Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@Lord Frostecs

Unfortunately I'm full up on players at the moment but I can add you to a short waiting list if you want.
Alright, small post

Svarok will be joining you on eating finely cooked goblin.

Svarok had to wonder.

If her fellow Orc was being sincere, or simply playing to the goblins pride.

It didn't matter.

The spear she had picked up found its mark, right through the goblins throat. The second time she had stabbed someone. Second time, she had bloodied her hands. It was oddly liberating, in a way, to know that God, if he was even still watching her, would be getting to judge this creature soon had it even a soul too judge. She pulled the spear from the now dead goblins corpse, eyes turning towards the hatched holding one with a frown.

It was good to know at least, that Carmina and her were in fact on the same page.

"You should listen to her, goblin." Svarok agreed with Carmina. "And then perhaps we can have that conversation that I wanted to start with. Really, I didn't want to kill it." She'd say, using her foot to press the dead goblins face into the dirt. "But if you choose violence over words, then be prepared to end up being judged. At least we have some food now." A quick glance over the spear showed it was likely poisoned by something. Smelled a lot like those rot leaves...perhaps she could make a poison of some sort out of them? Hm...a thought to mull over later.

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker

And hold on tight Nyla did.

Her chest, very obviously squishing against the mans back as she'd try and think happy, non-lewd, non invasive thoughts through the entirety of the trip like the wholesome, pure, demure maiden she was most definitely. Thankfully, all she had to do was imagine giving Lady Kyouko a bath back home to prevent any immediate shenanigans with wandering slippery appendages. He'd probably notice some occasional light giggling coming from her, though.

The rest of the trip would pass without incident from the Shoggoth. Once at the temple, Nyla hopped off, helping Lord Oja off his steed as well before quietly playing the part of dutiful maid. She had no thoughts to give on the subject at had, nor any input to give regarding the refugees. Her priority, was to Lord Oja after all.

She was interested in the reinforcements, however. That meant if she tried really hard she could probably use the circle to immediately go back to Lady Kyouko.

If she wasn't a loyal little shog she would. Ah, she wondered how Lady Kyouko was doing...perhaps she should ask?

A glacies and two girls...one which...seemed incredibly...

Nyla's lower body returned to its gooey state, her multitude of eyes peering carefully at Ripcord as they'd leave. Instead of pursuing that thought, though, Nyla approached the Glacies.

"A pleasure, miss. I am Nyla. Correct me If I'm wrong, but if I understand correctly, you came from Lady Kyouko's estate? If I may make a small inquiry as I used to be her maid before she sent me over here, how is she doing?"
knew I was forgetting to do something
I'll see about doing a thing tomorrow
Byjerlfal City, Commercial District -> Camphor’s lab


“Good luck, lass. Tell Camphor if she wants to catch up I’ll be at the usual pub.” Tuule chuckled, leaving behind the group with a friendly wave.

It would take a bit longer for the group to make it to the lab. Passing through the visitor center for Eidda, and walking across most of the Commercial district deeper into the city. Billboards, large screens advertising every kind of product. Quite a few were advertising the Master-rank contest. Notably otherwise though, one was broadcasting an Interview with David Mexatus about the Nature Preserve he had built with the help of Camphor’s lab that housed regional variants and even pokemon that they had managed to use cutting edge science to properly bring back to life from fossils.

Thankfully, no one bothered Camilia or the package she was carrying either and soon enough the group was at the lab.

It was a surprisingly inconspicuous building, situated down a street, built seemingly right in the middle of some large skyscrapers. The only sign that it was a lab was the large ‘Camphor Laboratories’ sign hanging right over the sliding glass doors that led inside. A small pond was in front, along with a small geometric sculpture and some benches. The building itself seemed more clinical in construction, square with pristinely clean white walls.

The group could see a woman in front of the large glass double doors with another group of people - Frieda, with the other new hires.

City, Commercial District -> Camphor’s lab

@Crimson Flame@Theyra@Bartimaeus@VitaVitaAR@Crusader Lord

Valarie’s grin widened, a full, toothy wolfish grin. The Idol took a few steps towards Clarissa, placing a hand on the other girls shoulders.

“Great. Wonderful.” A light giggle. “Well, after the show today, come visit me backstage, here.” Valarie shoved a VIP backstage pass for the contest into Clarissa’s pocket. It was personally signed, and already had a little drawing of Valarie giving her a thumbs up on it. “And if you’re late…well, don’t be late. I don’t take kindly to being stood up.”

