you know we had to do'em

| {Full Name} |
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
| {Gender} |
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |
| {Appearance} |
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
| {Physical Abilities} |
| {Limitations} |
| {Personality} |
| {Place of Origin} |
| {Background} |
Lannah Antilles
Ellia Arrant
Ellia Arrant

| {Full Name} |
Ellia “El” Arrant
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
| {Gender} |
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |
| {Appearance} |
Everything about Ellia speaks to a life that has known more than idle comfort. At 5'7, she is lean and well-muscled, a physique rare among rich Corellians. Ellia's topaz skin is marred with the occasional scar, though these have been treated just enough with bacta to become faint, but still visible. An affectation of sorts. She is rarely without some fresh injury from her travels or other less noble activities. A black eye, bruised cheek, or cut lip are not uncommon marks upon her Ellia's face; they're almost as much a part of Ellia as the constellation of freckles. The numbers 1183 are tattooed in bold, black letters on her collarbone and don't appear to have faded at all. Ellia’s curly and wild dark hair is either pinned up when out in the field or otherwise let loose to take whatever shape it may please. Her dark eyebrows are thick and expressive. They frame soft hazel eyes that catch any light, shifting from brown to green to gold. Ellia's wardrobe is everchanging, ranging from evening gowns to bulky spacesuits, but the iconic look many have seen on the cover of her holobook is a fur-lined pale blue parka and dark pants bearing the Corellian Bloodstripe.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
Sunrider - A ship designed by Ellia herself, the Sunrider is a sleek, long, narrow, and lightly armored research vessel with quite a bit of giddyup. The ship has few offensive weapons, just a dorsal ion turret and two forward-facing turbolasers mostly used for blasting rocks instead of ships. The Sunrider’s countermeasures are significantly more impressive. Chaff launchers that can damage radar sensors or tractor beams, ventral-mounted seeker warheads to destroy incoming missiles, sensor inverters that release an electromagnetic pulse from a dorsal radar that can redirect missiles, and sensor jammers that can help mask the ship’s signature. The Sunrider is also kitted out with a state-of-the-art deflector shield and hyperdrive. Within its hull, the Sunrider features a science lab, medbay, quarters for eight, a cargo bay packed with vehicles and gear, a kitchen, a sauna, and of course, a full bar. The interior is opulent for a research ship. Ellia spared no expense on her new home.
Assets - Ellia’s got some big numbers in her bank account. Not only from her parents, but her own work as an explorer. She’s made some savvy investments as well, and her personal fortune has grown substantially. Ellia has enough to enjoy a quality of life that few in the galaxy would have for the rest of her days, and her investments continue to grow.
Dasri - The Sunrider’s mascot of sorts, Dasri is a large, quadrupedal vulpine animal Ellia and her crew found on a tidally locked jungle moon several years ago as a pup. Dasri weighs roughly 150 pounds, with a set of four dark eyes, a coat of short black fur, and bioluminescent quills that run down the creature’s back which change colors based on the creature’s mood. The animal is emotionally intelligent and has bonded with most of the Sunrider’s crew. Surprisingly, Dasri also a vegetarian.
Assets - Ellia’s got some big numbers in her bank account. Not only from her parents, but her own work as an explorer. She’s made some savvy investments as well, and her personal fortune has grown substantially. Ellia has enough to enjoy a quality of life that few in the galaxy would have for the rest of her days, and her investments continue to grow.
Dasri - The Sunrider’s mascot of sorts, Dasri is a large, quadrupedal vulpine animal Ellia and her crew found on a tidally locked jungle moon several years ago as a pup. Dasri weighs roughly 150 pounds, with a set of four dark eyes, a coat of short black fur, and bioluminescent quills that run down the creature’s back which change colors based on the creature’s mood. The animal is emotionally intelligent and has bonded with most of the Sunrider’s crew. Surprisingly, Dasri also a vegetarian.
The Sunrider’s crew and fellow members of the Centerpoint Cartographer Lodge are never far from Ellia. A group of misfits even among the Lodge, some have been around longer than others.
