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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:Roshmi slums of the city

Clara's head was whirling. Not only had she been to a ball filled with fantasy creatures, but she had also seen an actual giant demon. It had been bigger than anything she had even imagined, even dinosaurs. To her terror, it actually started eating people, so of course, she and her elf companions cleared right out of there, as Daphna grumbled about how she told them going was a bad idea. Clara begged to differ. She had hoped to meet other humans, but at least she had gotten to see all different creatures. No one could have ever hoped to back in her town to see a ball like that. Clara had even got a tip to go to some port town down west of Roshmi. Not to mention, she had gotten to wear a gown like a princess, just like the beautiful fairy princess that had spoken so bravely to everyone.

It was all so wonderful and horrifying at the same time. She was still waiting for a director to yell 'cut" as people emerged from the bushes with camera equipment. Nonetheless, as confusing as all was, Clara had begun to accept after the long week that this was all her reality now and there was no point wasting even a drop of it on questioning. She was in a fantasy story just as she had day-dreamed as a child, except she hadn't imagined all the terror that came with it, but she was grateful just the same. Maybe there was a God and he had given her just as she had always wished. She'd be stupid to complain.

Two elves flanked Clara on each side as they moved through the thick crowd of lower-class demihumans, all wearing hoods just as she did. Getting out of Roshmi had become a big problem at this point. After the ball, the whole city had been locked down in only a few hours. The dark elves were all around the city and all within it, checking any elves by pulling on their ears and killing anyone who seemed suspicious without a second thought. The revolting had stopped in the late night and been mostly quieted down now. Martial law was in place, meaning there was a curfew and dark elves were everywhere, doing whatever they wanted until Aklenroth's army showed up to make things worse. Miako had told her it was imperative they get out of here before then.

Clara had suggested that perhaps there was an underground system. Back on Earth, underground sewers were a normal thing, so she wondered if there was even a tunnel system under the city. It made sense considering these people were half-animal, so she figured some of them were prefer being under the ground. According to Miako, she had been onto something very true so the five of them were now trying to find a way under. Apparently, these elves hadn't spent a lot of time here before.

She nudged Miako as he moved next to her and whispered as she pointed to a food vendor, "Breakfast time? Can't go sewer diving on an empty stomach."

He shook his head, replying, "We can't talk to anyone. Just gotta get out as quick as possible. Keep your head down."With a bit of depleting patience, he took her head in his hand and lowered it forcefully toward the ground. She had been whispering to them every so often to comment on things and giggle with Daphna,"Don't giggle. Don't whisper."

Clara bit her lip. The elf had usually been very gentle with her, so she knew he was serious with these words. She kept her mouth shut as she glanced along the road and in alleyways, trying to find a possible sewer entrance. However, all five of them suddenly stiffened as the following words reached their ears:

"Ears please."

Just ahead of them, a couple of elves were being examined by dark elves. Miako immediately took a sharp left turn into an alleyway, and she followed behind with the other elves. However, waiting right at the end of the alleyway was a dark elf, who grinned maliciously, quite sure of himself of what he was dealing with.

"Is there a problem, sir?"Miako asked calmly, trying to play it off, but to all of their surprise, the dark elf simply stabbed him through the chest with a sword in reply. Daphna took her hand and pulled her into a run back out of the alleyway. The other two elves didn't seem to follow to Clara's knowledge, but they had been in the grip of dark magic way before they could even move.

Clara's eyes watered but she felt numb in the heat of the movement as she ran. Once at the back at the entrance into the road they had initially been on, they were face to face with more dark elves. A female immediately grabbed Daphna as she weakly told Clara to run.

"No! Let her go!"Clara cried and watched with distress as she was killed swiftly, a knife slitting her throat. He let go of Daphna, her body dropping to the floor with a thud. She stared with horror as he moved toward her. "No wonder you were exiled."She snapped at him, and immediately turned back to run into the middle of the alleyway. She knew this next idea was probably dumb, so she decided not to think through it. Clara concentrated on lifting the earth beneath her feet swiftly, dirt and sand breaking through the cobblestone beneath them, particles flying into the eyes of her pursuers as they reached for her. She hopped on to the adjacent roof as elves came toward her from both sides. She ran across the roof, gaining the attention of all around. Balls of dark magic and arrows just nearly missed her as she did a front flip over some of them on to the roof of the next building. She then slid down the slanted roof into another alleyway as soon as she spotted a material that was gleaming in the light.

Fuck. Please.

She mentally begged as she waved her hand, moving dirt and items that had been covering the metal she had seen. She waved her hand again with a sigh of relief as she saw it was a round piece of metal that was obviously an entrance to below. Clara jumped inside and rolled on the hard ground beneath with a groan. The sound of incoming steps was still audible as she focused on covering the entrance again. She was sure glad she had changed into some pants today.

