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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy , Phia @princess , Viola @13org , Cyrus @Helo

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


The somewhat slow and steady pace proved more and more frustrating with every wasted second allowed far too many opportunities for things to spiral out of control. He could not blame the humans for being incapable of keeping up with a wolf demi-human and especially considering Menzai was one of the fastest with only one coming to mind capable of outspeeding him, but it did not make things any less frustrating. The knowledge of Phia being within the Roc's vicinity only added to Menzai's whirling mind and to make matters were the two unknown scents, unmistakably fairies near her (most peculiar was the faint similarity they had with Phia) that left the agitated wolf perturbed.

Yet, even through all the conflicting emotions bubbling within, Menzai through immense effort forced himself to remain level-headed and his sights focused on reaching the area above all else. Doing so while also adjusting his pace to ensure the brothers didn't lose sight of him.

Periodically stopping for very brief moments to check back to see Dante and Darius gradually falling behind which only further added to his annoyance. There was little else he could do as the situation offered no time to offer instruction and advice and could do little else but push onward. At least some bit of relief was offered in the way of the brothers finding a use of earth magic to speed up though a quick glance was telling enough of their inefficacy. Their breathings were out of sync on top of using too much magic with the amount of strain their bodies were being put through. He commended them well for their efforts but did so in a way that would result in tiring themselves too much even before reaching the Roc; a good sign they were nowhere near ready to take on such a terrifying beast.

Eventually, the area where the fairies were situated lie just ahead, affording Menzai to Quickly dash ahead, disappearing from the brothers sight in the blink of an eye.

Appearing suddenly atop a branch in a crouched position, the partially panting wolf instantly moving into surveying the area to get an understanding of the situation. His eyes immediately homing in on Phia; scanning her over multiple times for any wounds or injuries and found none to his relief. Satisfied on her condition, he then turned his gaze to the unknown fairies, a male and female who were currently trying to keep the Roc back.* Whoever they are, it doesn't seem like they called it here.* A possibility in his mind crossed out, at least for the time being.

Just when he thought to make his way to join them, did he feel a rush of wind on both sides that threw him a bit off balance. Realizing shortly after that Dante and Darius had flown past him and were...." WAIT! STO-" He cried out at the top of his longs only for an ear-shattering shriek that could be heard for miles drowned out all noise.

Every living creature who heard it fled in pure panic while the villagers of Gaurav had all been stunned or knocked down from the terrifying, deafening sound. None, however, got it worse than Menzai who, being in the immediate vicinity suddenly found himself knocked back against the trunk of the tree he had been standing on.

What had happened, he could not say as he had apparently passed out nor for how long though he surmised the blow to his back brought him back to consciousness. Not that it did any good as his vision was heavily blurry and his mind disoriented as blood trickled from his canine ears. The intense dizziness and confusion. Attempts to reorient himself brought him to his knees coughing and hacking up saliva as his ears flicked and turned trying to get some semblance of what was going on, but heard only a shrill ringing, everything else was muffled.

Whatever was going on, it was clear the Roc was not done for he still felt some powerful gushes of wind forcing him to dig down and cling to the tree to prevent from being sent flying. Menzai was essentially blind in everything but touch while his dizzied mind held no concern for his sake, but that of Phia and the brothers, hell even the two unknowns as they had been seemingly helping.

Menzai would have normally sprung into action immediately had his body not been so thrown out of discourse. His efforts to gather his senses proved fruitless due to his body refusing to listen to him as if his mind and body had been severed. A most frustrating state to find himself in.* Damn it! What's going on?! Phia! Dante! Darius!" His inner monologue screamed, cursing his helplessness and at the worse time of all things.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Pleased to see things were going well and as long as nothing else interfered like a certain bubbly fairy then training could begin. Menzai was going over his observation in his head wanting to double-check, when sounds of wings flapping soon struck his ears. Their flaps were drastically different from typical birds; far heavier and seemingly with an ominous weight to them.