Dr. Zarvas Sivron - Dr. Sivron is a short, slender Twi’lek archeologist with long, pale yellow lekku adorned with ancient relics from her discoveries. Dr. Sivron is well suited to archeology, as the woman is intensely withdrawn and shy, even to her crew. However, she is a brave archeologist, often risking her life for artifacts and delving into crumbling ruins to study them. Dr. Sivron is a superstitious woman and carries with her a variety of trinkets and baubles meant to ward off bad luck.
Drel Kibul- Drelis a massive figure, even by Devaronian standards, with brilliantly painted horns and deep red skin. Kibul serves as the Sunrider’s astrophysicist and occasional muscle when the situation calls for it. The closest the Sunrider has to a mad scientist, Kibul is known throughout the scientific community for his truly insane theories on hyperspace’s relation to black holes that border on mysticism, and he insists a breakthrough is just around the corner. Kibul is gregarious, friendly, and something of a womanizer. Drel is the longest-serving member of the Sunrider next to Ellia.
T-3X "Tech"- An exceptionally talkative piece of machinery, T-3X is a custom-built pilot droid that doubles as the ship’s engineer. The droid loves to gossip about the crew and their activities, but seems to have genuine compassion for his friends. Tech also love to paint, for some reason, and their cramped quarters are filled with half-finished artwork.
Thasero “Thas” Konnar- The Sunrider’s linguist is a slight Zabarak male with small cranial horns and skin covered in tattoos from numerous cultures. Thas is a laid-back man, too laid back to ever hold down a real job. However, The Sunrider suits him well. He enjoys fully immersing himself in alien cultures, often going “native” for extended periods of time much to the chagrin of his crewmates. Thas always returns though, and always with an entirely new culture and language thoroughly researched. He's recently obtained an extensive cybernetic implant in his skull that allows him to access a vast swath of linguistic databanks in an instant, giving Thas protocol droid-like translation abilities.
Dr. Mara Creel- The only other Corellian on the Sunrider’s roster, Dr. Creel serves as the ship’s xenobiologist and occasional medic. Though only a few years older than Ellia, she has begrudgingly become a sort of caretaker to the others on the ship, perhaps because she’s the one who frequently patches up their broken bones. She has a calming presence, if a bit snarky, and is the biggest pessimist of the group. Mara has a deep fascination with exotic wildlife, and is part of the reason Dasri is part of the crew in the first place.
Dr. Zarvas Sivron - Dr. Sivron is a short, slender Twi’lek archeologist with long, pale yellow lekku adorned with ancient relics from her discoveries. Dr. Sivron is well suited to archeology, as the woman is intensely withdrawn and shy, even to her crew. However, she is a brave archeologist, often risking her life for artifacts and delving into crumbling ruins to study them. Dr. Sivron is a superstitious woman and carries with her a variety of trinkets and baubles meant to ward off bad luck.
Drel Kibul- Drelis a massive figure, even by Devaronian standards, with brilliantly painted horns and deep red skin. Kibul serves as the Sunrider’s astrophysicist and occasional muscle when the situation calls for it. The closest the Sunrider has to a mad scientist, Kibul is known throughout the scientific community for his truly insane theories on hyperspace’s relation to black holes that border on mysticism, and he insists a breakthrough is just around the corner. Kibul is gregarious, friendly, and something of a womanizer. Drel is the longest-serving member of the Sunrider next to Ellia.
T-3X "Tech"- An exceptionally talkative piece of machinery, T-3X is a custom-built pilot droid that doubles as the ship’s engineer. The droid loves to gossip about the crew and their activities, but seems to have genuine compassion for his friends. Tech also love to paint, for some reason, and their cramped quarters are filled with half-finished artwork.
Thasero “Thas” Konnar- The Sunrider’s linguist is a slight Zabarak male with small cranial horns and skin covered in tattoos from numerous cultures. Thas is a laid-back man, too laid back to ever hold down a real job. However, The Sunrider suits him well. He enjoys fully immersing himself in alien cultures, often going “native” for extended periods of time much to the chagrin of his crewmates. Thas always returns though, and always with an entirely new culture and language thoroughly researched. He's recently obtained an extensive cybernetic implant in his skull that allows him to access a vast swath of linguistic databanks in an instant, giving Thas protocol droid-like translation abilities.