It was this point, the suited woman grabbed Valarie by the ear, and started literally dragging her away.

“Ta-taaaa! Ow-hey! I’m a girl be gentle with me! Ow-ow!”

“Gentle is the last thing you deserve…” The woman grumbled as the two of them disappeared into a door that led deeper into the airport.

Finding the rest of the group, thankfully, would not be that hard now that the crowd had dispersed a bit.

“Eheh, well, I’m glad to see you’re excited Ripley.” A brief pause as Freida overlooked the group, a small frown forming. “”Uhm…no questions? Really? I can answer things, promise…uhm…” Frieda fidgeted a bit, having apparently expected them to be a little more talkative with her. “Oh! Clarissa Rye, there you are. I’m Frieda, one of Camphor’s assistants. Now that everyone is here, let's get going. I really don’t like being in such a crowded place…”


“Pix that is not nice...” Turning on her heels, Frieda led the group out of the airport. “Its not a terribly far walk. Just a few blocks down in the Commercial District.” The group would be free to talk among themselves, or ask some questions as they walked. All of them would be perhaps, struck by the sight of the bustling city. Billboards, large screens advertising every kind of product. Quite a few were advertising the Master-rank contest. Notably otherwise though, one was broadcasting an Interview with David Mexatus about the Nature Preserve he had built with the help of Camphor’s lab.

Soon enough though, the group would come upon the lab proper.

It was a surprisingly inconspicuous building, situated down a street, built seemingly right in the middle of some large skyscrapers. The only sign that it was a lab, was the large ‘Camphor Laboratories’ sign hanging right over the sliding glass doors that led inside. A small pond was in front, along with a small geometric sculpture and some benches. The building itself seemed more clinical in construction, square with pristinely clean white walls.

“Here we are.” Frieda said, turning to the group. “The labs exterior is a little...boring but Camphor thought it’d stop people from bothering her if it looked like this. The interior is a lot more cozy…well, aside from the labs. Lets see…the others should be arriving soon…ah, here we are! Camilia!”

Frieda waved towards Camilia as she approached and they’d catch the last bit of conversation Frieda was making.

“You made it…and I see the professor's delivery. Oh uhm, sorry everyone these are people we hired from out of the region. They arrived shortly before you did at the docks.” Frieda would quickly explain to her group before taking out her keycard and sliding it into the doors lock. “Ahem, now if you’ll all wait in the reception area I'll let the professor know you’re here. Camilia can answer questions or help with anything in the mean time.”

Once everyone was inside, the doors would slide shut and lock behind the group. The reception area was much better decorated and gave off a casual business feeling than the sleek clinical outer walls of the building. A large desk ran across the long rectangular, carpeted room. The walls seemed to be made of wooden paneling. A few tables were off to the right where a few snacks had been laid out and a little further down was a TV broadcast and…three other people sitting around a table.

One was a somewhat effeminate looking guy, who was drinking what smelled like extremely strong coffee. A Cottonee was sitting on the table next to him, using its little green leaves to stir a cup rather vigorously causing it to spill everywhere.

Another was a dark skinned woman that was sitting opposite of him. had a Slakoth laying on top of her head. The both of them were asleep.

The last, was another woman with vibrant green colored hair. A Sprigatito was mewling and rolling around on the ground next to her feet where she was busy seemingly trying some of the coffee that had been made.
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“There isn’t one.” Camio replied gruffly. “When Xrael was sealed-” However, the moment Lucrecia spoke, he stopped, his demeanor changing from one of cold indifference to what can only be described as pure hatred. Polina didn’t get a moment to consider what had happened as she felt a sharp pain in her gut as she was subsequently launched from the room, launched across the hallway and slamming into the far hallway. Something felt broken, maybe a rib.

“How dare you.” Where she had been standing, Camio was now standing. His eyes were now completely red. Feathers were sprouting on various parts of his skin now, and his hands had turned into what seemed to be avian like claws. The sound of fabric ripping accompanied his voice as he spoke. “I am many things. I’ve killed. Eaten humans. Tortured them. Done things that would condemn me to an eternity of suffering should the church to be believed. I am by your measure, a reprehensible being.” Stepping forward, the tiles under Camio’s feet cracked. “But I would never, under any circumstance…put my wife in danger. My sweet, fragile Marie does not deserve such a fate…I have been more than courteous to you maids, but that ends now. I’ll have your head on my dinner table!”

