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Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
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Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Byjerlfal City, Commercial district Museum

Commercial district

“Yep.” The boy replied to Richard. “Your info is in our database now so anywhere else you bring items too they’ll be registered under your account and name. If you buy the membership, you can move items between any of our facilities. We’re pretty much everywhere in Eidda except Giants Watch.”

As he’d finish speaking and taking care of Richards items and sorting them, a man in a well dressed suit would walk in. Normally, it would not be anything out of the ordinary but Richard might notice a slight frown forming on the guys lips before being replaced with a usual friendly sales voice.

“Right then, well, if that’s everything I have some important business to take care of.”

“No need to rush for me, Felix.” The suited man said, leaning against a wall near the door.

“He was just finishing up anyways. If you have any questions feel free to call later.” A small business card was given to Richard with the store's number on it.

Assuming Richard had nothing else he wanted to do or ask of Felix, he’d be allowed to leave…which would mean he’d be met with three more men in suits. They’d say nothing to him as he’d leave.

This left Isla and Sophie to head into the museum by themselves. Heading up the stairs it became clear before they’d even enter, the place was absolutely packed. Kids, from the look of it, not to mention other tourists, but the majority of the place was packed with young children as well as teenagers. The normal respectful silence of the museum was gone, replaced by a loud din of voices talking, various apparent tour guides leading children along the exhibits. A quick look at some bedraggled people that looked to be teachers, some mildly tired looking museum staff and a few backpacks and sportswear labeled ‘Wailport Academy’, made it clear that they had stumbled into the Museum during a field trip.

Once they actually managed to get through the doors, they’d be met with a large skeletal recreation of a prehistoric pokemon hanging from the ceiling - a four legged creature that was apparently an ancestor to the current day Wailords. This was one of a few skeletal remains found, and also the largest.

“Well, you two have picked a bit of a bad day to visit the museum. Apologies for the noise, field trip day for the Wailport Academy.” Before they could do much else though, the girl wearing the Society's uniform approached the duo, having been standing just inside the door.

“Excuse me, Miss Lilian,” An older gentleman would interject. His jacket was off, slung over his shoulder but the emblem of the Wailport academy could be seen under it. A delibird plushie was being held under his other arm. “You wouldn’t happen to have seen a kid with a growlithe and a red backpack run out just now would you?”

“No.” She’d rather bluntly reply.

“Ugh, of course Zach would choose now of all times to run off…”

“Hm, well assuming he’s still in the building he’s unlikely to get far. I’ll tell the staff here to check some off limit and staff areas.”

“Much appreciated. I doubt its anything to worry about, well…unless he breaks something…” A tired sigh as eyes settled on Isla and Sophie. “Ah, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt. If you’ll excuse me.” Going back to his papers, the teacher would head further into the Museum, talking with a few more adults and staff workers.

“Well, if you two don’t mind me asking, what brings you to the Museum?” The girl, apparently named Lilian, would ask. “I can point you in the direction of a particular exhibit. We recently got some new things from a recently discovered dig out near the glaciers on 42, though most people are here for the fossils and ancient Pokémon.”

Richard would come back just at the tail end of this conversation...

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District -> Industrial district
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

The murkrow had split off from the starly after a scuffle, and while they were faster than the trainers and swifter moving it would make tracking that specific flock something difficult. Still, they likely didn’t want that specific flock. There were likely Murkrows in a lot of areas around here.

Heading away from the Commercial district, towards the docks, and following the seaside to the Industrial district would be the easiest way to get there. Eventually the noise of the loud ads, the cacophony of different voices from tourists would be a distant noise replaced by the sound of silently humming machines, bird song and the sound of an occasional worker or vehicle moving by. Skyscrapers instead gave way to warehouses, row upon row of them along with other industrial buildings for shipping, manufacturing.

A gloomy serenity would fill the area left behind by Bjyerlfals commercial district. Even the people here were more rough and tumble looking compared to the commercial district's more glamorous and shiny exterior.

Finding some Murkrow out during the day might be a bit difficult. They were nocturnal after all, but then why had that flock been out and about? They could hear a few Murkrow cries coming from further in, down some alleys but the place didn’t exactly seem the safest place to go poking about in. Still, even this place had a few things of note.