Dr. Mara Creel- The only other Corellian on the Sunrider’s roster, Dr. Creel serves as the ship’s xenobiologist and occasional medic. Though only a few years older than Ellia, she has begrudgingly become a sort of caretaker to the others on the ship, perhaps because she’s the one who frequently patches up their broken bones. She has a calming presence, if a bit snarky, and is the biggest pessimist of the group. Mara has a deep fascination with exotic wildlife, and is part of the reason Dasri is part of the crew in the first place.
| {Physical Abilities} |
Explorer - Ellia has built a life on her abilities as an adventurer. She posseses a variety of skills in her repertoire, including climbing, mountaineering, diving, swimming, overland hiking, cartography, and so on. Ellia has exceptional physical endurance and is able to push her body well past the point at which others might break. Ellia is arguably one of the most well-traveled living individuals as well, and feels at home in most places throughout the galaxy. She relies on her crew to do much of the heavy lifting when it comes to scientific endeavors, but Ellia knows her way around an archeological dig site or how to make first contact with an isolated tribe unscathed. Mostly.
Socialite- Ellia is known throughout the galaxy thanks to her accomplishments as an explorer, and the woman’s popularity is further bolstered by her published accounts and holo-docs of the Sunrider’s adventures. The Corellian governmental propaganda doesn’t hurt, either. For better or for worse, Ellia is instantly recognized by almost anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock. She has a substantial network of local contacts and fixers in most major system as well, and can usually procure whatever she needs on short notice through favors or cold hard credits.
Corellian Blood- Some say Corellians have a natural predisposition to a life in space. Ellia thinks this is bullshit. But she does have a knack for ship engineering, having designed a new successful line of cruisers for her parent’s company, and even custom-built her own exploration vessel. She isn’t too bad of a pilot, either. Better at avoiding fire than slagging enemy fighters, though. Ellia can repair a ship in a pinch, but prefers buying shiny new ones instead.
Fisticuffs- Ellia is pretty good with her fists and likes to spar with her crew on occasion. Drunken brawl? She’ll likely come out on top. Martial arts competition? Maybe not.
Socialite- Ellia is known throughout the galaxy thanks to her accomplishments as an explorer, and the woman’s popularity is further bolstered by her published accounts and holo-docs of the Sunrider’s adventures. The Corellian governmental propaganda doesn’t hurt, either. For better or for worse, Ellia is instantly recognized by almost anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock. She has a substantial network of local contacts and fixers in most major system as well, and can usually procure whatever she needs on short notice through favors or cold hard credits.
Corellian Blood- Some say Corellians have a natural predisposition to a life in space. Ellia thinks this is bullshit. But she does have a knack for ship engineering, having designed a new successful line of cruisers for her parent’s company, and even custom-built her own exploration vessel. She isn’t too bad of a pilot, either. Better at avoiding fire than slagging enemy fighters, though. Ellia can repair a ship in a pinch, but prefers buying shiny new ones instead.
Fisticuffs- Ellia is pretty good with her fists and likes to spar with her crew on occasion. Drunken brawl? She’ll likely come out on top. Martial arts competition? Maybe not.
| {Limitations} |
Hard Times - Ellia’s past haunts her, and the dark shadows of her life manifest themselves as phobias and aversions. She has an intense dislike and distrust of Force users, Jedi, and Togrutas, and will go out of her way to avoid these types. Togrutas, especially, are a major source of discomfort and anxiety for her. She loathes being alone for extended periods of time after a particularly nasty cave-in that left her isolated for a week in the spice mines. Ellia has an intense fear of being restrained, imprisoned, or otherwise confined without means of escape. She’d do practically anything to keep her freedom.
