Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Warlord and a Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

The hunters would remain mostly silent, unease overcoming them as they’d wait for their captors to decide what to do from here. Akando though, would listen to Novak with mild confusion.

“Lazhira? She has something to do with this?” He would question. “...I get that she’s a bit of an oddball compared to the rest of us, but she’s always been one of the nicest people in the village...” A deep frown would overcome his visage as he’d shake his head. He needed to meet up with Donovan soon if he needed his help with something.

“Can...can we go now?” One of the other hunters would ask Nobunaga and Novak. They had been disarmed, certainly...but who knew what they would do if they were allowed to leave. They didn’t seem remorseful or believed themselves to still be in the wrong.

Her Majesty

@Click This

“H-hey wait I said she’s busy!” The Oni that had also stopped Donovan would say as Narkissa would disregard him and instead just walk fairly easily into the Foxes’ tent.

“Ah? No, not interrupting anything...its fine, she’s a friend.” Mie would say to the Oni that was making a move to intercept Narkissa. He’d give a gruff huff before shrugging and going back to whatever it was he was doing before. “A letter and supplies, though? I’m afraid I’m not really open for the rest of my time here. Everything is getting packed up to be moved.” Assuming Narkissa would hand over the letter, the fox would accept and open it, blinking in mild surprise as she’d read its contents.

“...oh, I see. I see. Finally making a move, is he? Well, that’s fine.” Mie would stuff the letter into her coat. “If there’s nothing else you need immediately, Misaki, I have something to attend to with Narkissa here now.” Mie would say, standing up and supposing Misaki no longer had need of her, would motion for Narkissa to follow. Once they had left, Mie would turn to the human.

“Tell me what you need then. As for the other thing...Come back tonight. Alone. I’ll give it to you then. Its not something I can just wave around out here.”

A Traveler

Nicholas would move through the snowfield, towards the forest in the distance. Undead would climb out of the snow, their frost bitten bodies would crack and jerkily move towards the source of the commotion in the snowfield - that is, Elisette. The charm seemed to work thankfully. Though some would cross his path, it seemed as though they didn’t pay any attention to him, stumbling across the snowfield towards Elisette where they would promptly meet their end.

Of course, it would seem that no matter even if she’d cut them down - some would eventually get back up. Seemed whatever magic was keeping them alive was particularly pervasive. Still, aside from having one literally bump into him there wouldn’t be any incidents, and soon he was at the edge of the forest.

Unlike the one that was full of life and vitality back at the village he had seen first...this one was a stark contrast.

The trees were frozen, dead. A cold wind constantly pervaded the area, and the entire forest felt...somber. Lifeless. As though he was looking at the corpse of a forest, rather than a living place. Considering this worlds climate though, perhaps all of this was just natural.
However, as he’d walk, he’d soon see something in the distance.

What seemed to be a figure in a red cloak, walking along the path some distance away. They didn’t seem to notice Nicholas, but before he could give chase, however, a loud howl would pierce the silence as several undead hounds would leap into the path in front of him. He wasn’t surrounded - there were only three of them but considering they had noticed him despite the rosary they likely were more powerful undead.

They were barking and snarling, teeth gnashing as they’d slowly advance before one would leap, fangs bared, towards him.

The Roma Mob

“Heh,” Nesherit would chuckle. “You’re probably right about that. Anyways, Old Naraheim is...an odd place. We don’t know much of the demons before the Moonless Era, and Rullphana could likely tell you more - but from what I’ve seen myself its a realm that’s uncharacteristically hot.” He’d assert, folding his arms against his chest. “Its hard to describe - Molten rock and roots of a massive tree, intertwined with massive steel and metal structures half submerged in the ground, if you can believe it. Geysers of steam from iron roots of metal trees permeate the area, too. Not to mention dangerous. Demonic beasts of all kind call the place home...thankfully we haven’t seen a high demon there in ages, but demons can be...crafty.” A fairly rudimentary explanation, just giving Isidore enough to know that it’d probably just be hot and dangerous. The guard wouldn’t be very long on their return either, and soon after the Prince had finished his explanation he would return with a pouch full of coin, fifty silver exactly if he cared to count it out.

“As for the silk weavers...I went harvesting once because I wanted to see how it was done - their habitat is typically near where the tree-roots meet the earth. They make their homes in them. They look a bit like butterflies, and are fairly timid but don’t let more than a few of them linger on you. They’re carnivores and an entire swarm can devour flesh from bone within seconds.”

Octavia was seemingly getting a bit restless, rolling around on the ground and lightly pawing at the ground in a mildly anxious manner.


“If death frightens you, then you’ve already failed.” Sorcha said with a rather curt tone as she’d gaze into Augusta’s own eyes. It was clear she was measuring Augusta’s worth for herself, but eventually she’d merely let out a long, drawn out breath as she’d tell her to stand. “Follow me. You’ll likely miss the start of Rullphana’s lesson, but you’ll just have to deal with it.” She’d say, leaving the room. “Leuca, look after yourself. I’ll see you sometime this evening.”

“O-okay! I’ll do my best!”

“I suppose that’s true in a sense.” Augusta said under her breath as Sorcha started to walk off. “I’ll see you at Rullphana’s lesson later, Leuca.” The elf woman said with a happy smile as she walked off behind the strict sounding swordswoman. Really, she wondered how anyone didn’t fear death. Truthfully, she was frightened of being stabbed in the torso again. There was a small trauma about it, of course. As the two walked together, Augusta decided to break the silence. “So, I have to let go of any fear of death?” She asked, looking to the woman for an answer.

“Hm, I wonder...” The woman would walk, footsteps echoing in the silent halls as they’d walk through them. “There is no being in this world that can truly say they do not fear it in some manner...save perhaps, the Gods who have very little concept of it.” She’d chuckle, leading Augusta through one of the halls, down some stairs into part of the castle she hadn’t been to yet.

“The king has spoken to me at length about the Leargas, you see. It was something I had trouble understanding, back when we first met. He explained it as ‘Achieving Emptiness’ a sort of state of equilibrium with you and the natural energies of the world around you. When you take on the memories, experiences, and talents of your ancestors - you must also contend with their personalities, experiences, and emotions as well. You must have absolute control over your emotions or lose yourself.” She’d chuckle, a small smile. “Something I’d never be able to do.”

Augusta listened to Sorcha’s bit of information. It wasn’t a bad thing to have. If she learned one thing about her time on Earth, it’s that information was the key to everything. “Achieving Emptiness?” She questioned, thinking about it some. That was like… Buddhists? Or something like that. It was more enlightenment than nothingness she supposed. It wasn’t a subject she had great knowledge over.

