Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Have some ideas
Might think more on if whether or not they terrible
meep moop

We'll see if I can come up with anything
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

“Oh you can’t be serious I can’t just-” Laurel started to reply, the Munchlax turning its head back to her. The ears on top of its head drooped lightly. “-Oh don’t give me that look you…you…” Laurel fidgeted on the spot, frowning and trying to apparently find any excuse to not take the Munchlax with her before sighing and walking over, kneeling down in front of the pokemon with a mildly irritated looking expression. “Ugh, fine, just stop looking so terrible. I guess…I can take you…you ugly cute…pokemon…”

“Muuunch!” The Munchlax’s ears perked up, a wide smile forming as it would proceed to jump up, leaning on Laurel and throwing all of its weight into a low momentum tackle hug.

”Eek-wait be careful I’m not-oof-” This of course, resulted in the much heavier pokemon almost knocking over Laurel before she was able to right herself. ”Tsk, what am I going to do with you…” Despite her somewhat dour and perhaps unfriendly demeanor Laurel would pull a pokeball from her bag and bonk the Munchlax on the head with it.

”Laurel caught a Munchlax!”

“Munchlax looked really happy. I’ll heal up both of your pokemon from that battle.” Nurse Joy would say with a friendly smile, ushering the two back inside where their pokemon would be swiftly healed up. As they waited, Laurel would turn towards Richard.

“...Uhm…” She glanced to the side, seeming a little uncertain as she continued. “Thanks. For uh…I know our introduction wasn’t exactly the smoothest. Just thanks for uh…puttingupwithme-” She'd quickly turn to Nurse Joy who had finished with their pokemon. “Anyways, I’ll likely be heading to Giervor. The Dark-Type gym there is typically a good spot for new trainers to start the gym challenge at...erm, so I've heard.”

“Here are your pokemon! Verdue and Luna are all healed up and ready to go!” Nurse joy handed them their pokeballs back. Laurel wasn't saying anything more, though despite apparently being in a hurry she didn't seem like she wanted to be the first to leave.

Route 1

Upon the second Nickit being spotted, it would pause in its tracks, tail raised slightly while its ears stood, perked up and attentive. It regarded Dancing and the jerky that was tossed towards it with a small bit of suspicion. For a moment the two looked like they were about to abort their so called master plan of stealing Isla’s jerky and likely pilfering her bag as well, but after a few long seconds the two Nickit would make a noise that sounded like a mix between a high pitched bark and a rough growl.

The first, took the jerky from her hand without too much complaint, but the second would bolt for Isla’s bag, attempting to grab it with its claws in an effort to run off with it. Seemed as though it wasn't intent to give up the spoils it wanted. The first seemed a little more open to this whole exchange, though...perhaps with a little more persuading she could befriend it.

Route 1

Camila received 1500 for winning!
Since I forgot about this earlier, have some muns

“Hmm…sorta. Consider it a hobby of hers.” Clara responded with a dismissive tone. “Beating up thugs is Sables favorite pastime.” The red head narrowed her eyes, shaking her head and pointing a finger towards Clara instead. “The amount of times I’ve had to bail her out…” Clara shook her head, ignoring the visible protests from her companion as she’d walk over to Camila. “Having a strong fella like Koko here to help is always a good idea.” A subtle smile as Clara would pull out her phone. “But I understand. You’d rather have someone good looking instead of a rough rugged pokemon look after you, huh?”

Sable rolled her eyes as she’d start packing up a few of Clara’s items.

“...Tch. I’d like to stick around and talk more, but I’ve got places to be.” She’d put her phone back in her pocket. “If you’re ever in Giervor, stop by the gym. I could show you around and keep the big bad gangsters away. Got everything Sable?” A thumbs up from the redhead was all she’d need. “Least I can do is heal up Snow for you and escort you back to the road.”

Assuming she took Clara up on that offer, the trio would head back to the main road. Clara would hop onto her motorcycle, revving up the engine. Sable took a seat on the back, sitting a a bit oddly with her back to Clara’s own, her legs positioned on either side of its body and hands gripping it. She’d wave bye as the duo would speed off down Route 1….

