Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

"Ugh. Why the hell do you...sparkle so much? My eyes hurt just looking at you. Haa...whatever. At least your taste in pokemon is pretty great. Anyways, welcome aboard. Hm? There's something behind me? Eh? Gotta try harder than that to spook me, sparkles. Welcome aboard. Don't be late."
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

Laurel’s cheeks colored a small bit of red as she’d glance to the side.

“...Here.” Laurel pulled something out of her bag - a Max Revive! And handed it to Richard. “Simply put, I’ve already taken care of what happened here. That little food thief should be grateful I decided to stand up for it, hah.” Laurel ran a hand through her hair with an annoyed huff as she’d grab Verdue from the ground and hold the cat pokemon in her arms.

“Uh…well, thanks? Kennet said, a bit perplexed at both Laurel’s words and the manner at which she spoke. “This should get the little guy back on his feet at least…though it might still be a good idea to take him to a pokemon center.”

“Well, that is none of my business.” Laurel rather taciturnly replied.

Assuming they did use the Max revive on the Munchlax, the hungry pokemon immediately sat up.


“Well, you two can probably handle it from here, so I’ll be taking my lea-ah!” Before she could make an exit, the Fletchling zipped off of Kennet’s shoulder, and decided to make its new nest, right in Laure’s hair. “G-get off you stupid bird!”

The bird in question, only chirped irreverently.

“Ahaha, I think he likes ya miss.” Kennet grinned.

“Well that makes one of us - ah, Verdue wait-!” The Sprigatito leaped out of Laurel’s arms and playfully walked over to the munchlax before batting at it a few times. “...looks like I’ll have to. Fine. I’ll come with but just know my time is extremely valuable.”

The now trio made their way from the park, back into the commercial district and towards the pokemon center. The now awake Munchlax being a bit easier to carry than if it had fainted. It was a quick trip and once they were there, they’d be met with the pokemon centers staff and a team of nurses.

”You’re the one we get a call about? Nurse Joy, don’t you worry we’ll take care of this little guy. A team of Chansey and a few other handlers would take the injured Munchlax from them, the little guy seeming a little confused as to what was happening, but upon one Chansey rather firmly stuffing an apple in its mouth, it went along without a fuss. “If you would wait out here, I’ll file a report and get it sent to the police.”
The inside of the pokemon center was sleek, decorated in pinks and whites with a pristinely washed and cleaned floor. A small waiting and rest area was to their left with vending machines, a Cafe and a standard pokemart had been setup on the other side in typical fashion.

“Ahem…well…” Laurel hesitantly spoke up, the Fletchling still nesting in her hair. “If you’re still interested…I was having a picnic with my little Verdue. That food thief showed up and decided it wanted to steal my food when I was distracted by Verdue being uhm…cute…” She’d cleared her throat. “A-anyways I tried running it off. Some utter fool decided I needed help. Suffice to say I ran him off and then went to buy a max revive…and then well…we stumbled on the other. That’s it.”

Well, it was rather anticlimactic perhaps, but at least the situation seemed resolved for the moment. Seems like she was being a little evasive, but it didn't seem like she was lying about having dealt with it herself, though.

Byjerlfal City, Alleyway

Commercial district

Stepping into the alleyway next to the museum would reveal that it was surprisingly clean and well kept, at least for an alley. It seemed like the area behind the museum was pushed up against a bunch of other buildings. Some large, some small, but either way the effect was the same - a veritable maze of corridors.

Thankfully though, she didn’t have to go too far to find Zach.

The boy in question had messy violet colored hair, and he was wearing a sporty tank top with the upper half of a yellow suit hanging around his waist. At his side was an odd looking growlithe. If she scanned it with the pokedex or happened to know her stuff - she’d realize that it was a Hisuian Growlithe.

It seemed as though…he was meeting with a few other kids around his age, if a little younger.

“Alright, now that we’ve gotten away from the others!” He’d say, excitedly to the group of about six others. “We can explore Byjerlfal all by ourselves!”