A small chain of shops, and even a small cafe named ‘Wailords Rest’ was visible lining the walls. Seemed fairly cozy and well traveled. It faced the sea and a number of sailors from the SS calliope, the recently docked liner could be seen here. Looked like there was some commotion within.

They had for now, though, lost the trail of the Murkrow. They might need to either ask around or find some way to look for the pokemon.

Byjerlfal City -> route 1

“Ah-” Frieda tensed slightly at being suddenly hugged by Camila. “O-oh well you know lab partners have to stick together and all. Uhm-weh!” Before she could break free from the hug, Pix would climb between the two, laughing impishly before it’d take a free hug from both. “Pix is sad to see you go too, I guess, ahaha.” Frieda laughed, pulling away and holding the pokemon in her arms. “Well, good luck out there Camila. Let me know if I can ever help you!”

Heading out of the lab, Camila would be met with the usual hustle and bustle of the city. She could see some of the other trainers Camphor had hired not too far away. Some seem interested in the museum, and a few were hanging about seemingly interested in heading into the park. All places she had been before, what with living in the city and all that.

Instead, Camila decided to go ahead and leave the city and instead, head to…

-Route 1-

What greeted her was the forest Route 1 was known for. Fed by water runoff from various streams and rivers that fell from the mountains to the north and Lake Peltra, the forest was allowed to flourish. Lush, verdant and green, and once she got a few meters away the noise of the city would already be drowned out by the greenery and the slowly thickening canopy. Walking along the path she’d pass by a small stream before the city would disappear entirely behind her in the foliage, a gentle stream of sunlight filtering down from above.

Nearby the path split into a small fork, where some helpful info for trainers and people seemed to be posted. A map of the forest and a warning officially issued by the League for novice trainers to stay out of the deeper forest. A girl who looked sorely out of place was standing next to it Lightly dressed, leaning against what seemed to be some sort of motorcycle modified to be good for off roading. Her attention was on her phone, and she seemed mostly to be ignoring everything else, though her eyes occasionally flicked upwards towards the forest.

Otherwise, there was nothing super special to notice here, with route 2 being the main avenue of traffic between Byjerlfal and Giervor. A few houses could be seen for those that wanted a little more peace and quiet outside of the city, but it was mostly just other people going for peaceful walks and the like. Along the river, a few people fishing could be seen out on a pier.

A little further on she could see a small sign and a path that read ‘Winding Wood.”

Now then, she was free to do whatever she wanted from here.

Kaeru & Nyoko

"Tch, damn." Kaeru frowned, hoping that they could have at least handled this without scaring the girl in some fashion. This just got a lot more complicated. The feline growled lightly, a few sparks of electricity arcing from her hand. Would she be fast enough to intercept that thing if it tried something? Natsumi didn't have to say anything, her muscles were already tensed, ready to leap the first sign that the creature was going to try anything.

She was fast enough, right? She just needed to get it to lower its guard. Besides, her ears picked up something rather interesting that the demon said.

"Natsumi's right. Even if we let you run, you won't get far...but before that, Natsumi...What do you mean by 'getting away from that 'monster?'" She'd question the demon, a small toothy grin forming on her lips. She couldn't help herself but to taunt this thing a bit. "Come to think of it, you don't look like what we're hunting. You just some mob trash that slunk here cuz you're a weak little slimeball?"
Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker

Thanking him for his understanding, Nyla fell in line behind Oja, and for most of the trip she'd remain quiet. Thankfully, the trip proved mostly uneventful, aside from passing pleasantries and idle chatter of which, she'd elect not to participate in actively. Only listen. And it was during this listening, that Oja asked both her and Kirei a question, to which Kirei would respond quite...tactlessly, in her opinion. She didn't know the reasons herself either, at least until Oja told them a little of the history, but one should always be delicate around such topics.

"None taken, Lord Oja, and I'm sure Sir Kirei meant nothing by it." Nyla responded. "Yokai are not known for being entirely...agreeable. That is not something I will deny or even hide. Even I myself have..." She'd pause. She probably shouldn't mention anything of her past here. Especially the Convent. especially the Convent. She wondered if there was a temple of some priestesses around here or something. Aaah, she did so love religious wear-wait no stop that she was drooling. "A-ahem...it was another life, that is all I can say, Lord Oja. Just know that I will serve you as faithfully as I can."

A small pause as she'd glance to the side.