~Claire Blackwood~


She of course, absentmindedly listened to the info. And by that, the information went in one ear and out the other while she merely nodded along, staring up at the building with a determined gaze. Flying types were the bane of her existence...but it'd probably be fine. She only had one loss under her belt so far, and she wasn't going to keep up the losing streak. She wasn't a jobber, no sir!

"Yeah thanks for the info, see ya when I am the owner of a new badge!"

She'd say, confidently heading into the stadium, expecting the trial to be your standard battle...only to be met with something quite different.

"Soccer...match?" Claire hummed, a bit impressed, intrigued, and definitely into the idea of it. She'd walk towards where Simon was. "Oh. Hey I remember you. Claire. One of Kalmia's trainers." She'd say to Simon, giving him a winning grin. "Anyways, less small talk more battling. I'll accept the challenge!" She'd give him a thumbs up. She had the perfect team in mind already. Well, mostly.

Ralia, Zeal, and Laurel.

"I've already got a team all ready so lets start!" She'd head out onto the field, without even seeing if Simon even accepted the challenge in the first place.
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.
Now slower than the Snivy, Sprigatitio would take another leer, now having its defense dropped twice. This however, did not stop Verdue’s own attack. With an irritable cry, the leaves around Sprigatito’s neck would grow in size more before it’d give a flick of its head in Luna’s direction. Numerous leaves launched themselves at the Snivy, the small serpent pokemon taking the brunt of the attack.

However, Luna doing as Richard instructed, pushed through the attack and its admittedly minimal damage, quickly closing the distance between herself and Verdue and slammed her body into the grass cat with everything that she had. Verdue responded with a pained yelp, but even though she had taken quite a lot of damage from that single attack, the Sprigatito didn’t go down immediately as its paws would run across Luna’s face, delivering its own scratch attack to the Snivy sending her stumbling back but still in the fight.


Before she could even get another command out, sparks of electricity flowed along Verdue’s body, the grass cat being fully paralyzed…and easy enough for Luna to pick off with one more tackle.

”Richard won the battle! He got 2000p From winning!”

“Really,” Laurel huffed, recalling her injured pokemon to her pokeball. “You only won because it was a terrible matchup and I wasn’t able to make full use of Verdue’s moveset.” She’d say, glancing down at the small Snivy. “But yes, good job and all that I hope that can be of some use to you, now really I must be-”

“Uhm, excuse me?” Before Laurel could make any more comments about how she must be leaving, Nurse Joy would walk out of the pokemon center. “I thought you’d both like to know that the Munchlax is doing just fine. The Max Revive helped a lot and for the moment he’s doing well…a little…too well-”


As if on cue, the munchlax would walk out behind Nurse Joy, having found some pastry somewhere. It looked towards Laurel.

“I realize this might be a little presumptuous and sudden, but why don’t one of you take him? He made quite a fuss when we were trying to patch him up.”

“Well don’t look at me, I still haven’t forgiven you for eating my lunch…”

It then looked towards Richard, hopeful and absentmindedly eating the pastry.

Route 1
Commercial district

The Nickit’s ears swiveled towards Isla, half of the jerky hanging out of its mouth as it peered at her with a suspicious glare.

“Niii?” The Nickit trotted over to the jerky, quietly observing it and Isla both. A few seconds passed before it’d bring its head down to it, and start eating it, swiftly wolfing it down. It trotted closer to Isla, looking up at the trainer with wide, cute eyes and doing its best attempt at a disarming stare. If she wanted to, it’d let Isla pet her.

What she perhaps, didn’t see but Dancing might hear or see - was the presence of a second Nickit. It was quietly approaching them from behind. Its eyes rested firmly on Isla’s bag, no doubt planning some manner of mischief and tomfoolery.

Wailords Rest
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

“Ha?!” Tuule seemed a little caught off guard by the sudden use of a fighting type move. Let alone power-up punch of all things. “We’re on borrowed time here! Aron, full steam ahead and Metal Claw! No room for maneuvering!”