“So it ends up a battle of personality where you have to control yourself. Fight years of experience while exerting yourself through sheer force of will, is it? Huh.” Augusta thought about for a small bit as they walked. “I wonder what my ancestors would say to me. ‘Don’t let yourself get stabbed again’. Perhaps.” She wondered aloud. “Ahh, but that aside, you wouldn’t be able to control your emotions?” She asked as she looked at the swordswoman. “You look pretty in control of yourself, though I suppose you can’t quite tell everything by looking at someone.”

“You think?” Sorcha would respond, a small smile. “We hardly know each other, now don’t we? I suppose you wouldn’t know this,” The swordswoman would stop, looking towards Augusta just in front of a large open field on the western side of the palace. Several shadow elves had already gathered in the outdoor training area. A few shot dirty looks towards Sorcha and Augusta both, but the former didn’t particularly seem to mind. “But there is a reason the Sirithen of Tamaln fear me.”

She would walk into the center of the field.

“Pick your weapon. I need to see your skills for myself.”

“You’re right, we don’t really know each other, though I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” Augusta said as she followed the swordswoman. She wasn’t exactly sure what Sorcha was wanting from her in particular. She was green when it came to the sword or spear or axe. “Just don’t leave a scar. I don’t know what a bride would do if her face was scarred before her wedding day.” The woman joked as she unsheathed her rapier. “My skills are a small bit bare.” She added, “Please teach me well.”

“Hm...perhaps, we could as we spar.” Sorcha would slowly turn to face Augusta. “And don’t worry, I won’t rough you up beyond any bruises. Now then...a Rapier” The woman would fix Augusta with a pointed look, followed shortly by her blade pointing in her direction. “A weapon, good in close quarters. Slightly flimsy, but good at stabbing and piercing. Good if you have a keen hand and eye to stab at openings in armor, but otherwise good for little else.” She would explain briefly. “Hope your hands are as sharp as your looks. If you desire to test another, there are plenty here to train with.”

Sorcha would breathe in, taking a defensive stance.

“The only rules here are no magic. Come at me, then.”

“No magic. Wouldn’t matter if I could use it or not I feel.” Augusta commented, though she knew why the woman had said that. After all, she wanted to see how the woman handled a weapon at base. She swung the weapon a few times to get a good feel for it’s weight. It was light for the most part. She took some fencing lessons when she was little but real fighting was much different from a couple of hits with a mostly harmless epee. With a small sigh, she took a stance similar to fencing though her knowledge from then was mostly tenuous.

Her focus was fully on this now, however, moving closer… Slowly, until she took a quick step forward and thrust the point of her weapon forward, aiming at an open spot on Sorcha’s body.

Of course, that was rather obvious opening move for a rapier.

Sorcha would rather effortlessly swing her blade upwards, catching the rapier upon the edge of ot as she’d completely deflect the other womans blade. Sorcha would say nothing as she didn’t move, seeming content to let Augusta make moves for now.

Augusta retracted her arm and took a small step back. Her face was like stone, unphased as she started to take her step back forward and starting to take a couple of swipes at Sorcha’s midsection, expecting them to be deflected again before lifting the hilt up, with the blade pointed down and going for another stab.

As Augusta had expected, Sorcha would easily deflect or parry the blows delivered her way. Clanking of steel upon steel filled the training area as a few shadow elves would look on in mild amusement. However, perhaps something she wasn’t expected. When she went for another stab, Sorcha would instead simply side step to Augustas right, the point of her own blade for Augusta’s neck.

The elf, for her part, would step to the left, dodging the stab and she would turn toward Sorcha taking her high up hand down, slashing at the swordswoman’s belly. Sweat was catching on her brow a small bit as she took a step back, giving a small distance between her and Sorcha.

Sorcha wouldn’t make an attempt to deflect this blow - rather instead she’d let her armor do the job. Augusta’s opponent would let the blade of the rapier harmlessly bounce off her armor, moving just slightly to let the blade slide off.

“You realize I’m wearing armor, right?” The next sequence of events would happen far too fast for Augusta to really process. The elf would have merely a few seconds before Sorcha’s fist would smash right into her face and send her reeling backwards. However, she wasn’t going to give the elf a moment to even process that as she’d quickly approach before she even recovered, and she’d feel her legs being knocked right out from under her from a swift, but harsh kick right to her knee and sending her to the ground.

Augusta stumbled backward as she was hit in the face. She could only be glad that she could heal it so there was no bruise. Then, a sharp pain at her knee as she took to the ground in an unconscious movement not exactly of her choice. Still, she gritted her teeth and pointed her sword up towards Sorcha’s neck. “Geeeh…” She grunted, trying not to cry out from the pain.

Sorcha responded with a small grunt as she’d instead turn towards the other gathered elves. A few shadow elves watching would snicker at their fair skinned cousins apparent complete shutdown. A few more had started to trickle in, it seemed.

“That’s enough. I think I have a decent grasp of your abilities.” She would say, standing over Augusta, staring down at the blade pointing up at her. “Your body is quite deceptively strong, but I expected as much. What you lack though, is proper weapons handling and training, as well as the ability to properly assess your opponent. Therefore we can skip the strength and overall stamina training and move right to your weapon handling. A problem solved enough by itself simply from doing and practice.”

She would go on.

“Now then...we will spar every morning and evening from now until the dance here. I don’t have much time to drill more than that. The rest of you will get your training shortly...and all of you will stand at the edge of the field at attention until I’m ready for you.” Sorcha would turn back to Augusta now. “Now stand up. We’ll do this again.”

“Very well.” Truthfully, she wasn’t surprised by Sorcha’s words. After all, this body was suppose to be above average after all. “Oh, forgive me for small minute.” She held her hand out and let a flame come to her hand and held it to her face where she had been punched earlier. Her biggest asset was her face at the moment, she’d hate for it to be bruised. She stood and took a stance. She took a deep breath and was then ready as she assumed her stance.

“...vanity won’t serve you on the field. Each wound is a reminder of a mistake you made in combat - one you should remember.” Sorcha would harrumph. “In these three days, you will be barred from healing magic until my training is done. Now then, prepare yourself!” The training was, as expected, rather brutal. Sorcha’s teaching method was the epitome of ‘trial by fire’ and ‘learning through experience.’

She’d give instruction as well as guidance of course, telling Augusta the best way to wield her chosen weapon. A rapier was better with quick thrusts, and wouldn’t do amazingly well against any heavier armor. It would take a quick and deft hand to use such a weapon, using it to strike at an opponent’s weak points. Not that Augusta was given much of a chance to do that. Sorcha’s armor was both surprisingly tough as well as light it seemed, and though she wasn’t fully armored, the swordswoman was extremely skilled, effortlessly blocking the elvish womans blows.

One time she’d eat dirt, after Sorcha would quite literally, kick her in the ass after ending up behind her.