“We can go to the industrial district!”
“Why would you wanna go there! I wanna see the contests!”
“Yeah! I Bet we could even sneak backstage!”
“I-I wanna see the lab! And the park! I hear there’s lots of pokemon there we can’t find in Wailport…!”

It seemed at least there was nothing nefarious going on here, just a bunch of kids being kids and sneaking out so they could see the city more…

Wailords Rest
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

“Oh? It seems we do have a challenger.” The rough looking man at the table chuckled, watching Clarissa walk over, being led by an eager Buneary. “Alright. Bets. Who says the kid gets their ass kicked?” Seemed he didn’t have a high opinion of her chances. There was a small laugh from the gathered sailors, but she did hear a few shouts telling her to kick Tuule’s butt in turn - seemed if nothing else they were eager to see an underdog fight win.

Tuule himself simply watched Clairssa approach with a cool, steely expression. A small twinge of a smirk plastered on his weathered, old lips, hands in his coat pockets as she’d walk into the arena the club had.

“Brave lass, aren’t ya?” He’d say. “And a brave little rabbit huh?” A small chuckle as he’d pull a pokeball from his coat pocket. He’d bring the pokeball up to his face, gazing at the ball with a light smirk. “Normally I’d say you’re far too weak to weather a storm, lass, but lucky for you the sea’s fairly calm today.”

Stretching the arm out, Tuule would open the pokeball, and out came-

The Aron stood strong in front of Tuule, letting out a little battle cry of challenge.

This was not a good matchup, but then again, Tuule was a steel type expert…it was unlikely going to be a good matchup for a normal type, regardless of what he chose.

The Wobbufett had already taken their drink orders, disappeared into the kitchen and returned with whatever their drink preferences was, even if they didn't actually tell them, somehow. Don't think too hard about a Wobbufett's psychic abilities. Beryl would be out a bit after, bringing with her the food she had just cooked up.

"Oh, your friend fighting Tuule?" She'd say. "Ooh, that's not gonna be a good matchup. Normal Vs. A steel type. Hope that little fella knows some fighting' type moves."

Outside of Camphor’s lab

“Heh, I’m not worried about me thinking to slow. You should be worried about you thinking too much.” Remi responded, a confident smirk as he’d hear what Yuu would be doing next. Jojo would launch himself towards the Cottonnee and Remi, who’d seem entirely unconcerned would watch as the Riolu sped over before Cottonne could get the absorb off - though it didn’t quite go as Yuu had planned. “Cottonne, stop the attack!”

The fluff ball would let out a small squeal and powered down the attack, earning a small annoyed huff just before he got the absorb off, forfeiting his turn and attack it seemed as he was pressed into the Slakoth for instead, extremely minimal damage from behind as Aster would unleash a flurry of scratches in the short time her body had.


The Aipom struck the Slakoth with blow after blow, managing to land quite a few before her body finally gave out, forced to sleep as the drowsiness finally overtook her, falling asleep right in front of Slakoth.

“Hey Nevvy, they know an Egg move, right?” Quietly, Remi would whisper to Nevine so that Yuu and Jill couldn’t hear.


“Follow my lead this turn, then and use it. Also tell Slakoth to spin a little!”

“Cottonnee, leap into the air and use Helping Hand!” Following instructions, Cottonne prepared to launch itself into the air, using its lightweight to float fairly high into the air as its body glowed in a faint green light, intent on powering up Slakoth’s next move. Notably, the Cottonnee had moved out of range of what a single quick attack or leap could get to it.

“Uhm…Slakoth…Hammer Arm on the Aipom and…spin?”

Slakoth was already raising its right arm, admittedly, a bit lazily - but if that thing hit Aster, it was going to hurt. Its other arm was lightly pulling itself along the ground in an effort to turn itself to face Riolu. With Aster on the ground in front of Slakoth, there was no dodging it unless someone else did something.

Route 1

The woman glanced towards Camila, shrugging and stuffing her hands in her pockets in a lazy, mildly unconcerned manner as she’d instead relax her shoulders, move behind Camila, give her a thumbs up with an encouraging ‘you can do it’ look. It did not seem like this woman had any pokemon whatsoever on her person.

