Location: 66 Mystic Lane, MA
“Badum bababadum. Badum bababadum. Ooooooooooo, badum.” Xan was drumming the edge of his steering wheel in time with the beat of the song playing on the radio. A wireless receiver was plugged into the center dash, connecting his phone to a radio station on the console. He sang to himself, swaying and bopping as he drove down the near empty road. The music stopped. After a moment of silence, the voice of a woman, speaking much louder than the music that was playing before.
“In one mile, turn left.” The sound of fast paced drums and complicated guitar rifts began to play through the speakers once again. Xan turned down the volume as he looked more closely up ahead. The road was surrounded by pretty much nothing. There were acres of land between anything man-made. He peered at his phone mounted next to the center console. The dimmed screen just before going back to sleep displayed a map of the surrounding area only had one square at a time. If each square was a building, there really wasn’t much around. All he could see was the yellow line of road and the light shade of green of for the empty space between.
“In 200 ft, turn left, 666 Mystic Lane.” Xan chuckled as he saw his turn come up. 666 Mystic Lane, that was definitely not a coincidence. Whoever the benefactor was had a sense of humor. He thought it was funny once he finally absorbed the possibilities the letter propositioned. He thought it was still funny now. It made him all the more eager to meet the benefactor. Even if it turned out to be nothing but a farce, this was something he wanted to check out.
Xan had left the hotel he was staying at just an hour ago. He kept the room, just in case he’d need to return. The whole trip across the country to get here took him four days. Xan took several stops. If he was going to drive across the entire continental united states, he’d might as well make it an adventure. Besides, there wasn’t a date on the letter, so it wasn’t like he would be late. Even if the letter threatened potential danger, he survived this long. What was a few more days? It’s not like he’d be hunted that quickly between receiving the letter and him decided to take it up on the offer. If it was that urgent, there would have been a date, or a time to meet, or something else less ambiguous.
Xan saw his turn quickly approaching. He sharply turned the wheel, barely pressing down on the brake. The car groaned at the sudden change in direction, threatening to ride two wheels. The tires squealed as they barely clung to the asphalt. Having successfully prevented a roll over, Xan continued to drive down the drive way. If the map was to be believed, the actual house wouldn't be fore another short while. Gravel crunched underneath the tires as the large yellow hummer drove along the winding path. Xan could feel just how little care the driveway received. It was riddled with potholes, and Xan could feel most of them. Either side of the pavement was covered in plant life and weeds. If that wasn’t enough, most of them were dead. Xan thought magic would have made keeping up the yard work a breeze.
One final turn along the winding driveway and the residence had come into view. Xan was not terribly surprised to see the state it was in. The condition of the long driveway was more than enough of a teaser of what to expect. What had surprised him though was the gathering of people outside the door. Xan’s first thought was that one or all of them was the benefactor, but he quickly overruled that. Of course Xan would not be the first or only magician to somehow resurface, if the letter was to be believed. So then he questioned how everyone would have been here the same day, or even at the same time. For the last hundred feet or so as he circled in front of the house, he couldn’t think of an answer. He concluded that it must have been one of those magic things. He pressed down on the brake, the car coming to a stop near the few others already there.
Xan opened the door and took a step down, looking up at the dilapidated building ahead of him. Xan guessed in the interest of humor, the benefactor grabbed the first building available that had such a theme accurate address. Either that or he didn’t have time to fix up the place before he and everyone else arrived. He closed the door to his hummer behind him, locking it with his fob. He walked up to the group who seemed huddled near the front door, but it didn’t look like any of them were interested in trying the door. As he approached he waved. He was dressed black slacks, black sneakers, and a dark gray sweatshirt. His hair was over his eyes, and the shadows of the nearby trees partially hid his figure.
“Greetings, my comrades. I can see that I was not the only one to receive such an invitation. Tell me, why hasn’t anyone tried the door?” he spoke in a low voice, but loud enough for the group to hear. He walked methodically, as if he purposefully tried to appear threatening. As Xan came upon them, the light lifted and he smiled. “How awesome that it’s not just me. You are here because of magic, yeah? Why are we chilling out here, and not inside? That guy over there is already at the door, lets not leave him to enter by himself, yeah?”