"That said, if you'll indulge me my lord...do you have a favorite food?" She gave him a mildly hopeful look, intent likely obvious from what she was going to do with that information.
~Claire Blackwood~


Okay, so this seemed to go well. Dunstan seemed a bit more talkative now. Claire glanced towards Cathia, considering her options. The more people she told...the safer it'd be if she went a head with the idea. But that also meant more of a chance for someone to rat her out as well...a rat. Snitches get stitches, as they say. But at the same time, going in without any support of any kind would be...well, that'd but her between a rock and a lady that was definitely 100% her type.

So only about 50% bad.

"So uh...I may have something that may...help-weh!" Ralia decided at this specific point, to release herself from her pokeball, and ended up sitting on Claire's head. "Weh hey who said you could come out!" Claire said, grabbing the pokemon and giving her a small bemused glare. "Okay so uh, Heeey, Cathia, we actually met a bit earlier then the park bench. I was in the hideout, too. You might remember me as the gal who totally almost kicked your butt." Claire said with a sigh. "I don't wanna get into details but I was doing a bit of a...lets say I stumbled onto team Amethyst and was scoping their hideout myself and then I got roped into well, battling you with them or else my cover might have been blown."

As long as she played this cool this would be good, no?

"Anyways, uh, this lady, Isabella, gave me her card and specific instructions on who to talk to in Bigfjord. As in, I could...go in and see what all they're up to." Ralia waved to Cathia in a friendly manner.
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

Lab -> Commercial district

Aside from telling her not to die from overexcitement (It didn’t seem like a joke) Camphor wouldn’t say anything else to the trio as they left as the broody looking fellow followed her towards the observation area instead of the elevator.

Assuming they didn’t want to speak with the other three trainers, Nevine, Remi, or Laurel who was in the process of leaving already, the small trio were free to leave. As they were doing so, they’d notice a certain broody fellow being tossed back into the reception area by a rather large Grimmsnarl - likely he had annoyed the professor in some manner and was told to get lost. Remi would wave bye regardless.

Heading out from the lab and from its front entrance, the group would soon find themselves back in the heart of the commercial district, skyscrapers reaching upwards into the skies full of various businesses, a large crowd of people moving about their day. Some, clearly on business, others families or tourists simply seeing the sights. Some food stalls with some local specialties were being sold, too.

A flock of Starly briefly had a scuffle with a flock of Murkrow before the two bird types split off. The starly made their way towards the Residential districts, while the Murkrow went to the Industrial, faster than one could scan.

What was more useful for Richard though, was a building that had ‘King Storage’. The ‘I’ was replaced with a stylized Kingambit blade. “Where the King guards your treasure!”. Perhaps a rather too on the nose or typical cringy corporate slogan, all things considered. It was a fairly popular chain of high security storage boxes in Eidda. It likely was the best place to get secure storage. Assuming he’d head inside, he’d be greeted by a friendly fellow.

Of course, aside from that there was also something that might catch Sophie's attention - The Byjerlfal historical Museum. It wasn’t the biggest or most prestigious Museum and Eidda. IT was more often the target for field trips from the nearby Wailport school, or a more tourist spot. Still, it was well regarded in archaeological and historical circles.

Oh, pair was standing outside having a rather loud argument. Sophie at least would instantly recognize the woman of the group as wearing the uniform of the Eidda Historical Society.

“You can’t be serious! The Society can’t just take over our dig!”

”It can, and it will. If you have a problem, take it up with Director Matthias. Everything has gone through the proper channels, so your completely amateur services are no longer needed. He will be back from the Winding Wood shortly, so you are free to wait until his return.” The mild condescending tone she was speaking with made it clear what she thought of the taller male.

“Tch…haaa, fine. Just let me know when he gets back and that I want to speak with him.”

“Noted. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go fix the mess someone made.”

“It was an accident!”

“Accidents, cost a fortune in historical records, Mr. Riley.” With a dejected, almost angry sigh, the man would take a seat on a bench outside of the museum, head in his hands. Seems like something may have happened that could be slightly interesting…

Rather notably else, however else, was a large sea of green amidst the gray and loud sounds of the city. A large sign hanging over the entrance of it would say. ‘Byjerlfal city park’. From what could be seen, it was a massive park the size of an entire city district by itself, almost. According to a few maps placed outside, a few refreshment stands…might be a good place to get away from the noise of the city and find some pokemon…Laurel could be seen, heading into the park with her Sprigitatio.