Another would see Augusta losing her weapon and then having it pointed at her in turn.

A bloody nose. A slash on her shoulder. A cut on her chest. Her trainer was pulling no punches, the hour training session was relentless. By the end Augusta would be both mentally and physically exhausted. Her body ached. She was bruised quite heavily in multiple areas. Drenched in sweat and probably hardly able to stand.

Sorcha, on the other hand, had not even broken a sweat and was barely just breathing a bit heavier than normal.

“Hm...alright, I think that’s enough.” Sorcha would sigh, sheathing her blade. “Any more, and I might actually kill you.”

“I’d say…” Augusta said, kneeling. Exhausted. She should have expected the warrior to train her this hard but this was a little more than she expected. She didn’t really expect to be beaten and bloodied. And then told not to heal! The gall. She wondered if this was even worth the training. She set her rapier at it’s place on her hip. “To my next lesson then.” She said, wondering if she’d even make it far enough without collapsing. Perhaps she’d heal herself slightly later. How vexing this woman was with “No healing”. Vanity was it? Why not take pride in her beautiful looks?

“Those who truly are deserving of vanity and pride look the part no matter the circumstance they find themselves in, Augusta!” Sorcha would shout as the elf would leave. A few of the shadow elves had utterly disregarded her instruction from earlier, however...and she would soon turn their attention to them.

“Now then, if you shadows think you can get away with not following orders...well then, you must be strong enough to beat me then! No either run twenty laps around the entirety of gloomhaven or draw your blade so I can kick your ass!”

...she seemed to be enjoying the ass-kicking a little too much, perhaps. Regardless, Augusta wouldn’t be pestered as she’d leave. Perhaps she could at least clean herself up a little later, though.

@Guy0fV4lor@Cu Chulainn

Finding the carts would be easy enough. After Malphas would negotiate and tell the Oni what was up, they'd be rolled out front of the camp, along with giving Donovan two Kamaitachi to pull them with. The beasts, were far more amicable and peaceable than when Donovan had last encountered one and seemed like they'd be able to haul far more weight than what Donovan could have by himself...of course, supposing whatever he had planned worked.

"Eh? Who's callin' me name?!" The familiar sound of the dwarvish lass would be followed shortly by her poking her head out from behind some crates seemingly filled with ores she was helping sort or take inventory of. "Oh, Donovan. Whatever it is, if yer gonna manhandle me more: No." She'd respond with a chuckle, walking over. She had ditched the sword and armor and was wearing a clothes more suitable to leisure or day to day business. "What ya need, friend?"

Malphas, once he had finished the task given to him would find a little fox scurrying back to him with a mildly annoyed, though seemingly curious expression. Ayumi would position herself on a box.

"Just going to let it leave?" The fox would question. "I suppose if he keeps up his end of the bargain...but I think I'm going to watch him, just in case. You should probably tell Mie."

~Foxy Business~

Despite having little experience in the way of negotiations, Misaki could quickly tell that Mie’s mask of being an ineffable merchant had shattered the moment that the implications of her suggestion had come to light. Of course, this bit of information was soon followed by the merchant’s own (rather apparent) desire for vengeance. While what she knew about Mie already made that less than surprising, allowing her to run amok with mass-produced wrought iron or steel equipment seemed less than prudent.

At the same time, if she was interested, then making use of her greed was probably in her best interests. But that had requirements all its own.

“Well, that depends on if you have what is necessary to create it. It’s not as if I am unaware of the implications that an advancement like this would have, either,” she began, crossing her arms as she frowned. “But the former comes first in this situation. If you have the heat required to melt iron outright rather than simply make it a molten blob of metal, I can work with someone to set up what is necessary for production.”

Here, though, the foxgirl would pause and smile wryly at the woman opposite her.

“Of course, if you don’t, then there is no point to this conversation, and you will simply have to accept something else in exchange. Whether or not they are on the same level as this, though, remains to be seen.”

“Heh, for better or worse, such advancements would come eventually.” Mie would offer Misaki a grin. “Far be it from us to deny such a thing, and far be it from me not to use it to make my own life more comfortable. I doubt I have everything you’d need here at this little camp in this middle of nowhere village, but once we get back to my home, well, if I don’t have access to what you’ll need I can guarantee you I will be able to find it.” The merchant would lean over the table slightly, obviously still enthralled by the idea. “I understand if you aren’t comfortable telling me these plans though. We hardly know or trust each other, so we could approach things one step at a time? Or perhaps you’d like to have an independent party take a look at your plans first to ensure I don’t run off with them?”

“Honestly, I’m not so much worried about the enrichment someone would gain from proceeding with this,” Misaki responded, shaking her head, “but rather the inevitable results if this sort of idea fell into the wrong hands. An early monopoly to establish initial production would be the least of my worries, but what the holders might do with it leaves me more cautious.”

At this point, the foxgirl would lean back slightly in her seat, thinking to herself for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. With Mie’s interest still apparent enough to not fear any sort of withdrawal of terms, it only seemed right to attempt to continue leveraging it in her favor.

“But, well, I have already stated what the minimum I need to begin creating prototypes; whether or not I want to give you everything out of hand is another matter entirely. Of course, if you were to act as a patron or partner, then there might be something else to be said about the matter…”
“Hmm...” Mie would hum lightly, tapping a finger against the table as she’d consider Misaki’s words. She didn’t seem overly invested in the other fox’s concerns, but perhaps that was expected given what she had observed of Mie so far. “Well, if you have no concerns such as that, I would be happy to provide both funding as well as any other materials if needed. As I said, I may not have everything on hand at the moment, but once we return to Chagawa, I am certain I can find anything you need. Now, if I may ask,” She would fix the other fox girl with a look of suspicion. “What do you get from this? Not that I am going to press the issue, but clearly you’re offering this more than just me jokingly saying you need to buy something. You could develop this in secret and have the sole of it yourself. I’m sure you could easily find where and how without my help. Is it just money? Or is there something else?”

There was, of course, truth to Mie’s words; developing everything that she was currently proposing was possible on her own, and finding someone else to take her up on the offer would not be difficult… Had they not been here, of course.

“Well, if we were to speak with regards to what I gain… It is a bit complicated, but in short, my ultimate goal is to bring everyone to a higher standard of living. Money would obviously be helpful, and I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t mind having some on hand, but, well…”

Misaki trailed off as she glanced towards the entrance of the tent, the snow-covered scenery of their surroundings passing through her mind’s eye for a moment before she turned back towards the merchant.

“...Yes, that’s about it. I could do something like this myself, yes, but I am not foolish enough to undertake attempts at massive technological advancement on my own, much less spread them around; even if I did, nothing could stop it from being used with reckless abandon by people with darker inclinations. I may be an idealist, but being an idealist doesn’t mean that I don’t understand what might come about as a result of that idealism, for better or for worse.”