The blade at his side was drawn, and he charged towards Lucrecia, an ear-shattering screech following.


“I won’t respond to your provoking you harlot-!” In the direction of Polina and Lucrecia, all the maids and even the two members of the church could feel it. A dark, foreboding presence along with a massive increase of magical energy that silenced Madeline’s words. Something, or someone had gotten loose. A small smile was plastered on Lyssa’s lips, though it wasn’t one of her usual mirth as her pink hair turned towards the direction of the other events going on.


Cassandre didn’t respond immediately, and instead simply looked towards the source of the imposing power.

“...Cardinal Cassandre!”

“Madeline…is that Havershel? He’s showing his true colors now, is he?” The clergywoman sighed. “We can’t possibly handle two demon nobles at the same time. At this rate…” She turned towards the group of maids. “I would have offered our assistance, but we need to subdue Havershel.”

“Aw, and I was hoping to get to spend more time with Maddie.”


“Hey, you must be pretty strong to wave that thing around, huh maddie?”

“MADELINE. And yes, I am the strongest paladin in the church.”

“Bzzzt-! This is Viatrix. Infiltration team I’ve received information you may want to hear. Havershel is a demon noble by the name of Camio. According to the party team, he didn’t plan any of this. Seems he simply got the relic as a whim after he took in some of Xrael’s wayward demons.”

“...Eh, so that’s how it is…Got it Vivi.” Lyssa turned to Cassandre and Madeline, quickly relaying the information to them.

“...I see, thank you miss Lyssa. We’ll keep that in mind when dealing with him. As it stands now though, we may have to…put him down. I’ll take the child somewhere safe. Madeline, go on ahead.” A nod, and Madeline rushed back down the hallway as Cassandre picked up the child and headed off towards one of the safer looking rooms.

For Lyssa, Katherine, and Eliz, the path forward was easy enough…though they hadn’t a clue where the private collection was still, but the possessed woman's path was not hard to follow for either of the three. Down a flight of stairs again, and across a hallway but that would mean getting through what seemed to be five of the Axolotl servants now.
Kaeru & Nyoko

It was a good thing Nyoko of all people had told Kaeru very firmly to hold still.

"Gah! A girl! Tch, I almost pounced on you in a totally unfriendly way..." Kaeru relaxed, just slightly, shoulders slacking just noticeably as the others started questioning the girl. Kaeru glanced across the shop, looking for anything that might give them any other indication where this demon was hiding before focusing back on the girl. "Yep, we're here to kill demons! I'm gonna use its head as a volleyball...buuut, I could take a detour and take you back to the defensive line." Kaeru gave her a toothy smile. "Fastest one here. I can be there and back in the blink of an eye."
Llobrokor Mountains

“Needed or not, it is better to be on standby. Missions rarely go as planned, Luna.” Elnith responded with a warm smile, the bandits now being blinded were easy targets for the knights. More blades rained down, courtesy of Fio’s magic. Grunts of pain followed as Elnith’s blood red blade followed soon after, easily cutting through the bandits' defenses. A few well placed shots from an unseen archer took care of the last ones remaining.

“...whew. Remind me not to get on your guys bad side.” Cecil chuckled, emerging from the brush on the opposite side of the camp. “Well, that was super easy. I barely had to do anything. My kinda work, ahaha!”

“...eh, these guys are weird.” The Unseelie, Wsip, chimed in from her prison. “They’re all…twisted up. Like some-”

A mountain shaking roar was heard in the distance. Elnith’s head swiveled towards the source of it. Across the valley, on the opposite side upon a mountain its rocks were…moving? Flowing in a pattern much like a river might towards them.

“Fio! Something’s coming!” Elnith shouted up towards the mage. Fio could feel it, too - something terrible was quickly approaching them. An absolutely abnormally huge, twisted and distorted feeling magical energy as if whatever it was was just…wrong.

“Tch…You don’t…think that dragon-kin thing is like…an actual dragon or something do you?” Cecil swallowed hard. “Someone-something is telling me that whatever is coming ain’t normal.” They only had a few seconds to prepare, the creature would soon make itself known.

Trees were knocked over.

Stone ground under its body. Fio could see from her vantage point, a gargantuan creature that could coil itself around a mountain with its body. It looked like a large serpent, though with much more draconic features - a sharp horn on its nose, long sharp fangs for teeth and an angry, hate filled gaze as it slithered along the ground.

