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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Hi there! Accepted and loved :)

Please add these stats to your sheet and post to the character tab.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Accepted. The stats are also fine to add to sheet. Please add to the character tab.
The Blacksmith and the Bookworm

Location: The Edin Theater



There had been a lot of murmurs in the theater as people were quite unhappy about all the noise in the front. Luckily before any formal complaints could be made, the next act began.

The curtains reopened, revealing a new scene in the opulent ballroom of the castle. The set is adorned with sparkling chandeliers and fine tapestries, and the actors, Adam and Raven, stand in the middle of the ballroom, still in shock from Raven's father's unexpected arrival.

Raven's father, the Count, paces back and forth, waving his sword dramatically in the air, while Raven tries to calm him down.

“Father, please!" Raven cried, her eyes filled with tears. "You don't understand! Adam is a lord, and we love each other!"

The Count swings his sword with a flourish, narrowly missing Adam's nose. "Love? Nonsense! My daughter will marry a prince, not some common blacksmith!"

Raven's desperation grew. "But Father, Adam is a lord, and he makes me happy! I won't give up on our love just because he's not a prince!"

The Count laughed, his mustache quivering with amusement. "Happiness? Ridiculous! A prince will provide you with wealth and status, my dear, not some lowly lordling with a forge and a sword fetish!"

Adam looked furious at that point. He unsheathed a sword of his own. "I challenge you to a battle! And if I win, I can marry your daughter."

The count snorted extremely loud at this. "HA! You think you can defeat me?" He pointed his sword at Adam.

Raven gasped and took a step back. Adam held up a hand suddenly. "Wait." He suddenly ran off the scene. The count mistook this as a surrender and began to laugh maniacally.

But then Adam returned, making the count's laughter stop short. He was now head to toe in a makeshift suit of armor out of pots and pans that he found around the kitchen. He donned the ridiculous armor and charged at the Count with a ladle in hand, ready to defend his love for Raven.

The count somersaulted and then cartwheeled, narrowly avoiding the swinging ladle of Adam. He suddenly loops his leg in the way and trips Adam, who was slow to recover and stand up.

Raven, not to be outdone, pulled out a hidden arsenal of quirky weapons from her skirt, including a feather duster, a rolling pin, and a rubber chicken. She started throwing each item at her father to keep him from attacking Adam as he got to his feet.

The Count grunted dramatically as if each item that hit him had hurt him immensely, especially the rubber chicken as it squeaked through the theater. Roman was back on his feet now and charging at him again, swinging the ladle around chaotically. The crowd of the theater started to roar with laughter as a man on a unicycle with a thick mustache rode out from behind the curtain. He started cycling around the battle, juggling stuffed animal ferrets. This man looked a lot like Duke Lorenzo.

As the fight continued, books keep falling out of Raven's skirt with each twist and turn, creating a comical scene of books flying everywhere and characters tripping over them. The man on the unicycle, however, was fantastic at avoiding them.

In the midst of the chaos, Adam declared dramatically,"Raven, you're my library! Your love has filled my heart with words and stories, and I want to write a new chapter of our story together!"

Raven, giggling and wielding a rolling pin, responded with equal fervor, "And you, Adam, are my knight in shining armor! Let's write our own fairy tale, one filled with love, laughter, and a touch of absurdity!"

While the two had been confessing their love, the count had dove at the man on the unicycle and launched him to the floor. The man remained on the floor in a heap of ferrets.

Then, the count clumsily got onto the unicycle. The Count was now perched on a unicycle. It was from this higher place in the world that he realized he was no match for the determined duo. He conceded defeat, dropping his sword in surrender. "I really want to ride this unicycle right now." He admitted softly to the crowd.

"...Fine, fine!" the Count suddenly exclaimed, catching his breath. "I see now that true love knows no boundaries, not even those of class or royalty. Adam, you have my blessing to marry Raven, but you better keep her stocked with books for a lifetime!"

Just then, a band of musicians started playing a lively waltz from the side of the room, and couples emerged in ballgowns from the curtains; they began to dance around the trio. Raven and Adam locked eyes, and without a second thought, they joined the dance, spinning and twirling to the music.

The Count watched in dismay as the couple dances away. He subsequently rode off the stage on the unicycle, leaving Adam and Raven to revel in their love. A book or two fell out occasionally from Raven's skirt as the curtains gradually closed.

"That's the end!"

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Hmm, I've been eyeing this since last time. Can I join in the fun this time around?

