Avatar of Rhona W


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Quality is definitely better than quantity when it comes to RP, be it groups or 1x1
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3 mos ago
TBH, I'm not surprised an Int Check got taken down. Some of the 1x1 checks I've seen are basically straight-up looking for ERP and Typef*cking almost shamelessly
4 mos ago
Ah, I see the bots are back again with their nonsense posting.
5 mos ago
Got my new sci-fi mecha RP up. Put a lot of work into the background of this one, and wrote out a whole setting
5 mos ago
Cambozola is definitely A-Tier. It combines all the best parts of Brie with Blue Cheese, what's not to like.
1 like


I've been roleplaying in one form or another since the late '90's. I've played as many tabletop games as I have online ones, and the quality of both has varied wildly.
I have an active imagination, and I love immersive, descriptive roleplaying. My genres of choice are sci-fi, and modern-day (with a sci-fi twist). I like RP's that mix reality with fiction, and throw an unusual and exciting twist into an otherwise normal setting - something like Stargate SG-1 would be an example, or Battle: Los Angeles. An almost recognizable world, but with some sci-fi twists.
I'm a fan of military and action-based RP's that do this especially, and they are easily my favourite - though I rarely see any that appeal to me enough - all the military RP's are too 'plain', and anything else modern day is usually fantasy or fandom.
I have a lot of fandoms, but I don't really like fandom RP's - or at least, the ones that come up. I often find them a bit lacking in ideas, or too far away from what actually makes the thing I'm a fan of enjoyable.

I don't play in free, as I find the short posts and bad spelling and grammar infuriating.

I'm 43 years old, and live in the UK, so I may not be on all the time.
I also like playing non-human characters, especially anthro ones. I dig giant robots, and I love military aircraft. I'm also a very dedicated and proud Brony and furry.

Most Recent Posts

Nyehhh, I'm getting really into writing my background, haha.
I've got my concept really well together, but I'm struggling to think of a good hero name!
I'm on UK time, so you were all posting while I was asleep! So, I've got catching up to do.
Hopefully this won't move so fast that I can't keep up, which is my only worry given how busy it's been so far.

I was thinking of creating a hero - always more my style, TBH - in more of a sort of Iron Man/War Machine mold, a tech hero with a suit of advanced powered armour, their 'power' being maybe technopathy or some kind of superhuman understand or gift with technology.

I've got to put my brain to work coming up with a background and story for them, which is the hard part - but I'll try and cook something up and get it posted soon.
<Snipped quote by Kensai>

What would everyone prefer? I'm open

Anything but Free, tbh.

I'd be capable and happy with either casual or advanced; I tend to write pretty detailed posts, and I love a lot of world-building and detail in an RP and setting. Just so long as it's not completely impenetrable or overly complicated with rules or character creation stuff.

Disregard, I didn't see that there was another page, and I was asleep (UK Time) until now.
I'm potentially interested; I haven't done any superhero RP in a long time and I do have a long history of interest with the comics, movies and cartoons.
What level would this be; free, casual, etc? As that makes a difference about my interest.
“Sir, if I may, what is the convoy actually transporting?”

"Good question, Valkyrie". Scott flicked through a few pages on his electronic flight book until he came to the relevant information, reading aloud.
"'Three general cargo ships, each carrying a mixed load of machine tools, commercial vehicles, construction equipment, agricultural machinery and chemicals and industrial components for civilian use'". He looked up to nod at the Scandinavian pilot. "All stuff that shouldn't explode should a stray shot hit home, and in keeping with what we know is going on in-country with trying to rebuild and get things back off the ground for farming again after the recent drought and other problems they've had here".
He looked around at the others, and stood tall.
"I think that's everything that we need to get this mission off the ground. We're here to deal with the problem as it arises, so let's not be caught on the back foot. Dismissed, everyone. Let's go do that pilot shit".