The small steel type would dig its claw against the floor, choosing to instead meet the Buneary head on. As Sir Lopsalot sprung forward, his fist struck the Aron right between the eyes, earning a small squeal from the pokemon. It was not enough to deter it, though as soon Buneary would find itself being smacked again with the Aron’s claws. The entirety of Aron’s body tensed as the blow landed, the metallic sheen on its claws growing brighter and sharper!

Its attack had been raised!

“That’s it, Aron! Sharpen those claws! Chase after it!” Aron wasted no time, intending on barreling down Sir Lopsalot before it could raise its attack any further!

Outside of Camphor’s lab

“Huh-? Screech?” Before Remi could process what was happening, an ear-splitting screech reverberated through the area, almost shattering the ear drums of everyone present in the process…save for Slakoth, who still seemed mostly oblivious to the loud noise. “Ow-ow we get it you like making noise-ugh!”

As Remi dealt with the noise, Riolu’s quick attacked aimed for the Slakoth sides, leaving Cottonnee mostly completely unimpeded. As Riolu would speed towards the SLakoth, slamming into with a few punches in the form of its Quick Attack, the Slakoth couldn’t take any more damage.


”Slakoth Fainted!”

And Riolu would immediately be hit from behind with an explosive seed.

“Atta girl, Cottonnee! How do ya like that TM, huh?” Remi giggled as Riolu took the brunt of the Seed Bomb attack, the small impact explosion causing Jojo to be knocked around as Cottonne was already charging up another one. “I’m about tired of all of this so I’m gonna just end things here, alright? Another Seed Bomb, Cottonne! Take out that Riolu!” If another one hit Riolu, that was going to be it for the fighting type.

Nevine meanwhile had reached down and started petting Slakoth.

“...its okay…you did good…” She’d say, before recalling the Slakoth.
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

“Glare? Really…Verdue! Tail Whip!” Taking advantage of Verdue being just a smidge faster than Luna, the feline pokemon dashed forward, just in front of the Snivy before it could get off its glare and smacked it right in the face with its tail before leaping back - only for the cat to meet Luna’s glare, the Snivy’s eyes glowing a menacing red as Verdue would be struck with paralysis.

“Shake it off Verdue! Hit the snake with a scratch!” Verdue gave a mildly irritated seeming meow as it started moving towards Snivy, its speed slowed by the paralysis. Luna would take this opportunity to focus on dodging out of the way of the Sprigatito’s paws, deftly avoiding damage but also not being able to attack as Verdue continued its pursuit. Slower than Snivy now and struggling to move. Verdue got close, Luna ran, and eventually they had run in a full circle…and it looked like they were going to do it again -


However, just as Verdue went to move, it would find its body freezing, sparks of electricity running across its fur, giving Luna just enough space to turn around and get off a single Leer.

“Hmph…not bad, though just be lucky my failsafe doesn’t work on grass types…” Laurel commented. “Verdue, if it wants to run, then fine. It might not be too effective, but hit it with a leafage! If it gets close, scratch it!” The leaves around Verdues neck glowed green, and were already growing in size.

Route 1
Commercial district

So Isla, would attempt finding some pokemon. It shouldn’t be too hard. Above the treeline she could even spot some hoppips floating around, dancing in the wind above the forests and happily getting some sunshine…though getting one down might be a tad bit difficult. Instead, she’d turn her attention towards the ground. A piece of jerky tossed on the ground with her hiding some distance away.

It wouldn’t be long before a pokemon would take some interest in it.

It was a small fox pokemon, with red fur and a somewhat impish expression. It’d quietly run up to the jerky, sniff it, and start eating it. The Nickit hadn’t seen her yet, but it wouldn’t be long until either it did or would run off, so she’d have to act fast.

