Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Festival grounds


Talie headed back to her home for a break as the festival was long, breakfast was nice but she needed some time to chill. Plus she needed to call her Brother, he had kept her sane even though her parents had her swearing even at the thought of them. "Kurva" Muttering under her breath even as put away the plates from the dishwasher.

"Jan, Jan i know you can hear me" she called happily over the sound of a dropping tool. "You idiot , you're one of the few good people In this family. Be careful." Laughing slightly as she chastised him, they were the faults but Talie always saw him somewhat as her little brother. He was 6'6, could pass for Thor with tied back blonde hair and could manual labour all day without tiring but she knew him far deeper and the real Jan. "Come on, how's things" Her voice softened and they soon fell into Polish, her grandfather taught them both and they kept the tradition going.

Her brother was a contradiction, painfully shy and despite that, highly confident and could repair a vintage truck and diagnose it just based on engine noise and trust he was right. She just hoped he met a nice woman, or at least kept up with his friends and so, he deserved some good luck.

The time to return to the festival was rapidly approaching, putting her dress back on and checking carefully in the mirror she had not caught it on anything. Talie even had gone to bother of doing her makeup more than normal, might as well least make a decent impression. Her phone had not rang and things seemed to be going smoothly. Maybe too smoothly…

Making her way to the festival was a challenge this time, the traffic was far worse and she even had to turn her music down to concentrate. It seemed the entire town was out and finding parking was a real challenge,

Talie did not envy anyone who had to keep everything running, one office was enough work. A shooting game caught her eye as she passed and there was no one to win her a cuddly bear this time around. Paying a small sum in cash she took the air rifle giving it an experimental look, the barrel and stock was straight but no doubt there would be some trick to the stall holder's advantage. "Little to the left…" Getting a satisfying ping to her success, her second shot striking a duck and a 3rd knocking down what appeared as a disturbed Smurf someone made by hand.

The second attempt was only a little more successful so I gave up finding other entertainment and things to explore. She did see the tall doctor from earlier wandering about too though was unable to catch him with more than a polite good afternoon. The crowds were too busy. Not all the people were as friendly to a newcomer to town though. It was like they could see into you and know if you were here for x generations. Kinda spooky. Talie shook the thought off and relaxed, she was assigned here and they would have to deal with it.


Reaching the dunk tank by meandering route, coffee in hand and carrying a paper bag of sweet treats. There was water on one side but not the other and a police officer who seemed to be entirely enjoying it. "Howdy Sheriff, I thought you might need a treat" bringing out an almost perfect replica of a doughnut off the Simpsons. She had a whole bag which the other officer was probably eying up and handed them out knowing it was inevitable they would ask ."Though I failed to win the bear and only got a rubber duck for shooting deformed Smurfs… I'm better with a shotgun" Talie grumbled and pouted slightly.

Her phone buzzed in her bag though it went unnoticed as she spoke, the work phone. But she was distracted.

Then Levi approached and got the impression they knew each other though it might not always be in a good way, avoiding a dunking splash by virtue of the clear wall even as an officer who pulled her slightly out of the way on reflex despite the "Safe" side. She had brought doughnuts for them.

*buzz buzz* The noise of the work phone was lost in all of the cheering of the dunk. Levi and the Sheriff had a history for sure. Raising an eyebrow at Levi, if he got her good dress wet, she might have found a creative use of rocks or a rock hammer. Her wardrobe needed improvement as it was. Academically of course.

*Buzzzzzzz* Came again but had no reply. Manuel would go unnoticed.

@Zora@The Muse
Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

The Cozy Bear
Happily fed and caffeinated.


Talie took her coffee very thankfully, chocolate plus pancakes made Talies morning even better. She had not really eaten much before she left the house having not been very hungry. Now she definitely was and her sweet tooth was giving her happy brain chemicals. "Thank you, I do enjoy sweet things. " Talie bit at her doughnut and savoured some of her life giving coffee before she noticed anything else. Levi was a blatant flirt and well practised through his real intentions where unknown. Maybe he had a thing for one of the local women, or was a playboy. Regardless, the service was good and the food tasted good as it looked.

"Yes! That's the one. I'll look for them, it's practically a local legend it seems.`` Talie spoke before he vanished into the back and the kitchen. If it was half as good as it was known then it probably was pretty good to say the least. Glancing over at her work phone, she did not expect to be dragged into something but she had it in hand bag. The USGS was hardly a festival favourite, yeah she had a fair collection of pretty rocks at the office. But they were not exactly mainstream. It was sad that people don't appreciate a pretty rock. They made useful gifts like paper weights, door stops too or threw them at people who annoy you … in your mind of course.

