Avatar of Rhona W


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Quality is definitely better than quantity when it comes to RP, be it groups or 1x1
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3 mos ago
TBH, I'm not surprised an Int Check got taken down. Some of the 1x1 checks I've seen are basically straight-up looking for ERP and Typef*cking almost shamelessly
4 mos ago
Ah, I see the bots are back again with their nonsense posting.
5 mos ago
Got my new sci-fi mecha RP up. Put a lot of work into the background of this one, and wrote out a whole setting
5 mos ago
Cambozola is definitely A-Tier. It combines all the best parts of Brie with Blue Cheese, what's not to like.
1 like


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

I'll get the next GM post up to move us on shortly!
Good news, I have completed writing up the background info.
On the downside, I have basically written an entire roleplay setting and fictional universe...
I'll get the OOC up tomorrow with the character sheet and suchlike
Thanks for all of your patience!
I had spent almost all of today and a significant portion of yesterday working on the OOC to get it ready to post, but the browser accidentally closed and I lost all of it.

Serves me right for not putting it in a document before typing it up, but that doesn't help me feel less gutted about all that time being wasted.

I will try and get the info up tomorrow or over the weekend, and I will probably use an off-site editor to type it up, and maybe use Google Drive or something similar to present and organise the information, so that it makes it easier on formatting and is less likely to be lost than using RP Guild.

Sorry for the delays, but it's taking a lot longer than I expected.
Oh, I am in like Flint.

Psychic elf girl in a mecha with an ESPer lens that amplifies her powers to mecha scale. Just a minute while I pick out a Mamoru Nagano design....

That sounds like something that might fit in well!

I should have the OOC up tonight or tomorrow, hopefully!
@Rhona W

I know you mentioned our characters could be aliens, i had an idea for an alien race i wanna play. Can i DM you the details?

Yes, definitely eager to have non-humans as well as human characters feature. Will go into more detail with this on the OOC. But feel free to DM me the details in the meantime.

The Saturday morning cartoon? Engage Enhanced Imagining?! The 3D has not aged well. It's great.

I'm pretty into Battletech, but there's a lot of lore to go through, and I came in kinda late. I played the mektek mod of MechWarrior Mercenaries 4 a bit, some ten years ago or somethin' like that. Mech Merc 5 is pretty cool, too. My first exposure to Battletech was from MechAssault 2, on the first Xbox. What a game that was. I couldn't play online, though, 'cause we didn't have live until after the game was dead.

Chromehounds was also a jam, though.

There is a lot of lore, and it's continuous since the original release as well, so it can feel a bit overwhelming to try and take all of it in or get up to date on all of it.
By comparison to your experience, I haven't really played any of the video games - I've always been more of a console 'gamer', and I use the term in quote marks, since I'm pretty casual. Most of the BattleTech/MechWarrior games were always on PC until recently, and I never had a gaming PC. But the lore is still the same across both, and it was that that interested me more than the game itself.

I prefer my anime mecha to the Western/Battletech depictions; I like the more fluid, agile movement and kinetic action. But that's not to say that I don't like Battletech as well, and there's certainly room - for me at least - to appreciate both.
@Rhona W, Ahem, I am aboard...

Well, when you said you might be interested I wasn't sure if you were or not, but that's great!

@Smike, @Eviledd1984 - I'd love to have both of you aboard.

Thank you! I'm a fan of indigo and Violet. That's a Mist Lynx, a clan mech, MLX-ED variant. I also run the Arctic Cheetah, another clan mech, ACH-Prime.

That's a.. robotech? No, Macross, like you said earlier. Mmm... I seem to remember some kind of design scandal resulting in unseen mechs in battletech. I never got too into robotech or macros, myself.

I remember I played a robotech game on the PS2, once. It had the same three shapes you could transform into.

Macross and Robotech are somewhat related; the original Macross anime from 1984(ish) was adapted as the first part of Robotech.
The same company that did so held rather jealously onto the rights and the name for a long time outside of Japan, and that in part is what ended up making the Unseen 'mechs unseen to begin with. The ones that weren't from Macross were licenced from other anime at the time, and FASA didn't have the rights to use them everywhere due to the way it was handled.
I actually got into mecha anime due to Battletech - I watched the old animated show when it was released. That lead me to the novels, and a general interest in mecha. There was an anime magazine in the UK at the time that had a mecha special, and from there I found out about more and more anime and mecha anime in particular, and how it related to Battletech

In other news; I'll start working on some ideas for an OOC and try and get it up in the next couple of days
Here she is~

I love the colour scheme! I don't recognise the 'mech, but that's not surprising.
I was thinking of the YF-29 Durandal for myself

More anime style? Sure sure. Still interested, for sure. I always wanted a cool and useful Land/Air Mech, but Battletech doesn't have those, either.

I haven't done a fox girl in a while..

Yeah, cool and useful transforming mecha was what I was going for, hence the Macross inspiration - it's my favourite anime franchise after all, and it combined my adoration of fighter aircraft with my one for mecha.
Fox girl would definitely be welcome. I was thinking of playing an anthro character myself.
At least that's you who's interested so far. In the very least we can do a 1x1 if no one else is aboard
Can I direct you to Battletech for some inspiration?

Either way, hello.

Edit: Just saying it sounds like a mercenary group in the Inner Sphere of the Battletech Universe. Less fighting more exploring, perhaps.

I'm well aware of Battletech, but I wanted to run my own original setting with non-human characters in it. And more anime style than Battletech's walking tanks. The transforming mecha was one of the big draws for me, and they're perilously rare in Battletech, to the point that the fanbase is quite divided over the fact they should even exist or not.
I appreciate the thought though.

Similar idea, feel free to steal it:

tl;dr: WW1 mechs being orbital-dropped from airships and manned by catgirl/monster-girl infantry.

<Snipped quote>

Not really something I'm interested in, but thanks anyway
I'm a huge fan of mecha anime, and especially the Real Robot subgenre, as opposed to the Super Robot side.
I'm especially a massive fan of Macross, and have a very strong desire to run something that's got transforming mecha that turn into aerospace fighters in it, in a sci-fi setting.

I don't want to run something in a Fandom setting; I'd much rather write my original background and setting. I'd quite like to run something in a full on, deep space, multiple words, galaxy-spanning setting with multiple sapient races as well as humans.
I'm thinking something along the lines of Mass Effect in that regard; an interspecies alliance of powers living in peace with other hostile species and various long-standing mysteries of the galaxy, etc.

I had the idea that the player party would be in a similar sort of setup to Mass Effect as well; not necessary rank-and-file military, but a group with relative autonomy, on a medium-sized ship, investigating particular leads and information to follow up a plot, exploring and getting into trouble. A multi-species crew with various specialities, but with the action being mostly mecha-focused, with some moments of on-foot action as well, and plenty of downtime between action scenes for character development and interaction, and unravelling the clues and leads that are discovered.

At the moment, I'm just throwing out the vague ideas; I'll form a more coherent setting, narrative, and guidelines if there's enough interest.
Not looking for a huge group - just enough to form a decent-sized core group of people that are reliable and don't flake out.

Players would absolutely be able to play non-humans as well as human characters, and - to a degree - can create their own species, as long as they're not too out there, or too OP and ridiculous. Of course, that can all be discussed and laid out in an OOC.

Same with mecha; there'd be scope to create your own, as long as they fit the standards of the setting and aren't ridiculously OP.

All ideas at the moment, would be happy to answer more questions if there are any.
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