By this point, everything Dante and Darius said were muffled; barely noticing their words for his senses were focused on the wings. Far too big for normal birds; this thought had him looking skyward where he could see a looming darkness in the sky. It was a small part of whatever was creating the shadow. A shriek rung out that was all but deafening for the wolf's heightened hearing.

All Menzai could do for the moment was cover his ears as dread filled him.* It couldn't be! What is a Roc doing in these parts?!* He couldn't be certain, but all the familiar signs led to this conclusion. But, worse of all, the location it was heading was in the direction Phia's sent flew off.

If it truly was a Roc, then the situation was dire as such a monstrous creature that was terrifying as it was beautiful. Typically, one that requires all the hunters and even then tended to end in failure. Thankfully they kept to their territory so Roc sighting's were a rarity so the fact one could come out here...

This wasn't the moment to think on that as that would be for later. All that mattered right now was keeping the humans safe and finding some way to hopefully scare the creature away before it could find the village and cause numerous amounts of damage.

Menzai turned his attention back to Dante and Darius, his face partially shadowed and serious." That...if my guess is correct is a Roc." He answered in a strained voice filled with worry." Training is cancelled for the day. We must hurry to its location." Turning towards the trees in the direction it seemed to be heading; on the surface looking composed but inside his heart was beating furiously with concern.* Phia...please be safe!*

Shifting his head to look over his shoulders." Dante, Darius, I shall lead the way. We cannot afford to waste any more time!" The urgency of his voice a clear indication of how drastic this was as Menzai jumped up onto the nearest tree, making sure to keep at a height for the brothers to remain in their sight and would move at a steady fast pace, constantly checking back to ensure they wouldn't lose track of him.

Menzai did not have a plan yet, but once they get an understanding of the situation then they can go from there.
Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

The trip to the Pokemon center proved quick and uneventful this time with his Pokemon properly looked at and healed. Some allergy medicine for Princess's allergies and he was ready to set out though made sure to thank Nurse Joy and took a mental note of the move tutors; a prospect he figured to be helpful in the future. For now, he chose to hold off, doubting he had the funds or materials to gain access to the more impactful moves and such.

Once taken care of, the rich teen prepared to set off, but soon came to know Faye's plan of actions, none of which aligned with his, at least at the moment. After the stressful and humiliating day, he had yesterday and not to mention doing more work than he has ever done in his entire life left the inexperienced Tristan tired mentally.

Unlike Faye who was clearly driven and motivated to just get right into things, Tristan, however, wanted to take this chance to enjoy the beauty and splendors of the town. His first time seeing such a lovely visage of a city and the soothing flowers perfect for his frayed nerves. Even as inexperienced as he was, the spoiled teen could tell things were only going to get far more difficult while he lacked the mental fortitude and motivation as the only reason, he was doing any of this was to impress his family, but through it had gained some great companions, Ace included as Tristan felt a strange connection with the Torchic especially. Though its cowardly and weak nature proved disappointing it did not mean he was a failure for to do so would prove no different than admitting it to himself.

Taking all these into consideration led to Tristan's decision." Well aren't you a busy bee. A beauty to enjoy awaits and I intend to take in its splendor, but I suppose its understandable being unable to turn off that drive." Shaking his head with a chuckle before waving his hand dismissively." Not that there is nothing wrong with it, mind. Drive is good, but too much.... I've prattled long enough." Taking a step through the door, stopping to turn back." Seeing as our current goals don't align, splitting up works best. I suppose we could meet back up at the gym in the afternoon unless, somehow our activities cross." Nodding his head as he began to make his leave.

Making a few steps before snapping his fingers having remembered and turned back waving his right index finger." Ah, yes I nearly forgot. Just so you know, that case with the ranch had the mafia involved. Thought it fair to give a warning to keep an eye out." Not that they would care about a frumpy nobody like Faye or anything anyway.

" With that I bid adieu. Tata for now." A half-hearted wave as he departed.