At this point, the foxgirl would sigh and shake her head, glancing towards the top of the tent for a moment before continuing.

“Of course, something like increased production of iron and steel would naturally lead to unrest, especially with how useful and valuable they are. But… Well, I’d like to think that stable profits and an empire of coin would be more useful to you than raw military might. Besides, I have other avenues of research that might be of use to everyone, and an unstable nation is far from suitable for such things to be developed in my opinion.”

It was likely that Mie would have other plans in mind for whatever amount of metal was produced, of course, but Misaki would much prefer not having to throw herself into the middle of a civil war if she could help it.

“Pfft, hahaha!” Mie would chuckle loudly, leaning back in her seat and glancing briefly towards the roof. “Sorry, you reminded me of an idiot who said someone similar once. While it's true I do think all the fighting and clans back in Chagawa are useless warmongers, I can’t deny that having a strong military is a good thing. Without a strong vault, amassing wealth is meaningless if you can’t protect it….besides, I can’t say selling to certain more...violent factions haven’t earned me a pretty penny and some favors here and there. That said...” She’d take a more serious tone as she’d glance at Lazhira. “What do you think?”

“E-eh? Me?” The native girl had been quiet for the most part, content to let the other two talk their plans over and let the negotiations proceed without her input. Nothing much she could really do to add here, after all given her limited actual life experience. “Uhm. Well… Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could live more safely? Without having to worry about whether or not some neighboring tribe would come and steal things?”

“Hmhm, of course you’d say that.” Mie would sigh, one of her ears twitching in perhaps, mild disappointment of some sort. “Obviously if you tell me how this is done, I will make whatever gets me the most profit with it, no matter what it is. I won’t lie. But...if you intend to see this idealistic suggestion of yours to fruition, no matter what it would take,” She would say, perhaps a somewhat cryptic question as she’d lean across the table, extending a hand towards the other fox. “I might not mind being a partner in this little endeavor of yours.”

Seeing that hand extended, though, Misaki would pause, taking in Mie’s words as she closed her eyes. There was something ominous in the merchant’s phrasing, but in the current situation, making any definitive statements felt… Off. She had lived in a world where courts of law settled disputes, where verbal agreements were motions of trust. And so, to be left uncertain about whether or not to take this deal in the first place…

Well, that simply wasn’t all that pleasant to begin with. But even so, when the options left were to travel on her own or to fumble about in hopes of finding something useful as opposed to having a backer, the answer was obvious, loathe as she was to admit it.

“...There is a line that I will not cross, but I recognize the necessity of protecting yourself and your assets,” Misaki began, opening her eyes and looking straight at Mie, “just as much as I do the importance of handling matters behind closed doors. With that said, I suppose that you will be putting yourself in as much danger as I am if people catch wind of these methods, assuming that they work. So…”

With a sharp gaze, the white-haired girl would take Mie’s hand and shake it with as firm and as curt a grasp as she could.

“...Very well. Though, if I might ask: could you bring those I was with initially as aides? Of course, this would be up to them, and you have already negotiated with one to bring them along as far as I am aware, but I do believe that their presence would be useful in the long run.”

She could not speak with regards to Narkissa—not beyond being aware of her knowledge of history and ability to help reconstruct things from memory—but Novak at least seemed like he could hold his own, and Nobunaga…

Well, given the mention of warring clans, it would be incredibly foolish not to attempt to bring her along, regardless of how problematic the warlord could be in theory.

“Aides? I believe I already promised that Kippoushi fellow that I would allow them to travel with me back to Chagawa. As for the other...Novak, was his name? I already asked to meet him. I have a particular eye for talent and was going to offer him training in return for work and a place to stay...so I see no issue with this request.” Mie would say, shaking Misaki’s hand lightly and then sitting back down. “So, unless you want to go ahead and make a verbal agreement, we can wait until we return to Chagawa where I can write up an actual contract of sorts unless you have another suggestion or want to go ahead and get started.”

The huntress would frown lightly. Hm. Maybe she should give her a hug? She had seen humans do that to comfort others before, but would it be too friendly? Too familiar? She couldn't come off as that being a goddess. She also couldn't just demand she dry her tears either. Tsk tsk, ugh, why were humans like this? This was why she had to protect and judge them, because they were easily weakened by things like this.

Well, perhaps that was just her divine arrogance speaking.

"Hm...I don't think we'll be finding anything else out for now," Alasayana would respond. "Lead us then, Flora. I assure you that you will be safe. Oh, and, of course, I expect you to also groom my tails as per your punishment for waking me from my nap once we get a moment." Couldn't let her forget that, no. That was the most important thing in all of this.
I'll do a thing tomorrow
Warlord and a Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

The group of cornered hunters would fall silent, Novak’s words at least having seemingly placated them somewhat. A tense few moments followed. Silence, as Donovan would consider beating some sense into them...and then as he would whisper something to Akando and flee, the other hunter would give Donovan a frown and a furrowed brow.

“The old...Alright. I’ll meet you there.” The hunter would turn his head towards his former compatriots. “...You don’t trust them. I didn’t either, and to be honest, I still can’t say I understand or believe what is entirely going on here.” The hunter would speak, taking a less hostile glance. “But...we’ve always survived by working together. Hunting together. Helping when one of us had been wounded...when I was lost in the forest as a child, he’s dead now, the older hunters all helped me. They might be outsiders, but they’re only trying to help. We can’t live if we just shun all outsiders just because they’re not from our village.”

Akando echoed much of Novak’s own sentiment. And perhaps, after hearing it from one of their own, another of the hunters would begin slowly.

“...We...don’t really know much.” He would slowly begin. “But the old man found some of us one day while hunting. He was the one who first showed us the fog and the old temple.”

“Told us that there was a sleeping goddess of some sort sealed here in the Moonless era.” Another would speak up. “Said that if it was allowed to wake, the sea would swallow the village. As proof he...showed us what he meant. All of us had nightmares for a week after that, like we were standing right there when it was sealed.”

“Didn’t tell us who was responsible, or how.” The third would grunt. “We were in no position to question a god, were we? Game had already become scarce, and with the fog making animals more violent...he gave us the solution of just simply hunting the Kyrnith’s deer. Made the deer angry, but he had never really decided to help us.”

“Made it angry, but...we didn’t care. We still don’t really know much. We started coming up with a plan - if someone was breaking it, then we just had to find them. Soyala narrowed it down that it could only be Lazhira that was responsible...but well, we were hesitant. She’s barely old enough to go into the forest by herself even if she does it. She said hunting the deer would help throw off whoever was causing it. The Illuminator only said that recently Enli would just be a scapegoat to make the village fully believe in him and draw out whoever the culprit was directly.”