Supposing that she didn’t want to bother the fox pokemon though, she could keep searching instead and she used the same methodology as earlier…

A teddiursa, this time would come quietly walking along. It’d look curiously around, wide eyed looking around almost as if it was a bit lost, but otherwise it didn’t seem like it was too interested in the jerky itself. It’d sniff it, but it was already going to be quickly moving along.

And lastly if she still continued her search and didn’t want to bother the bear, a Buneary would come hopping along, stomping right over the jerky, apparently not having seen it. As it did so, it’d get spooked and end up tripping over its feet as it’d land its hop awkwardly and turn to inspect the jerky that had accosted it.

Route 1

“Kokoko…” The Krokorok chuckled at Camila before thumping its tail on the ground and looking towards the two pokemon remaining. Without waiting for instruction from its trainer, the sand reptile ran towards the Shroodle, causing the pokemon to shriek in utter terror.

“Shroodle! D-doge it!”

But it was too late, the Korokorok was faster, stronger, and likely much higher level than the Shroodle. As soon as it was within striking distance, the Krokorok snatched the shroodle up in its jaws, and like it had done with the Vullaby, toss it around like a doll before launching it aside, KO’ing it in a swift few moments.

And without Vullaby to shield the weaker Starly, Snow acted swiftly.

“Starly! Quick attack again!”

But not quite so fast enough to outspeed a quick attack from the opponent. The bird launched itself forward at breakneck speeds, slamming into the Vulpix. Snow would find itself being knocked around again, its paws barely able to keep a grip on the ground and stop itself from getting knocked over. However, what might have previously just Ko’ed the vulpix…instead it would respond with a a powder snow, inhaling and blasting a breath of frigid air towards the starly as flecks of ice would batter its body.

“Star…lllly….” With a tired cry, it would fall to the ground, Ko’ed.

Camila won the battle!

“Tch…When miss Keira hears about this you’ll all be takin a long walk off the pier!” One of the suited men shouted as they all recalled their pokemon. They proceeded to flee before anything else could stop them. The girl, having finished pulling all the pokemon out of the cages, would shoo the last one away and allow them to leave, not seeming concerned with chasing after them.

“...hm…good work. Not half bad.” She’d say. “Forgot to introduce myself earlier. Clara. Redheads Sable.” Sable would walk out from behind Camila giving the trainer a thumbs up as she moved over to Clara. Krokorok would waltz over, folding its arms in a stereotypical cool guy pose across its arms. "And that's Koko. He's something of a tryhard."

Havershel Estate

@Click This@AzureKnight

Livia’s gaze turned towards Lucrecia, blue eyes seeming to glow lightly with arcane power, a small frown forming on her features.

“And she’ll get healing, Lucrecia.” A curt, no nonsense reply. “Move to assist Eliz, Lyssa, and Katherine. That is an order. I already said I’ll look after things here.” The harsh tone took a slightly softer inflection as she’d sigh. “I know a trick or two about healing. Now move before more people get hurt.”

“...I shall leave this to you then, Lady Fiore.” Cassandre nodded, though she didn’t seem to certain but as things stood, if the others needed her help then lady Fiore was right. It would be better served stopping another demon from getting loose. “For as brief as we work together, I look forward to cooperating. Shall we?” Supposing there was nothing else for Polina or Lucrecia to do here, Cassandre would take point after using some divine spells to patch up Polina’s wounds.


Eliz’ time crush could make targeted attacks, snuffing out the fire before it spread but unless she wanted to weaken the underground vault, she couldn’t stop all of it. Xivi too, could only help so much. Her acidic, corrosive breath and water had already ate some holes into the floor and the pillars holding up the ceiling. They were on a timer here, and they needed to act faster than not if they wanted to stop this entire place from becoming rubble.

“Fate?! Bwahahaa rich coming from a demon you pathetic mortal loving whelp!” The possessed woman responded with a demonic, howling laughter at hearing Eliz’ declaration. “Or did you forget, whelp!?” The demonic fire was already spreading outwards, the inferno quickly spreading across the floor and the relic room. “Demons don’t have fate to destroy!”