From there, Tristan made his way towards the park." A good place to start. I suppose I should visit those shops as well, but for now taking it easy and enjoying the sights will be this morning activity. I'd say I and my mon's have earned it." Sure, he was a trainer, but he was also a foreigner offered an opportunity to see new sights with his team to share it with.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet

His words seemed to have broke through their thick skulls to Menzai's relief. Parts of him knew he was a bit too harsh, but it was clear these brothers needed such a stern approach as they were understandably new to this realm still. Seeing how genuine their apologies were leaving the wolf no need for continuing rebuking them.

Menzai gave a bow of his head to show his acceptance and appreciation." I am grateful to see we have come to an understanding. Do not misunderstand my intent, however, as I do see the need for competition but there is a time and place. If you choose to do so on your own time you are free to do so though I recommend keeping them to small games until both of you have better understanding and contol of your magic." Nodding his head while studying the brothers as he thought over the way they acted and their personalities." Hm, perhaps a grand game to finish this in the end." Muttering his musings aloud though only a portion of it were distinguishable enough to make out.

After a few seconds more of pondering to himself, Menzai shook his head with a small dismissive wave of the right hand." A thought for the future. Now, then I believe we have wasted enough time."

Now that the tomfoolery was behind them things could finally get back onto course." To start, there are a number of issues and weaknesses that I have assessed from my observations that need to be worked on. I shall list them shortly then from there I will leave the decision on what each of you prefer to do as your growth and potential are up to you. I will guide and teach where and when I can but the mistakes and lessons learned will be through your choices." Menzai's words might have seemed as if a vein attempt to keep them at arm's length, but the true meaning was to keep them from becoming too dependent and reliant on him; the day they have to fend for themselves can and will inevitably come.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


The seconds the words left his lips a wave of nervousness struck. A concern that was warranted with the way the brothers were speaking; talking as if this was a contest or competition. For a moment he contemplated approaching this differently but chose to refrain himself with the hope their demonstration would go smoothly.

And so, silently Menzai observed Dante and Darius with very sharp and keen eyes. Witnessing as each chose their example of showcasing what they have learned, the annoying bickering aside.

Things were going well so far and what he witnessed to be impressive though also took note of the mistakes and wasted energy. The methods and approach the two had were quickly apparent with Dante preferring power and Darius technique. Both of which were reasonable methods and through this saw the potential of teamwork where the brothers could cover each other's back and make up for what the other lacked.

Having gathered all the information needed, Menzai had begun forming a game plan on how to proceed. His thoughts, however, would be cut short as things quickly escalated from a simple demonstration to competing and talking smack to each other. An wholly unsurprising outcome, but a most headache inducing one nonetheless.

Once Darius began showing a lack of control of his emotions leading to the possibility of an actual fight breaking out, the previously silent wolf strode towards the brother, his stern, unhappy gaze and wide strides more than telling. Had Dante not gain the sense to step back, he would have jumped in immediately to put this... this farce to an end.

" That is enough!" Swiping his left arm horizontally, cutting through the air like a blade, his usual calm voice hinted with anger." Mr. Darius. Please come down and join with Mr. Dante at once." Ordered the wolf in his usual manner though the slight strain to his voice a clear indication he had plenty more to say but withheld it until they were gathered up.

Upon doing so, Darius would get to see his sharp gaze has become sharper and more intense, the red glints at the center almost seeming to glow." It seems I did not speak clearly or loudly enough. Then allow me to be absolutely and completely certain that my words sink into those empty holes you call ears." After stating this, Menzai stepped forward until he was standing right in front of the two and leaned close where he then used a clawed finger to motion them closer. His eyes shifted between each multiple times without saying a word, letting the tension linger in the air." This was to be a DEMONSTRATION!" He barked harshly into their faces, his tone a mix of frustration and disappointment.

