Avatar of Qia


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2 days ago
Current What a blessing in disguise honestly.
22 days ago
Baby blue toes....na dat boi weird.
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28 days ago
Can't say I relate to that experience.
28 days ago
Not gonna lie. Drop kick has to be one of my favourite words. Top 3. xD
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1 mo ago
The least you can do is pm me the link to this rp. Come on now. =/


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

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<Snipped quote by Qia>

I like it! There's only one thing I need edited prior to fully accepting this sheet; at the start of the RP, this will be the first time Avengers Academy is opening its doors, and thus, the first time anyone will be there. As such, Mia shouldn't have any prior experiences in the Academy yet. This also probably extends to most of her relationships (barring Peter ofc lol)

Fixed :)
Interacts with @Pezz570@Ponn

Orion Emberflare watched the chaotic scene unfold with curiosity and concern. His fiery, ember-like eyes narrowed as he observed Quincy's whimsical dance through the festival. Orion was used to the controlled and precise manipulation of fire, and the unpredictability of Quincy's actions clashed with his disciplined nature.

As Quincy's antics escalated, and the Flittergnats burst forth from the expanded shed, Orion couldn't help but feel a surge of irritation. The elementalists around him grew agitated, their focus shifting from their elemental displays to the unfolding chaos. Orion's fiery temper simmered just beneath the surface, but he knew better than to let it consume him.

He exchanged glances with some of his fellow elementalists, and they shared silent nods of understanding. This was not how they expected the festival to unfold, and it was clear that Quincy's actions were causing unnecessary panic and disruption.

However, as Lunella's soothing spell began to take effect and the Flittergnats calmed down, Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He had been prepared to step in and assist in restoring order, but Lunella's intervention had proven to be highly effective. Her grace and poise in channelling lunar magic were a sight to behold, and he couldn't help but admire her mastery.

Quincy's obliviousness to the situation and his casual interaction with the man suspended from the pole elicited a mixture of amusement and frustration in Orion. Ennui's attempts to redirect Quincy's attention to the young Lunatic were met with a series of comically misinterpreted responses.

When Quincy finally acknowledged Lunella and realized her role in calming the Flittergnats, there was a noticeable shift in his demeanour. The realization that the taint of the Abyssal Convergence still clung to his beloved shed seemed to weigh heavily on him. Orion could sense the disappointment in Quincy's voice as he mentioned the lingering darkness.

Orion approached Quincy and Lunella with a calm and understanding presence. "It seems that the Abyssal Convergence's influence is stubborn," he remarked.
Interested :)

My favourite hero is Spider Man sooooo you know I had to have her had a good relationship with him xD (even if he's not necessarily a part of this).

"Wh-whoa-huh!? You're telling me you guys could afford enchanted equipment? Wow... That's amazing, you all gotta come from wealthy families, huh?"

"Actually, we found these clothes in a dungeon. We're not rich at all. Not in the slightest. In fact, we're pretty penniless right now, right guys?"

Laynea's astonishment left Aria wondering whether their ruse had gone too far, but she maintained her composure and continued to play along with Sayu. "That's right," she added, nodding in agreement. "We're not rich at all. Just a stroke of luck finding these clothes, I guess." She hoped their explanations were convincing enough to keep their ruse intact.

As Laynea mentioned the proximity of Krosana and that it was just a short walk away, Aria felt a glimmer of hope. Being close to a city seemed like a promising turn of events. Before she could express her gratitude, however, a sudden, violent sound startled her. Charlotte had apparently taken matters into her own hands, quite literally, and ended the wounded ratling's life. Aria's gaze shifted to the abrupt act, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort. What a stark contrast this world seemed so far to her usual world of books, astronomy, and academic challenges.

Umm... Did... Did you not intend to harvest its mana gem? It... It already looked dead to me."

