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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@princess Question. I'm leaning towards making a human but wanted to ask if there could be a possibility that dwarves exist in Avalia?

@princess Thank you for the offer but I'm currently unable to access Discord as my current device prevents it from loading properly.

I think it may be difficult then since all of us are on discord, and we primarily communicate there. My CoGM and I are reluctant with that. No dwarves in Avalia sorry, since we plan to have them used in our sequel specifically. This is wiki if u wanna check out extra info: avalia.fandom.com/wiki/Avalia_Wiki
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
It's always a depressing thing to see you can't join in on something you really like. Just depressing.

Hey! We lost a few players so I don't mind letting more in if you send us a good CS. We have a wiki and such. Feel free to join the discord if you have questions.


Location:Road from Operation Humanity HQ

Angel glanced over at Sean, "He wasn't alone. His buddy ran for the hills."She told him, speaking louder for him to hear her. She followed his point to the vampire in his grasp and felt her stomach lurch. A flash of a vampire moving past her cell bars came into mind, human screaming in hand. She shook it off. "No. He's not much into sharing. You learn anything?"

She hoped they'd find something out about Remy soon before Trotter noticed they were out. Suddenly, she laughed. It had taken her a moment to catch onto the arms joke. The vampire, under her foot, had gotten the joke immediately and had started tearing up in reaction.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:Some ways from River Kingdom, at Jetta's grave site, where Artemis fought four dark elves

"Oh mischief indeed, pretty bird."Helio spun on his heels to look at Azriel. He watched her move to nudge the body with her foot. "Yes. They were very stupid and died, just as elves do."He said boredly, "Not my art-work of course, but I suppose it is my handywork that I took her limbs. I see no point in waste. Got three more to find on my merry scavenger hunt but I have a hunch where the rest of them are." He made a dramatic gesture toward the river.

Her following words intrigued him and he moved up to her to lean over her, and trace his finger up her neck to her chin, "Companions like you?" He whispered gently and huskily in her ear. "But the question becomes... Are you mine..."Helio retracted his head to give her space back to her, brushing a strand of hair out of her face as he did, "Or my sister's?"

Helio let the words sink in and he playfully smiled at her, "It was very funny watching you help her. I couldn't think of a reason why you would do that other than to spite Umber unless you've gone soft... Now that would be a tragedy. The good-girl lifestyle just wouldn't suit you much."He told her and then added with a small sigh, "Nonetheless, I plan to rat you out to Umber whether that's what you want or not. Nothing against you, but I just can't resist my temptations."

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Near the coast
Interactions: @13org@Helo@Potter@Eviledd1984

Malachi listened to Valok and thought about his words. After his pause, he smiled and offered him a hand, “Here’s hoping this path we take makes a better world for both your kind and for mine.” He was sure this man probably didn't see what the rebellion had in it for him. He wasn't sure if he had heard Risa's words, but she seemed more intent on giving them a chance. That was all that she and whoever else was thrown into the new governing system could figure out. "The young fairy girl had spoke of the dark elves living along with everyone else. No longer outcasted. I can't promise that myself, but maybe the rebellion she leads can."

Truth be told, there was a sense of cruelness to it all. The fairy girl was quite young and shouldering the blame for the elves' sin. It was not her rebellion at all, but the light elves who had begun it, yet she had been forced as the figurehead. It was too late to take it back anyhow.

Malachi turned to Mathis and Myra, "Word got around at the ball for rebels to meet at the closest port town. Even if they were not told, if they were kicked out of Roshmi just as everyone else, then they might have fled there. I shall lead you there If we do not find them there, perhaps a carriage ride to River Kingdom would be the next place to look."

He began walking, waving them a bit into the trees. He didn't want them out in the open of the beach where they could be spotted too fast.

"My name is Malachi."He said to them so that if any had more questions they could address him. He surely had his own questions, but he decided a break of sorts was in order.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time:Morning --> Afternoon
Location:Roshmi Sewer --> Wilderness

Clara had spent more time than she had liked to in the sewer. The stench had her holding her nose and grimacing. Still, she kept happy thoughts and tried her best to go the way toward the exterior of the city. She was walking for a good hour or so, so she used the time to try to process losing her elf companions. It was terrible they had died protecting her and escorting her. They had given and done so much for her. It was hard to comprehend that it all really happened. She couldn't even retrieve their body and bring them to their families. On top of that, she didn't even know who their families were!

