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Time:Afternoon ~ 4pm
Location:Ember Grove Mall

Once outside and walking with the duo, Millie had asked Luke to divulge into his story and had listened carefully. Afterward, she had asked Ylva to share more on her past if she so liked. She kept her gaze on the speakers and hung on to every word. Millie told them a bit about herself as well. She let them know she had grown up in the neighborhood and now lived with a loved one, being awfully vague yet keeping her tone natural and kind, coming off perhaps as shy. After about thirty minutes of chatting with the two, Millie gave the two of them her phone number and let them know she had to go into the mall for some shopping and if they were interested in meeting up with her later on, she'd welcome it.

She had left them with a simple statement, "Friends, please contact me any time. Toodaloo!"

The clock struck 4 as the pink-haired girl left a book store with a paper bag that contained about three books. She had spent the last few hours checking in to see if anyone was hiring before she decided to find a few books to bring Marius tonight. She knew he was probably going to be busy until dinner tonight so she figured to busy herself all day. She planned to look into the incident Ylva had brought up, but she knew perhaps investigating that room, which was most likely locked off by police enforcement, at night would be a mistake, so she'd simply wait. However, she could still research.

Millie sat down on a couch in the center of the mall hallway and began to research news articles on her phone, deciding to see if anything was public yet.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay



If you have not finished with the night yet, feel free to continue on and finish up, however, I'm permitting everyone else to move on. Please allow Tae's characters to sleep in until the group decides to start moving. When that happens, please just have them walking along with the group quietly.

After finding shelter after the havoc of the ball, everyone took a well-earned rest.
Wake up in a cave or wherever you all managed to find shelter --> It probably wasn't in Roshmi.

After Risa's speech, riots and flames overtook Roshmi. Dark elves tried to close the borders in time to lock the rebels in, but the heroes of our story, fortunately, got out in time. Roshmi City will be off-limits for a long time as it is undergoing martial law to try to contain the chaos.

The morning has clear skies and dew after the rainy night. All is calm in contrast to the night before, however, it is a bit chilly today near Roshmi.


Angel rolled her eyes when Shay stated they'd talk in the car. She was right and it was annoying. She just wanted to get this over with and get back to the HQ before Trotter put her head on a stick to display. When the food came she went to work eating, ignoring the stares as it took multiple trips to give Angel all her food. She shrugged to her in regards to her question, "Yeah there's a Holiday Inn. I'll pay and give you my number in case you ever need me." She tried to sound grouchy about her words so Shay wouldn't take it as too much kindness. Angel did not say much else as eating was a sacred time.

Once she was done, she slapped some money on the table and glanced at Shay. "We outta here." She gestured for her to follow as she began making her way out back to her car once Shay was following.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Outskirts in the trees not far from Roshmi Hall

"I don't think we can go back into Roshmi for clothes, I can fly over into River Fairy Kingdom for them tomorrow." Risa answered. She climbed out of the river and glanced around before her eyes set on an owl nearby on a branch. She waved it over gently, holding out her arm for it to cling to. She asked it to locate a nearby cave and to inform other creatures to locate a red-haired fox demihuman. The owl began flying off North and she beckoned Artemis to follow it with her, "Kyran was with me and I lost him. It's proving difficult to find him, so maybe it's best I ask some animals to continue the search until morning."

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Hall

Malachi had attacked any dark elves that got in the way of the others escaping with light bolts, staying until the very last of the room ad escaped and then leaving himself. The blonde girl had accompanied him. He quickly took her hand and began putting distance between them and the ballroom, moving off with her without asking her another word. He halted hearing a voice ask him if he could heal. He turned to face the duo, the same white creature before and the gentleman. He glanced around at other fleeing folk and grabbed a nearby fairy by his arm and yanked him over, gesturing her towards Myra. Reluctantly, the male fairy moved towards her to try to heal. "It's up to her if she is going to accept the help." He told the male.


When the waitress had finally come over, Angel had prepared for her look of shock as she ordered an amount of food that was simply unreasonable for a human girl her size. A table nearby glanced over to stare at her as she listed the food. Angel, however, had learned not to care. She needed this much food and that was that. No one was going to understand. She glanced at Shay, expecting to see
a judgmental expression.

