Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District


As the group made their way off the ship and to the pier below, a small crowd was gathering both from the ship workers as passengers themselves. Aside from luggage, some cargo was also being delivered. More interesting perhaps, was that the Captain was now making his way down the gangplank, and right towards the group. He was holding a small box that was purple on top and white on the bottom. The trainer he had a battle with was following close behind.

“So these are Camphor’s new hires, eh? Aren’t you all a lively lookin’ bunch, ahaha.”

“Hm…new trainers?” The Annihilape’s trainers eyes looked over all, though specifically seemed to linger on Yuu. “Well, Captain Tuule. I believe our exchange ends here.”

“Aye, lad. Good luck on your ghost hunting. Say hi to Matthias for me if you run into him.” A small crowd was now looking their way.

“Hey isn’t that one of Valarie’s contest stars…?”

“Yeah what was his name again…?”

“I believe it is time I’ve made myself scarce. Good luck on your travels, everyone.”

“Ah-he’s leaving!”

The crowd slowly dispersed, leaving after him.

“Surprisingly one to shy away from the limelight, eh?” Captain Tuule walked over to the group. “Captain Tuule, at your service. How was the trip if I may inquire? Any complaints?” He looked over to Camila. “Ah, and before I forget again, lass. You must be Camila. Camphors said good things about you.” He’d hold out the box. It seemed smooth on all sides, with no discernable way to open it. “Here, Camphor’s delivery. Be sure this gets to her.”

He’d lean in close, whispering just so Camila could hear.

“And be careful. Miss Keira informed me some rats are possibly looking to cause trouble over this. Best be on your way back to the lab sooner rather than later, lass.”

City, Commercial District

@Crimson Flame@Theyra@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord

“...for the love of...”

“Hey hey hey, what have we here? A cute little trainer falling right into my lap?” A smirk that could only be described in some manner as smugly malicious appeared on Valarie’s lips as she’d look down at Clarissa. “And a cute little bunny, too! Your boss would love this lady, wouldn’t she?”

“...Miss Kiera does like Bunearies, yes…” The suit wearing woman would help Clarissa to her feet. “You alright miss? If so, move on. Neither of us have time to entertain fans-”

“Heey, don’t listen to that dummy. I make the rules here so I can do whatever I want, including entertaining a cute little fan like yourself.” Valarie interjected, taking a few steps towards Clarissa, earning a frown and a quiet grumble from the suited woman. “So how about it? A once in a lifetime chance to have some alone time with me. I’ll even give you a first class ticket to the contest. VIP seat, back stage access, autographs.”

The suited woman was glaring at Clarissa now. The word ‘Menacing’ certainly came to mind. Many of the people in the crowd were complaining about how it should have been them.

For the others in the group, making their way past the crowd of people was slowly becoming easier as some started to disperse, either having places to be or realizing that they couldn’t get much closer to Valarie. This was a good thing for the person seeming to be holding up the sign. As soon as Ripley got close enough, the person in question managed to wriggle out into the open, stumbling over her and an Impdimp sitting on her shoulders that was holding the sign in question.

A woman of average height, black hair tied into a braid with a somewhat darker colored complexion. She looked like she might have originally been from Tohjo or Kantona.

“Ooof…oh dear if I realized today was the finals for the master rank contests…” She’d sigh, managing to straighten her posture as she’d look over towards Ripley. “Ah! You must be Ripley! Glad the sign worked.”


The impdimp nodded, waving the sign around energetically.

“Alexander! Yes, I’m glad you got here on time…oh, and here comes Sophie, I think!” The woman would shout upon seeing them. “Ah, sorry I haven’t even introduced myself yet…Frieda. One of Camphor’s assistants. Ehm…sorry if it seems odd I know your names, I read your applications and files…repeatedly, erm…hope that doesn’t seem too weird.”


“Oh, right, this is Pix. He’s mine. I think-Oh, here comes Leo…Good, that’s everyone except I think…Clarissa Ryte? In the mean time, allow me to welcome you all to Byjerlfal. The professor might not say it, but she’s really glad all of you decided to help. Shes’ been swamped with research projects and some more top secret things with the Mexatus Corporation. On top of already not liking field work she’s really glad you all are potentially helping her.”