It made it to the camp in seconds, rising above the trees as it loomed over them. It proceeded to slam its head downwards towards all present, intent on crushing them with its body.

Harzel Plains
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“Hm…I’m not as adept with a shield as I may seem, but I shall take it anyways. Thank you, Sir Ethelred. Be ready.” Honestly, he’d have liked to have stayed at the fort and have access to Lifs canon, but out here there was only so much they could do. Perhaps they should have returned, but then they’d also be putting the lives of the other knights at risk, not to mention that hot-headed Grainne.

“...what am I going to do with her.” He shook his head, galloping off on Steblas towards where Luana claimed the dragon was heading, though he doubted he’d have to search long.

A long, tense hour would pass.

It seemed as far as Luana could tell the beast was toying with Lonan, like he was leading it on some kind of wild fairy chase through the forest. He’d get close, only to realize the drake had left. Look as though he was far away, only for Lonan to narrowly miss being clawed in half. If Luana was paying attention, however - she would soon realize the both of them were slowly circling back to where they were.

Lonan came barreling out of the brush, the drake rolling across the ground behind him. Giving nothing away, he’d keep running, right across the icy spot on the ground, the spectral steeds steps not being hindered by the frost as the Harzel knight led the beast right to the trap.
Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Tch.” The Lord scowled, hand still on the blade at his side as he took moments to weigh his options. “Fine. If it will make this go smoother, but first…this annoyance.” While Lucrecia made sure to avoid a killing blow, Havershel did not. The creature moved, opening its large mouth in an attempt to seemingly eat the maid, even as knives impaled themselves in its almost transparent flesh, the knives not bothering it at all.

A quick flick of his wrist, the blade in his hand making a sweeping upwards cut.

Lucrecia would feel a sharp sting on her cheek as something moving incredibly fast cut her just as the demonic maids head went flying.

“Now then. Allow me to properly introduce myself this time. Silxtratch Camio. Demon noble, seat sixty-ninth of the seventy two families. Ninth noble of the Blood Clan. And those creatures that are now running amok in my manor and have absconded with my wife are pests I decided to give shelter to out of mercy.” A clack as the blade was sheathed. “As for their goals, it is likely simple. Use my wife as a blood sacrifice to bring back that worthless creature in that idol. Fool as I was, I bought it as a sign of good will, but alas, I suppose demonic animals such as them can not shake their instincts. Is that enough information or are you going to ask more inane questions?”

“Bzzt-did I hear that right? Lulu, did I hear that right? Fucks sake-” Myrilla hissed. “That explains a lot…though this also poses a good opportunity. If we let them free that beast then re-seal it…or perhaps weaken it enough so we can…shall we say, forcefully relocate the demon…” Myrilla grumbled over Lucrecias earpiece. “Ngh, whatever you decide to do, we need to inform the other team. Since I’m technically not here, you need to do that Lulu.”

“If you do, then I suggest we walk and talk before she reaches my private collection. Once that damnable Xrael manages to get her claws back in this world then we’ll have more than a few ugly lizards to worry about.”

If either Lucrecia or Polina brushed up on their demon lore, they’d know the name Silxtratch was one of the lesser ranking demon nobles. Still, they were quite powerful as a noble and it also explained his ease of dealing with those knives and other metal implements. The family was known for its ability to manipulate metals with relative ease.



“Madeline, please I told you I think they’re with the Maison.”

“...Tch.” The halberd wielding woman growled, spinning the weapon in hand before resting it on her shoulder. “I heard the maison got itself a demon guard dog, but I didn’t think it’d be a scale demon of all things. What happened to that so called pride of yours that you’d let a human order you around.”

“Madeline! We don’t need more enemies right now! Especially the Maison!”

“...right, sure Cassandre.”

“Cardinal Cassandre to you as long as you have that attitude, Madeline.”


“I apologize for this one's overzealousness, miss demon. I am Cassandre Marcien. We can have more introductions later once we resolve this issue. If our information is the same, then Lord Havershel is in none other than Silxtratch Camio, one of the seventy two demonic nobles. We don’t know what his goal here, but we went to see his wife. We determined she’s possessed, but we don’t know by who or what, but we assume he’s trying to bring someone else here from Naraheim using her as a sacrifice.”

“This kid his son?”

“Do not kill him, Madeline. Even if he is a demon we can not recklessly take a life.”

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