They would fall silent, not sure how to proceed or if they seemingly had any more relevant information.

A little secret
@Crusader Lord

The man of course, wasn’t in any position to really resist his feline captor. The burned and injured hunter would groan in pain as he was dragged through Mie’s camp and then hoisted up against a tent pole then subsequently tied up. Thankfully for Lazhira, he also wasn’t going to be stupid and resist further either at the threat of a broken leg.

“I-I don’t know much!” He’d say. “Just that we were followin’ orders! Soyala thinks that Lazhira is the one causing all this! I don’t know why, but we’re not gonna question a God if he says to do something, are we?!” He’d shout, the only bit of self defense he had right now. “A-all we really know is that if whatever is sealed in that old shrine breaks free, Dawn is going to be destroyed! We would have moved sooner, but...well, we didn’t want to make Akando our enemy - he could throw a wrench in our plans since well, he and Lazhira sort of grew up together somewhat...” He’d calm down a bit, breathing becoming a little more even. “I-I think I heard something about a key from the Old Man. Two, actually. One being hidden, and the other just...being in Dawn somewhere. I don’t know more than that.”

Leannah would be vaguely aware of sounds of movement outside of the tent. Seems like the Oni had positioned themselves outside a bit to help give her a bit of privacy. Perhaps it was a bit curious he didn’t mention the Hag, and rather the Old man.


Mie would listen to Misaki’s explanation with rapt attention, not taking her eyes off the other Kitsune as she’d speak. As she did listen, her face would slowly turn from mild disinterest to one of disbelief and curiosity. She would fall silent a few seconds before energetically leaning over the table with an excited grin.

“You’re telling me you know a process better for refining metal and ores!?” The fox would giggle lightly, sitting back and grinning. “Ahaha, if I had that I could rul-ahem - become the richest little fox in Chagawa, pfft, ahaha! Not even my dumb stupid kinsmen could deny me then, ahah!” A few more fits of giggles as Mie would realize she was being a little too emotional, and with an embarrassed cough would collect herself.

“Ahaha, sorry I got excited~” Mie would fold her arms across her chest. “If you’re being honest, Misaki, my lovely little kinsmen...despite my ahem, earlier excitement, I am of course skeptical of this claim. If you can give me the details...I can have one of the Oni attempt making it and test this claim of yours.” She’d smile. “And if it works...well, Misaki, I can guarantee you the both of us are going to be rich.”

Her Majesty

@Click This

“Ahah, don’t you worry. Auntie won’t hate any of us! If anything, she’s laughing at us lesser beings.” He’d chuckle. “The only thing she hates is a boring story, ahah!” He’d hand her the blueprints properly now, and whenever she’d take them from his hand he’d forcibly grab hers, giving it a rather vigorous shake to seal their little deal.

“Keep it! For now, anyways. Not like you’ll be able to make it anytime soon.” He’d say, almost sounding a bit confrontational as if he’d be watching how long it’d in fact, take Narkissa to make it. “Now, then...as for your supplies. Give this to the little fox of a beast.” He’d secondly pass her a note. “Don’t open it! Her eyes only. We have a little...deal, currently. She’s holdin’ on to something special for me. Mutual friendship and all that. If she can’t hook you up, then no one can, ahaha!”

He’d clasp the cane in his hand, turning to leave.

“If there’s nothin’ else, I’d suggest you go visit her sooner rather than later….ah,” A pause, looking over his shoulder. “We’d need a real big power for enough oomph! Make it special, you!” And then he’d walk off, not bothering to explain or tell anything further.

Concerning the blueprint he had handed her…

A Traveler

“Ahaha, why would I put a cute little thing like you in danger.” Elisete would giggle. “I think its better if I draw their attention. I know there’s a lot of them, but it’ll take more than a few undead to take me down.” The warrior woman would offer a toothy grin. “Not nearly strong enough to, hehe.” She’d pull open the door to the church, letting Nick walk out in front of her before she’d secure it behind them. It wouldn’t be long before Viorel’s barrier seemingly had been put back up.

“I shouldn’t be too long, hopefully.” She’d say, walking towards the edge of the village. “Uhm...also, be careful. Viorel keeps talking about something really bad being out here at night, but we don’t know what that is or where it comes from. Might be a good idea to try and find some place to hole up if night gets here and we haven’t finished yet. Anyways...here I goooo! Try not to become zombie food!~”

And with that, Elisette would bolt off into the snow field. It wouldn’t take long for the zombies to rise from their snowy tombs, clawing their way to stand as they’d start honing in on Elisette...but it seemed she wasn’t concerned now that she didn’t have to look after Nick. The warrior wouldn’t even make an attempt to avoid the first one, rather running right to it.

Her blade was drawn, and in an instant the head of the first zombie would roll across the ground.

“Alright ya dummies come to Elisette and die!~”

More and more seemed to be slowly converging on her, but it at least, would offer Nicholas free reign to move towards the forest in the distance.

The Roma Mob

“Knowing thine enemy is always prudent.” She’d assert in response to Isidore’s comment, but didn’t linger on the subject, smirking lightly as Isidore made his demands. “A hundred is a bit steep, don’t you think?” She’d say, raising a hand. A few of the guards would grumble about Isidore’s disrespect but none moved to say anything. “Fifty. Upfront should be enough to pay for anything needed to solve this issue...of course, if you run into unexpected problems I will help where I can. Information of course, is something easily provided. I can have my son fill you in on the particulars, or you can find Rullphana. I’m sure she would be happy to discuss such subjects at length. A time piece...I shall send one to the gatehouse at the entrance. More monetary reward shall be given upon completion. Is that agreeable?”

If he did agree, the queen would motion for the same guard that had offered him the ring. He would silently move away from Isidore and off somewhere as he’d inspect the ring.

“If you want, Isidore.” The prince would say. “I can tell you what I know while the guard returns with the money...I’ve been to Old Naraheim myself a few times.”

The Builder

Donovan would dash back through the forest, thankfully his skills making the trip much shorter than it would normally be. He’d find himself at the edge of the village in a handful of minutes, and soon he’d be on the outskirts of Mie’s encampment. From a glance, it seemed like Mie was packing lots of things up, getting ready to move in only a few days' time and ensuring all her goods and supplies were all secure and ready to go.

It also seemed like she was busy.

“The Market is closed and Lady Mie is not receiving visitors right now.” One of the Oni would inform Donovan as he’d approached the center of the camp. “Do you have other business here, human?”

For the first few steps of the encounter, it seemed like things were going relatively well. Neffy had struck her targets the blades of water slashing and slamming into a goblin, nearly taking its head. In the ensuing confusion, Neffy would attempt to disengage, moving away from the others to get a bit of room to assess so she could strike more effectively and quickly...but it seemed the Goblins had a nasty little surprise up their sleeve.