Of course :)
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Helo Accepted. Please add to the character tab along with the below:

Ariella, Anastasia, Farim & Callum

Part 5

Location: Prince Callum’s Tavern
Time: 3pm

Callum stared back at Ana, several seconds just caught in disbelief at what she’d said. Had she really just… She was really going to accuse him of betraying Marek? He felt the whiskey burning in his stomach, catching and spreading through his veins. A different kind of burn, not the sort that melted away all his problems but one that this problem into sharp focus.

“No Ana, I spent this morning bargaining with Wulfric and hoping our fuck up last night didn’t lead to a man's death. I certainly haven’t sent him after someone else. So what’s Wulfy offering for betrayal these days? I kinda think you must know.” His full attention was only on Ana, and while he spoke in a quiet voice none of the whiskey’s heat made it into his tone, his temper had always been cold and harsh.

Ariella stood on the sideline watching the interaction unfold. She understood more now why Callum didn’t want to express much when it came to this conversation. Her eyes widened slightly as his tone seemed to drop after her question. Slowly reaching out, she wrapped her fingers around Anas glass slowly taking it from her fingers and holding it in her own. She didn’t need alcohol flying around the bar, seemed like such a waste.

If the sudden shift in atmosphere didn’t sober up Farim, the sharp accusing tone from Callum sure did. All his bubbliness and goofy attitude came to a grinding halt as he watched them both begin what he could only assume would be some sort of sibling feud. The Princess had been rather bold, somewhat accusing and somewhat asking Callum if he had told but he knew that someone would be on the defensive if put in the spotlight like that. He walked to the two and coughed awkwardly as if to break the pregnant pause that had taken place after the exchange of words.

”Firstly, I’m flattered that you think I have a better shot than any of my cousins at being Sultan. Secondly, what is all this? You are both 2 drinks deep in a public setting. This is not the place nor the time. I am not meaning to intrude on your family affairs but surely this could wait until the night or tomorrow morning?” Surely this isn’t about last night? He thought back to how Anastasia had deflected the wrath of multiple royal parents, but inevitably the one stable boy had been sent away…D..Darryn? He thought again, but realized putting the pieces together while slightly inebriated would take some more time and work, so he left it at that for now.

Ariella stood there confused, looking between the three parties. She had no clue as to what any of them were speaking on and instead just slowly raised Anas glass to her lips and took a sip. Her eyes darted around the bar to see if anyone was paying attention but most if not all the patrons were still talking away minding their own. Perhaps she should venture out of her little hiding place more often, certainly a lot more entertainment in here then out there.

Anastasia's brows furrowed as her lips pressed into a thin line. She was more than buzzkilled; she was starting to feel quite angry. Her emotions threatened to overwhelm her as the negative emotions, the ones she had been running from, finally made their return. Her eyes had flickered to Farim briefly; he had brought up quite a valid point, but it was too late to back down now.

Her gaze fell back on Callum. "Are you serious right now? " She asked incredulously. Anastasia was well aware she had asked if he had snitched, but she would have taken his word for it if he had said he had not. It had been more of a blurt on her part. "I’d never betray my friends. If you want proof, then you can ask Wystan and Zarai because I spent all day with them since this morning.

"...You were there when you watched me refuse to give up his name…Why would I put myself through all that just to give him up? What could Wulfric and our mother really offer me to get me to send our friend to their death? You know me, and you know the answer's nothing."

"And you know what, Callum?" Her voice rose. "Because I fucking trust you, I trust your answer. I'm not gonna stand here and accuse you of doing something like that again. I am sorry I asked. I shouldn’t have. But you should also be sorry for even considering that I'd do something like that…There must be someone else who spilled the beans. "

“Yeah, watched you put on quite the show. I even believed it for a bit. But who else knew?” Callum shook his head and really all he could think about was how godsdamn proud Wulfric looked when he’d said Marek’s name. It had to be Ana, no one else from last night knew, could even remember, Cal was sure of that. So she was lying to him and that made sense because that was all his family ever did. “I think I’ve finally started to realize I can’t trust anyone in our family.”

Cal turned his attention to Farim and shrugged. “Just a simple family discussion. Or is your family the only one allowed to have public spats? He asked, but even as he was saying it he knew he shouldn’t. This definitely wasn’t being hospitable to their guests and he didn’t even dislike Farim. “Sorry to ruin your afternoon. But I don’t think this can wait until later.” He tried to sound sincere but instead, he only sounded annoyed. So he turned his attention back to Ana.