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

Leaving the lab, the pair would find themselves being assaulted by the loud sights, sounds, and noises of Byjerlfal yet again, though this time they were not in such a rush. One thing would become immediately clear - the Contest Master Rank contests were the biggest event right now in all of Byjerlfal. Valaries face was plastered on almost every single large screen, or every single ad accompanied by the faces of every single master rank contestant.

Which coincidentally, had their names and specialties as well.

At least she’d have some idea about the competition, now if she didn’t already know. All of them seemed pretty good at what they did, judging from how well the posters had been. Of course, Valarie didn’t have one because who didn’t know her? Besides, she got the most screen time anyways. The contest hall was just a short jaunt away, though she’d likely be a bit early for the contests to start but hey, who said that VIP pass had to be waited to be used.

Perhaps Valarie would find the initiative amusing.

There seemed to be a small commotion over by the Museum visible not too far away. See the first section of the post if you want to get involved in that. There was also the large City Park that could be accessed from the Commercial, Residential, and Industrial areas, being centrally located made it easy and a nice walk for anyone looking to cross sections of the city, some pokemon could likely be found there.

A small flock of Starly flew overhead, being chased by a flock of Murkrow, faster than scanning would allow…they’d seem to split off after a brief scuffle to the Residential and Industrial districts.

Oh, they could see Laurel, too. She was heading into the park with her Sprigitatio.

Otherwise, they were free to do whatever else they wanted too.

Camphor’s lab

“Oof, looks like someone managed to annoy the professor.” The familiar voice of Remi would greet Yuu. Nevine was sitting on the chair still, lazily tossing her head in there direction. Laurel seemed to have already left, though. “What’d she book you for? Asking too many questions or touching something you weren’t supposed to?” He’d chuckle, offering a hand to help Yuu up.

“...So when are we leaving, Remi…?”

“Well, the professor said she had something else for us but she seems like she’s not feeling very sociable any more so…might as well head out sooner than later? I wanna go visit Pines End.”


“That said, Nevvy…hmm…what do either of you say to a battle?” Remi would turn to Yuu and anyone else still present. “Doubles with Nevine and I? Or think you guys can handle me on your own?” Remi was confident, if nothing else. Nevine seemed to not be too interested in battling, but didn’t seem like she’d say no if challenged, either.

“Oof, I am so glad that’s over with.” Frieda stretched, holding her arms up and stretching her hands. “How are you feeling, Camila? I know this is rather sudden but, well, she trusts you more than the trainers and I guess she’d figure you’re better at field work than I am.” Frieda offered Camilia a small smile. “Oh, speaking of-she told me to give you this as a thank you. Let me see your ID?”

Assuming she did-

”Camila’s Lab ID has been upgraded to level 2 access!”

“She said she’s been meaning to do it for a while, but you know how busy she can get. Don’t know the specifics of what it’ll let you do, but you should be able to at least bring yourself into actual labs and stuff in other affiliated labs. Also you know, you’re free to come back any time. I’m sure the professor won’t mind you too much. Also you know, call me instead if you need anything I’ll talk to the professor for you.”

”Camila Recieved Frieda’s number!”

” Anyways, good luck! I’m gonna miss having someone else to babysit-er, help the professor with work. The other interns and assistants always slack off too much, too…"

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Graziei.” Cassandre responded, offloading the kid onto Polina. “Now if you’ll excuse me-” Cassandre would walk towards the fighting, unflinchingly walking into the fray as the Demon Lord plucked the feathers from his wings. A prayer would follow, a verse from the Orosian scriptures, and all at once the space between the maid and the Paladin would twist and spasm, and then fall still as though time had ceased to exist for the feathers and the space between them.

“Don’t just stand there, maid, it won’t last long!” Madeline shouted and moved swiftly, halbered at her side, the feathers suspended in air-

“krrrr-aw!” Camio screeched, more feathers of metal were plucked and melded in Camio’s hand into long, whip like metal wires. He swung them downwards, Madeline not in any position to deflect or defend as the sharp, fast moving metal weapons moved towards her-

"Nngh..." meanwhile, the boy that Polina was holding onto was slowly rousing back to consciousness. "D-dad...? He's...always angry..." Shaking his head. "Gh...what happened...M-mom she...hurt me...?"


