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<Snipped quote by Zoey Boey>

By a technical standpoint there wasn't only one spider to begin with as someone else was bitten by the same spider as Peter right around the same time. In which case you don't necessarily need to compete with the line of guys already on Parker if you just wants a spider character. That would mean you could apply as Cindy Moon.

<Snipped quote by DClassified>

I mean technically but these games tend to go in the 'Title' hero is the main character, people that spin-off from that as legacies 'belong' to the title character. I think that's what he was meaning.

Just to clarify: I am not in charge of who can apply as what. Anyone can apply for whatever character they want and the GMs will choose who gets what. All I said, and all I mean, is that if I get accepted as Spider-Man, which in no way is a guarantee as there are two others also applying for the character, that a Gwenom would not fit with my Spidey story. Nor would a Miles or any of the other Spider-spinoffs. Having multiple spider-characters run by players wouldn't fit with what I am planning to do. Just as I'm sure whoever plays Superman probably wouldn't want the ten Super-family characters to all be PCs yet. Yes, we're starting in year five, but I feel it's still important to build up to those big moments.

Andy and Doc may feel otherwise. Their plans for the character should one of them be accepted could work perfectly with a Gwenom or whoever alongside them. I can't and won't speak for them.

I am not trying to say "don't apply for this character." That isn't my jurisdiction, I hold no power here, and that definitely isn't my intent. I just wanted them to keep in mind that applying for legacy characters would require the approval of the parent character's player. Unless, as far as I understand the rules, you are applying for that character as if they were the main hero. So a Gwenom in a world where Peter Parker never became Spider-Man. I'm 99% sure you could apply for that and compete with anyone who is apping Spider-Man. But apping Gwenom as a character who exists in addition to a Spider-Man, in which Spidey is run by someone else, would require that person's approval. Since that could directly affect the story that the person playing Spider-Man is trying to tell, as is the case with me.

App what you want to app, though. In no way am I saying otherwise.

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

Not in this reality!


Ricki Barnes?

I've been waiting for another one of these to come around! These are some of my favorite types of RP's.

Normally I would go for a Spider-Man character but that's already been taken. I know I could probably make a sheet anyway but I don't like the competition, I would feel bad if I won or if I lost, just not worth it.

Could I possibly take a spot as Gwenom? An alternate version of Spider-Gwen who is an alternate version of Spider-Woman? In this reality basically a punk girl who stumbled onto the symbiote and began dishing out her own special brand of spooky crime fighting. I'm thinking in this universe they're bonded/ are going to bond pretty heavily with the symbiote taking over more and more of her life, but she's not evil. I'd like for them to have a developed relationship of some kind with whoever gets Spider-Man, too! I love all things Spider-Man.

Keep in mind that this doesn't mean anything as I'm just someone applying like you. If I get accepted as Spider-Man, it would be too early of a stage to have other Spider-characters and symbiote running around. I can't speak for Andy's concept.

However, you could always apply as Spider-Gwenom(?) as this universe's Spider-hero and compete with Andy and I.
<Snipped quote by Retired>

Starro Year 3, Chitauri Year 4, unless the other GMs have issue with those times. Basically the Avengers are very new, League has been around a little longer

So one year ago for the invasion. That works perfectly, thanks.
I asked elsewhere but I'll restate the question here for visibility. When in the timeline would the Starro and Chitauri invasions have occurred? These are defining moments in the RP's history and could be crucial for several character's backstories.
Who do I want?


Byrd applying for Stacy X confirmed.
I guess Andy and I might be duking it out (again). Another interested Spider-Man player here.
Oh. I was literally just coming in here to put up the post I finished last night. Awkward.
Speaking of being unreliable. I'll get my next post up by Sunday night.


UPDATE: I lied.
Speaking of being unreliable. I'll get my next post up by Sunday night.

Hey, @Cybermaxx. Post more. I like reading the Titan stuff. That is all.
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