Immediately upon battle start, A gentle dusting of snow would start to fall thanks to Vulpixs Ability, Snow Warning, boosting its defense by one stage.

“Ah, jeez, that little brats got a hidden ability!”

“Doesn’t matter we out number ‘em! That red over there doesn’t seem like she has a pokemon!”

“Shroodle, hit ‘em with a Leer!”

“Vullaby do the same!”

“Starly, hit that fox with a tackle!”

Shroodle was surprisingly fast, able to give a small cry of affirmation as it’d move away from the birds to avoid being hit by the powder snow, an angry, menacing glare being delivered to the Vulpix, lowering her physical defense - but Vulpix was able to act faster than the Vullaby or Starly as she inhaled, a blast of frigid, cold wind blasting towards the two birds. Vullaby took the brunt of the attack, covering for the weaker Starly as it stood strong against the frigid gust of wind, but as it too would start moving -

“Vulll!?” The vullaby let out a startled cry, its leer move unable to work?! This left it floundering as it tried to figure out what happened, but it didn’t stop the Starly from speeding out from behind the Vullaby now, making a beeline for Vulpix with a flying tackle, slamming into the fox pokemon and knocking her back a bit as the Starly immediately returned behind the Vullaby.

“Oi, what gives Vullaby!?”

“V-vull?” The pokemon seemed just as confused as the trainer.

“Well don’t just stand there! Do it again!”

“V-vulll!” The Vullaby squawked, clearly unable to use a Leer attack for some reason.

“Tch, whatever, just use Gust then!”

It didn’t seem like the pokemon had any problem using a gust attack, however.

“Shroodle, Acid spray!”

“Starly, use a quick attack!”

~Claire Blackwood~


Claire wasn't sure what she was expecting. With the sounds coming from the ship, she couldn't help but to grimace a bit from what she was hearing. Were they subduing some super ultra legendary pokemon? A troublesome pokemon that she was going to have annoy her? She already had one of those - Lure was already more of enough of a handful for her, but what she wasn't expecting was something so...so...

Claire inhaled, practically teleported over to the green kitten causing Ralia to lose her footing on Claires head and tumble to the ground, with a mildly annoyed expression.

"Perfect!" Claire's eyes lit up upon seeing the Sprigatitio. "Gah its so cute I'm gonna die." Claire swiped the Sprigatito from the arms of the pirate, a wide, huge grin plastered on her features. Ralia walked up to Claire, turning her head up to the cat currently being cuddled by the trainer.

The Sprigatito looked back, the pairs eyes meeting.

A Cheshire like grin spread across the kittens face, earning a shocked expression from Ralia followed by a glare from the psychic type.

Claire, was of course oblivious to this budding rivalry as the Sprigatito meowed innocently, cuddling its apparent new trainer in return.

"Hmm...lets see...you'll need a good name...Verdue? Ah, I know, Jade. How do you like that?"


"Atta girl, I knew you had a great sense of style." Claire giggled, setting the cat down next to Ralia as Claire turned back to Zachary. "I'll take her. Thanks a bunch! Oh, I'll need to send someone back...hm..." Gah, she hated doing this. Why couldn't she just bring everyone with her? Hmph...well...Jade was a grass type. "Sorry Pip, go back for now 'kay? Welcome to the team, Jade."

Jade proceeded to rub up against Claire's feet as Ralia teleported to the top of Claire's head, patting her trainers red hair with her little arms in an apparent display of displeasure at having this new addition to the team.

"Alright well...first things first then. Getting you trained and up to par with the rest of our crew, huh?" Claire grin, pulling out her mach bike. Supposing there was nothing else for Zachary and crew to say to her, Claire would speed off to Route Six again for a little training.
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

“Well, hell…” Kennet frowned, seeing the scene. “Come to think of it, he started acting up after I let him out for a flight near the other side of the park…” He’d shake his head, moving over to Richard as he’d he’d grab the Munchlax by its lower body, hefting and lifting him with a bit more relative ease then Richard might have. “Good thing I’m used to movin’ heavy pokemon sometimes, I reckon.” He’d chuckle, the fletchling in question roosting on Kennet’s shoulder. “Lets get this fella to the center then-ha?!”