She swore to herself at that moment that not only would she make them a nice grave someday in their home village, Sun Elf Village, but she'd also not give up on their fight. It was important that not only she survived, but she kept fighting for the cause they died for.

Proud of herself, she grinned to herself, only to be interrupted by voices and all sorts of noises. She moved around the bend of the sewer to peer down it. There was a lovely exit right down the hallway, but there was also a bunch of strange folks and some weird mist stuff going on. Clara scratched her head, intrigued but wary of getting in unnecessary danger. However, Will Smith came in handy in that moment, his words echoing in her mind.

Seemed like four of them had a handle on the fight and had it taken care of, but they'd also probably kick her booty too if they weren't good guys. Thus, she turned and retreated to find another way. It took a little longer, but Clara found another exit. She moved the lid out of her way with her ability, then jumped up and climbed out into the grass. The sounds of horses neighing and the smell of hay reached her nose. She lifted her head. There was a long, wide, and sandy road in front of her, flanked by woodland on both sides. She tilted her head over her shoulder to see the Roshmi City border walls, along with its big gates which opened up to the road. There was a small stable off to the side with all types of mounted creatures, but mostly horses. A sign read: Sturdy Stables.

She jumped to her feet and exclaimed, "I am victorious!"

Guards that she had not quite noticed right away stirred from their posts. They were in heavy armor and it was clear they were dark elves. A good handful of them moved toward her immediately after a slight pause. She supposed they wanted her alive since they hadn't taken out weapons or tried to throw magical balls at her.

Clara felt adrenaline shoot through her and she smiled big and wide, running immediately for one of the horses. She had never ridden a horse before but she figured now was a good time to try it out. She clumsily got onto it and gave it a little kick while yanking at the reigns. It neighed and started galloping her down the road... right towards an army of armed skeletons. The color drained from her face. There were hundreds of them and they were moving ever so slowly and eerily toward her while the dark elves shouted from behind her. She figured they'd probably get on horses too.

Her gaze shifted and locked on a break in the trees. She yanked on the reigns, struggling to get it to change direction for a moment.

"If you stop now, we won't have to kill you!"A dark elf was calling up to her.

"Oh but to die will be an awfully big adventure!" She called back with a giggle. Of course, dark elves hadn't read or seen Peter Pan so she was sure they'd think she was badass. Once she was getting a good lead, she made sure to yell as well, "Hasta la vista, baby!"

Miraculously, Clara was able to keep a good lead on them as the horse galloped over bushes and rocks through the woods. For a while, it went well. She spent another hour or two just putting distance between her and her pursuers. Her heart was pumping. Getting chased was truly as exciting as it seemed in the movies. Clara had no idea how long they'd try looking for her before returning to her posts and sending others. She needed to get as far as possible.

The horse started to slow suddenly. She tilted her head to look at the horse's face and petted his mane. "What's wrong? Want something to eat?"She frowned and glanced around.

Then she saw the spiders. They were bigger than she had ever seen before and they were glowing as they scuttled through the woods.
She stared in shock for only a second before a loud voice yelled.

"Little girl!"A big orc jumped out from Clara's side, making her scream. The horse neighed in panic and bucked upward. Clara cried out as she fell backward. To her surprise, large hands caught her from behind and set her on her feet. She blinked as she watched the horse gallop away from the two of them.

"Wait! Come back!" Clara yelled and moved forward for a few steps then sighed. She knew it'd be fruitless.

"GO! Gorgon is running and you RUN TOO!" The orc patted her back to push her forward then took off in another direction. She stumbled forward then started running as well. Clara soon regretted not befriending the big guy. He could have possibly been a real help and he had seemed like he was a good orc despite looking so scary.

She found herself moving through the woods on her lonesome, calling out for the horse for a short while before giving up on that. It was probably a bad idea to bring attention to herself. She had already run into a skeleton horde, giant spiders, and an orc. "Okay... Clara you got this..." She said to herself, moving into a small break in the woodland to lean on a tree stump. She pulled her backpack off and began to assess her supplies. The elves had equipped her with a map, some food, a knife, some rope, and a blanket.