Moving closer to the demon was…a bad idea. The crimson fire it loosed earlier had radiated outwards in front of it. The dolls that had gotten closer were engulfed in fire, their structure seeming to rot and decay from the inside, weakening them.

The possessed woman herself inhaled again as more chains tried to hold her down, but in turn they too started to decay, rust, and become weaker the moment they touched her, not holding her down for too long. The water didn’t help much, turning into steam before it even touched her such was the intensity of the fire. If Katherine wanted to restrain her more than having her be merely hindered, she’d likely have to focus entirely on the demon while also getting assistance from her dolls or get creative with the timing.

“Now rot in hell you whelps! I’ll burn this entire pathetic word to ash!” As the fire continued to spread, the demon raised a hand to the ceiling. A vortex of fire formed in her hand, swirling in the air above her.

Whatever she was doing, it was going to be big.

“Tch, she’s gonna use that….” Xivi replied to Katherine. “I wouldn’t count on outlasting her. Last time we tussled, it was a week-long affair, and back then the humans were effectively immortal…” The small demon huffed. “LISTEN UP YOU WHELPS! She’s gonna do something big, but if you wanna beat her you’re gonna have to get rough with her!”

“Tch, good! I was about tired of just sitting here being super cute!” Lyssa retorted.

….and this would be the scene Polina, Lucrecia, and Cassandre find themselves stumbling in on.
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

“H-huh? Me? A battle?” Laurel sighed. “Really you think I have time to battle with the likes of you.” Despite the harsh words, the young woman would place the Sprigatito on the ground, who immediately went over and started sniffing the Snivy before batting playfully at the snake pokemons tail. “Be grateful that I am taking time out of my busy day, and try not to cry when I soundly trounce you.”


“...oh right, ahah, we probably shouldn’t battle in the pokemon center.” Supposing Richard agreed and moved outside with Verdue and Laurel, the other trainer walked a few paces away, enough to make a decently sized field between the two pokemon. “Ahem, alright. Since I’m being gracious enough to help your Snivy there, I’ll try to go easy on them. Ready, Verdue? This will be out first proper trainer battle.”


“Good. Well, then, Richard? I shall let you determine the flow of battle, here.”

Outside of Camphor’s lab


“H-huh? Oh hey Jill…a…a bucket? Uhm, sure?” Frieda replied, a bit confused by the sudden request. Pix was sitting on her shoulders, munching happily on some pastry and gave Jill a friendly, excitable wave. “Should be one in the cleaning closet near the restroom, right over there.”

It wouldn’t be hard to find it, now all she had to do was get back to the battle…

Slakoth had already raised its arm as high as it could go by the time Yuu had finished giving his commands. Riolu barely had time to speed forward, grabbing the monkey pokemon and hefting her. Just as the Riolu lifted her, the Slakoth lowered its arm with surprising speed, the powerful muscles of the sloth hurtling through the air and-


Just barely missing Riolu's feet as it landed on top of the Slakoth who was now facing the opposite direction that he had been earlier.

“Now Cottonnee!” Remi shouted. Just as Jojo landed, the pokemon would be buffeted by a sparkling, pink wind, slamming into the Riolu and knocking it off balance and causing it to stumble off of the Slakoth and land right on top of the Aipom…just in time for Jill to return with her bucket of water, splashing it over Riolu and Aipom both, and incidentally waking Aipom up.

“H-hey….is that even legal…?” Remi grumbled lightly, but simply shook his head and smiled in return. “Alright, I think its about time we wrapped this battle up pretty soon, don’t ya think?” Remi said. The two of them were clearly at a slight disadvantage here. Slakoth was busy dozing off and had already taken a bit of a beating from having a furious monkey repeatedly scratch it. Cottonne hadn’t taken much damage, but at the same time Riolu and Aipom hadn’t taken much damage either, though that super effective fairy wind had definitely hurt the fighting type.

“Alright.Cottonne, you know what to do girl.”


Whatever that meant. The Cottonne was already flapping its little arms in preparation to move.