“...I mean…sure Pix I’ll be glad to have less work too but that’s not the point. Uhm, if you have any questions though I’ll be happy to answer what I can while we wait for the last hire to show up.”
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

Getting the rest of the campsite packed up was easy enough. Many tentacles make for short work, as they say. At least, that was what she thought the saying was anyways. Things stored, packed, food cooked for some mid journey snacking. It was thankfully uneventful, though Nyla herself couldn't help but to feel slightly restless after speaking with Lord Oja. She almost felt like pouting and childishly just running back to Lady Kyouko.

But no.

She had a job.

And she was a good maid who served faithfully, even if Lady Kyouko...

No. She wasn't like her previous employer.

It was Lord Oja's hand being offered that pulled her out of these nihilistic thoughts.

"...eh? My lord are you sure?" A slight bit of red colored her cheeks as she'd accept the hand, compacting her gooey body down to form legs. "Thank you, young master though I assure you I can walk just fine." Well this was dangerous. Exceedingly dangerous. She'd have to practice the utmost restraint.
Kaeru & Nyoko

"Nyeheh, but you do think we are cute then Emi-chan?" Kaeru snickered, running up behind Emi and throwing an arm around the other girls shoulder. "You don't have to be shy about it. You'd make a totally mega cute magical girl yourself! We should go hang out sometime after this and we'll get you all dressed and-"

Kaeru fell quiet, eyes falling on the bloodied floor.

The cats ears drooped upon seeing the blood, laying flat against her head as the realization of what had likely happened hit Kaeru. He knew that it was likely a possibility that something like this would happen. That was part of the job. Part of training, even, on how to deal with stuff like that...but it wasn't like training could ever really prepare someone for this sort of thing.

A nearby noise pulled her back to reality, ears standing straight up, now.

"...well the demon probably didn't come here to play football." Kaeru released Emi, a frown a small crackle of electricity ran across her legs. "But maybe I'll play volleyball with its head." She couldn't help but to be angry. Sure, there was still that uncomfortable melancholic feeling of knowing someone had died here...but she couldn't do anything about that now. She just had to make sure this demon couldn't do that again.

Whether it was some lower tier creature like a hound, didn't matter. A demon was a demon, and she was going to deal with it so Kaeru followed after the other three, ready to pounce at the first sign of movement.
Byjerlfal City, SS Calliope

@XxFellsingxX@Savo@Crusader Lord@PKMNB0Y@Thayr@Pyromania99

“Gahaha, you guys have the steel to weather the toughest of storms, I’ll give you that!”

Amid the noise of the cruise liner guests, a boisterous, though gravely voice rang out high above the others. A small crowd had gathered on the top deck where one of the cruises' main attractions were - what else but an arena for pokemon battles. This wasn’t just any normal battle, however.

On one side, a Dhelmise.

In another, an Annihilape.

“Most folks aren’t prepared for Dhel here.” The owner of the voice, an older gentleman dressed in an old dark blue navy uniform. Long wind-swept hair white with age. “Good, a man needs to be prepared to face any wave out on the sea.”

“Your praise is unneeded, Sir Tuule. This was merely a whim for Annihilape. He was quite eager to test his mettle against a strong opponent. He is my only partner and under any other circumstances the outcome might be very different.” The opponent, a man dressed in highly traditional looking clothing, something that perhaps might be seen in Tohjo or Kantona.

“Don’t undersell yourself. Luck has gotten many a man through a gale. Now then, lad, I’ll be generous and let you have the first move.”

“Very well then. Annihilape, Rage fist!”

Annihilape let out a cry, an angry but focused growl as it leaped forward, fist glowing with ghostly fire -

“Heh…Dhelmise! Phantom force!”

The seconds before it made contact, Dhelmise simply vanished into the ether, the fist of the Annihilape missing entirely.

It wasn’t unusual to see people fighting aboard the ship. What was unusual…is that this was the Ship captain. A man by the name of Tuule…and also the Gym Leader of Rivenwall. His opponent was a trainer that they had picked up in Kantona after a brief stop over for the final leg of the journey.

The battle would last quite a while, neither side being able to get a decisive blow or being hit with a battle changing move. Dhelmise made good use of its moves - it lacked speed compared to its opponent but yet, it hit much harder and was able to take more blows. Annihilape though, was faster and was able to avoid most of Dhelmise slower moves.

“Gyro ball!”

“Tch-Annihilpe! Rage fist before it can finish the wind up-!” The monkey pokemon leaped towards the anchor, but the moment he did so, the anchor was launched, slamming right into the Annihilapes body and sending it flying out of the arena, and almost overboard into the sea below.