Before Kennet could take a few steps, a green-furred pokemon darted out from the underbrush and slammed right into his leg, causing him to stumble slightly.

It was a Sprigatito…

“...hm? Oh. I see someone’s already decided to give this food-thief some mercy…” A person Richard would be somewhat familiar with would walk up from the opposite side of the small clearing. The feline pokemon batted playfully at Kennet’s leg before running back over to Laurel.

…perhaps this was just a coincidence.

“Friend of yours?” Kennet glanced at Richard.

Byjerlfal City, Museum

Commercial district

“Good day. Do be careful on your way out and don’t get lost.”

Thankfully, getting lost would be difficult. Making her way back down stairs and out of the staff area, Isla would find herself back on the main floor. The Museum had cleared out mostly, though she could still see a large crowd of teens and kids. Heading back out onto the street, she’d notice Riley, the man arguing with Lilian earlier had left for the moment. That just left her on the streets of the city once more, the hustle and bustle and noise of large crowds drowning out most things.

Curiously, she could see a young boy with an odd looking Growlithe snickering and running down an alleyway next to the museum…it was probably fine.

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban exploration

The atmosphere at the table was quickly breaking down. Their voices were getting raised now and the man who seemed to be more than a little irritated already, was slowly frowning deeper and deeper as the seconds passed. One of the sailors slammed a fist on the table, leaning over it and a stack of money angrily. A few other sailors were seemingly rallied behind him. Apparently, he lost a bet on something and he was growing increasingly agitated.

Nothing that they had to worry about yet, though…

“Wobbu?” Wobbufett would reach out and pat Sir Lopsalot on the ears before pulling out a notebook and pen, tossing a small menu of drinks onto the table as if asking what they wanted. Notably,it was already written in the book before getting confirmation. Ripley might notice now that Tuule had gotten up from his own seat and was walking over to the betting table, likely having noticed the heated atmosphere. A few words were exchanged between him and the sailor.

“I don’t care, this guy’s a liar and a cheat-!” Their voices were finally raised enough to be heard above the usual din, catching most everyone else's attention.

“Quiet now, son.” Tuule gently interrupted him. “You’re the one who made a losin’ bet, don’t be a sore loser now. What’d you even bet on lad? One of the usual fights here?” When a quiet yes from the sailor followed, Tuule continued. “Now, you don’t really want to accuse Miss Keira and her associates of doin’ something like cheating, lad now do ya? Making a headache for everyone is only going to get ya in trouble.”

“Tch…whatever, Tuule.” He’d shove the older man a side with a small snarl before walking off with a few other sailors.

“That’s why I hate these folks.” The rough looking man taking bets replied. “Think just because they know the oceans they’re hot stuff. That said…Tuule, I got a proposition for ya.”

“Don’t even need to ask if this is going where I think it is.” Tuule replied with a chuckle. “Sure, I’ll take a fight.”

“Right, then. Alright! If anyone here is brave enough to fight the Gym Leader of Rivenwall, Captain Tuule in a one on one match, step into that ring!

Of course, they could just leave and not, too.

Route 1

The red-headed woman visibly flinched, apparently not having heard or seen Camila approach. She’d glance between Camila and the suited men, tilting her head curiously to the side before a sharp-toothed smirk formed on her lips with a shrug. The sunglasses on her nose shifted lightly as she’d motion for her to come on over.

“Huh, this ain’t none of your business either.” One of the suited men said with a snarl. “This is our operation and it doesn't involve you. We caught these pokemon fair and square.” The redhaired woman snorted…and proceeded to flip them off with both her hands.