Malaise- A common affliction of the rich and famous, Ellia feels as though she’s achieved everything she could have wanted and is now simply adrift. There’s a hole inside of her that she tries to fill with money, danger, sex, and drugs, but these are all temporary respites. Close associates noted an increased frequency of erratic behavior, binges, and outbursts of anger.
Noncombatant- Ellia's familiarity with blasters begins and ends with which end is the dangerous one. She’s shot one a few times, but can’t be expected to hold her own in a firefight using conventional means.
Lies Upon Lies- Ellia’s entire life is built upon deception and falsehoods. Some are bound to catch up with her.
Malaise- A common affliction of the rich and famous, Ellia feels as though she’s achieved everything she could have wanted and is now simply adrift. There’s a hole inside of her that she tries to fill with money, danger, sex, and drugs, but these are all temporary respites. Close associates noted an increased frequency of erratic behavior, binges, and outbursts of anger.
Noncombatant- Ellia's familiarity with blasters begins and ends with which end is the dangerous one. She’s shot one a few times, but can’t be expected to hold her own in a firefight using conventional means.
Lies Upon Lies- Ellia’s entire life is built upon deception and falsehoods. Some are bound to catch up with her.
| {Personality} |
Those who've read Ellia's accounts see a brave and rebellious adventurer. Those who've met Ellia say she’s a charming and ambitious individual, if a bit rough around the edges. Those who know Ellia, however, tell a different story. An intoxicating and volatile presence, a whirlwind of a woman whose desires and mood change with the wind. Combine all of these perceptions of Ellia, and you get something close to the truth. But not quite.
To understand Ellia, one must know that she is a prolific liar, and none know this at all since she is exceptional at it. Her very survival depends on lying, so she must be. Ellia derives no pleasure from these fabrications, only the pleasure of living, and so she does it without thought. She lies about who she is. She lies about who she likes. She lies about what she thinks. Ellia sometimes wonders if she will lose her true self among all the lies.
Ellia is racked by guilt and shame. Ellia, the real Ellia, had survived in the spice mines for so long, and was killed by a greedy little girl. At first, it had seemed like survival, and she felt no burden. But as Ellia grows older, the weight of her sins grow heavier. The real Ellia's ghost haunts her daily, eating away at her, consuming her. Ellia spends much of her time trying to push the dark thought from her mind.
Ellia is a deeply untrusting person, though does not come off as such. She expects to be betrayed at any moment by any person at any time as a sort of karmic justice for her crime, or believes everyone is capable of the same treachery she once committed. She does little with this distrust except harbor it deep inside herself. Ellia refuses to let anyone in her inner ramparts. Not her “parents”, not her friends, not her crew, and not her lovers. Some can sense this barrier, and those that can Ellia will “let in,” in a sense. Allow them to see the real her. But this, too, is a fabrication.
Ellia’s rise to stardom was only a consequence of her attempt to distract herself from the past, seeking adventure to drown out the guilt, and soon the act of exploration itself became a compulsion. Though the fame came to her by accident, she does enjoy it to an extent. She enjoys the wealth that came with it, which she sees as the only thing capable of protecting her. She enjoys the freedom it affords her, which she vows never to never lose again. And some small part of her enjoys the recognition she receives because of it, once being a poor girl from a poor family. The free drinks don’t hurt either.
Ellia can turn on the charm when needed, and she frequently needs to as a public figure. She adopts the persona people want to see, a sort of social shapeshifter. The heroic adventurer, the cunning Corellian patriot, or the exotic damsel. She speaks of what she’s seen, what she’s done, and who she’s met, wowing the rich and powerful of tales from the galaxy's edge. One of the few Corellians without a stick up her ass, they say. She’s played the part so often it has become a part of her. When free from this facade, Ellia is more prone to real emotions. Flirtations. Flashes of anger. Self-loathing. Drinking. A cycle, more often than not. This is as close to the real Ellia as people can get. Many are drawn into the cyclone that is Ellia, and many are happy to drown in it. The fleeting moments of authentic friendship or love Ellia lets slip out keep people around, desperate for another glimpse.