Clara scrambled to her feet, her ankles aching as she glanced up and down the dark, underground tunnel. There was a narrow canal of water a few feet away and it was definitely dank and gross enough to be a sewer. Tears brimmed in her eyes as everything set in. This was terrible. They were all dead. She hadn't known them long, but it still hurt to see the elves that had taken care of her and protected her lose their lives.

What was she supposed to do now? Could she do this alone?

Clara glanced up as the muffled sounds of yells and racing footsteps above her dimly reached her ears. She had no choice but to continue on. She hoped at least this tunnel could get her out of this town because if she wasn't in danger before, she definitely was now. The amount of sheer luck involved in her escape was incredible. They'd have wanted posters with her face on it up in no time.

With an exhale, she tried to mentally put all the horror behind her and move forward through the tunnel.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:Road from Operation Humanity HQ

"Probably because he knows I'd go there looking for her and let's just say I've been invested in."Angel told Sean when he brought up Trotter's motive. They seemed to be on the same wavelength with thinking Remy was most likely in the wrong hands. Sure, the kid was a goof and went off sometimes, but she never cut contact and disappeared like this.

Invested in.

Her own words repeated in her head and made her feel sick to her stomach. That's all she was to him. An investment. Considering he seemed to make his own son feel like one, she couldn't really hope to be regarded as anything more.

She pushed her own self-pity out of her mind, knowing Remy was the focus. It became quite obvious eventually to Angel that they were heading to the dump and she wasn't surprised to see a bunch of low-lives hanging out there. Ember Grove liked to pride itself in being quaint and all, but it sure had the population of a shithole.

Angel immediately rolled her eyes upon being told to stay in the car. "Seriously?"She gave him a face. She had half a mind to tell him to fuck off and get out, but he had earned some respect today so she actually heeded his instruction, keeping a hand ready to open the door if he needed back up. She watched the scene play out as he cleared the way and had to comment when he mentioned GTA, "Glad to know OH is equipping us with tactics from video games." She had found it impressive but she didn't comment so.

She hopped out of the car and glanced around. "I don't feel like she's here, but let's look quickly anyway." There was the off-chance Remy had fallen asleep on some dirty pillow or something, so she began to move around the area, her eyes diligently searching as she looked under larger objects and moved piles of garbage. The smell quickly became a nuisance but she didn't complain.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:River Kingdom

Helio had remained, probably unbeknownst to Risa. He lounged casually on a nearby tree, curious to who would come to his sister's aid. He figured someone would and if they didn't, she'd call in some mangy animals to get her out of the casket. He could still feel his heart pumping with adrenaline as he sat there in the night's silence. Truly he hoped she'd start sobbing in desperation or something interesting, but she was all too quiet.

Little did Risa know that Helio felt it was actually his gift from the Gods to find her in the state he had. To see her in such emotional turmoil enough to go seek comfort from an old corpse had made him giddy. However, being able to drive her to such unthinkable depths of despair was almost orgasmic. The sheer shock and terror in her eyes as he left her there was priceless. Her thinking had been so wishful that when he emerged all too conveniently for the trees, he was sure she had known something was wrong and ignored the better judgment in the back of her mind, which was very funny to Helio.

Helio couldn't blame the girl. He'd miss himself too to illogical extremes if he were her.

Minutes past and Helio was getting very, very bored. I suppose maybe this is where you die, after all, sis. How anticlimatic of you.He thought to himself and hopped to his feet and turned away. He felt a slight pang in his heart that had been in some part pulling him to stay in the first place, but he thought nothing of it. What actually kept his feet planted to the branch was a sudden movement in the corner of his eye. He glanced over his shoulder as he watched familiar mithril wings descend into the hole.

He hadn't believed it until he heard Azriel's voice.

"I'll be damned."He said to himself with a grin. All sorts of ideas raced through his head as he watched Aklenroth's ever-so-loyal, winged-demihuman pluck the rebel princess out of her casket and then proceed to ask her where to take her to be healed. Out of all the things he expected, this was the last. Though he could intervene, he thought it'd be much more hilarious to watch it play out then go instigate with Azriel after she was finished with Risa.

The birdie escaped her cage. Time to get a new pet and clip their wings this time, Umber.

He had to bite his lip to bite back laughter as he imagined all the problems he could cause. Telling Umber about this would instigate all kinds of fun so that was just what he'd do the moment he found him. It'd have to wait sometime as Helio already had scheduled plans, but sure as hell it would be done. He was distracted by the wonderful day-dreams of infighting between Aklenroth's prized warriors for only a moment longer before he pondered further. Though it was possible she was playing a sick game as he had been, it did not seem likely. However, his mind had answered his question before he had really begun to ponder it.