Leaning back to stand upright before the two children." Did the words I spoke previously fall upon deaf ears? Need I reiterate how dangerous and dire the situation you humans have found yourselves in? That at any moment either of you could find yourself attacked by any one of the countless forces that are intent and determined to kill any and all humans!" He finished with a low growl before shaking his head followed by a sigh." We did not come here to play around and showboat, but to train." Turning his head to peer at the two one at a time.

" If you wish to continue acting like children then perhaps I should have both of you grouped up with the cubs. Mayhaps then the both of you will get to play with rocks to your heart's content." Menzai observed the two as he finished reprimanding them. The wolf did not wish to be this hard and condescending, but it was clear that Dante and Darius still had yet to fully grasp the seriousness of the situation... everything.

Giving them a moment to let his words sink in (and properly this time) before raising his right hand with the palm facing skyward." Is that preferable for the both of you... or are ready to take this seriously so that I may teach you how to actually fight and defend both yourselves and each other. If neither agree with my methods then you are free to leave to seek out another teacher." Moving his extended right arm in a arc motion towards the forest to show that they were free to leave.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


The answers Dante and Darius gave him were unexpected leading Menzai to be a bit taken aback. A prosopect he had not considered or at the very least in detail. This exchange offered him a new observation on the brothers he failed to notice; very telling that these two had some experience with dangerous situation even if small. If their fit bodies weren't already telling enough.

Still, it was the time nor his intention though made sure to acknowledge the humans capabilities. A good sign that these two might have what it takes to endure and push through it all, but that was the future.

" An interesting answer, yes." Pausing while giving a nod of appreciation." But it is not the lesson I aim to teach. Perhaps when better experienced and comfortable we may touch on honing one's instinct in such a way. No, what I hoped to instill in the both of you was a taste of the dangers of the path before you. What awaits you, what awaits the humans are the evils of these lands foreign to your kind." His blank expression softened with a sadness as he gazed upward to the sky as if searching or seeing what was not apparent or visible." A darkness encroaches upon the realm. Whether it be the dark elves themselves or some other force using them, I cannot say." Inhaling deeply, the words hanging in the air, drifting off with the breeze to dissipate.

Turning his gaze back to his wards." Countless struggles and hardships stands ready just outside the confines of this forest. And my role in all of this is to ensure the safety of any human in need... and to train you." Menzai stated, his expression serious once more.

From there, Menzai began to quietly step around the brothers inspecting them, marking the details of their form and composures. He took a moment then to ponder over the interaction and all that has transpired; taking a moment to think while stroking at his chin wanting to make sure he had the necessary information to continue on.

" I have hope my explanation was clear enough. I wish to have it understood that I am here to be your guardian and teacher..." Trailing off as he folded his arms across his chest once more." And not to befriend. So we shall keep this professional and that includes nicknames. Is that clear?" A stern stare at the two when stating this.

Menzai gave the brothers a few minutes to take in and go over he said." If this is understood then we may begin training." Tilting his head with a brief scratch of his chin, thinking to himself momentarily before motioning towards them." Mr. Dante, Mr. Darius. May you please demonstrate what have managed to learn up to this point? Mind, this is merely a demonstration, nothing more." Making sure to drill in that distinction lest the brothers let things get to their head and become competitive.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy
Mentions: Phia @princess Drosis @Blizz

Equipment: Enchanted White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet, Transmission bracelet

Menzai remained silent and still, his eyes closed and breathing quiet; appearing like a statue as he gave no tell or sign of his feelings and thoughts. Within seconds all sounds of nature within the surrounding area went silent save for the words of the two brothers going on with their brotherly banter and teasing in thanks to Ulyses and his bothersome goading.

Time ticked away as the guardian they poked fun at maintained said pose, seeming to be in deep thought or possibly have fallen asleep. ( a foolish thought around this wolf)

Just then, Menzai's eyes open and what followed was an intensely sharp gaze hinted with a crimson glint. The unprepared brothers in the midst of their jest would suddenly feel an immense wave of bone chilling bloodlust aimed at them as birds, squirrels and other small critters scattering and taking flight out of fear. And for those few seconds Menzai unleashed such concentrated bloodlust that the humans thought they could see or envious a massive snarling wolf erupting around their *widdle* guardian, his ominous aura given form.