* - * - *

The ASF-14 Super Tomcat thundered into the air, afterburners ablaze as Scott lead the Cobalt Haze squadron into the air. The swing-winged jet cut a knife-like silhouette against the clear, blue morning skies as the rumble of powerful jet engines rolled and echoed off of the airports' buildings and the surface of the ocean.
"Cobalt Haze squadron; form up into your elements. You've got your mission objectives, let's go earn our pay, and show why Shattered Steel is the best merc company there is, and why we're the best they've got. Flight one, form on me. Flight Two; fly safe, and kick-ass, over"
Scott waggled his wings at Valkyrie's Gripen, before he broke away, heading away to the west as the AWACS fed them navigation co-ordinates.

@Kensai, @Smike, @AvaP, @Letter Bee, @Shadow Daedalus, @Damo021

@Thayr, @Alfhedil, @Smike, @Komo, @Theyra, @FourtyTwo, The first post is up, and we have a mission in the making.
It's a bit of a long one, what with setting the scene, but I hope I've given you all something to at least briefly react to, before we can get into the more exciting stuff.
April 27th 2025
Just inside the border of Taniland
African Continent

The DC-3 transport plane was probably - no, definitely - older than all of the people aboard. It rattled, banged and creaked, and the interior was so loud, there was no way for the operators of Spearhead to talk to one another as it flew, even with their radio headsets. Sat on nylon webbing seats along the inside of the fuselage, their gear was in a small pile of hard-impact peli cases and bags between them, strapped down to the cabin floor.
The note of the rumbling twin piston engines changed and the ancient DC-3 rumbled as its' landing gear came down. Craning her neck to look through the porthole behind her, Meg peered over the top of her shades at the outside. The ground grew close; reddish dirt and plentiful green vegetation loomed up, broken by the occasional rocky outcrop and winding ribbon of water. There were vague hints of civilisation; unpaved roads cutting through the greenery and the occasional simple building of unclear purpose, and then it was lost behind the treeline as the DC-3's wheels touched down with a rumbling roar, and the props joined it as they went into reverse to slow down. The tail came down, tilting the cabin as the plane slowed enough to land, and the noise dropped away as they came to a stop.
The co-pilot picked their way past the seated operators, nodding to them and pointing to their seatbelts, before he undogged the hatch in the side of the fuselage and heaved out a set of steps. The dusty, earthy smell of the outdoors invaded the cabin, interfacing with the musty, artificial smell of the ancient plane.
Meg gestured to the others to handle the gear, and for one of the others to come with her as she dropped down the steps, and into the dying heat of the early evening. The roar of the DC-3's engines had died to a low hum as they idled, and the plane was unloaded.
Standing close by, and somehow managing to look almost immaculate despite their surroundings in a white dress shirt, jeans and a suit jacket was Jamison, the team's handler and contact. A short way behind her a minibus was parked up with the doors open and waiting.
"Welcome to Taniland, Spearhead Team," she said over the sound of the engines. "Glad you made it in one piece"
"No thanks to the transport arrangements," Meg said back, shaking hands with the slightly taller, more slender woman. "The pilot was great, but I think to keep that thing in the air, he'd have to be. I'm pretty sure that DC-3 was probably over Normandy, and hasn't been serviced since".
"It was inconspicuous, and at short notice," she replied with a shrug. "And it got you here, that's all that mattered, right?"
Megan acceded with a shrug, looking back to the plane as their gear was being unloaded.
"I won't argue with that," she said with a nod, before nodding back to the pile of their gear. "I assume you've got a place for us to go? And that we won't have time to sit around long, either"
Jamison shook her head, face falling into more of a grimace. "I've got several safehouses set up across the region, in association with the local resistance. I've made sure there's multiple points, and they'll be safe enough for you to use to sleep, eat, and rest otherwise, as well as store your gear. And as for getting you right into it; as long as you're ready to go, I can get you out there right away".
Megan looked back at her team and her lips wrinkled. "We'll see; once we've got the gear on the bus and are away from the strip, we can get a better idea".