Chloe, was late. That much was evident if the two apparent new trainers battling outside was anything to go by but she didn’t have the luxury of time to discuss anything with them unless she wanted to be even more late. Thankfully, too, she had been able to get in when Jill had left the lab, the otherwise locked and secured doors being open just long enough for her to get in and find herself into the lobby.

….only to find it completely empty. Not a sign of any people at all, for the moment. The doors behind the reception desk was open, and seemed to be the only way forward at the moment unless she wanted to hang around the lobby, but if she was already late then perhaps it might be better to go looking around?

Well, what was Chloe going to do, then?
~Claire Blackwood~


The training, went surprisingly well. By having her other pokemon assist Jade, the Sprigatito was able to easily pick up some tricks and fighting ability on her own. Granted, this was no place to train a baby pokemon, but she wasn't also about to head all the way back to pureplain just for training. A few close calls were probably fine...and after a few hours of battling, a small break for some lunch, Ralia and Jade definitely getting along and not fighting according to her own intuition, Claire moved on, zipping across Route 8 towards Freecape town.

What did she expect when she got to Freecape town? Certainly not whatever was currently in front of her.

"Wooooah..." They didn't have anything like this sight back in Kalos. The entire city looked like it might have just been one giant skyscraper. "Jeez this place is HUUUUGE!" Claire stood at the edge of the city, craned neck looking up at the large buildings that seemed to run along the entire cliffside. Now, she could continue on towards her destination, but for now...she probably should relax, see the sights, and you know, tackle the thing every trainer worth their salt should do.


A flying type gym? She had a distinct disadvantage here a bit, but who cared. She could probably handle it.
Byjerlfal City, Commercial district.

Laurel at least, seemed like she was relieved they weren’t going to press the issue if the sigh was anything to go by.

“Well, if that will be all then,” However, she did not seem to be too keen on hanging around, at least until the Fletchling still nesting on her head made an irritable chirp. “...take this ornery pokemon back, would you?”

“Ahaha, I think he likes ya miss.” Kennet replied with a cheeky grin, not making a move to recapture the Fletchling.

“Well, that makes one of us…”

“Aw, don’t be like that.” Kennet turned his attention towards Richard. “Well, if she’s particularly shy…the easiest way to help a shy pokemon is to start with some confidence boosting, right? A no pressure battle is always a good way to go about it.”

“Haa…what use is a pokemon that is too shy to protect their trainer?” Laurel replied with a dismissive huff. "...perhaps something happened in its past that made it timid? Pokemon aren't too different from humans really and perhaps it needs some help.”

“Aha, you worded that a little harshly but I think I get your point.” Kennet pulled something out of his pocket. “That said, I think I know what to give you for helping me now, Richard. Here, I think this should help your pokemon a bit, too.” It was a tiny bell on the end of a red thread.

”Richard obtained a Soothe Bell!

A small bell to be tied, held, or otherwise worn by a pokemon. It rings a soothing melody that seems to be beloved by pokemon and calms them.”

“Might help your partner stay a bit calmer in battle.” A small look of realization dawned upon Kennet's features. “Ah! Fletchling come on we gotta get going. We’re gonna be late for the delivery. Hey, if you’re ever by the ranch stop by! I’ll give ya a proper thanks for helpin’ me out here later!” Unless stopped, Kennet proceeded to leave the pokemon center. Fletchling gave a chirp, and followed Kennet out.

“Sprrri?” Verdue was now nuzzling Richards legs, giving him a cute, wide eyed stare.

“Tsk, Verdue, leave him alone. No one wants your fur all over them…” She picked up the cat, who proceeded to meow cutely and rub itself against Laurel’s clothes, getting its fur, all over her. She seemed totally fine with that. “Ahem…well…it was good to meet you, Richard.” Laurel glanced to the side, seemingly unsure how to continue. “I know that country bumpkin said a battle might help. Perhaps training it against some wild pokemon would help? Or you could always find a trainer willing. Now if you'll excuse me...”

Verdue raised one of her paws, as if volunteering. Perhaps Richard could request such a battle from her.