“Someone has to send a warning and it can’t be me. I don’t care if you want to admit it, just try and fix this.”

“You care enough to bring it up… Yet you want someone else to send the warning for you and don’t care enough to do it yourself. Right.” Anastasia had commented under her breath with an eye-roll.

Farim felt his brow furrow for a moment as the man only responded in annoyance to his attempt at de-escalation. Fine then…have it your way. He felt himself grow slightly more animated, perhaps in part due to the alcohol as he looked at the man with a slightly stern look. “That…was at least behind closed doors. You are berating your sister in front of a few dozen people. And as I’m sure you saw by my FABULOUS blunder this morning I tried to absolve things there, too.” He turned towards Anastasia to deliver the next part, often oscillating his gaze between the two of them.

”Whatever this disagreement is, it isn’t worth getting mad at each other. If your entire family is not worth trusting, then perhaps you both can salvage the one good relationship you still have.” He knew that getting angry wouldn’t be the best idea but he felt himself growing exasperated at their growing annoyance towards each other and likely him as well. He chose to ignore the part about a warning for now, thinking that it held more significance to both of them rather than him. ”Instead of pointing fingers, perhaps, Anastasia suggested, we look into the possibility of someone else finding this name of yours or whatever this is all about.” He took a half pace backward to create some space and hopefully put some ease in the air between the drunken group of nobles.

Ariella looked at the three people, feeling the tempers rising as words began to fly around. She placed the drinks down on the table and readied herself. She pursed her lips as she waited for the right time to step in and say something. Just as she was about to Farim interjected as expected to Callum's comment so she stood back again keeping her comments to herself. Once things seemed to be aired out finally she stepped forward.

“Listen, I don't normally involve myself in other people's business, however, I think a non biased outside opinion might be beneficial.” She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Thankfully with all the drinks she had, it gave her the courage to speak up, unsure if it was going to do more harm than good.

“ Clearly there is some information that was not supposed to be shared. It is also very apparent that you’re family.” She said gesturing to Ana and Callum, “ Have a lot of ..” She paused trying to choose her words.

“...Personal growth to go through, but let's not forget that your family holds a lot of power…power that people have been known to kill each other over. '' She bit her lip nervously trying to read the room but decided to continue, “ I know Ana, good and bad, and she would never betray even a mouse. She certainly would never betray her family, especially you Callum. A person who drones on about how much she loves a person does not simply turn their back on them. No matter the reason. “ She paused.

“That being said, and that notion aside, power makes monsters of people..titles..money..thrones. If you two were not the ones to share this important information, it is not in the realm of impossibility that someone could be using this as a way to pull your family apart even further so they can find their way in. Has any of that occurred to either of you? “ She paused for a moment before continuing

“ Information is deadlier than a blade, and to me it looks like if that is indeed their plan then it's working. You two should be working together, not against. You don’t need to trust people simply because they are family but out of anyone that I’ve met you two were always the more bonded. “ She looked over at Ana, “We’ve known each other since we were children, yet Callum you only spoke with me today. “ She paused for a moment, realizing just how sad that statement was.

Her tone lowered slightly. “I’ve been around…” She paused to take another breath. “I’ve just been quietly existing in the shadows…not for reasons important to this but who is to say there aren’t others?” Ariella shrugged her shoulders, her arms crossing against her chest. “Until you both have physical proof , some kind of hard evidence, put your differences aside and come together to find the truth. You will both be stronger as a unit, you can find the truth, present the evidence to who is questioning the validity of the information and protect your friend. At the end of the day, that just seems to be the common goal you both share. Once that information has been found, and you have actual evidence not just words or whispers then you should revisit this conversation. “ Taking a long deep breath she let out a drawn-out sigh waiting for her scolding from one of them. “..Okay I’m done.” she said softly taking a step back again.

“I wouldn’t call what you said this morning a blunder. I appreciated that you spoke up. A lot of people said nothing, you tried.” Callum tried to force himself to relax as he spoke to Farim, he didn’t want to redirect all that anger onto him or Ari.

“If Ana would never betray a mouse then I guess she values rodents over people. Ari, I don’t know if you heard but last night Ana and I both risked a man's life so that we could get fucked up on whatever was available. Because that is the kind of people we are.” He said it like it was a joke, smiled like it was funny. And maybe it was, in an ironic way because for all the time he spent whining about how awful everyone was, he was just as bad. “Even after all that, here we both are trying to drink ourselves to oblivion.” He laughed a bit at that before drinking his second glass all at once. He set down the glass on the table.