A short while later, the bus was loaded up and the plane clawing its' way back into the darkening sky. Jamison put the vehicle into gear, and it moved off down the rutted, bumpy road. She talked loud enough for the whole team to hear as they moved.
"So the situation on the ground is that the Order are definitely in charge. Taniland's military and police forces are basically owned by them and at their beck and call, and they essentially own the government too, through payoffs, bribes, blackmail and all the usual methods. Most of the civilian population are stuck working here for them, whether they like it or not, and open dissent is very harshly punished. Worship of their fucked-up ideals isn't enforced per se, but it's... highly encouraged. There is a resistance movement, but they're underfunded, under-equipped, and are on the back foot. That's why we're here; to give them a boost and try and help them get on the right path"
The blonde fished in the door pocket on her side, before pulling out a file jacket and passing it over to Meg, the kiwi flipping through it, before passing it back for the others to look through.
"That's the dossier on Thomas Adebayo. He's one of the Resistance chief officers. While he's not their primary field leader, he is their top point of relations with the local population. Well educated, local boy, from a family with a strong history of helping the local people. He was running for office before the Order took over". Jamison took her eyes off the road for a moment to glance across at Megan, who returned the look, the minibus turning onto a more finished road surface, other traffic - sparse as it was - starting to appear around them, along with telephone poles lining the sides of the road.
"...He was taken into custody by the police in the town of Mbaiki, this morning, and then transferred to a compound in the village of Boukoko. Getting him out would be a perfect first step for us in establishing a good contact with the Resistance, and it would show the Order we mean business as well. Freeing prisoners from what has been, until now, a place that couldn't attacked and dealing them actual damage would send a clear message. Not to mention, there's bound to be intel on their operations in the local area as well that would be worth getting our hands on, and other assets we could seize that would be worth putting in our hands, or those of the resistance fighters".
Meg leant back against the sweat-sticky seat of the minibus and nodded, pushing her shades up onto her head now that the sun had died away into twilight. A village loomed ahead, lights breaking up the purplish haze of the encroaching night.
"Sounds like time is a factor here; the longer we wait, the longer they'll have to try and pull more out of him. Or transfer him somewhere harder for us to reach him. How far is this place from here?"
"About twenty minutes drive. There's a safehouse here too".
Meg considered, and then shuffled around in her seat to look back at the others.
"All right. We de-bus, unpack our shit, get chow and then get our heads together. No time to get into things like the present, right?"
Crossposting from the Discord, but just for clarity so information is repeated -
I'm going to make an IC post to move things on, as I've been patient in waiting for anyone who hasn't posted or replied yet to do so. If there's anyone who doesn't post after that, I'll start kicking people for inactivity, as it's been a fair while, and I want to actually get things moving.

I'll do a check-in after the next one just to make sure, as I want to keep this moving and not let it die.
Crossposting from Discord - it's been a bit of a busy and challenging week for me. I didn't manage to make the intro post I wanted to yet, but I'm going to try and get the intro up either today or over the weekend, one way or another, since everything seems ready to go.
LZ Zulu, Somewhere in Tsavo West National Park, Kenya

1100 Hours Local Time
Two Days Later

The Lyons Queen

Eloise did her best to hold on and stay comfortable as the truck bumped and rattled along the rutted, dusty trails through the savannah. The pale, slight young woman had found a pair of shades somewhere and had them over her eyes, and her normally serious, even neutral expression couldn't help but curve into a small smile at the corners as she saw the vast, expansive natural beauty of their surroundings and the animals in the distance, or otherwise glimpsed as they passed by.
Once the airlander came into view, she was similarly awed by the size of the thing. With the vehicles clustered around it, it gave even more of a sense of scale for the size of the thing. She hopped down from the back of the truck with graceful ease, standing close by as the others spoke and a smirk crept onto her lips as the jokes about the airship looking like a flying butt came up. She tilted her head and hummed, before shrugging and speaking up to add her own comment in reply to Purna's mention with a nod.
"Mm... it does look like a butt. Or maybe like boobs under a sports bra. Or someone with a really bad cameltoe... but it's impressive though. I've never seen anything quite like it".
Her eyes were drawn to Athena's shapely bottom as the giantess headed up the ramp a little ahead and her cheeks flushed a little as her imagination betrayed her again.
"Well... almost," she muttered more quietly to herself.