There is a growing feeling of discontent within Ellia though, like a cancer spreading its malicious tendrils. She feels as though she’s done all she can, ran as far as she could from her problems. But even at the edge of the galaxy, Ellia’s mistakes and burdens follow her. She’s not sure how much longer she can continue running before they finally catch up. Her attempts at forgetting the past are growing more and more desperate as she delves deeper into hedonism and self-loathing.
To understand Ellia, one must know that she is a prolific liar, and none know this at all since she is exceptional at it. Her very survival depends on lying, so she must be. Ellia derives no pleasure from these fabrications, only the pleasure of living, and so she does it without thought. She lies about who she is. She lies about who she likes. She lies about what she thinks. Ellia sometimes wonders if she will lose her true self among all the lies.
Ellia is racked by guilt and shame. Ellia, the real Ellia, had survived in the spice mines for so long, and was killed by a greedy little girl. At first, it had seemed like survival, and she felt no burden. But as Ellia grows older, the weight of her sins grow heavier. The real Ellia's ghost haunts her daily, eating away at her, consuming her. Ellia spends much of her time trying to push the dark thought from her mind.
Ellia is a deeply untrusting person, though does not come off as such. She expects to be betrayed at any moment by any person at any time as a sort of karmic justice for her crime, or believes everyone is capable of the same treachery she once committed. She does little with this distrust except harbor it deep inside herself. Ellia refuses to let anyone in her inner ramparts. Not her “parents”, not her friends, not her crew, and not her lovers. Some can sense this barrier, and those that can Ellia will “let in,” in a sense. Allow them to see the real her. But this, too, is a fabrication.
Ellia’s rise to stardom was only a consequence of her attempt to distract herself from the past, seeking adventure to drown out the guilt, and soon the act of exploration itself became a compulsion. Though the fame came to her by accident, she does enjoy it to an extent. She enjoys the wealth that came with it, which she sees as the only thing capable of protecting her. She enjoys the freedom it affords her, which she vows never to never lose again. And some small part of her enjoys the recognition she receives because of it, once being a poor girl from a poor family. The free drinks don’t hurt either.
Ellia can turn on the charm when needed, and she frequently needs to as a public figure. She adopts the persona people want to see, a sort of social shapeshifter. The heroic adventurer, the cunning Corellian patriot, or the exotic damsel. She speaks of what she’s seen, what she’s done, and who she’s met, wowing the rich and powerful of tales from the galaxy's edge. One of the few Corellians without a stick up her ass, they say. She’s played the part so often it has become a part of her. When free from this facade, Ellia is more prone to real emotions. Flirtations. Flashes of anger. Self-loathing. Drinking. A cycle, more often than not. This is as close to the real Ellia as people can get. Many are drawn into the cyclone that is Ellia, and many are happy to drown in it. The fleeting moments of authentic friendship or love Ellia lets slip out keep people around, desperate for another glimpse.
There is a growing feeling of discontent within Ellia though, like a cancer spreading its malicious tendrils. She feels as though she’s done all she can, ran as far as she could from her problems. But even at the edge of the galaxy, Ellia’s mistakes and burdens follow her. She’s not sure how much longer she can continue running before they finally catch up. Her attempts at forgetting the past are growing more and more desperate as she delves deeper into hedonism and self-loathing.
| {Place of Origin} |
Ellia was born in 26 BRS in Coronet City's slums on Corellia, but calls the Sunrider home now.
| {Background} |
Ellia didn’t have much luck when she came into the galaxy. The first name she knew was a poor one, her parents two ship welders living in the lower warrens of Coronet City working for the Arrant Corporation. She was first called Lannah Antilles by them, and though they had very little, they were happy enough.
As the war dragged on, and the demand for Republic ships grew, safety standards in the shipyards plummeted. So too did Lannah’s parents when a fraying cable snapped as they welded plates to a destroyer, and the two fell to their deaths. Lannah was left an orphan with no family. Not knowing what else to do, the child sought work in the shipyards like her parents, employed as a “scrap rat”. She crawled through narrow nooks and crannies of destroyed ships to retrieve valuable raw materials and slept in the stripped skeletons of decimated cruisers. It was dangerous work and it paid little.