“...Humph. Good fight, but not good enough kid.” The captain chuckled, grabbing a walkie talkie from his coat. “Alright everyone! I hope you enjoyed the battle!” His voice echoed everyone over the ship, coming over through the PA system. “This is your Cpatain speaking! We’ll be pulling into port shortly! Everyone get ready to pack up and move out! If you need assistance, ask any of the crew! I’ll be out on deck.” Turning back to his opponent he’d offer a toothy grin. “What’s your name, anyway lad?”

And so the ship would pull into the port at Byjerlfal not too long later. Camphor asked those who were on the cruise to gather here at the dock and wait for one of her assistants - a woman by the name of Camilla - to meet them here to lead them to the lab.

City, Commercial District

@Crimson Flame@Theyra@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR

The airport was just as lively as the ship was though it was of a different excitement.

“Like seriously, have you ever thought about getting into the contest scene? You’ve got the perfect bod for it and that serious cool demeanor the guys will love.”

“Ma’am, I’m just the security you hired. I’d appreciate it if you kept the hands off.”

“Wo-ow. Re-jec-teeeeed. You know, most people would kill for an opportunity for me of all people to sponsor them, but here you are turning me down three times.” The woman in question was wearing a black and yellow dress, and somewhat eccentrically so. She looked more like she belonged home on a stage more than being at an airport.

“Ma’am, I’d ask you to stop being so loud before we draw attention to ourselves-” The other woman was dressed almost the exact opposite. A striped suit, long dark hair and a no nonsense, almost tired looking expression.

“Aw, and deny my wonderful fans a chance at an Autograph? Pfft, fat chance.”

“Ma’am, I am authorized to forcefully move you out of here and to the venue.”

“You’d use force against a delicate flower such as myself?”

“Yes. Excessive force.”

“Tch, you’re no fun, suit - ah. Well it looks like the fans found me.”

True as she said, a small crowd had gathered. A quick look at various posters and adverts in the plane terminal said something about the current round of contest finals being held in Byjerlfal - later today of all things! Aside from having the best of the best coordinators showing, the current Contest Star dubbed the ‘Dream of Byjerlfal’ was making an appearance herself - which was the woman now being swarmed by fans - the Bug Type gym leader of Honinngton by the name of Valarie.

The crowd was quickly growing and making it a small bit difficult to get out of the terminal. The security woman seemed less then amused and was seemingly questioning the life choices that led her to this exact moment.

Camphor had instructed all those that were coming from within the region to board a plane and be welcomed by one of her assistants. A woman by the name of Frieda. Even the one of you that were already living in Byjerlfal, she had instructed to meet up here first before heading to the lab.

The crowd was steadily growing. Above the crowd though, one could see a small sign being held up by what was a tiny little pair of arms that said 'Camphors Lab', though it was hard to see who was holding it up as they were now well past the steadily growing crowd of Valaries fans.
"Are...are you sure you're not just gonna...die? Like you look like if I so much as glance in your direction you're gonna just get knocked over. I mean I'm not gonna stop you if you wanna be suicidal, but don't expect special treatment from anyone here. Except Camilla. She'll probably treat you like a stuffed animal."

"You. Jilleen Brookes. Hm. I see nothing wrong at all with your application. Less money for me to shell out on getting you a starter. In fact, you seem almost perfect for this job. Hm? What? Expected me to hesitate more or something? Pfft, hey I dunno what you heard about me but I'm perfectly friendly and serious on serious matters. So shut up before I change my mind and get your butt over here."

Allllright, apps accepted and I think that's everyone whose submitted a CS! Expect the IC to start tonight.

MP? MP was low? What did that mean? Some...special resource? She vaguely recalled there being something like 'MP' in video games...but she had never really been into such things. Curious. She would only frown at the next bit of information though. Soothed? Carminas singing was...'soothing' her. It at least made the goblins non-hostile at least.

"Hm." Svarok took stock of the situation. She was grateful for the lull in battle, and that the goblins were finally starting to listen to words rather than violence. Still, she considered herself a teacher, someone who guides others...and such violence needed to be taught a lesson. She glanced to Carmina, the only other unknown here. "A joke, involving leading one on a wild chase through the forest when I merely wished to speak, only to ambush me?"

Svarok then proceeded to laugh.