The argument didn’t really matter. Ana wasn’t going to admit to anything and these were her friends; they were loyal, they trusted her, and of course, they would be on her side. Cal knew he couldn’t fault them for that. But it wasn’t about winning an argument, all he had to do, all he wanted out of this, was for Ana to agree to warn Marek. Because he couldn’t and she was the only other person he knew who could warn Marek. “You’re both right. No more arguing. Just that one favor, yeah, and I’ll leave you alone.” Cal offered, looking back at his sister.

Anastasia was silent as everyone spoke. She had been initially fuming, but as Farim and Ariella had spoken, she had time to gradually calm down. It had also been enough time for her to tear herself apart internally and retreat into the clutches of her mind, which was perhaps almost as horrible a place as the current conversation. Knowing Callum no longer trusted her and probably no longer even liked her was hard to bear. Like with Darryn, she had thought they’d always be friends.

Why Callum seemed hellbent on blaming her was beyond her, but she supposed maybe it was for the best. Maybe she really wasn’t a good person to be around. After all, now she was just embarrassing poor Farim and Ariella. She was responsible for what had happened last night, what happened to Darryn, and maybe she was responsible for Marek’s name being found out somehow. It made sense in the story.

Her eyes were glossy with tears and she hadn’t commented until there was a long pause. She finally looked up, rubbing her forearm. “I already planned on talking to him tonight. I’ll let him know… I’m really sorry Callum. I know it’s easier to mistrust than to trust. I get how you’re feeling… So I’ll make it easy for you.“ She met his gaze intently. “I told Wulfric, but he didn’t offer me anything or try to manipulate me into telling him. I just told him.” Her voice was somber. “So… I’ll fix it and make it right like you want.” She then looked toward the other two. “I think I’m gonna leave for now…I’m sorry about this all. I kinda lost my cool and I’m not feeling so good.”

Farim took everything in. Many valid points were being made, but also there was a fair amount of missing information on his end.This entire story seemed relevant to him but he didn’t have the ability to provide much more than a reassuring word to his now distraught friend. He saw everyone’s emotions bubbling up and with his buzz slowly fading, he began to see more of a reason to keep things civil despite his initial stern outlook. He began his response with a nod. ”Ariella, you are very wise. I think what you say is just about spot on, and that much being said is very emotionally charged.” He would say there was no evidence against Anastasia except for the fact that she outed herself right there, but Farim found it confusing. She even initially said "If you want proof, then you can ask Wystan and Zarai because I spent all day with them since this morning. . So why pivot your response? He shelved the idea for now, and instead placed a hand on both Callum and Anastasia’s shoulder. He first looked at Callum.

”I appreciate your compliment about this morning. But I do know that sometimes saying nothing and saying the right thing can mean a world’s difference. I will not pretend like I know your struggles, but you do not strike me as a cruel man nor one worth the wrath of a family. No one really deserves such things.” He then turned his head towards the Princess. ”La bas, Annie you do not need to fret. I am not the least bit uncomfortable. You should see my family dinners at home, they are far more dysfunctional. Nothing was ruined, you introduced me to some lovely sights and even lovelier people.” He turned to look more toward Callum and Ariella. ”Whom I would love to get to know more personally as these days move on, if either of you would have me.” His tone was serious and genuine, not flirtatious or cocky like he normally spoke.

”But if you wish to leave, would you at least like some company home? I am needing to head that way anyway to prepare for dinner, and perhaps some cool air will clear the mind, no?”

“No, thank you though... I have my guards so don’t worry about me.” Anastasia said softly without meeting his eyes. She was rather hasty to leave the scene before the other two could react as she then proceeded to return to her guards. She took a moment to whisper to one of them. When she finally did leave the tavern, it was with only one of the guards. The other guard remained and turned their gaze on Callum.

Ariella let out a soft sigh as she watched Ana walk out of the building. She knew she was lying, Ana would do anything for her brother even admit to something she didn’t do just so he wouldn’t be upset. She could also tell Callum’s passive laughter was nothing more than a facade for his hurt. She knew that one all too well because she also did that. No matter what the truth was in the end, two people were hurt, and the circumstances, in the end, weren’t really important.

The silence was deafening, the ambiance from the Tavern not really matching the events that took place. “Maybe, Farim, you could follow her at a distance. I know she has her guard with her but perhaps just knowing a friend is nearby will help her. “ She offered him a smile “ It was very nice meeting you though, I hope our next meeting is a little less chaotic.”