Lannah was eight when the coup on Corellia took place. While the regime change itself was bloodless, the same could not be said for those in the lower warrens of Correllia. Crime spiked as opportunistic vultures sought soft targets while the government was busy elsewhere. Lannah and hundreds of other street urchins were kidnapped by a band of slavers and shipped offworld to their new home, the spice mines of Kessel. Here, Lannah came into her second name, one that was tattooed onto her collarbone. 2240.
The shipyards had been tough, but the spice mines were hell. Disease ran rampant through the slaves and mine collapses killed just as many. The sadistic overseers were just as likely to beat their captives to death as they were to work them to death. 2240 was given a vibropick and sent below. The slaves rarely made friends with eachother, knowing they would likely die in just a few months, but 2240 made just a single friend in her time there. Another Correlian, a girl about the same age as her named 1183. The girls looked so similar that they might have been siblings. The only real difference between them being the numbers tattooed on their skin. 2240 showed 1183 how to squeeze through the crumbling mines, and 1183 taught 2240 how to escape the wrath of their cruel overseer, a disgraced Togruta Jedi called Boz.
For an astonishing six years the pair managed to survive in the mines, a feat which seemed to invoke Boz’s wrath. He was increasingly cruel to them, as if their insistence on living was a direct insult to him. Unbeknownst to both 1183 and 2240, tensions were brewing throughout the mine. Supplies started to go missing, blasting gear and weapons. Without warning, the slaves rose up against their masters, killing them with hand and foot, shovels and rocks. 1183 and 2240 were swept up in the rush to the surface where the slaves clashed with armed guards. In a frantic dash, the two girls managed to board a small shuttle that had been loading spice when the revolt erupted. With her life on the line, 2240 managed to get the shuttle off the ground and free from Kessel. As far as they knew, they were the only survivors of the revolt.
With some trial and error, 2240, now Lannah again, managed to punch in the coordinates to the nearest system. Finally free from Kessel, they shared their true names. 1183 was Ellia Arrant, heir to the Arrant Corporation. The same company that owned the shipyards Lannah’s parents worked in and died in. Ellia, too, was kidnapped by slavers, though she hid her true identity for fear they might kill her outright rather than face the wrath of a powerful family. Ellia promised Lannah that once they returned home, she would see Lannah rewarded for her friendship.
But Lannah didn’t want this pittance. She knew what would happen. The elites would give her some shiny metal, and she’d be right back where she started. Slaving away in the shipyards until she died of disease or crushed beneath the bulk of a cruiser. In a fit of fear and anger and desperation, Lannah drove a vibropick through Ellia’s skill and ejected her still-warm body into space.
Months later, Lannah landed on Corellia. Only she was no longer Lannah, but Ellia Arrant, the revenant daughter back from the dead.
Ellia seemed uncouth and strange to her parents, hardly recognizable, but after eight years in the brutal mines it was to be expected. Ellia still had the same dark hair and hazel eyes, and that was enough. Her older brothers had all died in foolish ways, so Ellia’s parents were just happy to have a child in their home. She was raised like a proper heir to the family fortune, and after some time, grew used to this treatment. For someone with no real education, Ellia did well enough in school. Not top of her class, but her instructors always noted her drive, as if she sought to prove herself. Most scions simply rested on their parent’s laurels, but not Ellia. She took a keen interest in ship design and galactic exploration, constantly studying maps of planets and systems until she knew both every Corellian cruiser and the known galaxy like the back of her hand.
Once of age and given the typical allowance afforded to wealthy Corellians, Ellia joined the Centerpoint Cartographer Lodge, much to her parent’s chagrin. On its face, the lodge was a multidisciplinary professional society dedicated to archeologists, xenobiologists, geologists, astrophysicists, and other scientists with a taste for exploration. This had once been the case, but in the years since the lodge’s founding, it became little more than a dumping ground for second sons, black sheep, and other wealthy rejects to swap stories of their galactic road-trips with other flunkies. Ellia had other ideas, though.