Then it was over, in a blink of the eye. The ominous bloodlust dissipating as his harsh expression softened once more and frayed ears relaxing and with it, nature released its breath returning life and activity aplomb around them.

His arms previously folded within the sleeves of his haori dropped down to his side though before saying anything or explaining, the silent wolf turned his head, peering over his shoulder to peer off in the direction he heard the departing flaps of a certain fairy.* I am thankful she left though I do worry where she flew off to.* Concern creased his forehead as he stared off after Phia; appearing as if he might run off after her, but then his head turned back towards the brothers.

Deciding to trust Phia to be able to handle herself as while she could not fight, both he and Ulyses have taught her all she needed for survival. And long as she made sure to not leave the vicinity of the forest or venture into the mist she should be fine, plus now the risk of her intruding and disrupting the training session was moot to his relief. Still, Menzai could not help but constantly worry for the sweet fairy and so put such thoughts to the back of his mind for the time being.

With his worries settled, Menzai took a single step towards Dante and Darius, observing their reactions closely as he did so." What you humans have just felt is true, uncurdled bloodlust. Can either of one of you two explain the purpose of the demonstration that I have just displayed?" He asked while motioning towards them with his right hand where, at that moment a vibrating buzz could be felt against his wrist, the translator clasping his wrist indicating a call.

" Apologies. A moment." Said with a somewhat annoyed sigh as he turned his back to them to answer the call. A hologram of this Drosis soon formed upon pressing the button.

All channels, this is Captain Morr speaking. The Saltrunner has just made landing in Port Vanarosa, in line with schedule. We are unloading cargo, and will depart for River Port one week from today.” He leaned back in his chair, fidgeting with a “souvenir” he never put with the rest- A warforged’s eye that he shot out of the machine’s head with a light blast. ”I’ve trust our Chosen One with one of my more dependable hands. He’ll teach the boy to keep his head down, sparks and all.” Everyone beneath the age of 200 was either “boy” or “kid” to the Captain in some capacity. He was over 600, he had a right to call people that.

We expect little trouble, so long as Ismael doesn’t cause a scene. Should that happen, we will confine him to the lower deck until further notice. That is all. Morr out.

Menzai listened quietly as he watched the hologram speak with a status report, their current location and what their plans were. A look of uneased etched his face as he studied this Drosis. Thinking back to the day the humans arrived and how unsatisfied he was with the idea of any humans being under the care and influence of pirates. To leave humans with such shady and..unpleasant ilk, but that wasn't to say there weren't pirates that were good or at the very least a somewhat decent moral code. If this Drosis had been invited for such opportunity then...

Still, while he did not agree with the notion he knew it was not his place to speak. As there was little else he could do, Menzai could only hope the other humans were doing well and safe. They may have been brought here to help save the land (albeit with no choice) but as the ones responsible for bringing them to this world it stood to reason that their safety was of utmost importance.

A difficult task Menzai intended to take to heart and as he turned to face the brothers after dispensing with the bracelet, peering at Dante and Darius; weak humans who lacked the capabilities to defend themselves in these unknown lands or the full understanding of the dangers that waited for them, lurking just outside these woods.

Two bumbling brothers who seemed to enjoy goofing around, especially with each other. Weak, clueless and simpleminded and lacking proper teamwork; all of which Menzai was dedicated to changing. What the pair lacked, however, they made up for with their enthusiasm and heart. Taking all these factors into consideration, he decided the best approach was through patience and taking things step by step.