Laynea's comment about harvesting the mana gem further added to Aria's unease. It seemed like this world had its own rules and customs, ones that were vastly different from what she was accustomed to. She exchanged a brief, troubled glance with her companions, silently questioning whether they should have considered this aspect before taking action. Would their inexperience in this world would lead to more unintended consequences?

She sincerely hoped not.

As Laynea continued to engage with Cecilia and the others, Aria felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, she was relieved that they had encountered someone seemingly friendly who could potentially guide them to the city. On the other hand, the reality of their predicament was sinking in. They were in a foreign world, surrounded by unfamiliar customs, and had just taken a life. The weight of it all left her feeling overwhelmed, and she quietly hoped that their journey to the city would offer some clarity and answers to the multitude of questions that now swirled in her mind.

"Mana gems…" She placed her hand on her chin. "Hey, guys, how about we give the gems on those ratmen we just killed to her? In exchange for her taking us to the city? If we hadn't destroyed them with our attacks anyway.."

Aria considered Sayu's proposal. It made sense, given that they had unintentionally destroyed the mana gems of the ratmen during the battle. Plus, it might be a fair trade to offer the adventurer in exchange for her guidance to the city. She nodded in agreement and chimed in, "That might be a good idea."

Better than staying out here where they could do more damage anyway.

Haven't forgotten about this :) character still in the works
Ohhh superheroes? Count me in :D
In Ju-V 1 yr ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Interacts with Natsumi (@Kuro)

A few months earlier...


Sophia’s brows knitted together in confusion as she exchanged a puzzled glance with her mother, whose eyes seemed to carry the weight of unspoken worries. Her heart quickened at the expression on her face, and she swallowed hard, attempting to dislodge the knot of unease that had taken root in her throat. Her parents' words had set a storm of questions swirling in her mind, each more bewildering than the last.

"You know how things have been in the world lately, with metahumans and all," her father continued, his tone laced with a subtle anxiety that pricked at Sophia's senses."And with you struggling so much in school...."

Sophia's chest tightened at his words, her unease growing. She wanted to object, to defend her academic performance, but the truth was undeniable. Her grades had been slipping, a reflection of the growing distractions and anxieties in her life. She bit her lip, tasting the bitterness of the obvious lie that slipped past her lips. "I'm not doing that bad," she managed to say, though the quiver in her voice betrayed her true feelings.

"We really wanted to give it another year," her mother began, her voice carrying a wistful tone, "until you graduated, you know." Sophia could see the regret in her mother's eyes, mirroring the heavy sensation that had settled in her own chest.

"But..." Her mother's voice wavered, and she paused, searching for the right words, "With everything that's happened this month…you and that...that girl," her mother continued, her voice trailing off, unable to hide the unease that recent encounters had stirred within her.

Sophia's throat tightened as the gravity of her situation sank in. She turned her gaze away for a moment, struggling to meet her mother's eyes, knowing they held both worry and disappointment. Leaving behind everything she knew—her school, her sanctuary, and her familiar life—felt overwhelming.

"Mom," Sophia finally managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked back at her mother, her eyes pleading. "I can't just leave everything behind like this. What about my…. friends? What about school?" Desperation crept into her voice, impossible to conceal.

Her mother reached out, gently placing a hand on Sophia's shoulder, offering a soft, reassuring squeeze. "I know, sweetheart," she said, tears now freely flowing down her cheeks. "But we're doing this because we love you. Because we want to keep you safe. We just want to protect you, even if it means not being by your side. But…we’ll always be with you. Just remember that."

Sophia's reaction to the chaotic scene unfolding before her was a potent mixture of shock, fear, and a deep sense of unease. She had come to Aegis to find answers and learn to control her abilities, but witnessing the raw display of metahuman power sent shivers down her spine. The sudden explosion of the table and the violence that followed left her trembling and speechless. Her eyes remained fixed on the redhead, Noah, whose abilities had undoubtedly caused the destructive outburst, judging by the sheer intensity in her eyes and the turmoil etched across her face.