With a small crew and the newly-constructed Sunrider, Ellia set out into to explore the galaxy both known and unknown, paying little attention to governmental borders or conflict zones. She scoured worlds for novelty, roamed cities, wandered the most remote parts of every continent. Ellia climbed the highest mountains, delved the darkest caves, and dove into the deepest oceans. She chartered undiscovered systems in the galaxy, made first contact with sentient species, unearthed ancient ruins, and countless other accomplishments.
Ellia’s name became known throughout the galaxy for her exploits as an adventurer and explorer, receiving numerous honors from Hegemon Novar himself who called her a “shining example of Corellian exceptionalism.” At the president of the lodge’s urgings, Ellia wrote extensively about her travels and the subsequent books were widely read throughout the galaxy. A holo-doc was filmed shortly after, following the Sunrider and its crew on their adventures, followed by several more. In a meteoric rise, Ellia became one the most famous living Corellians alive.
Ellia never sought a leadership position in the Centerpoint Cartographer Lodge, but her membership alone transformed the club. New and qualified scientists from all over sought to join, and a competitive entrance exam was put in place. No longer was it a club for rejects, but instead was home to some of the best and brightest the galaxy had to offer, although there is still an element of outcasts and eccentrics to the organization.
The Hegemon took Ellia into his confidence, using her as a diplomatic tool; Corellia was increasingly unpopular in galactic public opinion, and she was sent on occasional “missions” to wine and dine with high-ranking officials and diplomats or take them on trips to exotic and uncharted worlds. She loathed these tasks, but the Hegemon was more than generous with donations to the Lodge and her personal coffers, so it became a necessary evil.
Ellia’s latest duty is on Mandalore for the 25th Founding, ordered to mingle with the high-society from around the galaxy and show them what real Corellians were like.
As the war dragged on, and the demand for Republic ships grew, safety standards in the shipyards plummeted. So too did Lannah’s parents when a fraying cable snapped as they welded plates to a destroyer, and the two fell to their deaths. Lannah was left an orphan with no family. Not knowing what else to do, the child sought work in the shipyards like her parents, employed as a “scrap rat”. She crawled through narrow nooks and crannies of destroyed ships to retrieve valuable raw materials and slept in the stripped skeletons of decimated cruisers. It was dangerous work and it paid little.
Lannah was eight when the coup on Corellia took place. While the regime change itself was bloodless, the same could not be said for those in the lower warrens of Correllia. Crime spiked as opportunistic vultures sought soft targets while the government was busy elsewhere. Lannah and hundreds of other street urchins were kidnapped by a band of slavers and shipped offworld to their new home, the spice mines of Kessel. Here, Lannah came into her second name, one that was tattooed onto her collarbone. 2240.
The shipyards had been tough, but the spice mines were hell. Disease ran rampant through the slaves and mine collapses killed just as many. The sadistic overseers were just as likely to beat their captives to death as they were to work them to death. 2240 was given a vibropick and sent below. The slaves rarely made friends with eachother, knowing they would likely die in just a few months, but 2240 made just a single friend in her time there. Another Correlian, a girl about the same age as her named 1183. The girls looked so similar that they might have been siblings. The only real difference between them being the numbers tattooed on their skin. 2240 showed 1183 how to squeeze through the crumbling mines, and 1183 taught 2240 how to escape the wrath of their cruel overseer, a disgraced Togruta Jedi called Boz.
For an astonishing six years the pair managed to survive in the mines, a feat which seemed to invoke Boz’s wrath. He was increasingly cruel to them, as if their insistence on living was a direct insult to him. Unbeknownst to both 1183 and 2240, tensions were brewing throughout the mine. Supplies started to go missing, blasting gear and weapons. Without warning, the slaves rose up against their masters, killing them with hand and foot, shovels and rocks. 1183 and 2240 were swept up in the rush to the surface where the slaves clashed with armed guards. In a frantic dash, the two girls managed to board a small shuttle that had been loading spice when the revolt erupted. With her life on the line, 2240 managed to get the shuttle off the ground and free from Kessel. As far as they knew, they were the only survivors of the revolt.