"...Necromancy! A magic-caster?" Neffy would question. Well that would prove difficult to deal with. This would be a battle of attrition if they couldn't get to the one casting that magic then...thankfully, she liked to think she was good at moving through the battlefield quickly. "...Let me...handle it. Cover me." Neffy would say, wanting to get this threat finished off before it would take too much longer. If the others could at least clear a path or occupy the others then the easier time she'd have a chance of slipping in and finishing him off.

Of course she didn't have long, so she'd go ahead and keep her blade drawn, darting past the nearest goblin as she'd make an attempt to look for the one chanting those spells and preparing one of her own in to retaliate if she needed.

The Arachne would give Sefira a friendly smile and a wave, not seeming to entirely concerned with her position. Kokoma herself would end up taking a seat on Talliya, directing the others to Kuja and Teel. Both seemed more than happy, as long as they got a little affection in the mean time. Talliya seemed perfectly fine with letting Kokoma and another ride on her too. Maybe it was a little weird, in hindsight in a non-game scenario...but Kokoma wasn't one to really think about those things. It was a relatively uneventful trip, and about halfway through Kokoma would end up figuring out they could still use the menus. Otherwise, Kokoma would keep mostly to herself, though didn't miss an opportunity to chatter a bit or to cause a bit of mischief or to tease Sefira.

"...camp?" Kokoma would look around. "Oh jeez, totally wasn't paying attention. It got super late didn't it." The Shenke would say, hopping off Talliya. "Well this is a problem...no food, no cookware, no tents. Luckily for us," Kokoma would smack the Arachne's abdomen. "This bad girl can hunt and cook anything."

"...Master Kokoma, if you could refrain from doing that I would much appreciate it." The Arachne would sigh with a mild blush.

"That is to say, nope, I got nothin!" Kokma would continue, absolutely sounding way too cheery. Teel and Kuja would let the others off easily, and seeing that they were going to be supposedly camping here, would start taking it a bit easy.
A Divine Builder, Warlord, and a Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor

The hunters would comply, dropping their weapons, though slowly as they’d fear for their lives. Thankfully, they were not zealous enough to just throw their own lives away. Now whether they’d behave or not was an entirely different question - they would follow quietly, leaving the doomed place of worship along with the reincarnators. As they’d leave out the front door, they could see it - swirling winds, strong and vicious forming into the shape of a cone, starting from the ground and reaching high into the air. It would rip slowly through the path - even ripping chunks of the land and carrying it. No doubt, the entire complex would be rubble. Anyone left inside...well, they were likely not going to survive if there were any left.

“Suthainn?” The hunter would frown. “A foreign god has no power here.” One would grunt.

“We’ve got no reason to answer you.” A second would retort with clear hostility. “Maybe we just wanted to piss him off. That old man has sat on his ass too long.”

“...are you all fools?” Akando would speak. “Look around you! This fog - even I can tell its dangerous! And you want to help him make more of it?”

“The Illuminator has nothing to do with this fog! Its just...a side effect.” It was hard to gauge the truth of their words, and they did have every reason to lie. It seemed like they may need a bit more persuasion than just simple talking at this rate, and two of them were obviously looking for an opportunity to flee now that they weren't being confined in some indoor space between an enraged beast an four people that wanted them dead. "Outsiders, stop meddling!"

A little secret
@Crusader Lord

“Gah!-” A shriek of pain, as Leannah’s foot would come down on the hunters leg. The burned hunter didn’t have the ability to resist even if he wanted too. She might have gotten a bit too heated there, but he certainly wasn’t going to be fleeing or otherwise attempt wrestling himself from her grip. And drag him she’d have too - he wasn’t in any position to be walking after that injury at least not quickly or fast.

Of course, this would draw quite some attention from other people and the villagers, whispering about stereotypical Bastelian savagery and such, giving Leannaha a wide berth...though the hunters had definitely taken note as she’d drag him up to Mie’s encampment, and towards her tent.

The Oni would stop her before she could get too close, and the other hunter after seeing what Leannah was doing, would flee in the opposite direction, for now their objective seemingly thwarted.

@PKMNB0Y@Crusader Lord

“The ores?” Mie would hum thoughtfully. “Well, I only sell raw iron we mine from Chagawa. I do pick up more special and rare things from time to time in my travels...though I keep those under strict lock and key.” She’d smile. “Unfortunately, refining metal is a slow process that takes some time. If you have some way of making this process more efficient...well, I’ve got two furry ears that are always listening for information.”

Lazhira would meanwhile just take a seat near Misaki, having fallen a bit quiet again, understandably being somewhat pensive about what just happened. She didn’t have much to add to the conversation aside from just listening.

“If it helps, there’s a particular metal found in the deepest parts of the mines. The Oni call it ‘Serpent’s Marrow’ after the giant serpent killed by the guardian beasts. Brittle on its own, but has a curious effect of being able to make other metals stronger. Unfortunately mining and refining large quantities of it to usable states is fairly time consuming, if you can even find it.”

It was around this time the familiar voice of Leannah could be heard outside, calling to Lazhira. Understandably, she’d stay put, not immediately replying until Mie would frown, rolling her eyes slightly. She’d get up, and poke her head out the tent.

“Are you dumb cat?! Keep your voice down-” Upon seeing the prisoner though, she’d narrow her eyes slightly. “I may buy and sell lots of things, but people are usually below me.” She’d make a rather dark joke. “...hm, I think I know why you’re here though. You,” She’d turn towards one of her guards. “Take Leannah and our guest here to one of the empty tents near the back.”

Her Majesty

@Click This

“Me? No! I’d never lay a hand on my cunning little creation.” He’d reply. “Her on the other hand? Well...she’s behind everything, isn’t she? And here I am just trying to have a good time, ahaha!” A boisterous laugh as he’d continue with Narkissa’s other line of thought.

“Auntie! The one sealed beneath here. Well, not really kill, you can’t kill something that’s already just a carcass, but you can...put it to sleep, with enough persuasion.” The Illuminator would sigh. “And don’t worry your head, I won’t be using something as mundane as a mortal construction...I’ve got a little something that can help.” He’d chuckle again. “Well, if it comes to that...if she’s taken care of before it breaks...well, maybe this whole disaster can be avoided.”

A Traveler

“Luck has nothing to do with anything.” Cynthia would say, not bothering to watch as he’d leave. “Succeed by merit, not by luck.” Back to cleaning and looking after the tidiness of the building she would go, not sparing another glance.