“Oi, you got some spunk for a mute freak.” One of the suited people shouted, pulling a pokeball from the inside of his suit. “Why don’t the three of us teach ya a lesson, brat!?” The suited man released a pokemon onto the field in front of him - A vaullaby!

“Haa…guess we’re doing this.”

“Hey, if we get pinched for this its gonna be your head on a platter!”

The other two soon released a pokemon onto the field, too. A shroodle and a Starly, respectively.

She might have time to scan them, if she wished, but the three seemed pretty eager on fighting. Didn’t seem the red-haired woman had any pokemon of her own, though.


I think I need to just say, I'm going to be cutting back on RPing in general for a bit. Thanks for the invite Z and I'll maybe return in the future but atm I'm just feeling a little burned out, I think.
Gonna try and get something up monday. Maybe get one up tomorrow on the nightshift if I can manage.
~Claire Blackwood~


The trek, was uneventful. Well, as uneventful as the red blur named Claire zoomed across the plains, route sixteen and towards the dock with Ralia holding onto her head for dear life as she zipped and zoomed, taking a few detours to make sure she didn't leave Dawkin behind too far. She was both surprised and amused to see a literal pirate ship of all things at the dock. Who still had one of those in this day and age?

"Eeeh? If I buy a pokemon I'm keeping it buddy." Claire said with a small frown as the nobleman passed her while she was putting her bike away. Regardless of his response, Calire would soon move through the crowd and the line, giving a friendly wave to Eugene, almost wanting to go pester him for another flight and if that Skarmory she had totally become besties with was around, but thankfully for the Skarmory and Eugene Railia managed to keep her focused until it was her turn.

"Heeey! Names' Claire! I heard about you from Kalmia." Claire said with an excited grin. "Heard you deal in exotic mons and she said we get a free one, right! Well...sign me the heck up fam. I'm looking for something stylish and speedy, but tricky and cute as I am. Not super picky. Free is free." Ralia gave a friendly wave to the pirate, and if she needed to prove her Identity she was ready to pull out the dex and also pester Kalmia.
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

“You wanna try keeping him in a ball, be my guest!” Kennet shouted back after Richard. The Fletchling was faster than the both of them, but seemed to have enough sense not to get entirely out of their view for very long as it’d zip past the gates to the park where the two boys would find themselves amidst a serene, quiet and green barrier that made the noise of the hustle and bustle of the city seem far away.

It’d zip past a few trainers, Kennet nearly running over a few people as he’d try and keep up with the Fletchling. As they’d soon find themselves moving off of the stone trail that wound through the park and into the greenery, it soon became evident that the Fletchling seemed to be more so leading them somewhere…

And that somewhere, was a Munchlax, having apparently being badly beaten, fainted on the ground amidst what seemed like a small battlefield. A lunch box had been beaten up, bits and pieces of food were strewn and scattered about. The fletchling landed next to Munchlax, proceeding, chirping at it in a seeming attempt to rouse it.

From what Richard could tell, whoever battled this pokemon didn’t just have a normal battle with it. From the various wounds on its body someone went out of their way to be overly cruel to the little gluttonous pokemon. Not only was it barely moving, it seemed there were small, but many, many cuts on the pokemons body all over.

“Woah, what went down here…?” Kennet stopped running, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Fletchling was impatiently Chirping at the two of them, likely to help the Munchlax.

Byjerlfal City, Museum

“Oh, you’re not from here?” Lilian responded with a hum. “I visited the Sevii islands once. The ruins there are fascinating. That means you likely are not aware of some of Eidda’s myths, then hm? These stones specifically relate to how the landmass was formed. According to some ancient tribes and their descendants, a titanic pokemon that stood as tall as clouds pulled the land from the bottom of the sea alongside its three helpers that it carved from the earth.” A pause as Lilian would walk over to the table where the stone fragments were sitting.

Isla could see them a bit better now, if she walked a little closer. On them were etched numerous holes in the stone, though it was difficult to really figure out what they meant. On another, was a carving of some creature. A pokemon, perhaps? It seemed to be the top part of its mouth, jagged and briefly bringing to mind some dragon, perhaps on a round body.