Once the waitress had departed, she said to Shay, "So. You wanna tell me the whole story of how you got caught up with Drake and ended up escaping. If not, you can just tell me how to get back there from here or use some spell or something. If you have a home here, I promise I'll take you there or to a hotel after this. "

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Outskirts in the trees not far from Roshmi Hall

Risa's eyes widened as she watched a head pop out from the water. She stared at her in astonishment as she spoke her name, then introduced herself as Artemis. For a third time tonight, flashbacks went through her mind. The moon illuminated the woman's face. A much-needed smile crossed Risa's face and she threw herself into the river with her without a second thought to throw her arms around her. She burst into silent tears not long after doing so, whispering "Artemis, it's been so hard. I don't know what I'm doing."

She could not believe she was really here. It had been years since she had seen the mermaid. Risa had millions of questions but there was no room in her mind to even fit them. Risa cherished getting to see her again so much, but even now she knew she couldn't spend much time doing so. Kyran was missing. Elsea was left behind in the ball. Rinsing her face and sitting a moment had brought back some clarity and broke through her shock.

Dionaea was dead. She had done enough schooling in healing to know when to identify it was too late to heal and the unfortunately vivid image of her corpse in her mind was obviously too far gone. Even if it hadn't been, it was completely impossible to know the location. Risa could not say she felt like sobbing about it. Her grief had remained a sort of empty feeling. The panic of not knowing where her other friends were was also loud in her mind. There was so much happening that she had no idea what to feel.

Risa let go of Artemis and climbed out to sit on edge of the stream, shivering. "How did you get here? Have you seen Kyran by any chance?" She asked quietly.

Location:Ember Grove Diner

Millie's eyes lit up with interest as Ylva spoke of Norway. Had the girl moved all the way from Norway? This fascinated Millie. However, Ylva did not give much to the story, cutting off for now. She respected her wishes but made a note to ask her more later on. Lucius pushed for her to continue which she couldn't blame him for. Millie was just about finished with her food when Lucius announced he was ready to go.

She glanced over, observing intently as he whispered. She caught on to a few Latin words that were too soft to make out but it was enough.
This man was a warlock, much better at concealing it than she had been. He was playing some sort of game here and that made Millie very nervous yet intrigued at the same time. She slowly got out from her seat after leaving a tip on the table, and paying her part of the bill, biting her lip once she faced away from him. He could prove dangerous to her and Ylva. To Marius if he existed in the same town as him!

As frightened as she had become, she wanted to be brave and keep at this task. It was the least she could do for Marius after everything she had put him through. Besides, maybe she was seeing this wrong and the man could teach her more about how to protect Marius. She had been studying at least four to five hours a day her spells to write several procedures for many different emergencies lately, but perhaps she needed some outside information.

"Thank you two for joining me for breakfast! Let's go for that walk now!" She made a mental note to avoid the gaze of the scary redhead as she moved to the door and held it open for the other two.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Hall
Interactions:@Tae@Potter@Helo@13org@baraquiel@hide on mana

Most everyone had cleared out of the room by now, leaving just a few stragglers and the demon. Kenia was nowhere to be seen and he took this in good faith; she got out safely. It was all he could have asked for. He smiled to himself. He knew Kenia was probably cursing his name right now, but he was determined she would not lose him anyway so she just had to deal with being angry with him for a little while longer. He'd find her again no matter what it took. However, Corvina was still here. Somehow he was not surprised.

Malachi paused his thinking to listen carefully to the others upon noticing the aggressing black demon was subdued. The girl had utilized her water ability quite impressively and bought them a moment now that there was a shield up. He picked up on the other voices in the room, his eyes on the blonde human as he did this quick survey. A female voice was speaking how she could not hold him for long. He glanced at the demon for a moment, noticing it had chains wrapped up him. A male voice asked why a human chose to fight and listened with interest to the girl's reply. She was so determined and brave that Malachi found her to be honorable, however quite foolish in this situation. Perhaps he had no room to talk. She had come from a place of suffering no different than Avalia and truly seemed to want to change things. Given the situation and how they handled humans being brought here, Malachi thought they were more than lucky to get such willing humans. However, the humans leaving here was vital. He was going to have to stop them all in their bravery act.