"That is a funny joke, hilarious one might say!" Svarok made a move to grab the goblins spear. She doubted she had enough time to do it in the same motion, but her plan was quite simple. She was going to put the goblin that ambushed them into the ground.

Kaeru & Nyoko

Kaeru and Nyoko had made themselves busy in the training hall - had to keep himself sharp, after all. Well, Kaeru was. Nyoko was busy trying to stealthily bat and play with the feet of the receptionist who was a mix of nonplussed and amused at the cats antics. When the alarm went off, Kaeru had just finished taking a cold shower just after, barely having time to get dressed as Nyoko would beat him to the transport...and sitting right next to Emi, as if still taunting her to aggressively pet the feline.

So a shopping mall this time. The demon certainly chose an annoying location. So many civilians. Kaeru exited the field, Nyoko trailing behind him without a care in the world, following just behind Kaida as she did what could only be described as her take on a magical girl scene.

"Pfft, wow." Kaeru chuckled. "You've been watching too many magical girl shows, ya know?" Kaeru teased, but it wasn't like he had room to talk about that sorta thing. If you thought about it, he was sort of a magical girl himself wasn't he? Wasn't going to catch him doing any cringe stuff like that, though. "Eh? Nyoko you want to try it? Well uhm...ahaha, why not you little fuzzball. I'm basically a magical girl anyways."

Kaeru struck a pose, legs apart as he'd hold his hands together. Quickly he'd pull them apart, a teasing smile and a wink as he'd spin on a foot.

"From the thundering heavens," Nyoko did her thing, disappearing in a flash of electricity as Kaeru's own body was engulfed in the lightning. "The Raiju of Justice, Kaeru descends!" The spin complete, Kaeru raised a leg and slammed it onto the ground, a thundering peal of electricity stomping on the ground where his foot met ground.

"...Bwahahah, oh man that was terrible. Terribly cute." She'd say, confident if nothing else. "We should work on a team name, Kaida. Maybe a combo attack? Anyways, point me in a direction and I'll kill some demons. See anything Rika-Chan?"
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“You fools…!”

The barrage of clutter from the bedroom proved nothing else, if effective in distracting the lord. He finally drew his blade, yet he moved far faster than seemed as from simply drawing it most of the objects were cut cleanly in twain and were deflected from the lord's person. Rather shrewdly, instead of slicing the mattress though he instead grabbed it right out of the air, swinging it around and blocking the fireballs with it and tossing the now singed object to the ground.

“You didn’t even know that much? I’m almost disappointed in your lack of information on the situation, dogs of the Maison. Now, I ask you once more to stand aside and get away from that thing before it does something. We are short on time!”

The maid that was quietly standing by Lucrecias side was muttering and mumbling something now. Her body was convulsing oddly as she’d give Lucrecia a rough, hard shove enough to knock her over, the maids head contorting in on itself as it became more demonic, taking a visage of those salamander like creatures from the exhibition hall earlier!


The demon struggled, and it might have easily overpowered a normal human but for a scale demon like Eliz, a simple beast class like it, was no match. It struggled, its jaws pulled wide and then…ripped apart like paper, its corpse tossed to the side. Lyssa was still sitting on the ground, the gruesome display having covered not just Eliz in gore and blood, but also Lyssa who had been barely a few feet away.

“Waah…now I’m cotton candy covered in strawberry jam…” Lyssa grumbled. “...I wonder if I’d taste good if someone ate me now?” Lyssa giggled to herself, mood shifting from mildly annoyed to her normal self as she’d stand up. “Ahah, good job Eliz, Tiki’s gonna kick our butts for getting covered in demon guts, though I don’t understand why...”

The boy, at least, seemed alive and remarkably intact despite having almost had his head smashed through the wall. The scout dolls would immediately report back to things. The possessed lady of the house had fled down another set of stairs and it seemed most of the servants of the house were these bestial salamander like demons and were quickly running amok in the place.

Secondly, and more concerningly, a pair reported two members of the Oros church converging-

“GRAAAAGH!” A fiery battle cry as a woman wielding a halberd came around the opposite hallway, swinging the implement right towards Eliz. It was not something she could simply block either - the weapon was clearly blessed by the divine.

“Madeline calm down, I do not believe they are with Lord Havershel!”