Already their lesson had started and with the added time to think thanks to the call, Menzai would motion towards them once more." With the time given, I have hope that each of you has gleaned the answer?"
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: Gaurav

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Phia @princess

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


A sole figure moved quietly and stealthily through the thickets of trees; a glimpse of a shadow traversing branches with graceful ease. Nature all about was buzzing and bustling with life, the air thickly rich with magic with a myriad of sweet and pleasant earthy aroma mixed with freshly ripe berries gushing to full. Streams and ribbons of light that broke through the canopy of trees glittered and glinted off the morning dew; animal critters of various sizes could be seen grazing or going about their business. The pairs of ears twitching signifying his presence heard, yet his presence did nothing to alarm or frighten the animals who all carried on unbothered.

The faintest thump of shoeless feet crunching against the grass-laid ground was soon heard as Menzai landed now that the trees have thinned enough for easy traversal. The elegant long sleeves and baggy pant legs billowed in his wake yet surprisingly made little sound while ribbons of light glistened giving the appearance of glittering snow. A predator, a hunter and seeker of both prey and knowledge, but most of all a protector; Menzai were all these things and took both his studies and duties with a dedication rivaling those of his ancestors. These factors along with knowledge on magic and humans were all what led to Menzai being given the responsibilities with watching over the recently arrived humans along with their training. A role he had been uncertain and unsure, but one he readily accepted and was now on his way to meet with the two human brothers.

Taking into consideration how everything about this world and their situation would prove plenty overwhelming on its own. As such, Menzai thought and came to the conclusion to allow them time to adjust and work through all the information given. Even upon introductions the solitude wolf kept things simple and brief; only telling them facts they would need to know for now while holding off explaining any more for the time being. These decisions led to the past week mostly involving their accumulating to Gaurav and its people; a village that has lived in solitude since near its very creation.

The humans arrival and presence were the main component in Gaurav's decision to send Menzai as representative who had chosen to go for his own personal reasons. A journey he made solo though not without multiple attempts from Phia to follow after to the wolf's annoyance.

The event had brought a good number of humans to these lands though he had his misgivings towards splitting them up. Yet, he understood the reasonings, for as save as Gaurav is having them all in one place offered too possibilities of attacks on this cherished and beloved ancient forest or the village sacred library and its countless treasured artefacts and secrets.

Then there is the fact that each of the humans had a different element of magic meaning each of them would require different forms of training.

Training that the humans have been understandably excited and eager to start. As eager as Menzai was to begin as well, his decisions to spend the week meeting the folk and exploring the forest to allow time for adjustment and to be in a better mental space for when attempting anything involving magic. Possibly a smart decision on the added fact of the Gaurav's immense friendliness and openness towards them. The village wolves were very accepting and affectionate with the humans, but also knew not to encroach into their personal space without permission... save for the children. (and Phia unfortunately in that same vein)

Of course, Menzai made sure to include basic exercising and work-out in order to keep them active and for observations to aid in how he determines their training regimen.

The brothers would find the wolf to be somewhat different when around them compared to the rest of the village. Normally quiet and reserved, but around them he speaks up more, whether it be answering questions or inquiring about them or of their world while only doing so a few questions per interaction. He made sure to avoid delving into anything personal though the same could not be said for a certain overly energetic fairy who always found a way to pop-up at some point to badger with onslaughts of questions or attempts to play games.

He greatly cared for rambunctious fairy even if she proved to be a bit too much at times, but she had since become like a sister after joining the family. For one so innocent and pure without a care in the world; a protector dedicated to give his all to watch over and defend was needed and much like other duties he takes very seriously.

Even now as the quiet wolf stalked and strode his way to the clearing what Mr. Dante and Mr. Darius should be waiting with the guide tasked with delivering them safely to, he could recall the sweet fairy's many pleadings and begging to be allowed tag along to watch. A request he shot down; not due to any distrust towards the brothers, but of the dangers of their inexperience and lack of skills which offered to much risk, he tried to explain. An argument that went on far longer than normally, but even though she relented in the end he very much doubted she would listen and expected to either see her there already or stalking after him due to the chosen destination being done out of secrecy.

