Avatar of Qia


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1 day ago
hmm sounds like what a sussy baka might say tho... (jk jk).
12 days ago
Why do all good things come to an end?
16 days ago
I can't believe I binge watched this show. But damn Dark is so good.
1 mo ago
Or maybe melons>>> lemons?
1 like
1 mo ago
God now I have Daddy Cop stuck in my head. My fault xD


Hi, Qia here <3. I'm a gamer and RP fan just looking to have a good time.

Most Recent Posts

Oh good someone for Bella. Jk jk there are way too many hot people in this
<Snipped quote by Qia>

Man he's got it bad lol
<Snipped quote by Qia>

She can definitely reach out. Asterion wouldn't mind staring at Emilia in the background while talking to Bella 😏

<Snipped quote by Qia>

Well, I am glad it explains a few things. haha! If Emilia goes back to Bella and Bella wants to meet with him. Emilia has his direct contact information. The reason he gave her that card. It's all up to Bella at this point.

Bella will probably reach out...to get back at Vincent *snickers*
<Snipped quote by Qia>

I know it was not the case at all. He had fun getting his mind off from everything else he was thinking about by having the company. He honestly doesn't expect Bella to actually want to meet with him or ever see Emilia again. xD He just didn't want to talk about business for the most part which is why he kept deflecting and changing topics and trying to play a card game.

That explains 2 of 3 things haha. I'm joking. But seriously im down for whatever

Anotherrr hotty???
<Snipped quote by LanaStorm>

Asterion would say differently XD *insert judgemental disappointed big brother vibes*

<Snipped quote by LanaStorm>

🤔Mhm... it was definitely a fun night for him to play word and mind games, but I don't know if he's thirst trapped.

Yea that implies that she did all of that to attract him and that's not really the case xd
<Snipped quote by Qia>

Emily can bring Iz to a good place where we free her brother and Kairo isn't thirst trapped xD

Hey now not his fault. And we can def collab that first one depending on how this solo goes.
<Snipped quote by Qia>

Emily bounces around and on a ton of different goons but I dont think street gang leaders falls on there!

... man I just had rum and coke. My mind did not go to a good place reading that lmao
The hotter Kairo.

I.e Emily's plan b? xd
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