Clara unrolled the map and began to try to figure out where she was when she overheard a voice.

"What a pity, I found nothing of interest over yonder..."

She raised a brow and narrowed her eyes, trying to peer through the trees in front of her. She nearly gasped, biting her tongue in order not to do so.


There were about three of them and an elf. She had seen them at the ball but to see some so close was so interesting. Two of them were absolutely enchanting with their white hair and dreamy, beautiful features. One of them was kind of odd-looking, but interesting all the same. He looked more like a moth than a fairy. Maybe he wasn't one. She shrugged it off. The elf girl dressed and looked more like a light elven woman. From what the other elves told her, most light elves didn't like Aklenroth and would be friendly to other elves. She flicked her own ear, wondering if it was even passable, or if she'd be obviously a human.

Will Smith's advice rang in her head again. She bit her lip and took another attempt at trying to figure out where she was on the map. Apparently, there were little roads and settlements all over the place, but only the important ones were marked. Clara didn't like the arrangement at all. She supposed she could try detailing her map as she went to make a better one. If only she had a compass. This map was useless to her without one.

Clara decided to just try her luck asking for directions. After all, she was curious about what fairies were really like. She knew they'd be nothing like Tinkerbell, but nonetheless, she was excited. She brushed the dirt off her clothes and glanced down at herself. Pants didn't seem super common on the women here, though she saw some wearing them. She pulled her cape around her and ran her fingers through her long hair to tidy it up. No way was she making a bad impression on fairies. Slowly, she moved through the trees and held her hands up to show she was unarmed.

"Greetings. " She assumed they spoke English as well since the moth wings guy had spoken it. The elves she had met had seemed kind of up-tight and haughty. Clara put her arms down and folded her hands neatly in front of her waist. "I require assistance knowing which way the coast is. I am interested in completing some trades in the port town ... yonder... However, I seem to be lost. Anyone know where we are currently located on this map?" Clara held up the map and tapped it.

I am very interested in this, working on my CS now. I'm out of practice, so it may take a few days.
Do we get to choose if we get experimented on or are we assigned that?

Please halt. It has been cancelled.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location:Some ways from River Kingdom, at Jetta's grave site, where Artemis fought four dark elves

Helio smiled down at the girl with her throat ripped out, deep in thought for some time. The crickets chirped and the area was ironically very peacefully, though long ago he was sure something quite loud had been happening. He knelt down to pet her head twice and then took out his cleaver, humming to himself as he got to work chopping her arms off. He liked to go a few inches away from the elbow, not taking the whole forearm but a majority of it, though sometimes he changed that up. He made a sound of delight as his eyes traveled to her stomach wound. "Oh poor Jetta. Left alone with an empty stomach. No one brought you dinner?" He whispered. After some time, the sound of someone clearing their throat caused Helio to jump to his feet and wave Jetta's arm. "Ah, Vervac! Pleasant weather we're having!"

The dark elf in his cloak stared. He was accompanied by two others. Helio figured they'd come looking for him as he hadn't reported back on time. "Y-Yes. Helio. With all due respect, Jetta was our comrade. You shouldn't just-"

Helio's laugh interrupted him, "Yes yes! Dear ol Jetta! And her lovely sister Harmony. It would be disgraceful if I didn't fetch her arms too. They liked to stay together often, didn't they?"

"Well that's not what I was going to say-"

"Oh and the other two knuckleheads. I won't forget them. I'm on the hunt."Helio moved over and pulled Vervac's arm's open with one hand, the pair of arms in the other as blood poured onto the grass below them from their stems. He shoved the arms into his grasp. "Bring this to my collection, won't you?"

A female elf made a sound of disgust, retorting, "Why must you uselessly waste time cutting off arms? Why?"

Helio giddily didn't hesitate to answer that, exclaiming, "Well you never know when they might come in handy!"He proceeded to clap in their faces."Well. Chop, chop, fellas. Can't you see I got my work cut out for me? I'll be back before midnight."

The dark elves looked very unhappy and reluctant to listen to him, but they did, turning and departing from the area.

Helio tilted his head and grinned once they were gone. "Don't be shy, gorgeous. You can come out now."