The two dolls were barreled over, knocked aside as Madeline charged at Eliz. One managed to hang on for dear life by grabbing a nearby potted plant in the hallway, but the other was carelessly punted right back into Katherine's arms.
Llobrokor Mountains

“Heh, range is my specialty.” Cecil replied with a grin. “I’ll get to the other side and take them from there.” Without another word, Cecil leaped off the edge of the cliff, and landed with what could only be considered magic, a gust of wind softening her fall effortlessly as she’d then run off towards the encampment, just as the swords fell from the skies.

Two blades struck the watchtowers, and two bandits would have their torsos impaled. One screamed in agony, while the other managed to lean over the edge of the railing, barely ringing an alarm bell before expiring.

There were cries from within the camp, the bandits not quite sure where they were currently being assaulted from. They’d only have the moment of surprise for a little longer, however if they wanted to land another decisive blow to the small encampment's defenses.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

The dragon indeed seem to be on the move. It was hard to tell exactly where, but she got a vague feeling it was moving to the north. A feeling of elation. Joy. If nothing else…the drake seemed happy with the situation.

“Then it seems we have a course of action.” Lonan nodded. “Then I have a suggestion. We use myself as bait - or at least allow myself to fight the beast mostly.” Lonan spoke seriously. “Tell me what you need, Sir Ethelred and Luana and once we’re done I’ll see if I can’t lure the beast here if it isn’t already on its way.” Assuming this was indeed the trios course of action, then there wasn’t much left to discuss. Lonan would set off on his steed, leaving the two of them to plan ahead.

All they had to do was enact whatever scheme they wanted, and hope for the best now.
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

A shot rang out, the bullet impacting the chain that held up the chandelier.

The chandelier fell, the Lord not taking his eyes off the maid that he was still holding by the hem of her dress collar - but the chandelier would never hit the ground. As the lightning decoration fell, it would seem to be sliced near instantly into many small parts, harmlessly then bouncing off of Lord Havershel and the maids as the pieces would scatter to the ground. The only saving grace, perhaps, was that the minor surprise had caused the lord to loosen his grip on the maid allowing Lucrecia to pull her away.

The only noticeable movement Lord Havershel made, was his free hand moving deftly to the blade that hung from his side.

“If you know what’s good for you, dog of the maison, you’ll release that thing before it bites the hand that fed it again.” His voice was even, but cool and sharply confident.

“U-uh…I-idol?” the maid weakly asked.

“Don’t bother asking it for information.” Havershel rebuffed. “And I have no intention of asking you to get out of my way and return that thing to me. Now move aside or you’ll be in just as many pieces as this chandelier.”


It happened rather quickly, the possessed lady of the house expression shifting to annoyance as Eliz made her move. The floor under the demons feet cracked, breaking tiles and the ground beneath her. The woman, was completely unfazed it seemed and irritation seemingly turned to amusement as Eliz rushed towards her-

Only to be intercepted by the timid maid at her side.

The maid let out a throaty, wet hiss as her neck stretched impossibly far, her features elongating the mouth taking a more lizard-like shape much like the demons back in the hallway as her skin became slightly more transparent and wet. The salamander like demon-maid gurgled and made a move towards Eliz, using its maw in an attempt to chomp down on her head.

“You care about this boy, heh. How cute.” The possessed woman said, pulling the lad close and giving him a kiss on the forehead. “You don’t even know what he is do you? Can’t blame you, even the kid doesn’t. That idiot Havershel has become far too human in his time here. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on keeping him as a hostage.”

She moved fast, grabbing the kid by the head.

“Mom what’s going-ack-”

Faster than expected, her body twirling and slamming the boy head first into the wall enough to crack and splinter the well kept wall.

“Tch-!” Lyssa moved first, sprinting across the floor and around the demon occupying Eliz, and proceeded to slam her own head right into the possessed woman's chin, earning a grunt of pain from the woman as blood would pour from her nose.

“Grrr, you irreverent brat!” A mote of fire bloomed in the womans hand, crimson fire dancing in her palm before it erupted upwards, slamming into the ceiling, charring it. Lyssa barely managed to stumble backwards, tripping over her own feet and falling to the ground from the unexpected action.

When the fires died down, the woman however, was gone, disappearing down the hallway.

The Havershel boys' clothes had been torn in the altercation, and part of the fires had charred his clothes around his ankle.

Revealing a blood-red tattoo that looked like two drops of blood connected at either end with a horizontal line going through the middle.

"Waaa, I was almost burned cotton candy." Lyssa grumbled.
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