“If you want to know more, it'd be better to inquire at the Society in Giervor. I’ll be heading back there myself as soon Director Matthias finishes his business here. If you want to stay, I won’t stop you but I think it should be a little quieter downstairs now if you want to look at the exhibits…though if you go to the Winding wood, give Director Matthias my regards and ask him to hurry will you? I’m rather bored here in this museum. I’d much rather be out in the field…”

Byjerlfal City, Commercial District -> Industrial district
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

“Oh, you must be from outta region? You visiting Eidda?” Beryl responded with a friendly, inquisitive tone. “Ah, but Miss Keira - she’s the Gym Leader here. Runs the resort and is a bit of a legend here in Byjerlfal. Friendly enough gal, just uh, don’t get on her bad side or you might end up taking a long walk off the pier. That scary lookin’ guy over there taking bets works for her.”

With that somewhat ominous statement, Beryl would smirk.

“I’ll have that special riiiiight out. Don’t you worry. Wobby keep ‘em company would you?”

“Wobbu!” A friendly salute and an excitable grin.

Wobbufett would proceed to take the two to an empty booth, should they want it - though before they could get very far, Clarissa might note that the mood around the betting table had taken on a decidedly less friendly atmosphere…

Outside of Camphor’s lab

Unfazed, Remi merely watched the battle unfold. Riolu would speed close, getting behind the Cottonnee. A strong, swift attack knocking the fluffball right towards Aster. The Cottonnee let out a small cry of pain, unable to fully complete its attack in time before it found itself being launched towards Aster who proceeded to grab the fluff ball.


It responded by shouting as it was then grabbed by Aster, and launched like a baseball right towards the Slakoth’s sleeping mouth.

“Hmm…Cottonee, Fairy wind towards the ground!”

Just as it was halfway between the Slakoth Aster, it flapped its little arms and a gust of pink, sparkling air was loosed towards the ground, the resulting force vaulting the Cottonnee above the Slakoth just as it would finish preparing its own move, yawning lazily as bubbles formed out of its mouth and lazily floated towards Aster, popping as it neared the monkey, causing an intense wave of Drowsiness to overcome the pokemon.

She’d be falling asleep in the next turn.

“Good moves, good moves.” Cottonee landed with some irritability behind Slakoth. “But you’re not the only one that can get creative. Cottone, Absorb on that Riolu!”

Slakoth, however, as one might expect, was choosing not to do anything. Nevine knelt next to her pokemon.

“Its okay. You can move when you want to.”

Cottonnee’s little arms lit up red, as it prepared to take some of the HP it lost from the Quick attack back. Aster had limited options now as she could only do so much before she’d find herself falling asleep…!

Route 1

So the Vulpix would attempt dodging, and thankfully it was just a bit faster than a Pidgey. Snow would pivot its body towards the side, narrowly avoiding the speeding bird…which promptly found itself having to put on the aerial brakes…which it was just a bit too slow to do, not managing to stop before it slammed into a tree with a resounded thud. Coupled with Snow repositioning itself, and proceeding to launch another Powder snow towards the pokemon…


The Pidgey fell to the ground. The Pidgey Fainted!

Assuming she threw another pokeball at it....

~Claire Blackwood~


"Got it. Anyways, i'll be going now-" Claire had gotten about halfway through the door before Dunstan mentioned something about Zachary. She had seen Kalmia's message, but at the same time she had been rather preoccupied to really respond to it, but if he was docked here..."Right after I visit Zachary." Immediately changing directions and getting out her Mach bike, Claire made her way towards the docks and where Zachary was.

She didn't have anything in particular in mind as far as a pokemon goes, but when did she ever?

"Now lets see...where is this Zachary at? See anything girl?" Ralia was on top of Claire's head, hand over her eyes and peering over the horizon like she was looking a long distance and very hard for something
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

The flecthling was understandably, not amused.

It struggled in Richard's hands, chirping irritably and trying to free itself from the trainers grip before deciding that at least, like this, it was not getting free.