Much later on, after having stowed her gear with the rest and having explored the opulence of what she'd come to think of as 'Athena's Sky-Palace', Eloise had found herself a place to let the time go by. Her gear was already adjusted and set up, she'd fiddled with it and adjusted it to her specs; given that she'd undertook her training and familiarisation earlier, there wasn't much to make ready.
As much as she was prepared to be part of the team, and as luxurious as the Sky Palace was, the side of her that was something of a loner and a goblin had asserted itself, and she had found herself a perching point after raiding the kitchenette and food supplies of the airship. Now, Eloise was sat on top of one of the CAV's in the vehicle bay, munching her way through a packet of bourbon biscuits, empty packaging from a large bag of tortilla chips and a packet of marshmallows also around her, along with an empty can of root beer, and a second she was sipping from every so often.
She set the biscuits and can aside as she worked on the other thing occupying her time. She'd 'liberated' a roll of tinfoil from the kitchen as well, and between her snacking, she had been sculpting using the foil. A bit more twisting, folding and shaping, and another thoughtfully chewed and eaten biscuit, and the rolled the result between her fingers, happy - enough - with what she'd achieved. Leaping effortlessly down from the top of the CAV to land athletically on the floor, she hummed musically to herself and tucked the life-size rose in on one side of Athena's Exo helmet.


As they suited up, later on, Eloise was nervous; she had no idea what to expect in the way of a reaction to her little gift. With Purna in their side-by-side gearing up areas, she looked across at the Nepali giving a tight smile and a nod. Before Skye had them ready to deploy, she reached out and touch his arm briefly for attention.
"Thanks for all the help in getting me adjusted so far. Especially at such short notice. Whatever happens next, well; I'm glad we're going to be working together".
Words said, she slid her helmet and mask on and tapped the hidden button behind her ear to seal the suit. Her cloak was folded and tucked in under the wingpack for safety and her bow and quiver strapped to her front for the drop, a cover over the top of the quiver to stop any arrows falling loose.
She nodded to SKye as she saw them off, and returned the thumbs-up to Purna, eyes behind her helmet on him as he spoke, voice coming through just fine in her ears.
"Confirmed," she said in her normal, hushed tones. "Breaking things, hurting people, and causing chaos. Just what I excel at," she said with that same, flat humour.
He dived out, and with a thump of her heart creeping up her throat, she dived out of the hatch right on his tail, following his gliding trajectory and gently easing in the jets to tighten turns or add some power where needed. She was no pilot, but the theory she understood and she'd done her share of parachute drops and free-falls using her cape to glide, and it was somewhere between them.
"Well enough," she replied with a slight waver in her tight voice that betrayed her nerves. "Honestly; I'm less scared about being shot at once we're down, than I am about fucking this up and smearing myself across the ground or plunging into the volcano," she said with a slight waver of gallows humour.
As they got lower steadily, her nervousness started to creep away, replaced with a mix of elation and anticipation, the itch to unleash her skills and talents rising. The waypoint numbers rolled steadily down on her helmets' HUD. The 1KM mark flashed up, and she pulled the cord for her 'chute, panting a terse 'deploying' as they reached the mark, yanked up and back by the sudden drag.
The parachute drop was short, a brief moment of serene, slow-motion falling, before she cut herself loose and landed in an elegant wide roll. A pull on the straps disconnected her from the wing pack and let her bow and quiver fall free. A quick few motions had them stowed more readily at hand, ready to move and take action.
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