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Carnatia de Valmont

Carnatia considered the options they have at the moment. It was clear now that this land was a hostile one, and they had explicitly fought with one of the factions controlling this land.

Without more logistical support, and a stable base of some sort, moving around would definitely be difficult. And there was also the issue of Linceleste to consider. She seemed to be still alive, but who knows if she was stable at this point.

"First of all, I think we need to reassess our situation here. Our orders were to determine what happened to Paladin Thomas, yes? And I think more or less we have confirmation that he is dead. So what are our current objectives? I presume to find out more what exactly happened? Well to do that, I doubt going into hostile territory would be productive. Perhaps we should go to their enemy instead? The ones they considered traitors. Perhaps they might be more amenable considering we have shown to be thoroughly opposed to the Red Stripes. We need to consider getting Linceleste to a medical facility too, depending on the severity of her wounds."

The experience with the Jester did sour Robert's mood a bit, but then again, it wasn't often that he got a good break nowadays. So it would be a shame if he did not make the most of it doing something he enjoyed. Once he got his next job lined up, he was going to be busy enough that he wouldn't be able to play as often.

He took a deep breath, clearing his mind and once more immersed himself in the role of Claudia.

A moment later, Claudia nodded, giving an apologetic smile, "Yes. I suppose all of you are right. It would be a shame for me to allow the action of one unscrupulous individual to sour the whole experience. Shall we take up a different quest? There was an interesting quest for an ice castle I saw earlier when we were checking the board."

@Randomguy @vietmyke @shylarah

How is posting going?

Sorry, I'm not sure how to reply TBH. What exactly are we doing now?

Arnvidr sighed seeing the familiar face of Brigit. He just couldn't be rid of that annoying woman, it seemed.

"Apologies, it looks as if I inadvertently dragged the group into a personal matter."

"Perhaps we could discuss academic attribution in a more civilized manner?" she called out to Brigit, though her hands remained wreathed in flames. She didn't expect the suggestion to work, but any delay that allowed her to better position herself was worthwhile. Besides, she thought with grim amusement, it wasn't every day one witnessed scholarly disputes being settled with battleaxes.

"Don't bother, this woman is unhinged. In the first place, there is no such thing as bibliography plagiarism. If we have the same bibliography, that just means we both consider those sources valid. Even if I added those sources to my paper after reading hers, which was not the case, it's not plagiarism if the actual academic content differ, which it definitely is judging from the difference in quality."

As he said so, magicka swelled in his hands, as he drew upon the waters of Oblivion. The dark purple swirl of magicka from his hand flew to a nearby patch of snow, coalescing into a portal from which a giant made of ice emerged, a Frost Atronach.

"I'm telling you this only once, Brigit. Lay off this stupidity, otherwise I will not hesitate to act as needed in this very justified case of self-defence."


Arnvidr sighed as the group started to debate about the leader.

As much as how the current Nords' romanticisation of the whole 'might make right' aspect of the old Nordic culture was overblown—There were still checks and balances, that was why the Moot existed. One did not simply become the High King after killing the incumbent king in a duel—there was something to be said of a clear-cut way to determine a leader. A test of martial prowess. Of course, it was not something he would suggest among this multicultural group.

"We can discuss the leader AFTER we have agreed on our cover. It is true that we needn't find too complicated of a cover, as an overly complicated one would increase the risk of getting found out due to contradictory accounts of an overly convoluted story. But at the very least we need to agree on one reason for our travel. I still think that a merchant caravan is not a good cover. As I said, we do not carry enough wares to pose as a caravan. Furthermore, we would need to maintain our cover by actually selling something in Bruma lest we raise the question of 'why wouldn't a merchant caravan sell their wares at a major city?', which would slow us down. I think we should go with my proposal. A mercenary company is one of the few groups where such a diverse collection of people wouldn't be out of place. Furthermore, if asked, all of you can simply feign disinterest aside from 'Checking some Ayleid ruins'. It wouldn't be strange for mercenaries hired to guard a scholar to not be interested in the minutiae of the research. They're just there to do their job and collect their septims."

You can make the jester a recurring character that ties into the broader 'plot'. For the most part, our characters are just players of the game, so they wouldn't really actively chase after a hacker. That said, they can probably hear news about the jester here and there in the background. Until you see fit to bring him back, maybe make them threaten someone the characters know IRL or something

"There will be no physical marks from the Blessing of Talos, good Altmer," Confessor Esselenia said to Auron, before continuing, "But those experienced in Magic may detect the blessing through arcane means, and thus, those worried about that will be allowed to opt out of the offer; it is completely optional. I also advise diplomacy first if the Nordic population of Bruma attempts any chaos; we are not the Thalmor. Now, as for the other questions from the group..."