He stopped momentarily giving a small shake of the head causing the long silky, bright violet locks of his hair to slide from his shoulders and gently waft onto the back of his haori, the stark whiteness making the violet strands seem as if they were shining as they caught the faint warms beams, his snow-white furred canine ears twitched and flicked atop his head, listening and catching a wide assortment of sounds and smells. An assortment of flowery scents normally overpowering to an untrained demi-human along with the scents of various animals, the humans who were just through the trees ahead could be felt as if right next to the wolf thanks to his highly tuned senses. Sensing no danger within the vincinity and now satisfied, Menzai carried on until he entered the clearing to find Dante and Darius waiting with Ulyeses, the captain of the hunters. One look at the aged wolf was all it would take for anyone to tell this was an individual not to be trifled with, who stood at 6'5 with a burly body, albeit with muscles not overtly pronounced as too much muscle mass made stealthing difficult. The oldest save for the elders with keen senses a shade sharper than even Menzai with a sharp wit nearly matching his at least when it comes to strategizing.

Ulyeses was chatting comfortably with the humans while his pert ears indicated he was keeping watch as well. Only holding his hand up signaling to cease before turning his attention to Menzai. A wide tooty grin quickly plastering his bushy beard; skin tanned like dark caramel and slight learthery roughness to his skin from years of hunting beneath the sun; an ever-watchful eye that witnessed any and all deeds breathing its life-giving presence at all times. A number of scars lay hidden beneath the beard and tan that went unnoticed by the man who raised his left hand to scratch at his beard." Ah, finally! The guardian wolf arrives! Never thought I'd see the day for young Menzai to show up late." He exclaimed jubilantly with a guffaw to match.

A small weary sigh left Menzai's lips as he maintained his usual near blank expression. Deep pools of dark violet with a crimson glint glowing faintly beneath the sunny rays at their very center that gave little away of his emotions peered at the gathered group." Apologies for the late arrival. Time seem to have escaped me during my respite in working out plans. I also thought to check the area one last time." He spoke calmly and concise with a tone that felt distant while not outright cold, came with a slight chill as if to maintain some semblance of distance.

Hearing Menzai's words only propelled Ulyses into a louder burst of guffaw." Oh-oh! Looks like we got us an overly cautious pup here fellas."

A low warning growl rumbled from Menzai followed with a sharp glare aimed at the grizzled wolf that might have made most animals and villagers to step back or offer apologies. Ulyses, however, just kept up that stupid grin and let out another laugh as he stepped over to clap Menzai on the back.

" Alright, then. Here's where I take my leave. With that, I leave the two of ya in the hands of our precious wittle guardian." Reaching to pinch at Menzai's cheek after stating so in a teasing baby like voice.

An attempt that led to Ulyses's arm being smacked away with a set of fresh clawmarks with beads of scarlet adding to his hairy, scarred arm. That friendly grin widened into a pleased smirk." Ah, finally got a set of Isanami claws to my skin, hah!" The veteren wolf quickly jumped away avoiding another slash from Menzai sporting another vicious glare at him." Alright alright! I've overstayed my welcome then. Hope to meet up with you guys later. We will definitely continue our little chat!" Walking backwards as he spoke ending with snapping his fingers to a finger-gun before vanishing into the woods as if returning and becoming one with nature once more.

An annoyed groan rumbled out as Menzai stood upright composing himself once more, finishing with a slow, deep exhale." Apologies again for the delay. Hopefully that will be the last of the distractions." Shaking his head, giving a flick of his right arm to clean his claws of any small bits of Ulyses blood.* Great, now I'll be dealing with the scent of blood for the next couple days.* Thought his dislike of such fact, but chose to put any unnecessary thoughts aside for now.

Waiting to place his hands into the opposite sleeves his composure settled before continuing." Now that the annoyance is gone. We can start with any questions and once dispensed of we may appropriately begin your training, Mr. Darius, Mr. Dante." nodding to each in turn when speaking their names.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

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