Angel was rounding a large pile of garbage when she heard Sean call out. She leaned back on one heel, glancing over to watch Sean shoot a back. She held back a laugh when rats poured out of it. "No, Sean. Nothing as exciting as what you found." She bounced back to her usual footing and then began moving towards the other side of the dump to search, figuring he had the other side covered. She paused when she noticed a duo of well-dressed men coming toward her. Gunshots dimly rang from the other side of the dump, making them both glance in the direction a moment.

She whipped out two swords that had been sheathed on each side of her pant-legs and went forward toward one of them. He looked shocked, but then he charged right back at her. She made a mental note that the other guy had suddenly turned and ran the other way, but continued her assault on her first target. He seemed sure she was going to slice at his chest, leaving the area open as he pounced at her, so she ducked under and slit his ankles, causing him to tumble a bit, hissing.

Swiftly turning around, she sprinted away to give herself some more room then came back at the guy and sliced his arms as he tried to get his footing. He screamed in pain and she kicked his back to the ground and held him there. His arms had come clean off and were lying just a bit away from him on each side in the dirt. Thank God for OH weaponry.

He moved his head to the side and asked, "How are you so fast?"

They were usually caught off guard by her running. The amateur ones like these ones at least. It made it all too easy.

But she had never seen one so quick to run from the battle. She frowned and glanced down at the vampire, "You don't look like you're in the position to ask questions." She planted each of her swords into his shoulder blades, causing him to cry out in pain. "Where's your buddy going?" Though she wanted to chase, she knew she couldn't go too far from Sean in case.

As the vampire neglected to answer as fast as she wanted, she started to twist the swords. She yawned as he started to cry in pain. "I can do this all day, ugly."

"Give me back my arms."

"Nah. Sean! You done over there?"She called over to him, figuring he was long finished.

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Near the coast
Interactions: @13org@Helo@Potter@Eviledd1984

The dark elf stiffened. Myra looked confused. Mathis perhaps thoughtful if anything.

Malachi had analyzed each of their reactions swiftly as their body language and emotional reactions had been the most important part of his game. However, none of their reactions revealed his companions to be obvious enemies. An amateur would not have been able to hide their nervous reaction. If any of them was to be his enemy, then they were not certainly an amateur, either having guessed this question to come up at some point or they were not someone so easily shaken. However, what slight reactions Malachi did catch on to did give clues for him to consider.

The stiffened elf spoke first, stating he did not know, which wasn't an answer Malachi expected, however, he had a hunch there was genuine sincerity to it. Malachi noted Myra's slight negative reaction as the dark elf continued to speak. The word Aklenroth had created visible discomfort for the creature, who had acted in a rather simple, animalistic manner up to this point. He wasn't sure if she was capable of deception to any complex level.

Malachi nodded to the elf in reply to his full statement. He was taking it in and dissecting it mentally, deciding on the best course of action whilst allowing the others to speak.

Next to reply was Myra whose reply made the corners of his lips slightly twitch, but he held his composure. There was a lot to question about it, considering he had no idea of the names she was bringing up. This was something he'd have better luck questioning Mathis about at some point. However, there was something pure and innocent about the creature that made him picture in his mind his little boy pointing and smiling at him. His gaze faltered for only a moment.

Meanwhile, Mathis's answer was more difficult for Malachi. It sounded good on paper but less directly answered than the others, which could mean nothing, or it could mean everything. Myra calling Mathis a friend was helpful to some extent.

He was silent then he glanced between the three. "My allegiance is with those against Aklenroth. His attack a century ago caused me to lose everyone I loved. Since then, I've seen both dark elves and demons free to lash out at all types of creatures of Avalia. It would be a dishonor to my family not to do what's necessary for a safer and better world."

Malachi finally turned toward the dark elf, "Your people were exiled because they were thought to be twisted and cruel as you say, however untrue it was at the time. So given the opportunity to get revenge, that is exactly what they became. I believe you when you say that's not what you want to be, but for you to achieve that, you will have to challenge everything you've ever been told and see the other perspective. If you are ready for that, we may be able to help you find your new path."

He waved his hand toward the beach, addressing everyone, "If you wish to stay uninvolved, then traveling along this coast will provide you safe travel away from the forest's creatures. However, if you wish to travel with Belladonna and me, then for our safety, we wish to travel with those similar in motive: to invoke change for the better."
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