Byjerlfal City, Alleyway

Commercial district

“Growl?” The Hisuian Growlithe cocked its head, looking towards the direction of Isla but by the time it had done so, Isla had already vacated the premises. It was probably fine to let the kids be kids, as it were. They had a pokemon with them, so they’d probably be fine…though maybe Isla could have joined them in their escapades, was she so inclined. Making her way out of the city would be easy enough, and as she neared the cities edge from the commercial district, she’d slowly find the noise and hum of city life slowly fading away into the background as she came upon….

-Route 1-

Now then, what would she do from here? Perhaps she was curious about the winding wood, despite the professors warning…

Wailords Rest
@Bartimaeus@Crusader Lord
Urban Exploration

“Preparin’ for a typhoon is always good, but don’t get complacent!” Tuule shouted. “Aron! Metal Claw!” The Aron got low to the ground, wiggling its body as it’d take off running towards the Buneary. Sir Lopsalot was much faster, pulling its body into a defensive posture, curling its ears around its head as Aron’s claws shone with a silver sheen. Lashing forward, its claws hit the Buneary…sending Sir Lopsalot bouncing across the floor, but with his defenses raised it hurt much less than it would otherwise.

“Back off, Aron! Being too aggressive will get one sunk faster than an anchor through the deep!” To this end, after bouncing the Buneary around, Aron would immediately move to put some distance between itself and the Buneary.

Now what would Clarissa do?

Route 1

The starly was first to move, covering the distance between itself and Vulpix in a near blink of an eye. It slammed its body into Vulpix, sending the fox pokemon stumbling backwards and knocking it off balance. Shroodle was already rearing its head back slightly - but then immediately stopped, its eyes almost seeming to widen in terror as its movements were slowed. This allowed Snow to regain her footing, inhaling as another gust of frigid air would blast towards the Vullaby and starly.

“Vuuulll!” Vullaby, once again, took the brunt of the ice attack, flapping its wings as it blasted a powerful gust of air towards the fox and cutting through the frigid air. It hit Snow, sending her blasted backwards, rolling along the ground.

At least the Shroodle missed its attack at least, Vulpix being knocked around by the gust causing it to land onto the ground on a puddle next to her.

As Snow got back to her feet, Camila could tell she wasn’t doing too well. Vullaby seemed just as injured as she was. It was having trouble standing, one of its wings hanging at its side while it glare angrily at Snow while the Starly continued to use the Vullaby as a shield. Shroodle was scurrying a bit away, still seemingly terrified by something.

“Hope you have another pokemon in there, lass cuz your little fox looks like its on its last legs!” One of the suited men shouted derisively. “Vullaby use-”

The ground under Vullaby suddenly opened up, and as the flying type was taking flight in order to avoid the Dig attack, a sandy colored pokemon with black stripes launched itself from the ground, clamping its jaws around the flying type, hitting it with a vicious Crunch.

“H-ha!?” The three suited men were, understandably, shocked by the sudden appearance of a Krokorok as it slung the Vullaby around in its jaws, the flying type squawking before it was rather savagely tossed aside into a tree.

”The opponent Vullaby Fainted!
Snow grew to level 6!”

“Kokoko.” As it stood between Camilia and the three men now, it seemed to be…laughing, calmly staring at the three of them.

“Thanks for being a good distraction.” The somewhat familiar voice of the girl she had met earlier interrupted from somewhere behind the men. “It amazes me how useless and blind criminals are.” If Camila happened to look, she'd notice most of the cages were now empty. The white haired woman would toss an empty one to the Krokorok, who’d catch it in his jaws and proceed to chew and crunch it until it was useless scrap and spitting it out in front of the men.

“E-ey! That’s gotta be some cruel and unusual punishment!”

“Says the one locking up pokemon.” The woman said towards the men as she turned her attention to Camila. “Hey, cutie. Clean up those two will you? Krokorok there will help.”

The Shroodle and Starly suddenly seemed very concerned about their chances.

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