Azriel had usually watched things play out before intervening, for whichever reason. She liked a good show just as much as he did. So she must have known that perhaps he'd still be here and... He snapped his fingers as he finally put things together.

Little old to have a rebellious phase, aren't you, Azzy?Helio thought with amusement.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:River Kingdom

"It seems you're in quite the predicament, little princess...or should I say little queen?"

It was not long after the voice reached Risa's ears that she felt the weight on the casket shift. Her eyes fluttered open to see the winged woman using a sharp piece of her wing to cut through the vines. Risa hadn't expected anyone to come across her and figured her best bet would be to rest up so she could heal herself enough to get out. She felt herself being lifted soon enough as the girl asked where she should take her. There was the healing center, of course, but bringing her there where she would so easily be identified...

She quietly spoke up, giving her instructions to take her back to the Pretty Flower bar, which wasn't too far off. "Thank you, sweet one. Is there any way I can repay you for your kindness?"Risa managed to ask.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Near Roshmi
Interactions: @13org@Helo@Potter@Eviledd1984

To Malachi's interest, Myra introduced herself vocally. She seemed quite eager when he mentioned wanting to reunite with companions, so he decided she wasn't too much a threat for now. Her adorable appearance did make Malachi a bit bias. Footsteps suddenly stole his attention and he glanced toward the noise. An elf emerged and asked if they were traveling toward the coast. Given he had come out of no-where and had the same location in mind, Malachi was not quick to trust him, but it seemed most likely this was a dark elf, to Malachi's disgust. What his plan was and whether or not he was truly alone and as vulnerable as he was trying to present himself was all questionable.

Malachi remained guarded as he looked the dark elf in the eye, "Yes. We are heading to the coast."He answered him simply, before another figure approached. It was the man who accompanied Myra from before. His apology for leaving them to the spiders made him roll his eyes, but he didn't audibly comment. Belladonna whispered in his ear and he coolly shrugged and pointed lazily in the southern direction. "Onward. Keep up with my pace."He said lamely, very unhappy to have as much company as they did, all which he had no reason to trust but with the human on the line, he wasn't making rash movements. He did not have the energy to play nice or be overly friendly, but it would not be obvious that he was concerned about anyone being a threat. He moved forward, hopefully leading them all into a quick pace.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:River Kingdom

“No, no… Guess again!” Laughter followed his words as he hopped up to his feet. The laughter sent chills through her bones. “I am the one, the only...Helio Millinia!” He got to his feet and spread his arms out as if introducing himself to a crowd at a show, bellowing the words into the night. With the grin on his face, he glanced back down with her as he relaxed his position, “But immensely improved and dare I say, smarter.” He roughly took her chin in his hands and forced her upward, holding her weakened body up. Healing wounds as bad as the one she had was essentially paralyzing. Dread filled her as she realized that Helio had known this would be the result of his actions.

“I’m smart enough to know you’re the same little brat who wanted me to take all the responsibility and cater to your every demand; just like mother and father did. Everyone always expected me to carry the weight. It seems like you got a taste of your own medicine.” His words were venomous and pure hatred carried each one as he roughly let go of her chin and let her fall back into the grass. His mood returned to a calmer one as he spoke with a smile, “Heavy is the head that wears the crown, little bear."

Risa could only stare with horror as she whispered sadly, “What did they do to you?” She had never known he felt that way, but thinking back, their parents had expected a lot out of the two siblings. It would make sense for him to feel some resentment but not to this degree. The Helio she knew would have never tried to blame her.

Helio responded with a blunt kick to her face, laughing like a giddy child at the cry of pain she emitted in response. She curled up to try to shield her body in response but it was futile. Helio left her no room to react or speak. He kicked her again a few times in the stomach, Each kick seemed to flash the world black for a moment and she never got used to each jolt of pain.

"This." He told her, stopping finally. "Tortured me. Like you couldn't imagine and for months."

Risa's eyes watered and she struggled to sit up to take his hand and he swatted it away and continued, "They put me in a big tube filled with dark elven magic. Think I was snoozing in there for some time before they let me out. Aklenroth was so proud of me Risa. Prouder than you'd ever see father. You see, he had created a dark fairy, proved it possible that fairies could be turned dark just like elves can. However, he didn't trust me. I was such a passionate man. Took them longer than any of the other fairies to finally break." He was casual with his words as if it was just a conversation over tea. He knelt down, patting her head, I had to prove myself to no longer be the avid enthusiast of rebellion, so I came here and murdered your boyfriend just a couple years back."

He watched her eyes dilate and smiled. "Don't worry. I took my time and got to know him. He took a really long time to die. I wonder how long your new one will take to die. He applauded himself after his statement, "I've been waiting so long to tell you that!"

The mix of emotions Risa was feeling would have been overwhelming if she hadn't felt almost numb from weakness and pain. Still, the anger must have been visible in his eyes because he clicked his tongue.