It was perhaps an odd choice of strategy, but it wasn’t entirely without merit.

The sphere that had been used to seal the diminutive demon back in cogsfell would be tossed onto the ground.

“Ha?” Understandably, the woman was confused until the sphere itself shook violently from side to side, a large crack running down its middle before shattering entirely. In a violent surge of magical energy, from within came a -

“Puyo?” Neither Eliz or Lyssa had been there for the previous confrontation, so Katherine pulling a demon out of her dress from nowhere was more than a little surprising. The demon took a quick look around, wondering why exactly she had been released from the sealing stone, but ultimately her gaze fell back on Katherine. “NNgh, hey you stuuuupid mortal why the hell and where the hell am I now! You better tell me before I eat you whole!”


“Puya?!” The little demon jumped at hearing the familiar to her voice, turning around, the fronds on top of her head twitching excitedly. “M-mom?!” The two demons stared down each other, tension visible between the two of them, neither seemingly want to make the first move. A few long, tense seconds passed…then Xivi, the small demon, then with the agility and swiftness she had shown back at Cogsfell, leaped towards the possessed woman.

“Xivi?!” The small demon, proceeded to sink her teeth right into what was apparently her mothers wrist, causing her to hiss in pain, blood dripping from the wound - but also causing her to drop the Idol and send it clattering to the ground a few feet away. “Tch-Stupid, Ungrateful-bitch!”

Xivis tail was grabbed, and subsequently Slammed into the ground, then punted back across the room like a ball, landing back in front of Katherine as she’d skid to a halt.

“...consider us even, you dumb mortal.” Xivi huffed.

“Tch…” The idol was now about halfway between the possessed woman and the Maids. “Of course, of all things, you’d somehow manage to bring my worthless daughter here.”

“You’re just seething I’m the one that put you in that Idol, you old hag. Maybe this time I should just eat you whole and make a soup out of your skin and bones. That sounds delicious, mother dearest.” Xivi turned her attention to the gathered maids. “I don’t know what’s going on nor do I care, but if I can beat up that thing over there I’ll help.”

“Weh! We can’t kill the possessed woman! That’d be bad!” Lyssa interjected.

“Cry me a bloody river, pig-face.”

“...I don’t eat that much cake…”

There were still at a standoff, but they were in a much more favorable position, they just had to get their hands on the Idol now and then restrain the possessed woman.

“Don’t get ahead of yourselves.” Xrael responded. “It took that one and a small army to put me under the first time.” The demon started walking, crimson fire burning in her palm. “Like hells I’m gonna let it happen again!”
small post

Hello yes do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savoir
"Indeed, it seems we do well together." Svarok said, nodding and not particularly caring Carmina had called dibs on whatever it was the goblin was carrying. She'd help the other orcling carry the goblin to the other ones, and once she had done so she'd drop the goblin on top of the other ones body. "We should make a fire. It should at least make the taste...palatable." Svarok said, taking a look around the forest now. It seemed as though the scuffle had scared the other critters off. Well, that was fine. Svarok would take a moment to collect a few of the stones then head over to the berries.

Hopefully they would be edible.

"Carmina, was it?" Svarok said, turning to her. "I have a question for you if you'll indulge me. What do you think of God? Of any. Don't worry I'm not going to preach, I am merely curious and looking for something."

I'ma be hopefully posting today or tomorrow
First real day off this week since thursday lol
~Claire Blackwood~


"Great!" Nodding, Claire would prove at least that she had met Uxie to Cathia by showing her the completed pokedex entry as she'd walk and talk towards Dunstans' lab. She had worried that she might not be able to meet Dunstan again, but after this at least, she felt she needed to. If nothing else, it might help Cathia get in touch with someone that might help more.

"Hey! Its me again!" Claire would rather unceremoniously interrupt Dunstan and Dawkin, having caught the tail end of their conversation as she had approached. "Okay, okay, hold up I know something that might be useful." Claire would make a rather comical pose, crouching slightly, bending her legs and pointing her arms towards Cathia, announcing her like some sort of royalty. "Sorry to barge in like this, Dunstan," No, she actually wasn't. "But we-er, Cathia raided an Amethyst base here in town and has information regarding some cells. Something about being done and having sent multiple messengers to Bigfjord."

Should she mention her...affinity to be under cover right now? Maybe best to wait and see how everyone reacted to this information first...
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