Kaeru & Nyoko
"Nyeheh, but you do think we are cute then Emi-chan?" Kaeru snickered, running up behind Emi and throwing an arm around the other girls shoulder. "You don't have to be shy about it. You'd make a totally mega cute magical girl yourself! We should go hang out sometime after this and we'll get you all dressed and-"
Kaeru fell quiet, eyes falling on the bloodied floor.
The cats ears drooped upon seeing the blood, laying flat against her head as the realization of what had likely happened hit Kaeru. He knew that it was likely a possibility that something like this would happen. That was part of the job. Part of training, even, on how to deal with stuff like that...but it wasn't like training could ever really prepare someone for this sort of thing.
A nearby noise pulled her back to reality, ears standing straight up, now.
"...well the demon probably didn't come here to play football." Kaeru released Emi, a frown a small crackle of electricity ran across her legs. "But maybe I'll play volleyball with its head." She couldn't help but to be angry. Sure, there was still that uncomfortable melancholic feeling of knowing someone had died here...but she couldn't do anything about that now. She just had to make sure this demon couldn't do that again.
Whether it was some lower tier creature like a hound, didn't matter. A demon was a demon, and she was going to deal with it so Kaeru followed after the other three, ready to pounce at the first sign of movement.
"Nyeheh, but you do think we are cute then Emi-chan?" Kaeru snickered, running up behind Emi and throwing an arm around the other girls shoulder. "You don't have to be shy about it. You'd make a totally mega cute magical girl yourself! We should go hang out sometime after this and we'll get you all dressed and-"
Kaeru fell quiet, eyes falling on the bloodied floor.
The cats ears drooped upon seeing the blood, laying flat against her head as the realization of what had likely happened hit Kaeru. He knew that it was likely a possibility that something like this would happen. That was part of the job. Part of training, even, on how to deal with stuff like that...but it wasn't like training could ever really prepare someone for this sort of thing.
A nearby noise pulled her back to reality, ears standing straight up, now.
"...well the demon probably didn't come here to play football." Kaeru released Emi, a frown a small crackle of electricity ran across her legs. "But maybe I'll play volleyball with its head." She couldn't help but to be angry. Sure, there was still that uncomfortable melancholic feeling of knowing someone had died here...but she couldn't do anything about that now. She just had to make sure this demon couldn't do that again.
Whether it was some lower tier creature like a hound, didn't matter. A demon was a demon, and she was going to deal with it so Kaeru followed after the other three, ready to pounce at the first sign of movement.