His gaze followed someone taking the white demon on a horse. He gestured in response to the blonde in response to her statement to the departing horse then turned back to see the wretched creature laughing. A big tail swung toward them and he quickly grabbed Belle's hand and none-too-gently ran out of the way, dragging her and yelling, "Watch out!!!" to the others. Following the tail's trail, it broke a huge hole in the wall. Escape was easy.

He rolled his eyes at the demon's tantrum as it started dragging stuff into a black hole in his chest. "Demons are just big, ugly babies." Malachi grumbled and then quickly moved over to the group of those left behind. "Anyone who does not go through that hole in the wall right now will be dragged by yours truly. Now GO."

Malachi gave them all a serious look, his eyes lingering on the dark-haired girl who had been giving a brave monologue earlier, worried she might be an issue. He also gave Corvina a look and pointed at the hole. "Now!"

Time: Morning

The waiter soon collected two menus and waved the girls forward. Angel made a visible face for a few seconds once she noticed the waiter was walking the duo to sit right behind the three she had previously noted. She managed not to groan which she decided she was proud of herself for. As the waiter set the menus on the table, she folded her arms, impatiently waiting. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed some pink-haired chick dressed staring at them from her seat. She looked like she was dressed to either go to church or welcome her husband home in a 50s sitcom. Angel immediately turned to glare her down until the girl shrunk away from her gaze.

Who the hell dyes their hair pink anyway?

She then took a seat, glad to not be able to see anything but the tops of the heads of the group. Unfortunately, she'd have to get vocal snippets of whatever dumb conversation they were having. Angel would talk to Shay about the important stuff, but first, food. She had devoured the pizza Remy had given her, but that had just been the appetizer. Angel opened the menu with a silent determination without saying another word yet to Shay. She was on a mission.

Location:Ember Grove Diner

Millie smiled wide like a pleased child when her head was patted. The girl called her a little bunny and Millie decided right then and there that she really liked Ylva. Especially under the empathy spell that was still rolling, she could tell that Ylva was genuine and a good person. Millie was really happy to find such a wonderful girl to be her friend. Excitement overcame her as she began to daydream of going shopping together and painting each other's nails. They could throw big sleepover bashes and everything. Millie had heard Ylva state that she had thought Luke had sounded strange and to be frank, Millie was not surprised.

Luke was a liar and she was on to him. He did not deserve to talk to Ylva.

She watched as he sighed, asking about her pancakes. But this time, she could catch some emotion from him. It felt like he had just been let down in some way as if something he had expected to happen had not been fulfilled. Millie wondered what was going on in his head. She gave two thumbs up with a big smile after only a slight pause. "Oh they're lovely." She told him, taking another delicate bite.

Luke ended up replying to Ylva's questioning by explaining he had recently gone through something. It was excellent acting and Millie's heart would have hurt thinking of his pain he had endured if she had based it on his words and expressions. However, there was no emotion coming from him despite all the sadness he portrayed. Millie wondered how this could be. There was no way her magic was wrong; she trusted it more than she trusted people. The only reasonable option was that he was a fraud.

This was all the more reason for Millie to get closer to him. Lying was a game Millie could play very well. She smiled and rubbed his shoulder without hesitation, "Oh Luke. Please don't be sorry. I can tell whatever happened is causing you great pain and I am here if you ever need to talk. You don't need to lie and say you're okay if you're not." An empathetic, genuine expression came over her face. Millie was used to lying. It came naturally at this point and the two probably would not pick up on any signs of it. "If you need a hug, please let me know."

Movement from the other side of the diner caught her attention and she spotted the two girls coming down to be seated right behind them. They were both really pretty girls so Millie could not help but stare a moment with a pang of jealousy. She put so much effort into her appearance and these girls pulled off casual beauty like it was easy. However, Millie's thoughts of their looks were washed away as the redhead glared at her with what Millie thought was the force of all Hell. Millie averted her gaze quickly, wondering what her problem was and why she was so scary.
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