"Thankyou again Jewel, I'll have to remember to say hi when I'm by city hall. Nice outfit by the way." Talie knew the platitude was pretty hollow but it was diplomatic to compliment the person who worked for the Mayor's office. She recognised a rich daughter if she saw one, she was kinda one just not in good standing with her family. People thought it was a walk in the park but the pressure could be real especially if you did not conform to the expectations.

Talies food arrival and Jewel being distracted by something moving in the distance ended that one. Sheriff in the dunk tank, might have to miss, he did help her settle in to the town. The pancakes were good as word and expected and soon had a rather happy Talie thinking she might get breakfast here more often. Looking over shoulder a large metal object was moving into town reflecting light across the growing collection of activities outside.

Spotting a familiar redhead Park Ranger outside, they had some disagreements. Maybe she liked the old man who she replaced too? She had not got him removed, he just got too old and was asked to retire. The office was a mess frankly when she took over, missed checks, the paperwork was all over place, old samples though the shipments were all rather regular. He got one thing right, Talie guessed. She still had to finish getting a proper inventory done.

Where else was she meant to find better samples than the old slag and dumps near the old mine and refinery that has long fallen into ruin, been recycled and was barely more than piles of rock, rusty metal too heavy to move and some old timbers stubbornly hanging on. The maps she had dated back over a century and the old man… she would just have to order new ones from the BLM and others to get up to date info.

Making a few quick notes in a notebook, she scribbled a short to-do list between pancake pieces. She would forget to do it on Monday so noted It quickly in a leather notebook. "I must leave a good tip" Talie spoke to herself without thinking.

Glancing over and outside, it would be rather interesting to see what happened. This seemed like a fun event.

@QueenBea@Almalthia@The Muse

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

The Cozy Bear
Caffeine Zombie


Talie was friendly with the Sheriff especially since he had been one who helped her find where the local store was and such. Due to circumstances of her appointment here the old man she had replaced has been less helpful. He might even know the best place to get coffee. She might be a little addicted… The town was charming though and it was not hard to like it here. If she had been told about the cakes and such food at festivals she might have to do a lot more station checks on foot to stay in shape for the next few weeks.

Not that she minded. There were numerous sensors and stations to check they were operating correctly plus the history of mining meant that there were numerous mapped and unknown former mines that created some interesting things with the unique topography around Sanctuary.

Torn from her thoughts by the man in the coffee shop flirting with another woman who came up, she looked rather fancy and waited... yes. She was someone in town. She had seen her picture in the local paper. Something to do with the Mayor's office. Levi. Levi, he was called Levi. A taller male customer seemed to smile her way before leaving. Maybe Trace Adkins had it right about country boys... not that she would admit to enjoying country. Ever. That would remain her secret. A Doctor too? Hopefully she was not there too soon because of an embarrassing injury.

"Tha" Talie was suddenly addressed by the man who took over from the woman, she was not sure who was in charge now. Swipping her bag to side in suprise before gathering it back in reaching for her money. Shoving her goverment badge back in to its pocket. "Thankyou, you do not have to" much as not wanting to cause a fuss...yes but be polite. Seeing as he was making her favourite breakfast. "well seeing as your offering." commenting before her frame of thoughts was jarred off again. It was one of those mornings and had yet to have a coffee!

"Il have a strong Americano, Sugar please. Pancakes with syrup cream and choclate. Plus whatever the best doughnut here" Talie had no idea what range they sold having only grabbed coffee quickly passing through takeout out a few times here before too busy taking over the office or moving in. "I only got sent down here recently. First time I had free time" Admitting she was a newcomer so hopefully her lack of knowing the specials made sense.

Yawning slightly again. She really needed a pick me up sweet or coffee. The nicely dressed woman turned her morning om it's head again and offered to pay for her food. Brain rapidly trying to progress and switch to the situation. Not sure what she expected, this was a pleasant suprise. She probbly was someone important that nicely dressed and her words confirmed it, making enemies would not help her settle in, especially in the Mayor's offices. "Thankyou Miss, much appreciated. Natasza Stepanova, but everyone just calls me Talie as it's much easier, I took over the USGS office. Paper beats rock to know the town it seems." Joking badly she dropped her jacket to lap and keep her dress nice. Talie liked this dress too much.

Her tattoos would be visable but it was warm and nothing she had was offensive, the polish themed tattoo moving into a periodic table below the elbow. "I recommend anything filled with choclate." The woman was polite but hints of stress?, choclate would help that or least you had choclate. Your day was always better with sugar.