With some trial and error, 2240, now Lannah again, managed to punch in the coordinates to the nearest system. Finally free from Kessel, they shared their true names. 1183 was Ellia Arrant, heir to the Arrant Corporation. The same company that owned the shipyards Lannah’s parents worked in and died in. Ellia, too, was kidnapped by slavers, though she hid her true identity for fear they might kill her outright rather than face the wrath of a powerful family. Ellia promised Lannah that once they returned home, she would see Lannah rewarded for her friendship.
But Lannah didn’t want this pittance. She knew what would happen. The elites would give her some shiny metal, and she’d be right back where she started. Slaving away in the shipyards until she died of disease or crushed beneath the bulk of a cruiser. In a fit of fear and anger and desperation, Lannah drove a vibropick through Ellia’s skill and ejected her still-warm body into space.
Months later, Lannah landed on Corellia. Only she was no longer Lannah, but Ellia Arrant, the revenant daughter back from the dead.
Ellia seemed uncouth and strange to her parents, hardly recognizable, but after eight years in the brutal mines it was to be expected. Ellia still had the same dark hair and hazel eyes, and that was enough. Her older brothers had all died in foolish ways, so Ellia’s parents were just happy to have a child in their home. She was raised like a proper heir to the family fortune, and after some time, grew used to this treatment. For someone with no real education, Ellia did well enough in school. Not top of her class, but her instructors always noted her drive, as if she sought to prove herself. Most scions simply rested on their parent’s laurels, but not Ellia. She took a keen interest in ship design and galactic exploration, constantly studying maps of planets and systems until she knew both every Corellian cruiser and the known galaxy like the back of her hand.
Once of age and given the typical allowance afforded to wealthy Corellians, Ellia joined the Centerpoint Cartographer Lodge, much to her parent’s chagrin. On its face, the lodge was a multidisciplinary professional society dedicated to archeologists, xenobiologists, geologists, astrophysicists, and other scientists with a taste for exploration. This had once been the case, but in the years since the lodge’s founding, it became little more than a dumping ground for second sons, black sheep, and other wealthy rejects to swap stories of their galactic road-trips with other flunkies. Ellia had other ideas, though.
With a small crew and the newly-constructed Sunrider, Ellia set out into to explore the galaxy both known and unknown, paying little attention to governmental borders or conflict zones. She scoured worlds for novelty, roamed cities, wandered the most remote parts of every continent. Ellia climbed the highest mountains, delved the darkest caves, and dove into the deepest oceans. She chartered undiscovered systems in the galaxy, made first contact with sentient species, unearthed ancient ruins, and countless other accomplishments.
Ellia’s name became known throughout the galaxy for her exploits as an adventurer and explorer, receiving numerous honors from Hegemon Novar himself who called her a “shining example of Corellian exceptionalism.” At the president of the lodge’s urgings, Ellia wrote extensively about her travels and the subsequent books were widely read throughout the galaxy. A holo-doc was filmed shortly after, following the Sunrider and its crew on their adventures, followed by several more. In a meteoric rise, Ellia became one the most famous living Corellians alive.
Ellia never sought a leadership position in the Centerpoint Cartographer Lodge, but her membership alone transformed the club. New and qualified scientists from all over sought to join, and a competitive entrance exam was put in place. No longer was it a club for rejects, but instead was home to some of the best and brightest the galaxy had to offer, although there is still an element of outcasts and eccentrics to the organization.
The Hegemon took Ellia into his confidence, using her as a diplomatic tool; Corellia was increasingly unpopular in galactic public opinion, and she was sent on occasional “missions” to wine and dine with high-ranking officials and diplomats or take them on trips to exotic and uncharted worlds. She loathed these tasks, but the Hegemon was more than generous with donations to the Lodge and her personal coffers, so it became a necessary evil.
Ellia’s latest duty is on Mandalore for the 25th Founding, ordered to mingle with the high-society from around the galaxy and show them what real Corellians were like.