“Hey hey!” Elisete would greet him as friendly as ever. “Find anything from the maid?” She’d ask, following Nicholas as he’d go ask the Priestly man to light the lantern. “I talked with a few of the locals...apparently the witch we’re looking for was a kid that isn’t even human.” She’d say with a frown. “I couldn’t get much more out of them, though.” She’d sigh, quieting herself as they’d approach Viorel.

“Hm? A light? Oh, certainly.” He’d make a flourish of movement with his hand, ending with a snap of his fingers and a small flame lighting the end of his finger. “Here we go.” Opening his palm, the flame would soon engulf the torch. “I don’t think the torch will last you long out there, especially if it gets windy. I’d keep the lantern lit, too. And...if you don’t mind me asking, how do you plan on getting past the Undead?” He’d ask.

“Good question.” Elisette would huff. “If it were just me I could just mow them down, no problem.” She’d look to Nicholas. “But this cute guy here’s tagging along and I’d rather he not be zombie food.”

“Hmm...if I may, then.” He’d smile, leaving the podium and walking over to Cynthia. The two would seem to have a small discussion about something, something Cynthia didn’t seem too impressed with, before sighing and seemingly handing him something. “Here,” He would hand a small, silver plated charm to Nicholas. It was of a cross, with a small skull engraved at the top of one arm, something that seemed to be a rose on another similar to embellishments on Viorel’s own vestments. “Just a small protective charm. Should help you remain undetectable to most undead.”

“Woah woah, really?” Elisette would blink in surprise. “Where’d you get something like that?”

“Just something valuable I picked up in my travels.”

“If you had something like that couldn’t you get these people out!?” Elisette would ask, understandably a little perturbed.

“If I had enough, but that is the only one I had.” He would shake his head. “You should get going, I doubt you want to be out for long at night.”

“Well, alright then. How do you wanna do this, Nick?” Elisette would ask.

The Roma Mob

“Hmm...I see the belief that we consort with demons still runs true among humans.” The Queen would say with an almost tired sounding voice. “I suppose I can not blame them, no matter how incorrect it actually is. It is true that in the past, we turned to them for survival. Our ancestors had no other option, you see. The...Sirithen abandoned us, fleeing from the calamity into the forest with their Faerie masters.” She would fold her hands in a triangle shape in front of her, as if contemplating something.

“But that is the past.The only relation we have with the demons is that we leave them alone, and they leave us alone...not that there are even many left, but regardless, the issue has nothing to do with them, anyways. Not directly at least.” She’d stand from her throne, motioning a guard to walk over, handing a sheet of soft, silken cloth to the Queen, and for Isidore to see.

“You see, in the old ruins of Naraheim lie creatures called silk-weavers. Much of our society's cloth and textiles come from these creatures.” She’d sigh, the exquisite looking cloth would have fetched a pretty penny even back on earth from the looks of it. “Harvesting them isn’t much of a problem, but recently something has...caused them to retreat from their usual habitats and the quality of it has also decreased.” She’d turn her attention fully to Isidore. “It may be the work of the Elder Beast of the Mountain, Stieneter, but It usually does not stray this deep. If it has, then that means something capable of scaring an Elder beast has moved somewhere into the land. In short, I would like you to investigate and solve this issue, if at all possible. Worry not, I will see to it you are amply rewarded for the efforts.” She’d make a small motion. The same guard would offer a box to Isidore, opening it and presenting its contents. Inside was a small piece of paper as well as a small ring engraved with what was presumably some sort of royal sigil.

“If you accept, take this written permission as well as the ring and present it to the ones who guard the gate to Naraheim. It will allow you passage unhindered.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“I see...well, I won’t pry then.” The Oni replied. “If there is nothing else, I shall continue my patrol.” With no further interruption from her, Nomura would be able to speak with Bolcha about Donovan. The craftsman definitely seemed worried about something judging from his previous tone.

“Yes, we’ve met.” He’d reply. “Told me last night he was headin’ into the forest. I feel like...I can trust you a bit,” He’d say, lowering his voice. “Donovan’s the one who told me about Enli and those that have it out for him. I think he went to confront them.” Well, that was good to know likely. If it wasn’t for Malphas already having Bolcha trust and believe him a bit, he wouldn’t have gotten that information about Donovan’s whereabouts. “You could probably wait until he returns...but if its urgent he probably is around the old temple.”
Aluvera - City outskirts

"Hmm...good question when did it come out..." Kokoma would frown, thinking about it slightly as she'd hop off Kuja. "Nine years? Gosh ten years stuck in that same boring job, ugh..." She'd cough, chuckling lightly before quickly moving on. "Annnyways, yep, that sounds about right! So if you need anything you can rely on Kokoma. I know this place like I know my fluffy tail!" The reincarnator would smugly grin at her own experience. "Tamed almost every tameable monster! Speaking of, right! Mounts! Lets see...how did I do it again...?" She'd reach up to her mouth, and a loud, high pitched whistle would call out through the area.

It would take a few moments for it to have some noticeable effect, but it would not take long to take note of something quickly approaching the group. It would look like a...giant...wheel of water, at first? It was rolling towards them at an extremely high speed, and no doubt was some sort of monster! It would spin faster and faster as it'd approach, heading right for Kokoma, though she didn't seem too perturbed by it even if, briefly it didn't look like it was about to slow down.

At least, until there was a thread of silk that would wrap itself around it, and then what was an Arachne in a maid dress leaping in to knock the wheel of water - now revealed to be some sort of aquatic dragon looking creature to fall over on its side.

"Ahem, apologies master Kokoma. Teel got excited." The arachne would say, approaching and looking at the others gathered. "...ah, is this our current party?"

"Heheh, yep! Everyone, this is Talliya and Teel...did Shiro not come? Tsk, I know it said he was a troublesome kid in the game files but come on...anyways I think these three should be able to help us cover ground more quickly?"

"A pleasure to meet you, everyone. I am Kokoma's maid. Are we...helping you travel?" Kokoma would hop up onto the Arachne's abdomen.
Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor

“How do you know about the seal?!” One would shout, though the rumbling from further within the temple, and a harsh wind that would blow out any torches and normal sources of light would quickly silence him.

“And what do you know about the village!” A second would grip the weapon in their hands tightly, obviously both scared and indeed, ready to fight their way out of here if they had too. They most certainly looked ready to fight their way through Donovan and Akando if they had too - but thankfully for Donovan, it seemed he was going to have a little help here. Akando would turn his head to the newcomers - Novak and Nobunaga.

“You are...the ones who helped that day.” He would shake his head. “We don’t have the luxury of time, Novak, but Donovan...convinced me that helping the Illuminator is not in the villages best interests for now.”

The hunters would grit their teeth. They could fight their way through two of them. Even if it was Akando and Donovan, their chances would be good, and likely have enough time to flee before the Kyrnith would come for them...but four people now? There was only a moment longer of hesitation as Nobunaga made her desire for blood obvious, a stark contrast to Donovan’s sympathies.