"If they taste as good as they look, il have to stop by more often." Talie replied honestly at the array of sweet treats. Her thoughts were again, again distracted by a noise behind her of a truck. A man stepping out of a jeep though the colour was a normal boring one. What was wrong with her truck thinking absently. "Anyone know when the rou…. Fer….fun…something. No cake event?. Fun cake? A Cashier spent minutes praising it yesterday." Talie could not help but have a blissful smile at the idea of any cake that could make someone talk for minutes about it. "You have best Coffee, Pancakes and doughnuts naturally im sure" Talie added Diplomaticly to not slight the cafe ego. Cake was not their rivals or they be involved in the cake event and a compliment.



@Zora@The Muse@QueenBea@Pilatus

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

The Cozy Bear
Caffeine Zombie


Natasza woke up to the sound of the battered radio alarm playing, half asleep she turned to grab some water and bright sunlight shining on her face. She really needed the landlord to sort that curtain rail out. "...The weather looks good and Sanctuary is going to be busy today, rides, food, fun, all the good stuff. So we advise avoiding the…" Natasza just ignored the rest as she made way to the bathroom.

She was a newcomer to the town and the Sheriff had advised to go with the town's flow to fit in. People had lived here a long time and could be a little strange about new arrivals. The old guy who ran the USGS office before her had not helped in recent years by ill health for field duties and getting various reports late to city administration etc. So she was attending, maybe being the friendly rock nerd might make them a little less granite and abit more pourus to her.

Searching her brain, what she remembered while the shower warmed her up nicely. The Town was still nor fully known to her and the backlog of work had kept Talie busy, the cafe… that would be an OK place to try and get some idea what was going on. The Sheriff would be rather busy, there was some pilot she used to send some samples off last week, he had a mixed reputation for cargo apparently but they were rocks. It would be fine. Honestly she had not had too many chances to get to know many outside of a smaller circle. That would change today.

"Il grab some coffee on way ba." Remembering she no longer had a roommate now, it was nice but a little lonely too.

After careful deliberation with herself and the mirror in the end Natasza had chosen to go a little more conservative. Maybe it was best to see what the town was like before she rocked the boat too hard. Wearing a dress and not her slightly silly T shirt and so uniform on the weekdays. Finding her respectable white trainers that looked mostly clean throwing a slightly worn and rather faded vintage denim jacket on the passenger seat pile. Shorter hair made life so much easier, she did miss it long but got in the way so much.

They would get used to her tattoos. The older folk a little longer maybe but she would not hide them.

Climbing into and out of the truck would take a little finesse but doable, her work truck had picked up a knock, more than normal and was due to the local mechanic on Monday. Oh well. The two would have to get used to her more interesting truck.

Window down, singing along. German rock music playing at a mostly acceptable level to not give some retiree a heart attack and aviators on. This was life, free and able to decide one's own path. Much as she loved her family, she could not work at the mines all her life.

The town was busier than she had ever seen and it was just morning. Lacking caffeine gnawing at her brain Talie made the first turn she saw to a place that sold hot drinks. Avoiding a food truck heading into town it seemed to lead where she wanted to go as main street area was closed parking near a road block. Least she would never lose her Truck. She would bet her salary it was only one that was this pink in town or perhaps the County.

"Howdy Sheriff, il pay the permit on monday. Good luck and Rock on" her passing words were lost in a yawn she failed to stifle as she walked over to the Cozy bear. OK the joke was terrible but she was without caffeine.

Reaching the Cozy bear was surprisingly easy. Several people she did not recognise where about, the odd one she did like the staff, pretty sure the old man said that guy was a doc… of some kind, and other locals who were that evil kind of early risers. Aliens the lot of them. "Morning" before yawning slightly. It seemed in small towns you were meant to interact with other humans and not stare at your phone. She could do that. After she got Coffee. "Any pancake specials on today please?" Asking hopefully, Talie loved pancakes. Especially whatever magic diners etc used to make them so fluffy.


@QueenBea@Zora@The Muse

I have a second character planned. The local heavy field tech who a little grumpy, loves Flannel and for once. Not tall lol

Cs mail sent. I may or may not have caused people's eyes to bleeding by car paint job.

Il just have to remember how to use this site again...

Consults dusty tome in mind.
This was fun before. Maybe I should try it again.
<Snipped quote by False Prophet>

Started with a hasty wager, a canon, and too many drinks; ended with half a harbor catching fire.

How many kingdom's is she wanted lol.
Its probably multiple...

*in high remote northern moutains*
Double guards...


Just have a feeling...
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