"There it is. Do you hate me now, Risa?" He shook his head, pacing for a moment before turning to her and exploding on a random tirade, “I’m the soldier, right!? So I should put my life on the line while you sneak away with a low-life demi-human. That’s why you were so thankful I’m back right? So I can take the heat for you as always!? Come save you!?” His voice was loud and filled with fury, yet he was still smiling. Crazed, intermittent laughs would uncontrollably interrupt him as he spoke. The fury melted away as soon as it came and he looked down at her, clearly disappointed she wasn't given much audible reaction now.

Risa had been on and off struggling to get up and fly while he was rambling like a mad man. He frowned and kicked her again.

"I'm bored, but I don't want to kill you yet. Too many fun games for us to play."Helio thoughtfully glanced at the grave again and gasped, "Let’s dig up his corpse, and maybe you can watch the worms crawl through his skeleton, eating away any last bits of flesh they can find.”

Risa could not believe what she was hearing. She could only stare as he raised his arms toward the ground in front of the grave. Dark energy began to blast from his hands just as she had seen dark elves do into the dirt, splattering it all over the place. She had to shut her eyes and shield her face with her arm.

After feeling another kick to her back, she suddenly felt the terrifying feeling of falling, her heart lurching. Risa tried to fly upward, only to fail and crash down into the hardwood of the casket. She tried to scramble upward but Helio flew downward and stepped on her head to keep her down as if she was nothing more than a bug. He picked her up roughly by her hair and opened the casket, flying up in the air, causing her to scream. He thrust her into the casket which sent aching through her body enough to make her moan. He punched a hole in the lid of it before closing her in. The force of the punch through the wood had not been kind and wood had chipped into her cheeks.

“There. You won’t suffocate now. Aren’t I thoughtful?” He grinned at her and tilted his head as thick vines began to slither out from the dirt and over the closed casket.

She pushed up at the lid, but it would not budge. Risa could feel the hard bones beneath her, but she was trying not to turn her head and look at them. This all felt like the worst nightmare she could have had, but the vivid pain she felt reminded her that this was all too real. The hole was around where her face was, so she could see Helio standing over the hole, smiling at his work.

“I would stick around but I got things to do. Kingdoms to take over. Humans to kill.” He winked at her as if this was all light-hearted fun, and then he was gone as quickly as he came.

Risa felt hollow inside. There was no getting out of this situation. Healing herself would drain herself of any magic she could use to free herself and trying to use chlorokinesis was already not a strong suit when she was in good health. It would have been more characteristic of her to be hopeful and think of the others she had to warn about him and of the kingdom, but the way everything had happened so fast had put her in an emotional state she hadn't dreamt to be possible.

Location:Operation Humanity HQ

Angel stared at Sean once in the truck, as if she thought she had hallucinated his words. "Wait... What? Really?"She leaned back in the seat thoughtfully. Not only was it weird that seemingly straight-edge Sean was down for something like this, but Remy's location was also so up in the air. It wasn't like Angel had been thinking this through for all this time and she totally hadn't planned to recklessly go out looking for her later tonight. Totally not at all.

Familiar music became more audible in the background of her thoughts until it distracted her enough to glance at the radio. She smirked to herself. It really was a trash song. She couldn't believe the lengths she'd go to drown out her own thoughts at times. Still, she was charmed he remembered, and seemed to be trying to get on her good side.

She addressed him again finally, "I'm guessing we don't have much to go off of, but we sure as hell owe her a shot."
Before he could reply, she added, "I've narrowed down it's nowhere good. It takes Trotter probably a minute to pull up our locations on the map. If he didn't tell us immediately, it's because he doesn't want us to know."
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:River Kingdom

"Just heal yourself, Risa! Come on. I'm right here! You're gonna be okay."Helio was gently shaking her shoulders as she struggled to remain conscious. Her brain was slow and it felt like her consciousness was slipping. Though she heard his words, it was difficult to muster the energy enough to register them. She could barely feel Helio's hands shaking hers and pressing them to her wound.

"Kyran's counting on you! I'm counting on you! Heal it, please, Risa!"

That statement managed to relight the fire in Risa enough to focus her energy into her trembling hands. She could feel the familiar sensation of her vibrating hands as mass amounts of magic emitted from them and began to soothe her pain. Her senses slowly began to come back in to focus.

Her fear remained as a thought raced into her mind. Who attacked me?

Her brother's face was looming over her. This was the first time she was able to get a good look and that was all it took to realize how horrible a mistake she had made. The passionate violet eyes she remembered were lifeless and drowning in black pools. A terrible, frightening grin stretched from ear-to-ear across his face. There was nothing warm or loving; this was the smile of a malevolent being taking pure pleasure of her pain.

“Demon…” She managed weakly.
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