Ari then turned her attention to Callum she wasn’t sure what kind of mood he was in now but after their conversation earlier maybe he could use a pick-me-up. “ Forgive me if I’m being a bit bold with my suggestion,” Ariella said, “ You mentioned earlier before everything took place that you would be interested in my offer from earlier and I happen to know that walking barefooted in a ravine is a great medicine for many issues.” She looked over towards Farim then back to Callum, “ Farim has his dinner to prepare and I was invited so I will be going to that in a few hours but in the meantime I think that is where Im headed so I’m just extending the invitation.” She gave Callum a smile hoping he would agree to come, she really did believe it could help not just him but her. She was already feeling nervous about attending the dinner.

Callum didn’t respond to Ana and didn’t add anything as she announced she was leaving either. Because he really had been so sure that no one else could’ve been Wulfrics sudden miraculous source of information until she claimed responsibility. Ana’s confession didn’t sound like the truth. If anything it reminded him of his own desperate and false confession this morning. Was he just being an asshole for no reason? That sounded equally likely as another member of his family lying to him.

Ari drew him from his thoughts, she mentioned the ravine, and he nodded. “Well I am being bold today,” he said. There was a small problem with her plan and that was the intrusive babysitters that hadn’t taken their eyes off Callum all afternoon. Technically he’d only promised Wulfric he’d take the guards with him when he left the palace, it was not his fault if they couldn’t keep up after that. “Of course we can’t take them,” his eyes briefly glanced at the guards. “They’d never agree to remove their boots, breach of uniform, utterly scandalous.” He decided he would think about the Ana situation later, it wasn’t as if they weren’t going to run into each other soon enough. It would be tomorrow’s problem.

Ariella tried to hide her excitement, her arms dropping from her previously crossed stance. “Really!?” She asked shocked that he actually would agree. She hadn’t really followed through with showing anyone her secret place but it came in handy when ever she was having a bad day and it made it so happy she could possibly make anothers day better as well. “Yes, Terribly scandalous.” Ari snickered finding it even funnier as Ana and her would strip down to their undergarments so their dresses wouldn’t get muddy. She wouldn’t tell him that though, this was Prince Callum afterall.

“ I have a carriage out front, I could ask the driver to bring it around to the side where you could slip out the side entrance where the deliveries are brought in. The carriage driver is sworn to privacy , my mother makes sure of that. So the driver can take us close to where we need to go and then its just a bit of a walk from there. I assure you though, it will be worth the trouble.” she smiled. She looked over at Farim, “ Maybe you could talk to guards , ask them about Ana and where she went while I bring the carriage over. It could help keep them more distracted so if anyone asks them hopefully they will only remember you.”

“I like this plan.” Callum said with a genuine smile, it was nice to have others willing to help with mischievous activities for once.

Farim looked on as Anastasia left the tavern. His eyes seemed to linger on the door as it swung shut. He let out a slight sigh and felt himself lost in thought for a moment. Musif. Poor girl. He paid little attention to the conversation until he heard his name. His mood seemed to swap quickly, merely to keep up appearances. He looked towards Ariella with a mischievous grin as an idea formed in his head.

”Oh, habibi, distraction is my middle name. Give me a moment and I’ll bring Thara back from above and give them a little show while you bring the carriage around.” He had another reason to bring his bird back from its cruise among the clouds, but he would conveniently leave out that detail. “I can buy you a few minutes. It has been a pleasure. And do not fret about the circumstances, chaos is just the spice of life….and I simply love some heat in my food.” He laughed softly, giving a bow to the two standing before him and walked out the door. As it swung closed he could be seen chatting up the guards, followed by a sharp whistle. After a few moments the sound of a distinct “CAW” could be heard from outside.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

May I re-use Aurora?

Yes of course! Just be aware the new character sheet has a few differences. :D
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Your character is accepted. @Helo
Please add stats into the bottom of your sheet before putting into the character tab.

Here are the rules for stats. The darkened circles let you know your score.

1 circle = Within magic, you barely understand. Regarding a physical matter, you do very poorly in this avenue.
2 circle = Regarding magic you're a beginner. Regarding physical matters, you're below average.
3 circles = Regarding both physical and magical matters, you're intermediate.
4 circles = Regarding magic, this is advanced magic use. Regarding physical, you are above average in performance.
5 circles = Mastery

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