Sophia couldn't help but be struck by the raw power emanating from the redhead. It was clear that her abilities were formidable, and the havoc they had just witnessed was a testament to that fact. The way Noah had defended herself, even if it had been in the heat of the moment, left Sophia in awe and apprehension.

And fear.

So…this is what it felt like.

The guards rushed in quickly to control the situation, Sophia's heart racing all the while. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the injured boy, Billy, and the chaos that had erupted in the room. Her mind was a whirlwind of questions and doubts. How could she ever hope to control her abilities if she didn't even understand them fully? What if, in a moment of anger or fear, she accidentally harmed someone, just like Noah had done? However, something told her that Billy may have deserved her severe reaction. Sophia couldn't help but feel a profound twinge of shame for her earlier thoughts. At that moment, as she observed him, it became clear that Billy was no different from any ordinary bully she might have encountered outside these walls.

As the guards ushered them to the dorms, Sophia's thoughts drifted to her new life at Aegis. Would things truly be better for her here as her parents had said? The sterile corridors and the watchful eyes of the guards made her doubt the sincerity of their promises. The white walls seemed to close in on her, suffocating her with a sense of confinement she had never experienced before. She couldn't escape the feeling that she was being watched every moment, the cameras following their every move like unblinking sentinels.

As she arrived at what must be her room, going by what she was told before, the blonde was startled to find herself face-to-face with an unfamiliar girl. Her heart raced for a moment, her instincts on high alert, but then she noticed the weary yet friendly smile on the girl's face. It was a stark contrast to the tension that had filled the recreation room just minutes ago.

"Hi," the girl greeted her, and Sophia felt a small measure of relief in the ordinary greeting. "I think we're supposed to be roommates."

Sophia managed a small, tentative smile in return, her initial wariness giving way to curiosity. "Hi," she replied, her voice carrying a touch of uncertainty. "I'm Sophia." She took a step closer, offering a hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you."

Aria found herself mired in a profound unease as she and Sayu deliberated over the ratman's fate. The weight of their decision bore down on her like a heavy burden, and she couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort gnawing at her conscience. The creature before her, battered and whimpering, elicited an unexpected emotion: pity. It was a sentiment that clashed with the circumstances, challenging her preconceived notions of right and wrong.

"Finish the job...?" Aria repeated hesitantly, her voice laced with uncertainty. Her gaze remained fixed on the wounded ratman, whose once-menacing demeanour had crumbled into a pitiful state.

Before she could state her thoughts, however, their debate was abruptly interrupted by a new sound, a rustling in the nearby bushes and shrubs. A voice, belonging to a girl of their age, pierced through the forest's thick canopy. Aria's attention snapped to the newcomer, who emerged from the undergrowth, clad in armour and carrying a sword.

Confusion and bewilderment painted the newcomer's face as she took in the peculiar scene before her. Aria felt a mixture of relief and trepidation as their unexpected guest introduced herself as Laynea. She stumbled over her words, attempting to make sense of the situation and the eccentric attire of their group.

Aria couldn't help but offer a polite smile in return, appreciating Laynea's friendly demeanour despite the bizarre circumstances.

"We're wanderers. From a faraway land. And we just so happen to be lost." She quickly made up a lie on the spot. "As for our clothes, it's…" Sayu's cheeks reddened. "It's enchanted. We won't be able to fight if we don't wear them."

Aria marvelled at her newfound friend's remarkable ability to fabricate a convincing story on the spot. Sayu's quick thinking and adept storytelling skills were a testament to her adaptability in the face of the unknown. She nodded her head in agreement, silently acknowledging the importance of maintaining their cover. The lie, she reflected, wasn't entirely false anyway, given the mysterious properties their attire seemed to possess.

"We sort of had to defend ourselves against the...ratlings," Aria explained to the friendly newcomer, "Is Krosana far from here?" Perhaps once there, and if safe, they could all figure out what to do next.

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