genuinely grateful for the humans. She managed a small smile and nodded in agreement. She held onto Elsea’s arm after linking her’s through. Her eyes were heavy and she felt as if she would become sick. It wasn’t entirely from the exhaustion and instead, the past two weeks. Her mind was racing. Were Malachi and Kenia safe? Did Rei find safety? Who was that weird Elf woman and that demi and Orc? It was too much for her to think about for now, so she decided to push it away.

”Elsea’s right. I see the darkness, and know it can be purged. I’m with you as well, Cadence of a Thunderstorm. My name is Corvina, but you can call me Cora. I’m honored to meet you.” She bit her lip and eyed his fur. She resisted the urge to comment, however and gestured to the general vicinity. ”After you, Cade.”


Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Grand Ball
Interaction: @princess Malachi; @13org Myra; @Eviledd1984

Belle followed Malachi out of the ballroom and ignored everything else. She gripped Malachi’s hand tight and ducked underneath any rubble being strewn around. Her eyes face forward, although her mind was elsewhere. Rosemary was gone, and God only knew where Bowyn and Torvi were. She bit her lip. She had to hope they made it to Port 10 and if so, she’d buy them the biggest round of mead she could steal. Belle wiped her eyes as she arrived outside. As soon as they started to leave, a voice startled her and she turned around with feist in her eyes. She remained silent as she recognized it as the white creature being chased, and some mage male with her. She sighed and glanced around briefly for anyone she recognized but there was none. Belle turned to the duo and awaited whatever would happen next.

Time: Night
Location: Outside
Interaction: @princess - Risa

Artemis nodded to Risa’s words and then climbed out and watched the owl. She enjoyed watching fairies using zoolingualism. Her heart ached momentarily before she pushed it away. She turned to face Risa after watching the owl. ”That sounds like a good idea, Little One.” She began to climb out and let out a sigh. Her tail began morphing back into legs with audible cracks and snaps. She grunted with pain and then slowly climbed to her feet. She smoothed her dress down over her legs and looked at her. ”We will find him, I promise.” She pulled her into a firm hug and then let go. She remained poised to strike, although she wasn’t as guard as earlier. ”Are you hungry? I can catch us some food if you would like, or it can wait. It’s up to you.”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Outside
Interaction: @princess - Risa

The young fairy’s surprise, then smile and quick submerge into the water caused Artemis to chuckle. She pulled her into a firm hug and didn’t let go until almost a minute later. Tears streamed down her face as well. When she did let go, she turned to cough again and patted her chest with a scowl. She watched the airy rinse her face and moved hair out of her eyes with a softness she often did not reveal. Next, Artemis pulled herself out of the water and leaned back on her arms. She stared at the night sky and the stars, twinkling pleasantly over them, as if they hadn't a care in the world. She envied those in Roshmi city, not involved with anything. Artemis studied the sky once more for any more threats then turned to Risa.

How did she get here? That would be a long story. She’d have to edit it for her sake. Artemis cleared her throat again and smiled faintly. There was a deep sadness in her eyes. Her mind raced to Darius and Myra. Why hadn’t he run after her as well? Their trio should have left after the dances. Would he feel betrayed? Surely that bastard demon inside would feed that darkness. The commotion from Risa’s speech had been a huge part of it. Artemis had been terrified and faltered prior to telling him. Once he knew, he was in danger and she didn’t want anymore for him. River and Shade did affiliate with Aklenroth; however, they had their own slew of danger and treachery. She did not want him involved with that, so it was perhaps best she had left to save Risa.

”It’s a long story, and probably not one for tonight. Why don’t we get ourselves out of this damned forest for now and into shelter? And a new change of clothes perhaps, Little One?” Artemis smiled faintly and ruffled her hair gently.

Time: Morning
Location: On the Road -> Diner
Interactions: @princess - Angel
Mentions: @13org Ylva ~ @Ithradine Lucius ~
~ @princess Millie

Shay watched Angel order an amount of food equivalent to a body builder. She struggled to remain impassive, however and chose not to inquire. She had heard rumors of experiments done by Operation Humanity and perhaps she had found one. She managed a small smile and turned to order a medium sized amount of food and smirked at the waitress. She wanted to have enough food for leftovers. Who knew when her next meal would be? She turned to listen to Angle after glancing at the odd trio nearby them. The man had turned to glance at her and Shay glared daggers at him. She did not know him and therefore wasn’t open to communication. Still, if any of them could be an ally…

Shay sized up Angel. Again, with the location of Drake. Shay raised an eyebrow and sipped her orange juice as she listened. How would the oh-so-brazen Operation Humanity not know where the Devil’s hell was? ”Not so fast,” Shay replied as she glanced around, ”And definitely not here. We’ll talk in your car on that one.” Shay hesitated as she studied her. What would happen if she gave up her information so easily - was she going to be left alone? While she appreciated that, what if it came back to Drake? She had enough trouble to deal with right now. If Eric told them she knew… Her heart lurched for him. That poor man - she wished she could save him.

”I would appreciate that. I’ve been at the campgrounds recently, and I’m not fond of it. There’s a hotel closeby, right?” She then began eating her food once it arrived and scowled at the waitresses’ besmirching glance at Angel’s order. The woman blinked in surprise at her ferocity and hastily reiterated back into the kitchen. Shay smirked and turned back to Angel.
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