“...fine!” The apparent leader of them would frown, tossing his weapon to the floor. “We surrender.” The others would follow suit not long after.


“Hm? Now that’s weird.” Mie would say, a curious tone. Briefly, she’d glance towards the forest. “Someone’s angry eh~” An idle comment as she’d move back inside her tent. “Not my problem though...you want me to hide you, I take it? Alright, since we’re kin I’ll let you.” She’d allow them to enter the tent, motioning to the two guards outside to stand at the ready in case someone decided to cause trouble.

“Now why would someone want to kidnap Lazhira?” She’d ask, taking a seat at her usual spot. “I swear things in this village are getting worse by the day. I don’t even think the Oni would be so bold.” She’d chuckle. “Well, come on, have a seat. Buy something if you’re up for it. And since I’m being nice, maybe you can give me something in return hm?~”

A little secret
@Crusader Lord

Leannah would rush outside, having found no trouble within the cabin. The only sign of trouble she’d see, was a hunter running away from the cabin. A bit further on, she’d barely see Lazhira ducking into the crowd around Mie’s tent. A second hunter was lying nearby on the ground, groaning in mild pain from the burns sustained from the boiling water, trying to seemingly soothe them in a pile of snow.

Well, there were only a few things that could have happened here, but it seemed the immediate danger had passed. She had a singular hunter to interrogate if she wanted, or she could just go after Misaki and Lazhira, or find Narkissa.

@Click This

“...have we? Oh you must have met her” The god would say with a long, drawn out sigh. “Pain in everyone’s collective side she is, ever since she fled the nest, as they say!”He’d chuckle. “I’m all for a little chaos, but that one...that one needs to remember who made her...” The dark inflection to that tone certainly indicated something amiss, and perhaps even hatred and dislike. “That aside though, lass. Aye, you caught me in a bit of a half lie. I did. But...just because I learn something doesn’t mean I know how it works, how it is. That’s the fallacy here, isn’t it? Ah, it drives me absolutely batty. Knowing everything, but not knowing how one knows. Like being able to answer all questions on a test without having to think about it. Boring, ain’t it?. Ah, rambling again.” He’d chuckle, turning to her second question.

“I want you to kill a god. Which god? I don’t know, I don’t know which one needs killing yet! Me? Auntie? Maybe even my cousin, ahaha! That depends on how this whole thing...plays out...” He’d look towards the commotion. “I’ve got a design. All the parts are in place. I just need...something to get it started.”

The Roma Mob

Bathing. A more modern luxury than one might give it credit for. Certainly they had baths, but modern plumbing seemed to be something currently beyond them. Perhaps, that should be something for one of them to fix, soon. Regardless, the water would most certainly wipe away the fatigue of the day, soon his body relaxing with the aches and pains melting into the water as he’d begin to consider his own abilities again.

Fire. Heat. Fuel. Energy. All of these were needed to make an engine run. So he would feede the vehicle that was his body. His heart would start beating faster, faster and faster still as he pooled his energy into his heart. In his meditative trance, he wouldn’t realize just how dangerous such a fast heartbeat might have been in his previous life. Nor would he register the pain. Yet, this pain and beating of his heart would soon disappear, fading into nothingness.

Even if he hadn’t entirely realized it at the moment of meditations end, his will would bring forth new power for him.

He would waken, feeling oddly invigorated despite the travels. Upon opening the door, Nesherit would greet him with a decidedly disinterested look.

“L-last night? Augusta?!” Isidore’s comment though, would cause the young elfs face to flush with mild embarrassment as he’d quickly turn away, but before he could protest further Augusta showed up as well. “I-I don’t- W-we didn’t...uh...” Frowning, the Prince would instead focus on the matter at hand. “...As I said, Mother wishes to speak with you about some matter.” He would say, managing to focus as he’d start walking towards the throne room. “It’s likely regarding some troubles in old Naraheim lately. ” Octavia seemed happy enough to travel with him, for now, trotting alongside the pair happily.

It wasn't long until the pair would reach the throne room, the queen sitting upon the throne as ethereally beautiful as ever.

"Isidore, I am glad you are here." The queen would say with a small smile. "Before we continue, I have a feeling you are the man to ask to solve more...difficult problems. We have had some problems regarding old Naraheim...the old realm of the demons that lay beneath ours."


Stepping into Leuca’s room, she’d be greeted by both Sorcha and the young elf. The two of them already seemed to have been up for awhile, judging from a plate of already eaten food, sorcha being completely dressed in her usual armor while Leuca had seemingly finished a bit of practice doing something that caused her to have been sweating a bit.

“...Augusta. Good morning.” Sorcha would greet. “Here to get started then?”

“Hello, Augusta...is Octavia not here?” She’d question hesitantly. It certainly was looking like Octavia was the cause of Leuca’s uncertainty. “Oh, well...I thought she’d be coming...alright. Uhm.”

“I’ll start,” Sorcha would say, placing a gentle hand on Leuca’s shoulder. “Take a seat next to Leuca. I won’t be repeating myself. Any questions can be asked after I return from training this evening.” She would say, standing in front of the bed. “The Leargas...hm, Is easiest explained as ‘All the combined experience of the Elves.’ Some call it their ‘Ancestral Memory’” She’d begin. “I won’t get into the history, since its not important, just know its an ability the Old Fey created all Elves with so they could better perform their jobs as the Fey’s guardians.”

“U-uhm, its basically sort of...asking the spirits of your ancestors to guide and help, while also making yourself stronger.” Leuca would say. “Uhm, all elves can do it, but it usually requires...really, really, hard training. Some even...die...” Leuca would say with a frown, as if recalling something.

“According to Leuca and the King, you’ll gain brief access to all the knowledge your ancestors did, as well their combined combat experience among other things. As you can imagine...it can even turn a novice warrior into a force to be reckoned with. While all Elves can try - the only ones that have to...are the royalty and their relatives. Any Elf that desires ruling or the throne, must learn the Leargas to prove their worthiness.” Sorcha would fix Augusta with a serious, almost challenging expression. “You can die from attempting this if you are unready. If you still wish to go through with it, then I will test you in combat as both part of your training with weaponry and for this.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“...I can’t say I’ve met him, no.” Haruno would reply with a frown. “Forgive my impudence, but is there a reason you are asking?” The warrior Oni would ask curiously. Ayumi would run off, having taken Nomura’s cue to leave and go search on her own. Hearing Donovan’s name however, would cause Bolcha to perk up, looking in Malphas’ direction with a mildly surprised expression.

“What are you looking for Donovan for?” He’d ask, perhaps, some mild concern present in Bolcha’s voice.
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