As one of the more arcanely inclined of the group, Arnvidr turned to the rest, then spoke with a reassuring tone, "It should be all right. It is not as if the magical effect given by this blessing is an illegal one, like, say, levitation. Fortifying one's physical capability is a perfectly common effect of the Restoration School. Even if someone were to somehow figure out that it came from a priestess, most priests of the Nine Divines are Restoration Mages, in any case. There shouldn't be any issue on that front."

The Confessor then left the group to their own devices, after giving a final benediction to the Altmer. Dissident and exile, she said...a survivor or perhaps a descendant of those from the Night of Green Fire? He looks young enough, but then again, he was an Altmer. Though Arnvidr supposed that was neither here nor there for the moment.

"Our group is going to draw attention, one way or another, with how eclectic our members are. I agree with Miss Velaryn that we ought to lean into our distinctive appearance. But not as a caravan, none of us carry enough goods to make it believable that we are traders. Rather, why don't the rest of you pass yourself as a band of mercenaries hired by myself? I am somewhat known, especially to Nords, as an academic of sorts thanks to my book. I've hired mercenaries to help me research Nordic ruins in Skyrim before, we'll say that my new research is on Ayleid Ruins, there are a couple of prominent ones around Bruma."

When Arnvidr was approached by agents from the Blades, recruiting him to be part of a secret division referred to as 'Hidden Militia' he was sceptical. After all, ever since the Oblivion Crisis, the Empire under the Mede Dynasty had been far too preoccupied with inner Cyrodiil matters to care about the provinces, let alone the threat brewing to the South in the Aldmeri Dominion. They had grown too complacent, thinking of themselves to still be the Septim Empire with its dominance over Tamriel, even when—if you look at history—the Septim Empire had already been in decline ever since the Imperial Simulacrum. One would have thought that the Umbriel Crisis would have been the wake-up call for the Empire to get their act together, but it turned out they became even more entrenched in inner Cyrodiilic politics instead of paying attention to what has been happening in the rest of the world.

Which was why, when he was given the basic outline of what the Hidden Militia sought to do, he was pleasantly surprised. It was a proactive approach to start strengthening and consolidating power—which, Arnvidr suspects was done in anticipation of a possible war against the Dominion—he might not agree with all the Empire had done since then, but a more proactive stance that concerned itself with matters outside of Cyrodiil was a promising start.

He had his issues with the Empire, even now, but if it was between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion, he would have picked the Empire every time. And at present, the Empire was the bulwark they needed against the predation of the Aldmeri Dominion. His ideal scenario would be of an independent Skyrim, returned to its glory days, but the current Skyrim was so far removed from their actual culture. They were nought but Colovian Cyrodiilic with a superficial Nord coat of paint. They had nothing that made the Nords and the Imperial great and all of their worst aspects. In short, Skyrim as it was, was nowhere ready for the Aldmeri Dominion on its own.

Therefore, he made the decision to join the Hidden Militia and support the Empire, despite his misgivings of the Empire.

He was rather surprised that their first meeting took place in a priory, however. He supposed the Alessian Nine Divines was the state religion of the Empire, but he wasn't quite sure why a Confessor of the Alessian Church would be this involved.

Nevertheless, as the woman offered to bestow the blessing of Talos, Arnvidr shrugged, before replying, "I do not worship Talos as a Divine, but I will take the help offered."

Indeed, he had no qualms about doing so. Unlike most in the Alessian Church that would have seen the Nordic Pantheon, he worshipped as 'heathen worship' his view was more nuanced. In the first place, most of the Nine Divines Priests were Restoration mages, using spells that were named after the Divines. But even were this one was one of the rare anomalies, Talos had its place even in the Nordic Pantheon, as one of the many aspects of Ysmir, such as Wulfharth and Pelinal. Traditionally, even as recent as the end of the Third Era, these aspects of Ysmirs had been venerated in the many hero cults of the Nords, though not as Ysmir himself. It was in the past 200 years since the Oblivion Crisis that due to cultural assimilation, the Nordic Pantheon had been completely eroded and replaced by the Nine Divines, with many Nords confusing Talos for Ysmir. But he digressed, the point was even in the Nordic Pantheon, Talos had its place, so he did not mind receiving a blessing from Talos.

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