“Ahaha, sorry about that dude.” The young man replied with a nervous smile. “This little fella’s been giving me no ends of problems. Thanks, just uh, keep a firm grip on him will ya?” He’d pull out a pokeball, from his pocket, likely the Fletchlings in question. “The names Kennet. I’m a pokemon breeder, run a ranch affiliated with the lab here out on Route 13 with my dad. We were in town and I was taking some pokemon out for some fresh air, and this little guy has a habit of bein’ a bit uh, free spirited.” He took a few seconds to pet the Fletchlings head, who only chirped in a decisively derisive fashion.

“Ey, don’t be like that.” He’d chuckle lightly, pulling a small piece of bread in a wrapper from his own bag. Opening it, he’d hold it for the Fetchling. “Or do ya not want one of these?”

The fletchling eyed the bread, then Kennet. Then up to Richard, and back to the bread before chirping and taking a few bites of it.

“Anyways, I’ll take him off your hands. Oh, and well, I’d feel bad if I don’t give ya something for helpin’ me…hm-Ah-!”

However, before Kennet could go to actually give Richard anything, the Fletchling's body was starting to heat up to painful levels as it struggled free!

"Ah no you don't-Gah that little guy's fast...! Normally he's not nearly this difficult. I mean he is but, ugh, gotta run before I lose him. You wouldn't happen to have any pokemon on ya that might be able to help, huh?" Whether Richard did or not, would be up to him. Either way, Kennet would take off after the Fletchling again. It seemed like it was zipping off in the direction of the park.

Also, assuming Richard scanned the Fletchling at some point...

Byjerlfal City, Industrial district
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

The emotions in the place were positive. Friendly. Amusement and mirth...but buried under all of that, towards the back of the place was a small feeling of…annoyance? Clarissa wouldn’t have noticed anything from the crowd, but sitting in the middle of a group of sailors was a rough looking man wearing a bored expression, but he didn’t seem to be of any consequence to them at the moment…looked like they were taking and placing bets on the Pokeathlon…

Supposing no one went over and bothered him.

Ripley could also scan the pokemon, of course.

“Oh, you after them Murkrow? Ugh, those nuisances are always bullying Wobby here.” Beryl harrumphed.

“Wobbu…“ Wobbuffet shrunk slightly. Literally, deflating its body a bit at the mention of the Murkrow.

“Normally they ain’t out durin the day but if they were, they’re probably having a scuffle with them Starly that live over in the Resort and Commercial districts. Miss Keira loves those birds. If you wanna find some you might try your luck once night comes? Otherwise I think I saw a few roosting up in the roofs of some of the warehouses. There's a few of 'em normally roost out there by that old toy factory's roof, but uh, not easy getting up there and they usually got a huge flock. As for our menu…” Beryl grinned, taking a few steps towards Clarissa. “...welll…how about this. Since you’re new trainers and its ya first time here how about I do a little favor. Half price anything ya want. As for our special, well, today its a stew made with fresh deep-sea fish, served with a loaf of fresh bread, and a few other things I would definitely totally recommend, promise.”

Route 1

Now catching a pidgey off guard was something that would be a bit difficult to do. They were an attentive pokemon, and quite wary of their surroundings usually. So as Camila sneaked up on the flying type, it’d raise its head from the ground where it had been digging for food, quickly swiveling its head around as though it had heard something…and just as Camila ordered it to use Powdersnow, it would turn its head right in their direction in the same instance Vulpix would inhale and then exhale a blast of snow-laced frigid air towards the flying type.

Immediately the pidgey would flap its wings, trying to kick up dirt and dust from the ground in order to protect itself, only to be hit with the ice attack, getting knocked around lightly but not enough to be dazed, quickly taking to the skies, injured by the attack but not quite in a condition that could make it so easily caught yet.

This of course, meant the pokeball Camila thrown had simply whiffed and sailed under the flying type.

“Piii! Piii!” It’d chirp angrily, aiming to hit Vulpix with a flying tackle.

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